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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


3rd person being a drone camera always sounded fine to me. Yes, even in simulators there are drones, get over it.

That said, I actually haven't played the game in a long time, stopped well before 3rd person was added, so I'd have to see what the implementation of it is.

But for the most part, people always find reasons to be upset.

I think they could have dealt with this via a better in-game HUD that would show not only a better indicator of torso twist and nearby objects, but also whether your guns were obscured from where your crosshair was pointing.

3rd person view itself wouldn't have been that much of a problem if they had kept their word and added the hardcore mode (locked 1st person view). But the day the patch arrived they told it wouldn't happen.
Then they repeated that with UI 2.0 and Community Warfare and Launch Day...


I'd be up for a 'hardcore' mode if 3PV was actually of any sort of remote benefit, but it really isn't (maybe you could look around corners better as a scout, I guess, meh - I'll take actual HUD with radar/seismic sensor AND NOT HAVING FORCED ARM LOCK WHEN IN 3PV over that any day). It's an absolutely useless feature that doesn't add anything to the game, but doesn't actually take away anything either. I feel a hardcore mode would just segment the community at this point.

3PV basically helps triage who the idiots are on your team, nothing more. Honestly, if you're that down on it, it sounds more like a psychological barrier (it was supposed to be a SIM! A SIM!!!!!) than 3PV actually giving any sort of actual gameplay advantage. It's not like in War Thunder or whatever where 3PV grants a massive situational awareness advantage or anything, it's just a cosmetic dumb feature that lets you look at your mech, and actually takes AWAY hud elements that *reduce* your situational awareness and combat effectiveness.
Yea 3pv is not really worth a damn, but they really shat all over their reputation with their fans. And the game I don't think is drawing in huge numbers, for them to have gone and pissed off much of the hardcore player base was a massive mistake.


Neo Member
The "hardcore" will always find something to be pissed about, to be honest. That type of player can have tunnel vision. Any small perceived slight sets them off, even if it ends up being minor in effect.

I want them to put back in collisions and even terrain collisions with severe consequences. I'm tired of lights rocketing around cramped levels with no regard for safety. Crashing a 10-20 ton mech into a building or hill at 120kph should do something nasty. And I want this even though my primary mech is a Commando.

I also want to see them replace the missions that are crappy leftovers from world of tanks. It's a waste of a license to have the basic mission be such crap.
The "hardcore" will always find something to be pissed about, to be honest. That type of player can have tunnel vision. Any small perceived slight sets them off, even if it ends up being minor in effect.

To be honest, I want them to put back in collisions and even terrain collisions with severe consequences. I'm tired of lights rocketing around cramped levels with no regard for safety. Crashing a 10-20 ton mech into a building or hill at 120kph should do something nasty. And I want this even though my primary mech is a Commando.

I also want to see them replace the missions that are crappy leftovers from world of tanks. It's a waste of a license to have the basic mission be such crap.

The problem is, MechWarrior is a niche game, it caters to the hardcore crowd. To piss off your primary player base is a major issue. This isn't like other online games where you have huge player pool and a constant flow of casual players.
Had my first game scoring over 1000 damage last night with 8 kills. Would say it's because I'm getting better but it felt more like the other team were awful.


There's the hardcore fans of the Battletech franchise and Mechwarrior games. That's who they initially pulled in with their promises of a new online Mechwarrior sim game.

Then when it came time to deliver, they ended up with a F2P that attracted the other type of "hardcore". The general hardcore "competetive gamer" with the qqs and the lolnoobsuck and the COD references and the general feeling that you're playing against a 12 year old in a die-respawn-die cycle of gaming hell.

When they added a mode that literally turns the game into MechAssault, some of the original backers cried foul. I don't know who was more to blame. PGI under Microsoft/IGP for overpromising, or us, the players for believing anything they said.

YEah, it's a game with mechs, well giant robot characters with lasers and projectiles. But it isn't a sim, and it's barely a Battletech game. More of a deathmatch demonstrator waiting for the full game to be implemented.


I looked up the current status of Hawken and it seems the game now has a coop mode against waves of AI. Why can't the MW:O team be as efficient? We're still stuck with the same game modes with almost no type of meta-game.
I looked up the current status of Hawken and it seems the game now has a coop mode against waves of AI. Why can't the MW:O team be as efficient? We're still stuck with the same game modes with almost no type of meta-game.

Hawken is what I moved to for my giant robo fix. The game is insanely fun. I can't say I had much fun playing MWO. It needs missions or at least more interesting game types.


Still playing on and off. Less recently because no time.

Latest patch sounds good. Shadowhawk is released for the masses (the best of the phoenix mechs), and the hitboxes changes seem to be for the better.


I've been playing it several times a week except the past month b/c I've been busy moving into a new place. I hopped in for my first game in a while last night and had a blast.

I'm liking the hitbox tuning they're starting and the additional rewards for UAV and ECM countering.


