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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread

When the issue is alpha striking... why would you fuck around with the heat caps?

Seriously... the heat system effects way more than just alpha striking.

Because it would work? Its proven to work in other mechwarriors and the table top. Will it nerf other weapons? Sure, only if they are being overly boated or alpha'd as well. Heat is just too liberal in this game, in btech your only supposed to fire a few weapons at a time and its all about staging your weapon use for maximum dps. Variety in builds and not making a build that can alpha multiple times in a row.

Alpha strikes and boats will not go away, but its obvious how soft they have been with the heat with how easy and common it is. Taking an alpha strike is supposed to be a risk.


I have no issues with people being able to alpha often. Restricting people to alpha once per ten seconds won't increase risk however (ignoring misses). I'll give you that it won't really reduce reward either, but i still think it is unnecessary, when alphas can be limited with tweaks to pre-existing systems.

As for the hard-restriction system... OK, i forgot the hardpoint system was a good thing. Didn't think it as boundaries.
But i still think limiting weapons firing with energy is not fun.
I prefer there to be more risk with big effects if you do something after certain point, instead of just making people wait.
Let people push themselves over the limit but make sure there are consequences for that.

That energy system could allow firing underpowered shots (complication, boring), or allow people to fire by drawing energy from other essential systems (cooling, movement, radar, other weapons) and perhaps risk shorting out some systems or something like that, but it would be just additional management task on top of heat management, without being really different.
Perhaps it would do what Zaptruder suggest... but i see too many potential issues and consequences with it.


I have no issues with people being able to alpha often. Restricting people to alpha once per ten seconds won't increase risk however (ignoring misses). I'll give you that it won't really reduce reward either, but i still think it is unnecessary, when alphas can be limited with tweaks to pre-existing systems.

As for the hard-restriction system... OK, i forgot the hardpoint system was a good thing. Didn't think it as boundaries.
But i still think limiting weapons firing with energy is not fun.
I prefer there to be more risk with big effects if you do something after certain point, instead of just making people wait.
Let people push themselves over the limit but make sure there are consequences for that.

That energy system could allow firing underpowered shots (complication, boring), or allow people to fire by drawing energy from other essential systems (cooling, movement, radar, other weapons) and perhaps risk shorting out some systems or something like that, but it would be just additional management task on top of heat management, without being really different.
Perhaps it would do what Zaptruder suggest... but i see too many potential issues and consequences with it.

Don't think of it as additional management. Just think of it as a global cool down for weapons.

i.e. it won't have its own little bar.

If you don't have enough energy to fire a weapon, it'll act like its on cool down. The weapon will have a little not ready for firing indicator and the little firing group boxes will remain red.

The point is it recharges fast enough that it's not *really* a limiting factor... except for alpha striking.

And what potential issues and consequences is it that you see... other than a temporal deconvergence on high damage alpha strikes?

I mean, I don't mind playing around with the numbers until they feel right. Energy capacity doesn't have to be equal to engine rating, and 1 dmg doesn't have to equal 10 energy. But they're good starting points to start with. Gauss can be higher energy use because of their low heat and long range and good projectile speed. AC20s might be lower energy (although not too low) because of their short range. Medium lasers might be higher energy because they're so easy to fit so many on so many mechs.

The primary argument I'm making is that MWO needs to think outside the existing variables and systems; designed for a table top game system and rigidly squashed into a real time simulation of that table top game. The precedence already exists in the form of projectile speeds, weapon behaviours and cool down rates. So take it to its logical conclusion and make a game system that works to encourage the diversity of builds that the mech building and number of weapon systems suggest the game SHOULD have.

@ Battlemonkey - heat changes won't fix alpha striking on AC20s and Gauss Rifle builds.

Outside of alpha striking, the weapons and heat system is quite superbly balanced. The weapons all have a good firing rate and good feeling and impact. It's only when grouped up that they have these sorts of unintended negative consequences.


