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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


Have the devs commented on what they think of ECMs currently? I don't see how it ever got greenlit other than it was a huge overreaction to LRMs. I mean this thing is a god-tier aoe stealth device that nullifies two entire classes of weapons that does this all passively.

I actually don't see how LRMs are overpowered. There are so many skill based counters. (line of sight, speed on light mechs, etc.) I mean they are devastating if you are in a 50 kph mech and you only want to walk in a straight light directly at the enemy, but then I feel you should get your face melted if you do that. Even if the devs want to tweak it all they had to do was slightly reduce the tracking so lighter mechs have an easier time evading.
Pre ECM, the LRM swarms was pretty bad. Yea you could counter it with terrain, but mechs have to eventually move and once they were out in the open, LRM boats would be just raining down fire all over the place. It was a bit over the top to be certain. ECM was needed, but they over did it's effectiveness in this game. ECM should operate more like the tabletop game in which it does help, but it doesn't totally screw them over. In the tabletop and in the fluff, the ECM use was not that common as ECM's took up a large chunk of a mech and were heavy.

I think they know it's a touchy subject as it's been debated heavily on the forum and they recently added the EMP effect to PPC attacks that turn off ECM for a period of time. So I think that is partially them acknowledging the ECM being powerful and trying to tweak it now with other factors.

I would prefer if ECM would work similar to AMS which would cause some of the missiles to miss, or to lower their tracking accuracy. Also perhaps reduce lock on range and time. That way ECM+AMS would make you almost shielded completely from many missile barrages but that ECM alone not be the end all solution it is.


I'm not too bothered by ECM since I really mostly on direct fire weapons, but I do recognize it needs a nerf.

First off, ECM in-game is guardian ecm + angel ecm + null signal. So, really, it should be 3 equipments, ie 4.5t (a heavy price for a light) and 6 crit spaces (a heavy price for an atlas)

Since mwo does not respect TT rules anyway, they should boost other equipment as well. BAP should cancel it for that individual mech (it weighs the bloody same as ecm, after all - at least make it not completely useless). NARC should cancel ECM (3+1 bloody tons, and it's useless enough as it is).

AMS should be much more effective against streaks (1.5t - the same as ecm); would help a lot for non-ecm lights). You'd at least be able to survive against ecm streakers that have no-miss weapons and can match your speed. This easy counter to ecm cheese-streakers would make me a lot more tolerant of them.

That being said, I love my jenner. 4 smalls (though maybe I should switch that to mediums - 10 instead 12 for an alpha, but i'd gain the range) and 2 srm4's. Srm's make great flanking weapons against larger mechs.


Pre ECM, the LRM swarms was pretty bad. Yea you could counter it with terrain, but mechs have to eventually move and once they were out in the open, LRM boats would be just raining down fire all over the place. It was a bit over the top to be certain. ECM was needed, but they over did it's effectiveness in this game. ECM should operate more like the tabletop game in which it does help, but it doesn't totally screw them over. In the tabletop and in the fluff, the ECM use was not that common as ECM's took up a large chunk of a mech and were heavy.

I think they know it's a touchy subject as it's been debated heavily on the forum and they recently added the EMP effect to PPC attacks that turn off ECM for a period of time. So I think that is partially them acknowledging the ECM being powerful and trying to tweak it now with other factors.

I would prefer if ECM would work similar to AMS which would cause some of the missiles to miss, or to lower their tracking accuracy. Also perhaps reduce lock on range and time. That way ECM+AMS would make you almost shielded completely from many missile barrages but that ECM alone not be the end all solution it is.

Well, it isn't. A TAGed mech can be lit up almost like the ECM isn't there, and now that TAG range is almost as long as the missle range themselves, LRM boats don't even need to rely on other mechs tagging for them. The 'issue' I think is with the triple function of bocking radar for allied mechs, jamming hostile electronics AND killing lockon systems for hostile mechs when they're in the ECM bubble. This was done to kill streakboats, and the game is much better for it, but really these three functions should be split between three seperate peices of equipment, each of which can only be activated one at a time.

First off, ECM in-game is guardian ecm + angel ecm + null signal. So, really, it should be 3 equipments, ie 4.5t (a heavy price for a light) and 6 crit spaces (a heavy price for an atlas)

Oh, yeah, what he said.
First off, ECM in-game is guardian ecm + angel ecm + null signal. So, really, it should be 3 equipments, ie 4.5t (a heavy price for a light) and 6 crit spaces (a heavy price for an atlas)

Yup that's pretty accurate. They made it a one stop shop type of deal in a small nice little package instead of being multiple and costly pieces.
Finally downloaded this the other day and played for a bit, enjoyable although getting used to removing limbs and throttle based maneuvering is difficult.

Reason for commenting here though, whatever happened to the DX11 features? It's CryEngine 3 and I remember reading that it would support DX10/11 so I was surprised when DX9 was the only option.