Man, I've bought the Legendary pack or whatever it was called and haven't played since the beta. Maybe I should give it another try but after what I played I don't have any hope for the game anymore.


The last update was awesome. Orions and Awesomes had their hitboxes trimmed(they're still walking barn doors though). Shadowhawk has been released for non-Phoenix peasants.

I'm especially enjoying the Shadowhawk. It's tall but extremely slim, so it's very hard to target a specific component. Incoming damage tends to split between torso hitboxes, which makes this mech extremely durable.

Most people prefer sniping with it, but as a brawler I find this mech incredibly fun. Put on a few SRM2's and LBX10's(their cooldowns sync nicely) and you're in for a thriller. The most fun I've had as a brawler since I played with my Trebuchets.
Not really had much of a go recently, the basics seem to be there but it needs more variety and an influx of maps.

Hopefully CW will bring about something new.


Gold Member
Uninstalled two weeks ago and haven't missed it since.
Very unfortunate because it seemed like something I could enjoy for a long time, but pub gameplay is just unbearable. My friends gave up long ago, and I was the last holdout, but I couldn't enjoy the game in its current state. I also have no hopes for future improvements. RIP in peace.
Odd, Mechwarrior play online was around for years and people were happy with it, and still play, and those games had no CW or any of the features they claim this game needs.
I found this to be a better mech piloting experience, in the end =P



Odd, Mechwarrior play online was around for years and people were happy with it, and still play, and those games had no CW or any of the features they claim this game needs.

Unless you're talking about LL, those other online games were MP sections of a Singleplayer game. And LL had lots of maps, lots of mechs, lots of variety, and it gave the player all the building blocks needed to create the framework for the kind of fun they wanted to have. If they wanted a lot of teamwork and structure and organization, with all the support vehicles and all of that, they could have it.

With MWO you have team deathmatch and you have base capture, with limited structuring ability, very little communication, and 70% of the players in the game won't care about either, because they're just trying to grind. The pace is slow, the gameplay is slanted, you just have chaotic masses of things shooting at each other, every match.

When I used to play netmech or mech2mercs online we had to push the limit of the game and it was fun. This game, we are fenced in, the technology limitations aren't there, we see the possibilities from other games and we're just not getting them here. It's been over 2 years and people are either getting bored, or they're getting frustrated.

I still run lights and pew pew, but my clan from closed beta is gone, the hundred or so random friends don't play anymore, so it's just me, a list of red names, and the pugs.

edit: the reason I came here - hahahha I just saw the MWO banner ad and it was so bad....If I had been new to Mechwarrior, not only would I not have clicked, I would have completely avoided the game based on the cheesiness of that ad. Holy shit.


Unless you're talking about LL, those other online games were MP sections of a Singleplayer game. And LL had lots of maps, lots of mechs, lots of variety, and it gave the player all the building blocks needed to create the framework for the kind of fun they wanted to have. If they wanted a lot of teamwork and structure and organization, with all the support vehicles and all of that, they could have it.

With MWO you have team deathmatch and you have base capture, with limited structuring ability, very little communication, and 70% of the players in the game won't care about either, because they're just trying to grind. The pace is slow, the gameplay is slanted, you just have chaotic masses of things shooting at each other, every match.

When I used to play netmech or mech2mercs online we had to push the limit of the game and it was fun. This game, we are fenced in, the technology limitations aren't there, we see the possibilities from other games and we're just not getting them here. It's been over 2 years and people are either getting bored, or they're getting frustrated.

It would be nice if they stopped pulling SOE like moves by introducing new things to buy routinely (instead of fixing what is broken) and instead do things to enhance the gameplay and finally release UI 2.0 (1+ year overdue) so more meaningful changes have a chance to take place.

Side by side compare this title with firefall 2 years ago. You had 2 titles that were launch pads for arena death matches essentially with little variety. 2 years later, firefall builds a PVE world and refines existing mechanics. MWO on the other hand is the same exact game as it was before with more shiny things to buy in it. It is difficult to avoid cynasim within the title, but with few direct alternatives competitng with it, it is likely that it will remain for a while to come.


Hey, I'm back sorta. I made the OP for a new OT. (lol)



MechWarrior Online is a massively multiplayer simulation game World of Tanks clone with robits, developed by a sentient mass of incompetence and ill will Piranha Games. Set in FASA's venerable BattleTech universe, MWO puts players in the role of the eponymous giant robot pilots, allowing them to re-enact battles involving the houses of the Inner Sphere and mercenary corps, both player-made and canonical throw themselves into an endless meat grinder of decent-ish mechanized combat, grinding for Neo-Shekels to buy the parts they need for the next flavor of the month ‘Mech build. Community Warfare promises to let players align themselves with a canonical House or mercenary corps. This feature is coming soon soon-ish eventually when Hell freezes over.

