Rating was ugly for Raw, we knew it would be.
8PM 3.538 Million
9PM 3.858 Million
10 PM 3.412 Million
They need to do stuff like this to get the ratings back up:

Rating was ugly for Raw, we knew it would be.
8PM 3.538 Million
9PM 3.858 Million
10 PM 3.412 Million
Rating was ugly for Raw, we knew it would be.
8PM 3.538 Million
9PM 3.858 Million
10 PM 3.412 Million
Titus Andronicus
AHA! That's where I know this name from, that one song on Rocksmith that goes on for about 8 minutes.
And what a glorious 8 minutes it is!
Can we get a thorough ratings analysis, bean breath?
I knew Shield/Evolution wasn't going to be as hot of program as they wanted it to be, but they did it anyway. Trios matches, as fun as they might be, have never been a draw.
It would have been interesting if there was a story or angle beyond "let's make Roman Reigns look fucking awesome above all else"
I knew Shield/Evolution wasn't going to be as hot of program as they wanted it to be, but they did it anyway. Trios matches, as fun as they might be, have never been a draw.
If it was drawing brother, Raw wouldn't be doing high Smackdown numbers and the Network number would be huge. As much as people like to pin all of it on Bryan, the main program since Mania has been Evolution vs The Shield. And the numbers show it isn't working.Its a draw because all the overruns with them do very well. Meltzer even reports that. The 3rd hour has this pattern. After the angle occurs at 10 everyone turns it off and comes back for the overrun. They need to find a way to put something good on from 10:15-10:50 to keep people watching.
Also here is average viewership of April and May 2013 compared to 2014:
April: 4.350
May: 4.034
April: 4.666
May: 3.912
They were hot in April and then fell to 2013 average in May. Most likely due to a writing rut, basketball and Daniel Bryan injury.
Top 5 Occult Stables
5. The Age of the Fall
4. The Ministry/Corporate Ministry
3. The Brood
2. The Flock/Raven's Nest
1. The Order of the Neo Solar Temple
Wasn't sure if ECW Dudleys counted.
The only list Age of the Fall belongs on is the GARBAGE list. Jimmy Jacobs is GARBAGE. I don't think the Flock were occult. Brood were a group within the Ministry, do they even count as a solo thing?
The only list Age of the Fall belongs on is the GARBAGE list. Jimmy Jacobs is GARBAGE. I don't think the Flock were occult. Brood were a group within the Ministry, do they even count as a solo thing?
If it was drawing brother, Raw wouldn't be doing high Smackdown numbers and the Network number would be huge. As much as people like to pin all of it on Bryan, the main program since Mania has been Evolution vs The Shield. And the numbers show it isn't working.
The overrun is easy to draw in, and you basically have to be a negative draw like a Zack Ryder to not pull numbers there.
People who watch know the patterns when the big angles are coming. The problem is they need to do a better job with the mid card to keep the viewership high in between all the big angles.
Also, there have been bad over runs before. Punk has had some and before Bryan Summerslam win his no dq match with Orton did a bad overrun number.
They need to do stuff like this to get the ratings back up:
...The fuck is this from?!
I sort of gave up a long time ago trying to work out why WWE can't maintain the ability to write a decent show like they do the few weeks before and after Wrestlemania. Yet, here I am trying to work it out again. Nevermind.
Yeah I know he's "who they want" but I'm really not feeling what this is going to turn out to be. HHH vs Reigns is going to happen at Summerslam and I'm going to struggle to figure out why I'm supposed to care. I've never once bought into the idea that HHH actually hates the Shield. Not once. That touch of reality is missing.
What they did have, was the built in story with Bryan and they threw it all away so they could jerkoff over reforming Evolution and trying to make Roman Reigns into a main eventer. Congrats, it's drug down the product.
Did you pretend to not know the themes? lolOne of the Samsung reps at work is a mark. He was playing Batista's theme and Randy Orton's old theme ("HEY") at work.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, friends. Looking to make my birthday turn into Meat Quest every year - 3 belt-busting meat meals for everyone. Should be disgusting. I'm a happy dude.
WCW from Fall 1991 to early 1993 is probably the best US promotion of all time. I really don't think any company has had the standard of quality of WCW 1992.
Arguably prime Sting
Prime Vader
The Dangerous Alliance (GOAT Rick Rude, Austin, Bobby Eaton, Arn Anderson, Larry Z)
Cactus Jack being crazy
Doc and Gordy
Barry Windham
Dustin Rhodes
Brian Pillman
Ricky Steamboat
Nikita Koloff
Plus quality mid carders like Brad Armstrong, Tracy Smothers, Ricky Morton, Terry Taylor, Buff, random appearances from guys like Liger.