Global cooldown... Didn't think of it like that.
Just no thanks.
Not very keen on GCD limits. They have their own issues. Usually that people just figure out the most effective build/rotation and stick to that. Or something. It WILL create its own set of issues. An unknown set of issues. Tweaking current systems has much more predictable effects.
I think a system requiring a GCD for limitating things has either something already inherently wrong (MWO's system is not, IMO), or that some potential tweaks are overlooked due to their radical nature (as concepts, not necessarily requiring a lot of work), or unpopularity (ie unwillingness to consider them) despite those changes making a better game.
(The only game (i've played) where i think GCD works just fine is World of Warcraft, but i don't really like WoW's system that much overall.)

I know i might create a build (for MWO) that is based on the GCD keeping my heat generation in check, essentially allowing me to keep firing in certain rhythm without ever worrying about overheating.. without having to keep an eye on heat management. If not me, someone else would. Could make heat management a non-issue, for lazy people anyway.
Or perhaps people would just keep using alphas but less often, essentially giving cooling more time... perhaps leading people to reduce heatsinks and add more weapons or armor, essentially slowing down the game but not solving alphaing being common style.
Or perhaps it would make some other style dominating... so the problem of one dominating style wouldn't be solved, just changed.

If AC20 and Gauss builds are too dominating, then perhaps those two weapons need to be directly adjusted. Increase reload time, add minimum range (Gauss rifle should have minimum range by tabletop rules, IIRC, though i never understood how it works, perhaps it is supposed to be a targeting computer issue), increase heat, something like that.
What is the highest reasonable amount of either weapons in a build at the moment, by the way?

If it is the grouping you think that has negative consequences, perhaps we should look into that, see if that system could be modified reasonably instead of thinking other systems.
That said, i can't think of any reasonable changes, not without impacting the game negatively overall.

EDIT again, i understand your primary argument, but i think it can be solved with tweaking existing systems. No need to think outside current systems, most of all, there is no need to add another one. I seriously doubt PGI could do that without a lot of other issues... I can see them adding modules for boosting GCD or something if such were implemented.


Did heat sinks raise your heat cap in TT like they do in MWO? In MWO not only do heatsinks increase dissipation but they also raise your total heat before shutdown. The high heat caps encourage players to design mechs that don't even try to be heat neutral. Just use up your heat capacity and then shutdown or retreat out of the fight.

I think some small tweaks could go a long way in the heat system, like reduce the contribution each engine heat sink has to the heat cap.

But you don't even have to touch heat to make some common sense changes that would encourage less high heat boats. It makes no sense that mechs can shutdown mid jump and take no falling damage/land perfectly. Also don't have a heat shutdown make the mech untargettable. To preserve the strategic benefits of shutdown you could make a mech that is say less than 66% of the heat cap still untargettable, but ones that are over 66% generate so much radiant energy from their heat the targetting systems still maintain lock. A buff to LRMs, which is coming, would also encourage less long range PPC boating.


Did heat sinks raise your heat cap in TT like they do in MWO? In MWO not only do heatsinks increase dissipation but they also raise your total heat before shutdown. The high heat caps encourage players to design mechs that don't even try to be heat neutral. Just use up your heat capacity and then shutdown or retreat out of the fight.

No, TT rules have static heat cap of 30 points, if i recall correctly.


Heat caps were 'static' in Battle Tech.

But you'd have to fire to 30+Heat dissipation in order to force a shut down.

Because if you only fire to heat dissipation, then you never experienced any of the ill effects of heat.


Hahaha, welcome back Zap!

People are right though, as well as an energy system might work on paper, we're a long way from needing to invent complex new systems to build on top of an already lop-sided game balance for a realtime 'action' game.

But having said that, a split second delay between the firing of alpha'd weapons WOULD be a huge balancing factor since it would be much easier to spread damage as a target rather than constantly getting 60 damage to a single area.


Hahaha, welcome back Zap!

People are right though, as well as an energy system might work on paper, we're a long way from needing to invent complex new systems to build on top of an already lop-sided game balance for a realtime 'action' game.

But having said that, a split second delay between the firing of alpha'd weapons WOULD be a huge balancing factor since it would be much easier to spread damage as a target rather than constantly getting 60 damage to a single area.

