I say loads of positive things about wrestling. Seeing wrestling live, is a really fun audience participation type of thing. There's a dynamic between the performers and the crowd that's hard to really explain to people, but it's definitely there. People who imagine it as some fully rehearsed planned out thing are missing how much of it is improv based completely on what the crowd are reacting to.
You don't get that with real sports much at all, if ever.
The larger than life characters in a world where everything can be resolved by fighting, sanctioned or otherwise, makes for great television. Kayfabe is this fun other universe slightly one step removed from reality where there are no assault charges, Miss Piggy is a real living breathing thing, and where you can get rewarded for jumping the CEO.
It's way more multicultural than most American TV even if it veers into horrible stereotypes at times... but where else can you see a diverse group of good guys? Heroes are hugely important to kids, and the WWE provides a weird and diverse batch of guys and gals for kids to get behind.
Black superheroes are still rare here in 2014. Wrestling has been doing a better job pushing minority stars than Hollywood for over two decades.
And the women's division right now is like the most amazing advert ever for mixing races.