Here is what legit make me upset: talent does awesome things, from Sandow getting really into his character, to The Shield being awesome, to Wyatt, etc etc etc.; then WWE fails completely and someone say "they did not get over, so WWE moved on" or something like that. I really can't hate on that roster, the wrestlers are doing what they can, but there's clearly one or more departments responsible to the management of this talent that is slacking off hard.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, friends. Looking to make my birthday turn into Meat Quest every year - 3 belt-busting meat meals for everyone. Should be disgusting. I'm a happy dude.
I sort of gave up a long time ago trying to work out why WWE can't maintain the ability to write a decent show like they do the few weeks before and after Wrestlemania. Yet, here I am trying to work it out again. Nevermind.
It's like wearing a wrestling shirt in public, although not as bad.Did you pretend to not know the themes? lol
Mexican ad for trident gum...The fuck is this from?!
Mexican ad for trident gum
Ironically, it's actually Cmll that would be the guys to stop thisI'd like to think this was some sort of savvy inter-promotional deal that'd end up with Mistico vs Mistico to determine the true Mistico, or something. I'd like to think that, but I can't, because AAA's gonna AAA.
Actually, what's the deal with Sandow being comedy character gimmick of the week now?
It looks like NeoGAF Member styl3s has taken stro's crown of hatred.
I'm new to this and even I am giving up. I always hated when people on the game side talked about "lazy devs", but I'm totally on "lazy creative" mode regarding WWE. Bryan had a lot of curve balls coming out of Wrestlemania, so creative being rushed and lost there is justified; but what justifies Cena vs Wyatt being so lost and overall horrible? Not even a matter of "cena wins lol", but that plus they change what this feud is about every week and they can't keep any shred of consistency; I mean, Raw is on monday and Smackdown is taped on tuesday; somewhere on those 24 hours they often change the entire tone/message/reason of being of this feud.
Then you have the Shield. Three talented guys, everyone of them over as singles and as an unit, a somewhat interesting story (former thugs taking over) and all you can do is make them bash heads about nothing in particular with another stable? Like, you don't think of any drama whatsoever beyond the basic thing. You create the feud and you don't advance it one single step. At least now and then there are good matches, but still, urgh. Do something, advance any character, inject anything interesting in the story!
Paige wins! Everyone gets hyped! Then she is booked in a horrible way completely oposite her character, they recap her interview with Michael Cole where she talks about how important the title is for almost two months without doing anything with it; and then Alicia Fox goes crazy, which is awesome, but I can't help but feel they are already dropping the ball there too. She gets crazy on Raw, then on Smackdown, then on Main Event, then on Payback?
And while they fumble their entire main event scene, they manage to not being able to create one single interesting story out of the entire rest of the roster; Sandow started and went nowhere in 4 or 5 storylines since the Royal Rumble; Ziggler is doing nothing, The Usos got the title and that's it; Rybaxel are getting over on their own and nothing being done about it; Rhodes brothers splitting up for zero reasons, completely out of character, with "they lose, then Cody gets angry" being repeated again and again and again with nothing behind it.
Gah, I could go on.
Yep. Neither of those groups have no reason to be so into this as they want us to believe they are.
Randy Orthon is kind of just there, he wanted to be champion, he couldn't give a fuck about The Shield. The same with Batista; he was promised a championship, did not got it, now he hates Roman Reigns.
Triple H have reason to not want his former thugs to turn against him, but how much of a threat they are, really?
And The Shield wanted revenge, then they got it, then they got it again, then they got it once more, and now Evolution is revenging against the revenge of the Shield. Or something. The Wyatts and The Shield had less build up, but it inherently made more sense for some reason.
WWE is making me rage, bros. No, not really, I still think Wrestling is the most interesting thing I discovered on the past few years, I think it's great I am invested on a new hobby to the point of getting feels, but yeah, WWE could work with me and stop messing up.
Here is what legit make me upset: talent does awesome things, from Sandow getting really into his character, to The Shield being awesome, to Wyatt, etc etc etc.; then WWE fails completely and someone say "they did not get over, so WWE moved on" or something like that. I really can't hate on that roster, the wrestlers are doing what they can, but there's clearly one or more departments responsible to the management of this talent that is slacking off hard.
They were hot in April and then fell to 2013 average in May. Most likely due to a writing rut, basketball and Daniel Bryan injury.
Who is in worse shape after winning MITB/feuding with Cena: Sandow or Ziggler?