This is pretty much all you need to do to balance the state of the game right now. The rest are minor per weapon tweaks.

However you achieve this, it's the most viable solution for bringing back the way the game is played back in line with the core gameplay mechanics inherent to Battletech itself.

That is - hit points spread out over multiple areas, with loss of areas progressively crippling the function of the mech, until it critically fails.

The board game provided the balance by having multiple to hit rolls for every weapon that was fired in a turn.

While having only chain fire would be kinda dumb, some amount of respect for this fundamental dichotomy of battle tech gameplay must be heeded. Otherwise the game turns into what it currently is - where the most effective route is to bring weapon configurations that can in one or two hits completely compromise sections of the mechs if not outright destroy it.

There's no room (at least at a competitive level) for diversity beyond that.


This is why, while I loved using my AC10/Guass Jager, it was ultimately less effective than just boating either of those two weapons and alphaing them. Differing rates of fire and projectile speed made doing reliable damage to single sections much harder, which is why the nature of the game encorages alphaing. I suspect that the highly covered nature of the maps and the radar system also encorages single ranged weapon loadouts since getting into optimal range and staying there is relatively easy and sacrificing your sniping ability for brawling power (or vice versa) generally isn't 'worth it'.

I do wonder if extending the minimum range of PPCs and the heat generation of ERs would go a ways to fixing the issue. Likewise a large amount of aim shake or foced forward thrust on jumpjetting mechs could really help.


new map is fantastic for brawling, lrm's have never been more properly balanced, the blackjack seems to fill some role, my x-5 is dominating all lights and i haven't seen this many varied builds in what seems like months - so far, so good.

with that being said, i'm positive the meta will return to pop tarting and boating in less than a week and will continue until they implement how jumpjets work on heavier mechs as well as adding some form of heat scaling... so what we have now is a snapshot of how the game will be in about a few months?


LRM's will be the "OP" of the month. I don't have a problem with the damage or the increased speed, but the terminal flight path is just too steep. You could be hugging a cover three times the height of your mech, and the LRM's still hit you.

Since the cover is irrelevant now, and LRM's do decent damage, it's impossible to maneuver against teams with more LRM boats.

Other parts of the patch are great. I love the new modules and the new map is ok.


Oh man, the seismic sensor is amazing. Maybe OP compared to the other modules, or maybe it's because the others kind of suck.

Bought 3 jacks. A gauss jump sniper-skirmisher going in the 80's, a swayjack with 8 smalls with a standard270+19DHS (though may change to mediums, but that'll require an XL), and a ppc jumper which I haven't touched yet.
I just jumped on the MWO bandwagon and figured I could use some MWO gaf friends. My name is 'Vertigo 1' so add me if you guys want. Do we have GAF nights or anything with this?


Every night is GaF night! I'll add you to steam and we'll sort something out. We generally start to play at around 6-7 EST or onwards.


I think the best thing about LRMs being viable is that lights can get into their spotter role again.
I just jumped on the MWO bandwagon and figured I could use some MWO gaf friends. My name is 'Vertigo 1' so add me if you guys want. Do we have GAF nights or anything with this?
Feel free to join our steam group mwo-gaf


After nearly 6 months of waiting, the final mech was announced today. Say hello to the Victor!

The roar of her jump jets fill her ears she lands on the side of the hill firing her gauss rifle at the distant Atlas. As it turned to fire back, she waits till just before it had her in his sights to trigger her jump jets. Twin PPC blasts hit the ground where she was, followed by a gauss round, as her second gauss shot smacks into its side torso.
The fight continues for a solid minute, and her opponent is clearly not amused. As another flight of LRMs sails toward her, she lands her mech behind cover. Popping out on the other side, she lands with just enough of the Atlas in sight to fire off a round before moving again – and destroying the enemy Atlas’ left shoulder. The gauss rifle explods, turning the centre torso dark orange on her screen.
"This is Captain Von Deum to Alpha lance, are you close to my position? I have one enemy Atlas remaining, heavily damaged."
"We’re with you, Captain. Five-hundred metres out and closing. You have enemy Cataphract and Centurion on your left flank.”
"Roger – moving to intercept.”

