Red Eye Chicago interviewed Punk in today's newspaper about being a part of the project. Punk will be commemorating Kerry Wood's 20 strikeout games in 1998, and was asked if that was more impressive than holding the WWE Championship for 434 days. Punk fielded that question, replying that Wood's would have to answer that and noting that he felt that it was the most impressively pitched game in major league history.
The only other wrestling related question was Punk being asked about being retired at 35 and if he would be doing more charity work now. Punk admitted that "it feels good," before talking about supporting charities for organizations like the Chicago Cubs.
I honestly don't get what wrestling fans want sometimes - if you've got a problem with 'the top guy' being a pandering shill like John Cena then just fucking quit watching WWE, because it's ALWAYS going to happen. Just be grateful the guy they're trying to position in that spot is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world who can excite the crowd with his matches, rather than put them to sleep. Or, just forget about him latch on to some up-and-comer who you'll complain about not getting pushed incessantly despite increasing popularity, then turn on the moment said popularity morphs him into a prototypical WWE face.
Punk needs a new job. What can he do?
He's a wrestler who can't even wrestle right now. That's already bad enough before you remember that means he can still cut terrible promos while he's injured.He's the worst wrestler in the world because of a tweet. Cry me a fucking river.
WrassleGAF's hottest angle is definitely the Bryan Stans v. Bryan Trolls. Can this carry ratings through the summer months?
He's a wrestler who can't even wrestle right now. That's already bad enough before you remember that means he can still cut terrible promos while he's injured.
Randy Orton was injured and gave us RNN. What is Daniel Bryan giving us? I hold champions up to the standard of previous champions, and Bryan isn't close to anyone.
Yeah I saw this. Keep me updated. Wouldn't mind kickstarting this.
When Punk was out, he was hilarious. Another example of a wrestler about 1000 leagues above Bryan in talent and charisma.An angle concerning his wife, Stephanie, and his title. He'll be back by mid June at the earliest. It's basically like that time Punk was injured and missed TLC. People are just so reactionary sometimes.
Fuck dude Liu Kang is no longer in my fave five. Asshole had a block button in his dial combo. Fuck him. And fuck you too I guess.
Here's a video of Gob that Daniel Bryan fans should be able to get behind.
work in a comic book store as a person you go in there to buy from and harass.
Book the ARROW BUNCH and you got a guaranteed main event run for the rest of the year.
OK, to go deeper into this, while the game might be alright, the people in charge of this are Game Salute, a publisher infamous for launching multiple kickstarters after they have other kickstarters way past overdue their promised delivery date. Their quality is suspect, their CS is terrible, they change components after the KS for cheaper looking stuff and theyre just plain terrible
Who is that guy? EDITx2 rofl, what a name.
I honestly don't get what wrestling fans want sometimes - if you've got a problem with 'the top guy' being a pandering shill like John Cena then just fucking quit watching WWE, because it's ALWAYS going to happen. Just be grateful the guy they're trying to position in that spot is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world who can excite the crowd with his matches, rather than put them to sleep. Or, just forget about him latch on to some up-and-comer who you'll complain about not getting pushed incessantly despite increasing popularity, then turn on the moment said popularity morphs him into a prototypical WWE face.
Oh, he's from Arrested Development? Ugh.
How do you not know who that is? He was included on a video package on RAW just this week!
As a fellow PWG and board game fan, thanks for the heads up. Guess I will be voting NO CONFIDENCE on this one.
The only memorable matches Bryan has had recently were against Wyatt, Cena, Orton, and Triple H, all of whom have solid matches all the time. I don't see where Bryan's natural wrestling talent is overcoming his other extreme shortcomings like people want me to believe. He's truly the worst promo in the company right now, and that's not me trolling or being hyperbolic. Think about it.
I think if Punk hadn't left and wasn't just a mopey doofus who wasn't trying anymore anyway, we'd all have very different feelings about Bryan. He's been pushed out of necessity to fill that hole, and he hasn't stepped up like I wanted him to.?
And yeah, the only memorable matches Bryan had since the beggining of the year is with half the roster. Worst wrestler in the world.
Could've bolded Wyatt and HHH too tbh. HHH is always good in those two matches he's had this year. Wyatt is just pretty good.
I really want to play Monster Puroresu sometime
I think if Punk hadn't left and wasn't just a mopey doofus who wasn't trying anymore anyway, we'd all have very different feelings about Bryan. He's been pushed out of necessity to fill that hole, and he hasn't stepped up like I wanted him to.