Finally downloaded this the other day and played for a bit, enjoyable although getting used to removing limbs and throttle based maneuvering is difficult.

Reason for commenting here though, whatever happened to the DX11 features? It's CryEngine 3 and I remember reading that it would support DX10/11 so I was surprised when DX9 was the only option.

DX11 is being tested internally before they roll it out to the public build since there have been a number of issues with it.


AMS should be much more effective against streaks (1.5t - the same as ecm); would help a lot for non-ecm lights). You'd at least be able to survive against ecm streakers that have no-miss weapons and can match your speed. This easy counter to ecm cheese-streakers would make me a lot more tolerant of them.

I agree AMS needs a buff vs. srms in general. Think it should be proportional to the number of missiles in a salvo since there are more targets grouped closer together, this having a good benefit on silencing some of the complaints about srm cat-a1s. I think the catapult chassis needs a slight downgrade in allowable engine size and torso twist personally, nothing major as I don't have a problem with highly effective cheesebuilds that do one thing good but suck everywhere else.

I don't think they can buff AMS much vs. LRMs. Yea it is basically worthless if you are the only one running an AMS, but if say half your mechs sport AMS and it is buffed no LRM gets through. As it stands right now if you got a bunch of mechs with AMS that is pretty decent LRM defense.

They also need to consume ammo much faster.

And TAG really needs to work and allow lock ons for streaks inside the 180m stealth god bubble.


Ah, so Null Signature System (which MWO puts in 'Guardian' ECM for free) in tabletop generates 10 heat (the equivalent of shooting one PPC per round) and takes 7 critical spaces.



Heh, just looked it up, huge drawbacks huh. Too bad it doesn't come as standard on any upcoming mechs otherwise they'd 'have' to impliment it.

Though really I'd contend that the only balancing that ECM really needs is to take it off the Atlas. Again, I'll take the current situation over A1 streakboats, man that was boring.

And TAG really needs to work and allow lock ons for streaks inside the 180m stealth god bubble.

I would agree, and cirtainly this wouldn't mean a comeback for streakapults, but then I remember that Stalkers have just as many missle slots and can mount a tag too. Sure, slower and no jumpjets, but still nothing that I want to be fighting on a regular basis, and lack of a hard ECM counter is probably all that's stopping that from being the case.


Ah, so Null Signature System (which MWO puts in 'Guardian' ECM for free) in tabletop generates 10 heat (the equivalent of shooting one PPC per round) and takes 7 critical spaces.


So basically you use it to get into prime position and then drop it for the actually fighting. Imagine something having decent trade-offs.

2 million away from having my Raven 3L fully upgraded, if the problem annoys just be part of the problem I always say.

Edit. Waiting on pugs to adapt tactics for Alpine peaks. Lights should be pretty much only concerned with capturing resource points and skirmishing other lights. So many games end with the team with the most kills losing the resource war. Deathball strategies on Alpine are recipes for getting the most kills but losing the game.
Finally get in matches for Alpine peak and it's never with the proper 12 players. 8 v 8 on that map is awful, don't know why it even launches with that. It needs those extra mechs in it


Finally get in matches for Alpine peak and it's never with the proper 12 players. 8 v 8 on that map is awful, don't know why it even launches with that. It needs those extra mechs in it

I think it would be better with 12 but I don't think that is supported yet. I also think the way pugs play Alpine is terrible on conquest. Deathballs (all the mechs clumping around the assaults and heavies)that are the only viable strategy for the small maps don't work at all in Alpine conquest.

Also if the matchmaking gives you a heavy tonnage team on Alpine conquest you are screwed.
Few matches I've had on alpine always end with someone capping the other base and it being so big, no one can stop another team from winning since pugs just all run out and often don't run defense.

I thought 12 on 12 was turned on for that map already


Nope, no 12v12 yet. Should be coming in the next few months along with more big maps.

Alpine does kind of suck on assault at the moment, but I'm not sure that 12v12 will make it that much better. I tend to only play on conquest anyway unless I'm in an Atlas, and I freaking love Alpine conquest, even 8v8. 12v12 Alpine conquest should be pretty awesome.


I wish they provided a Cicada variant with jump jets. Cicadas remind me so much of Metal Gear Gekkos and I wanted to hop around in one.


There are canon JJ Cicada varients, but they're all post-clan upgrades to the chassis. Maybe we'll see them on the upcoming hero Cicada though.


The March update looks huge:


March is here, and with it a host of new features for MechWarrior Online. Our focus this month is improving the new user experience by adding a suite of tips, better details, testing grounds, and user friendly control options. Experienced MechWarriors will also be able to enjoy content designed specifically for them, including a brand new system of consumables, expanded statistics, and a new map!