As she jumpjets over another obstacle, she sees a quick glimpse of her opponents. The Cataphract rises into the air before her in the distance, letting off an alpha of two ERPPC’s and a Gauss shot, completely passing by her. Reaching the apex of its jump, she fires her gauss, smashing into the right torso. As the Centurion moves to her left behind cover, and she closes the distance to the ‘Phract. Rising he fires, his rounds sailing wide of her. She returns, firing her gauss as he reaches his apex, and just as before, hitting the right side torso. Injured, she closes the space to come within SRM range.
As she strides along at 64 km/h, her first SRM4 salvo crashes into the ‘Phract, hitting the centre and right torso. This time her opponent fires at her from the ground, just as she taps her jump jets, throwing his aim off and taking one ERPPC hit to the right leg. Landing she fires her gauss rifle and medium pulse lasers, followed by volley of SRMs. The enemy Cataphract’s side torso explodes outward, hurling sideways into the ground.
Assuming the Centurion to be behind her at this point, she turns and lifts off just as an AC/10 round hits her left arm and twin medium lasers pulling up after her, lightly damaging both her legs, followed by a volley of SRMs missing entirely. Landing she returns fire with a gauss/medium pulse laser combo to her opponents centre torso, followed by her own SRM volley, the Centurion twists to get its left arm in the way. She quickly closes the distance as it tries to sneak shots. As they trade shots, she finds that she had removed the enemy Mechs left arm, right arm, and left torso, leaving only its centre torso medium lasers.
“Captain, pull back south! Bandits at F6, full lance!”
"Received, on my way.” She replies, sailing over an obstacle.
Alarms rang through her cockpit:
“Captain you have massive incoming LRMs, can you make it?”
“I’ll be fine,” she says, smiling down at her Victor after landing behind cover “We do this all the time.”

Fun little comic book allusion in the flavor text. They have more mechs concepted up and ready to go, but are waiting for some big PR event to make the announcement. *cough Clan Invasion cough*


MWO-GAF, what's the most ridiculous PPC boat build that's viable right now? I'll even spend real money on the chassis, I just want to use something cheesy and make people cry.

Last mech? They are going to stop putting out new mechs?

Probably the last one they're adding to the suite before they officially end the beta, which coincides with UI 2.0 and community warfare.


MWO-GAF, what's the most ridiculous PPC boat build that's viable right now? I'll even spend real money on the chassis, I just want to use something cheesy and make people cry.
Either a stalker with 6 PPCs, or a 4PPC JJ Highlander. If you don't care about JJing, you can do nice stuff with an Atlas RS.

Probably the last one they're adding to the suite before they officially end the beta, which coincides with UI 2.0 and community warfare.
The announcement of the Victor makes 5 mechs per weight class, which is what I'm pretty sure they're going to "launch" the game with. Orion in June, Victor in July, Flea in August (supposedly, if MASC is ready). Game is supposed to launch at the end of August or at some point in September.

They just don't have more time to fit in more mechs, and have the numbers balanced, before launch.

I doubt that. Perhaps a break?
They do, after all, make money with mechs, hero or not.

Also, we're starting to get Clan Mechs at some point for sure. (Right, guys?)
Until they officially announce the clans, we can only say "probably, yes". Given that they have 5-6 mechs designed, concepted, and (I believe) ready to ship out, I can only assume those are Clan mechs.


Really enjoying the Blackjack atm. Making an effective build with reasonalble heat management is a challenge and living long enough to smak stuff around due to the paper armor on it is the most fun i've had in mwo of late.
I doubt that. Perhaps a break?
They do, after all, make money with mechs, hero or not.

Also, we're starting to get Clan Mechs at some point for sure. (Right, guys?)

One of the devs has already stated that they have 6 Mech concepts finished in one of the NGNG podcasts (this was a couple months back). So, Victor was one of them. They are probably holding the others for some sort of grand revealing of the clans later on.


AC20? JJ? 64kph? Yes please.


