Back from Raw. Was extremely fun. Sucks to read all the stuff about it being a shitty crowd. Didn't really pick up on that in the section I was in, everybody was really into it, shouting funny crap during matches and promos. Was great.
The dark match was Cena vs Wyatt. Wyatt did the crabwalk as a counter to the five knuckle shuffle, which is awesome to see in person. Typical CENA WINS LOL moment. Bray dominates, John Cena gets a surge of attacks in, hits the AA while the ref is knocked out..Wyatt taps, but the ref doesn't see it, Wyatt and company attack him, Cena overcomes the odds, AAs Wyatt for the win!
He sang good old rocky top, so I'm not even mad. More confused on Wyatt tapping. Always thought he'd be like a mankind character who wouldn't give up, you'd just have to beat the hell out of him. Maybe it's a dark match thing.
I can really see where Stro is coming from with the commercials actually playing on the monitors. What the hell. And the music cutting out for commercials and then coming back at a different point so they can pretend it was playing all along. WEIRD.
Still had a really great time. They're doing a smackdown taping here in september, may go to that. It'll probably be better without the forced commercial breaks. My favorite sight was seeing this kid hold up a "HHH IS MY HERO!" sign while HHH was being a complete dick to Brad Maddox.