The BOSJ iPPVs on 05/30 and 06/03 are running at 6:30pm JST, so I'll have to catch them on VOD.
That show has an unpleasantness about it that borders on sinister sometimes. I'm still surprised it aired on Nickelodeon when I was a kid.
Had some fucking hilarious moments though.
Beef likes ren and stimpy not surprised.
Can't wait for Devitt vs Mojo Rawley, or Devitt vs Camacho! Devitt vs Angelo Dawkins should be a real barn burner
Imagine if D.Brine actually grew a pair and cut a promo with that much intensity. Vince would shit himself.
EDIT: I mean damn, he even mentions that he's gonna meet them in the STREETS. DM, why are you not praising this!?
Saif's 'Art'
My drawing of @natalieevamarie German-suplexing @WWETheBigShow
Is that Robotnik?
Here's how I see it in clearer terms:
Cena wins:
-Cena overcame and defeated evil despite teetering and feeling afraid at times. Hustle, loyalty, respect, brrrrrrrappledough!
-Wyatt says Cena may have won the battle, but Wyatt is still winning the war for the hearts and minds of the WWE Universe, and there's no one who can stop him.
Wyatt wins:
-Cena says he did his best and held true to his principles but couldn't get it done. Cena starts doubting himself and actually experiences character growth as we see vignettes of Cena skipping pebbles by a lake and ruminating over his life.
-Wyatt says he is stronger than ever and that he exposed John for the fraud he is.
Really, if Wyatt wins, I see this feud continuing through MitB. If Cena wins, it's over. Kind of hope Cena wins just for that alone.
Devitt vs. CJ Parker for the NXT Championship is gonna rule so hard
I just realized how there is a sudden surge of European talent winning belts in WWE. Neville has the NXT title, Barrett is IC champ, Sheamus is US champ, Paige has the Divas title, and Cesaro will probably get the WWE title at some point. Europe is taking over.
I just realized how there is a sudden surge of European talent winning belts in WWE. Neville has the NXT title, Barrett is IC champ, Sheamus is US champ, Paige has the Divas title, and Cesaro will probably get the WWE title at some point. Europe is taking over.
If Cesaro gets the WWE WHC I will throw a party.
I fully expect him to win MitB. No one else really makes sense.
I just realized how there is a sudden surge of European talent winning belts in WWE. Neville has the NXT title, Barrett is IC champ, Sheamus is US champ, Paige has the Divas title, and Cesaro will probably get the WWE title at some point. Europe is taking over.
I fully expect him to win MitB. No one else really makes sense.
So just heard on Total Diva's from the Queen herself that it takes most wrestlers 2 years of devolpment, to get to where she is now.
And she did it in 1 month. The goddess in 1 month proved to them what greatness really was![]()
Bad News Barrett, Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns (or any of the Shield for that matter) is on my short list of possible winners along with Cesaro.
I would say Reigns is the most likely.
Typically they don't give it to secondary champions, so I'd say Barrett is out. I don't think they want Reigns', or any of the Shield members, first big title win to be a cash-in, so I don't really think it'll be him. I think Wyatt and Cena will still be feuding by that point, so I'm not even sure he'll be in the match. I highly doubt it'll be Reigns though. They'll want him going over strong as possible into and during a title match, and a cash-in isn't the way to do that. A Royal Rumble win next year for Reigns? Now that I can absolutely see.
the last 2 MITB were Cena and Orton, so anyone else is preferable
I fully expect him to win MitB. No one else really makes sense.
I love the cardigans they have with bravado stitched on there. Their grandma really made it.We need to talk more about BronsonLee's favorite tag team: The Bravado Brothers
Yeah, Reigns first title win will be from a big feud. They're too high on him to give him the title off of something like MITB, I agree.
Just because Reigns wins the MITB doesn't mean he has to do a run in to cash the briefcase in. He could say he wants the match at a PPV and then they can build over the following weeks.
I wish they would just get rid of MITB sometimes. We have all been conditioned to think that the run in and cash in is the only way to use the briefcase. It seems like a babyface thing to do to just challenge the heel title holder and set a date.
I'm totally up for another Cena run. After the last two holders it would be nice to see the champ booked strongly for once.
Why not HHH instead? All the benefits, none of the drawbacks.
I'm totally up for another Cena run. After the last two holders it would be nice to see the champ booked strongly for once.