Yeah, I found blackjack hard to get into, but after a bit of finetuning I'm starting to really love it. It's really vulnerable in the open, and its paper-thin armor can get in trouble if caught in brawling range or if harassed by too many lights. Situational awareness is a lot more important with it than with a lot of other mechs.

That being said, being a sniping 80+kph JJ platform is a lot of fun. My favorite build is gauss+4med+XL225 right now. An ERPPC/PPC build worked well too. The swayjack 1X is good too, but I'm not a big fan of laserboating, and the lack of arm maneuverability makes it a bit awkward for brawling.


I'm not sure what mech would suit me best.
Currently i have only a Catapult-C4 but since i saw that the missiles have lost their nice spiraling, i decided i want something else. Besides, i had gotten bored with it anyway.

I've noticed that i often think what know i what i want, but that i'm also often wrong, what i think i want is not what i really want.

I often try to play some sneaky class/play style, a sniper, a scout, a commando, or some sort support role... Of these, the support role works best for me BUT MWO has doesn't offer the sort i seem to be liking (medic/engineer, ie healer). Fire-support (ie AOE damage, weakening enemies) is okay at times but i have Catapult for that, and i'm bored with it for the moment.
What do i play then? I often find that i'm needed in front-lines, as a tank or attacker. Or perhaps i think i'm needed there, because i like the role.

I need something with enough speed (65-75KPH?) for maneuvering and for closing-in as i'm not a ranged fighter really*, enough armor to take a lot of punishment, and enough weapons to keep on fighting, preferably while doing a lot of damage.
I'll rule lights out. While fun in their own way, they do not satisfy my requirements. I'm not one for hit-and-run despite kinda liking the concept.
There are some mechs that do fulfill my requirements, like HBK-4SP but i've played enough with those, i need something fresh. And some, while possibly fulfilling what i want, have unfortunately issues that make them no-go for me, like Catapracht (don't like anything in it, from the low guns to wide torso/big head to looks to hardpoints).

Of the upcoming mechs, i know both Orion and Victor could suit me, but they're not in-game so...
Any suggestions, for mech and build.

*I also seem to have some fine-control issues with my mouse, as if i can't target certain pixels. Probably some sort mouse smoothing/acceleration/sensitivity issue? Seems to be in-game issue, no problems on the desktop nor with any other game i can think of right now.
So come back after a short hiatus... I just don't know, it must just be me but all weekend every match I've been on has been extremely lop sided. I never see close games anymore, one side generally just dominates the other side, the score board will show that a team will maybe kill one or two mechs max while getting just wiped.


So come back after a short hiatus... I just don't know, it must just be me but all weekend every match I've been on has been extremely lop sided. I never see close games anymore, one side generally just dominates the other side, the score board will show that a team will maybe kill one or two mechs max while getting just wiped.

When did you go on hiatus? If you left before Elo was implemented, you're probably in with all of the new players.

Having played for a long time in the Elo system, I find that I still get some rofflestomps, but most of them are moderately close, or at least 2:1.


Isnt it? best module by a mile

Yeah, seismic is incredible. I'm expecting it to get nerfed eventually--it pretty much kills any element of surprise within 400m (except stationary ambushes) and makes a lot of flanking/brawling mindgames impossible or impractical. I'm puzzled about why they added seismic, as far as I know nobody was clamoring for a wallhack before the 5/21 patch.

I'm not sure what mech would suit me best. . . . I've noticed that i often think what know i what i want, but that i'm also often wrong, what i think i want is not what i really want.

Right on, this happens to me all the time in games. I must've started BG2 a dozen times before getting out of the first city because I couldn't figure out how I wanted to play.

We have similar tastes in playstyle and I'm having a blast in a 6x MLAS Jenner F, doing hit and run and short range poptart attacks. Not sure exactly why you're opposed to it, I would give it a shot if you haven't already. Circle-strafing in a light is pretty much suicidal these days except against isolated or bad pilots, and less fun than hit and run anyway.

You might also try a Catapult K2 if you haven't already, it's a decent sniper with its high
mounted arms and you can brawl in it too (I hear AC40 Cats are fun). I've also seen 3X LLAS + 2x SSRM2 Catapult C1s do well. All Catapults have the speed you're looking for.