New Content:

`Mech of the Month – JagerMech (19th)
Hero `Mech of the Month – The X-5 (5th)
New Patterns – Mountain Line (5th) and Vagabond (19th)
New Cockpit Items – Dynamic hanging items make their debut, Fuzzy Dice anyone? (5th and 19th)

Testing Grounds

This offline game mode allows player to launch into a random map and test out there currently selected BattleMechs. Each Testing Grounds match has 8 non-interactive `Mech targets for players to shoot and test damage, heat, movement and other strategies. This is just the beginning of a large set of training options for new and experienced players coming online in the next few months.


An extension to the module system is being introduced on March 19th. Players will now be able to equip a variety of consumable module items. Upon release players will have access to Coolant Flush, Air Strikes, and Artillery Strikes. These new items will be available for C-Bill and MC purchase. Details will be forthcoming in an upcoming Command Chair post here www.mwomercs.com/forums/forum/102-command-chair/.

Tourmaline Desert

MechWarrior Online’s largest map yet! This hostile alien world will test the skills of the best MechWarrior pilots. Like Alpine Peaks, players will need to change their overall strategies, focusing on offense and defense, along with bringing in a balanced BattleMech build.

Expanded User Statistics

Players will now be able to see a much more robust set of player stats when visiting their personal www.mwomercs.com/profile/stats page. Detailed information about Mechs, Weapons, Maps, and Modes will give players a deeper understanding of how well they are doing. For now, these stats are only viewable by individual players. In future updates players will be able to see other player’s stats and leaderboards.

New User Controls and Joystick Improvements

Players will now have more options with regards to how they pilot their BattleMechs. Several new control systems and improvement have been added including Throttle Decay (gas pedal vs set throttle), Arm Lock to torso, Set Point Throttle (10-100% throttle values in 10% increments), Face Torso, and Joystick Analog turning. Player will also be able to customize their key bindings via the Pause Menu during matches.

MechLab UI Improvements

Further refinements to buying and selling `Mechs, readying `Mechs, and a visualization of hardpoints, weapons, and critical space directly on the `Mech itself, will make their appearance March 5th. These additions make a huge improvement to understanding the state of your BattleMech, along with helping understand the differences between variants when making a purchasing decision.

Community Events

After a hugely successful Be A Hero Challenge weekend, we’ve decided to add more events to our March schedule. Expect to see a variety of different challenges inspired by the community’s feedback! Also coming in March, Design a Trial Mech challenge. Players will be able to design a Heavy Trial Mech build based off one of the existing heavy `Mech chassis. The wining loadout, will be made available for uses as a Trial Mech throughout the month of April.

On March 5th Host State Rewind (HSR) goes live. This new system allows players with high latency pings to fire and hit more reliably using Lasers, Machine Guns, and Flamers. Often referred to as the lag shield effect, HSR will significantly improve the reliability and accuracy of weapon hit detection, making certain BattleMechs much easier to hit. We anticipate overall damage will increase, resulting in some possible upcoming weapon balancing changes if needed.


Consumables on module slot, buyable with MC?
Cue accusations of pay-to-win...
EDIT coolant flush? NO NO NO! Not that shit. Give us coolant pods (since those have enough drawbacks) if you must but no other cooling systems, make water and heat managemet as it is are enough!


Heh, I wonder if this is going to be 6mill for a 'module' that's one use per battle while equiped, or 20k for a single use item that you have to replace.


Games over. Time to quit. See you guys in Star Citizen.

I reserve all rights to come back to this game if it's not horrendously broken by these events.


I guess March 18th is the last day I play MWO if this consumables nonsense goes in. It's a shame. It could work out but now there's this constant doubt that we'll lose a match because they Alpha Strike a bit more because the team is full of dedicated players who paid for those consumables.

I was willing to give them money too but if they're going to implement this consumable nonsense, I'm out.
I think its a bit premature till we see how they turn out, and especially the cost for the consumables. They said you can use C-bills for them, so if they aren't that expensive that your forced to pay, I don't see the issue. As for coolant flush, main backlash on it was the implementation in previous games, so again it's all about how they handle it in this game. Course the nasty ECM they put in hurts one's faith in how fair they will make some of this....
Consumables will make me quit if they aren't balanced at all. And they probably won't be.

The what is no doubt going to be a Call of Duty style airstrike is bad enough but the Coolant Flush is just asking for abuse. Fuck this.

Also the artillery is just a "what". What are they going to let you do? Call in on a grid position? Capping flags will be so fun, no doubt.

Edit: Maybe, MAYBE if they tie it to Command Console only, only a few mechs, and have it be a one and done (costs what you spent on it regardless if you actually use it in a match) then maybe there's a chance.

I just fear the worst here.


Didn't know this game was open. Playing the hell out of it yesterday.

