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May Wrasslin' |OT2| Where the Big Boys Play

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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could never



I walked with the High School band I teach in their annual parade today and got legit fried from the sun. I look like Brother Freakin' Love right now.


That was great - Okada and Styles work well together.

And kudos for them for not flipping the belt back again this early - Styles comes off looking strong.



How did WCW get away with Johnny B Badd blowing his load with the Badd Blaster every show? They weren't even trying to be subtle.
Surprised at the semi-clean finish for the main event. Great match though. Overall a really good show. Ishii-Ibushi was MOTN by far though.


Have Lita teach her how to moonsault or do Kidman's 450. That would make the women's matches so much more entertaining.

She doesn't need that indy flippy shit to get over, all she needs is her unmatched charisma and amazing wrestling ability


Yep, because those guys had tons of potential right? They were nothing more than pawns used to extend the Heyman and Punk feud and not
to elevate them.
That just shows how terrible the writing is then; use a wrestler to prolong a feud for a manager instead of the other way around.

Further: Axel was immediately buried by Triple H and for some reason did not have him retaliate at all. Then he "beats" them because Triple H collapsed on his own for whatever reason they never disclose, then beats Cena by countout because of interference. Not that Axel ever had much charisma to begin with, he needs helluva lot stronger booking than that to start out. And they failed to do that. Ryback is similar, losing every match against somebody who isn't a complete jobber. Big chance to make him the #2 babyface in the company, and instead turns him heel and he jobs more.

List goes on for people they've made into practically nothing or midcard at best: Barrett, Ziggler, Kofi, Miz (he sucks, but his WWE title reign was ass), ADR, Swagger, Christian since returning, Sandow, and can throw in McIntyre if you want. Basically, if you're not in Evolution, Sheamus, Cena, Bryan, or Roman Reigns, you're pretty much a bug on the windshield.


Hey, they REALLY tried with Del Rio
  • Wins Rumble, then...
  • Loses to Edge in his last match, loses to Christian in the WHC match to feud with the untouchable Randy Orton.
  • Inserted randomly into Punk-Cena by cashing in. Never getting heat because there was never a reason for the feud to happen.
  • Jobbing to Sheamus for all of 2012.
  • Turns face but feuds with Big Shoe, who nobody cared about. Feuds with Christian, RVD, and Swagger later for the WHC. Treated it as a second-rate title/champion.
  • Double turn that worked really, really well with Ziggler over the WHC, feud never ever really begins because Swagger concusses Dolph.
  • Looks like a loser by a returning Cena, who never puts over ADR's finisher despite an injured elbow. Takes his title and suddenly it's important again.
  • Jobbed to Batista.
That's been ADR's booking since April 2011. Sheamus is somebody like ADR in where the mic work isn't all there, but has the size and ring ability to do good enough. But he's far more protected and will get more main event opportunities and look less like a goober.
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