*I also seem to have some fine-control issues with my mouse, as if i can't target certain pixels. Probably some sort mouse smoothing/acceleration/sensitivity issue? Seems to be in-game issue, no problems on the desktop nor with any other game i can think of right now.

Try adding the following lines to your user.cfg:

i_mouse_smooth = 0
i_mouse_accel = 0
i_mouse_accel_max = 0

It should be located in your main game directory (mine is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online). You'll have to create it if doesn't exist. There is still some negative acceleration even after adding these lines but I haven't had the problem you describe.

They also just added a sensitivity slider in the 5/21 patch so you may want to play around with that. I noticed that my user settings had been reset to default after that patch.

So come back after a short hiatus... I just don't know, it must just be me but all weekend every match I've been on has been extremely lop sided. I never see close games anymore, one side generally just dominates the other side, the score board will show that a team will maybe kill one or two mechs max while getting just wiped.

I haven't really noticed this but I also haven't been playing very long. It's possible PGI tweaked the matchmaking formula since the last time you played. Depending on how long you were gone, maybe your Elo is inaccurate and will take more matches to correct itself and give you more balanced games.
I haven't played much in past 2 months so no idea. But my teams all weekend have been getting wiped. Wasn't like this when I was playing before, had much more even battles. Is there anywhere you can see your rank?
I haven't played much in past 2 months so no idea. But my teams all weekend have been getting wiped. Wasn't like this when I was playing before, had much more even battles. Is there anywhere you can see your rank?

Eh, I always find that quality of games is lower during tournaments, so that may have something to do with it. And no, your ELO score is not viewable to anyone but the developers.


MWO-GAF, what's the most ridiculous PPC boat build that's viable right now? I'll even spend real money on the chassis, I just want to use something cheesy and make people cry.

Probably the last one they're adding to the suite before they officially end the beta, which coincides with UI 2.0 and community warfare.

The PPC fire time was nerfed so PPC boats are not as good anymore. The best combination is a PPC and LRM boat like a Stalker. LRMs are extremely overpowered at the moment.


The PPC fire time was nerfed so PPC boats are not as good anymore. The best combination is a PPC and LRM boat like a Stalker. LRMs are extremely overpowered at the moment.

Their overall DPS has been decreased, but they still deal the same amount of damage to one location. They continue to be very effective at taking off limbs and coring mechs in one to two shots.


Right on, this happens to me all the time in games. I must've started BG2 a dozen times before getting out of the first city because I couldn't figure out how I wanted to play.

We have similar tastes in playstyle and I'm having a blast in a 6x MLAS Jenner F, doing hit and run and short range poptart attacks. Not sure exactly why you're opposed to it, I would give it a shot if you haven't already. Circle-strafing in a light is pretty much suicidal these days except against isolated or bad pilots, and less fun than hit and run anyway.

You might also try a Catapult K2 if you haven't already, it's a decent sniper with its high
mounted arms and you can brawl in it too (I hear AC40 Cats are fun). I've also seen 3X LLAS + 2x SSRM2 Catapult C1s do well. All Catapults have the speed you're looking for.
I really need enough armor, i'm not good with dodging so lights are pretty much out of question (and makes mediums a bit weak for me though i like their mobility even with weak engines).

Not too keen on K2, it may be decent sniper but as a brawler it doesn't work well, its torso and head are too big, and its main weaponry (energy weapons) is vulnerable. This from my experience with SRM/Medium laser C4 (current build is 2xLRM20, 2xSSRM2, 2xMLAS, which makes C4 decent close range defense while being powerful at range).
Gaussapult? I might as well go with JagerMech, while having some novelty, ignoring that i'm not keen on snipers.

Perhaps i could try fast Highlander. Would have to sacrifice some weapons... expensive though.
Guess i'll just have to try various builds with online mechlabs until i find something i might like to try in-game.
Try adding the following lines to your user.cfg:

i_mouse_smooth = 0
i_mouse_accel = 0
i_mouse_accel_max = 0

It should be located in your main game directory (mine is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online). You'll have to create it if doesn't exist. There is still some negative acceleration even after adding these lines but I haven't had the problem you describe.