I think if Punk hadn't left and wasn't just a mopey doofus who wasn't trying anymore anyway, we'd all have very different feelings about Bryan. He's been pushed out of necessity to fill that hole, and he hasn't stepped up like I wanted him to.
I wanted him to cut one good promo to ever make me care about him. He's tried a lot. Sometimes you can sense even the fans watching are cautiously cheering and chanting, because they're like "whoa this guy is pretty awkward." People don't have confidence in him like they do with Punk.The hell do you want? The dude got married, his dad died, got stuck in a feud with supernatural!Kane which robbed the feud of a lot of things that might have made a Kane feud work in 2014, then he got injured. Punk couldn't have rolled with those exact same punches, so what are you even saying here?
I think if Punk hadn't left and wasn't just a mopey doofus who wasn't trying anymore anyway, we'd all have very different feelings about Bryan. He's been pushed out of necessity to fill that hole, and he hasn't stepped up like I wanted him to.
I wanted him to cut one good promo to ever make me care about him. He's tried a lot. Sometimes you can sense even the fans watching are cautiously cheering and chanting, because they're like "whoa this guy is pretty awkward." People don't have confidence in him like they do with Punk.
I wanted him to cut one good promo to ever make me care about him. He's tried a lot. Sometimes you can sense even the fans watching are cautiously cheering and chanting, because they're like "whoa this guy is pretty awkward." People don't have confidence in him like they do with Punk.
This is what has my one foot off the Bryan bandwagon. It's been said many times before, but I can't imagine any other serious top guy to allow themselves to look the way he has, even with the circumstances he's been dealt. Before you could say WWE was burying him and all that but at this point it's on him.
I like the video games and this looks like a video game I would like.
I think if Punk hadn't left and wasn't just a mopey doofus who wasn't trying anymore anyway, we'd all have very different feelings about Bryan. He's been pushed out of necessity to fill that hole, and he hasn't stepped up like I wanted him to.
And then there are about a hundred guys in WWE who had spoken up and came off as incredible superstars to the audience instead of what they might have been. Dolph's a whiner who can't completely back it up.Yeah, cause speaking out always works! Right, Dolph?
And then there are about a hundred guys in WWE who had spoken up and came off as incredible superstars to the audience instead of what they might have been. Dolph's a whiner who can't completely back it up.
Yeah, cause speaking out always works! Right, Dolph?
Yes it does. That's the whole point. That's why we all have a trigger finger to say a guy's being buried and why we care so much about who Cena's making look bad. How you're booked and presented to the audience means everything. Bryan wouldn't have been a main eventer if they didn't spend 2013 having him actually win a lot for once.He was referencing speaking up about being booked poorly, which has nothing to do with the audience.
Bryan is a top guy now, Dolph never was.
And then there are about a hundred guys in WWE who had spoken up and came off as incredible superstars to the audience instead of what they might have been. Dolph's a whiner who can't completely back it up.
I honestly don't get what wrestling fans want sometimes - if you've got a problem with 'the top guy' being a pandering shill like John Cena then just fucking quit watching WWE, because it's ALWAYS going to happen. Just be grateful the guy they're trying to position in that spot is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world who can excite the crowd with his matches, rather than put them to sleep. Or, just forget about him latch on to some up-and-comer who you'll complain about not getting pushed incessantly despite increasing popularity, then turn on the moment said popularity morphs him into a prototypical WWE face.
He was referencing speaking up about being booked poorly, which has nothing to do with the audience. Dolph backed it up by getting over and putting on good matches. Speaking out is what got them sour on him.
The potential was there for him to be if he was pushed. Dolph has all the tools, it's just management who doesn't like how vocal he is.
Yes it does. That's the whole point. That's why we all have a trigger finger to say a guy's being buried and why we care so much about who Cena's making look bad. How you're booked and presented to the audience means everything. Bryan wouldn't have been a main eventer if they didn't spend 2013 having him actually win a lot for once.
This ignores all the speaking up Austin did when he was a main eventer, which proves my point.No, there haven't. Vince hired Steve Austin, told him to dress in a ridiculous outfit and call himself "The Ringmaster" and he said "Yes, sir".
No one knows you better than you.Talent shouldn't just say yes to everything, but this notion that they have to keep fighting against creative borders on corporate shilling; why the hell is this "Creative" entity giving away so many bad ideas that force the people playing the characters to ignore them in order to have success?