Coolant Flush has been in MechWarrior since forever.
How are consumables any different from any other piece of gear in the game (and whether is balanced or not) if they let us use our cbills on it?
Wait has this game been released? I thought it was still in beta... I bought the founders pack too you'd think I'd have gotten an email saying it launched.

I have a T-Flight Hotas Joystick, should I use that or mouse and keyboard?
Wait has this game been released? I thought it was still in beta... I bought the founders pack too you'd think I'd have gotten an email saying it launched.

I have a T-Flight Hotas Joystick, should I use that or mouse and keyboard?

It's open beta, anyone can play and been that way for months. As a founder you've had access to the game since you gave them money essentially. They just did a stat wipe and such before going open beta.
Coolant Flush has been in MechWarrior since forever.

It's not a great mechanic.

How are consumables any different from any other piece of gear in the game (and whether is balanced or not)

Fundamental changes to the gameplay structure? I mean, alpha strike gimmick builds are already a thing. Giving them a handful of get out of jail free passes will just make it cheesier.

I'm primarily worried about teams effectively boating artillery strikes. Strikes me as potentially very aggravating. if they tie it to command console/specific chassis/other requirements then it may not be so annoying.

if they let us use our cbills on it?

The MC version is supposedly slightly better.
Where does this come from? Someone said something like that facebook but yet to see any source on the proof of that. That would be awful if true.

The forums are going apeshit over it. To the point of it being difficult to find where the source on it is.

I wish I could give a better answer. If I find it, I'll let you know. It seems to be with the implementation of different levels of modules and/or slots. Either the MC versions are slightly more effective or they take less slots. It's hard to fully grasp from under all the vitriol and piss.


MC flush takes 1 module slot and reduces heat by 35% assuming 10 heat sinks. The real implication is maybe 1-2 extra alpha strikes per match.

Cbill flush comes in two versions, 15% and 20%. You can stack them and get "35%" flush in one go, or you can use them separately - of course, this means you use 2 modules. Both types have their advantages: 1 module only, vs option to use twice (and frankly, being able to cool down on two separate situations is very significant).

Cbill and MC flushes don't stack.

Given the implementation, I'm not too bothered by the coolants. But, the p2w slippery slope is there, so we'll see. The bigger concern is p2w artillery, where someone can carry 1 MC large arty and 1 large air strike at the module cost of 2 smaller cbill arty.

A way to balance it woul be team time limits btw arty strikes. Doesn't matter if the entire enemy team stacked large p2w arty and air strikes; if they only call it every 5 min per team, then the number isn't significant anymore. So, there is a way to balance it, so as to not make arty a must-have.

Which is why I'm at wait-and-see mode for now. I'm not giving PGI a free pass, but I'm at p2w panic mode yet.


So, the MC flush is 25MC, ie 10 cents.

Ok, so arty cbill is more dmg but slower, MC i faster but less dmg. Cooldown to prevent spam.
The cbill costs are pretty cheap as well. But what a clusterfuck having mc only options and them having differences, like less damage for the MC ones than the cbill ones?
With the cbill costs being so low, it's not that bad sounding and at least they are now talking directly back and forth about it. But still stuff like the coolant flush shouldn't be superior with a 35% use. While it's true using two smaller flushes might be better, folks seeing that the cash only one is higher percentage is going to set folks off.

Be interesting to see also that when they put in the artillery and such in that it ends up sucking or something and not worth a damn.

Can my AMS shoot down airstrikes? :D


For now the p2w doesn't seem to bad.

More concerned about Alphastrike:Online. Heat management is already without consequences until shutdown. Now they are delaying the shutdown by at least 1 alphastrike. PPC boats are getting non-stop buffs the last month.


I was one of this game's most enthusiastic supporters but I just can't even defend anything about it anymore.

I'm not even pissed at the money I spent, I knew it was a gamble and I certainly got a lot of playtime out of the game. I just can't imagine devs so slow, incompetent and out of touch with their community actually delivering on all that was promised. They'll need years at this rate, I can't see them turning things around before they alienate the last of their playerbase and run MWO into the ground.


All you 'really' gain by paying is a module slot. min/maxers subsidise f2pers in a way that doesn't even really give them an advantage, boohoo.

PPC boats get one extra shot per match, I get a game that's actually being funded. Caring = zero.

Non-paid arty does more damage, caring = zero.


The cbill costs are pretty cheap as well. But what a clusterfuck having mc only options and them having differences, like less damage for the MC ones than the cbill ones?

It's these differences that bother me the most. Why lock tier 3 behind MC? Why not allow people to purchase everything with C-Bills and MC instead?

Shit like this just makes me hate F2P. I would rather just have them charge $40 flat and be done with it.


This is a pay 2 win probe.

Dress up this package as innocuously as possible and hope the userbase is too dumb to notice the shaft up their bum expanding in no time.

You guys want MC Slug rounds? MC AP rounds? Yeah, well this is the way we go to get there.
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