They also just added a sensitivity slider in the 5/21 patch so you may want to play around with that. I noticed that my user settings had been reset to default after that patch.
Thanks, i'll try that.
I wonder, does the display resolution affect this at all? 1600x900 display, using 1280x720 (same aspect ratio) resolution.

EDIT does JagerMech have wide CT and/or LT/RT? Wondering if sturdy brawler JagerMech works?
EDIT specifically, JagerMech with twin LB 10-X ACs and 2 mediums backing them up. Spreads the damage a bit, but destroys internals fast. 250 Standard gives it good speed, and the rest go for armor. Has FF and DHS.


You could maybe try a Cent, they're very hardy for their weight despite being so big (almost as easy to hit as an assault for some reason). Good Cents who use their shield arm effectively are pretty sturdy. Not a lot of firepower though, especially with SRMs being weak this patch.

Agreed that if you're going to try a gaussapult you may as well play a Jager.

Honestly I think the Cataphract would fit your bill, the low guns are not a big deal if you don't plan to snipe, and their arms have more horizontal arc than the Jager or Catapult which is a big advantage in brawling. Their CT is no easier to hit than a Jager's or Catapult's either. If you don't like their looks, well, not much can be done about that unfortunately. I hate the Jenner's looks but I love to play them so it doesn't bother me too much, especially since there's no 3rd person camera. Of course everyone will weigh cosmetics differently when they're picking mechs.

I haven't tried a fast Highlander before, that sounds interesting. Looks like they can go up to 65 kph with a standard 325 (not sure I would risk an XL in a Highlander), but after maxing armor you only have about as much free tonnage for weapons as a Cataphract would. Might still be worth a shot if you don't like Cataphracts.

D-DC is another option if you want a brawler/support.

I don't see why display resolution would affect your mouse precision, but I run my game at native res fullscreen so I can't say for sure if that makes a difference.

EDIT I find Jager torsos to be about as easy to hit as a Cataphract's from dead ahead, but you can't block your sides with your arms as well.


Centurion is a fun mech but i've played enough with them. Ran around with relatively standard build (the basic model), with DHS/FF, extra ammo. Good mech but suffers from various issues, hard to play effectively.

From mediums, Trebuchet looks nice but it is too similar to Catapult in practice, unless i turn it into a SRM brawler.
Blackjack is kinda interesting but i dislike energy boating, and it is a bit light for ballistics, especially since i can't stand making it with just one, the design screams "make me symmetric!".

Don't like Cataphract. Ugly, the weapons are confusingly low-slung. Played enough with trial 'Phracts to know this. Also has wide torsos. All of them.

Had some fast Highlander build made... but it seems i closed the tab. Sigh. I'll figure it out again later.

Victor would be better for fast mech build, slightly more efficient (lighter=faster for any give engine rate) than Highlander and has energy slots in the left arm instead of torso, and missiles in the torso, which i like more. Also i couldn't find use for all Highlander missile slots.

Would love Orion... twin large lasers/PPCs/medium pulses, a LB 10-X AC/Gauss/AC20, and a SRM/LRM launcher or both, with enough speed and armor for me. The concept art does seem to have a tad large center torso but that may make XL Engine Brawler feasible (small side torsos mean i'm getting cored more likely than not so not much reason to avoid XL).

Like symmetrical primary weapons with one big gun and some back-up like SRM pack.
Too bad Warhammer and/or Marauder are not available, both have good (probable) hardpoint layouts.

EDIT lol, i forgot, Marauder has rather low-slung arm weapons, should it ever be added to the game. Hmph. Well, as long as the main gun is more or less centered, i'd be fine with it. Not that we'll ever see it...
How often does paint go on sale? I'm getting sick of these basic colors and want me some tans/browns/greys/white, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay full price for that shit.

Also if you guys haven't added me yet, add me! 'Vertigo 1' I play pretty much every day.
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