  • MechWarrior Online is supposedly a simulator first and an action game second, but there are no upkeep costs associated with ammo or repairs and you’re free to jump out into a “balanced” third person camera that was implemented in all game modes against the community’s wishes.
  • The battles are purposefully paced but brutal, and you'll have to coordinate with your lance, exploit your enemies' weaknesses, rush out into the fray to core some dudes and/or get torn apart by missiles and think on your feet to succeed lose the match to make sure the game doesn’t raise your Elo rating and match you up with tryhards.
  • The basic gametype consists of three lances (groups of four BattleMechs) pitted against each other on large maps. The battle ends when a team is completely wiped out, or when one team captures the other's base, whichever comes first.
  • Actual 'Mech warfare is a combination of classic MechWarrior games, faithful depictions of BattleTech canon from the tabletop game and novels, in addition to some newly introduced elements. It’s also at the mercy of updates that nerf the most popular strategies in bizarre and unintuitive ways in addition to breaking random shit that may or may not get fixed eventually.
  • 'Mechs come in all shapes and sizes, from 20 ton Light 'Mechs that specialize in scouting and evading enemy fire, to the 100+ ton Assault class decked out with weapons and heavy armor. Some of them are laughably bad and useless, though, and matchmaking revolves overwhelmingly around whatever’s been nerfed the least by recent updates.
  • Players have a pilot skill tree that allows them to unlock modules that can modify the performance of any 'Mech, and can also progress through a skill tree to improve the performance of each 'Mech and 'Mech variant they pilot. This equates to a massive grind for general XP to unlock good modules, which can be conveniently acquired by paying real money to convert ‘Mech-specific XP to general.
  • MWO includes full support for joysticks, throttles, pedals, and gamepads, but you’re horribly handicapping yourself
  • There is a MechLab, which is actually pretty neat and offers pretty respectable customization options.
  • MWO is powered by CryEngine 3, so expect eye-pleasing mediocre visuals and respectable iffy performance on modern machines.


MechWarrior Online is free to play! This means that the game forces you to grind for many hours to unlock stuff with in-game credits unless you feel like buying mechs with real money and/or paying for premium time. If you’re worried about "pay2win" shenanigans, stay worried, because there are some ‘Mech variants that can only be purchased with cash, though not all of them are overpowered.


"You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you."


Official Site
Online MechLab
Stats and Info

If anyone wants to help me make it more Shit Mountain-y, be my guest. Quote this post for a Google Docs URL.

Current considered titles are:
  • MechWarrior Online |OT| You could have used your powers for good
  • MechWarrior Online |OT| We cling to what is lost

Still planning to wait for Community Warfare and UI 2.0 to actually post, though.


I hope the devs see that OT-OP.
Removed the game a while ago, needed the HDD space for Skyrim and other things (except i didn't really need more space).
Hey, I'm back sorta. I made the OP for a new OT. (lol)

If anyone wants to help me make it more Shit Mountain-y, be my guest. Quote this post for a Google Docs URL.

Current considered titles are:
  • MechWarrior Online |OT| You could have used your powers for good
  • MechWarrior Online |OT| We cling to what is lost

Still planning to wait for Community Warfare and UI 2.0 to actually post, though.

I can probably help you out with some graphics and stuff once I finish final exams in 10 days or so.


I hope for the best and expect the worst.

I gotta admit, my fave depiction of the whole situation is this:

There's something mirth-inducing about the differing spinning speed.​
I wouldn't be surprised if it never happens with how vague they have been on it nor shown anything about it.

Neither would I.

I am also greatly appreciative of the information that they couldn't figure out a way to balance clan tech in universe, so they're just throwing it in and making it "play different". (Aka it won't play different).

But my favorite is probably "We're releasing UI 2.0 in a broken state, thanks for helping us bug fix it".

The incompetence, it is equal parts sad and amusing.
It all sounds good in practice it's just the role out seems so slow.

Who's going to play assault once the skirmish gametype is out? and is that going to just end up being 12 assaults vs 12 assaults?
I think it's been about 6 months since I last played? Good to see absolutely nothing has changed since. Seeing one of my beloved childhood IPs mismanaged in such a way still stings, just a little.

Actually, the only surprising news to me is that /mwog/ is still going.
I played for 6 months solid and it was great but the rate of content release is painfully slow and it doesn't look like it's going to get quicker.

Hopefully in a few months the new things will start actually rolling out and it'll reignite my interest.


So I've actually been playing this a bit more recently. Started a second account for the cadet bonus and got myself a JM6-S, currently running it with dual AC/20s and medium lasers. It's fun coring people with big guns, but I hate how fragile I am with an XL engine. Would Gauss Rifles be better?

Also, I'm amazed that the current trial 'Mechs are actually pretty good and fun to use.


Haha. Whatever you do, put this gif in the OT somewhere

And they've finally started talking about team tonnage limits. Though, since UI 2.0 isn't even out yet, I wonder when that'll finally get implemented. It'd probably fix a lot of the 'everyone's an assault' 'mediums are useless' complaints, but somehow hasn't been a priority. ETA:

Updates from yesterday:

They are still missing the point apparently. While those things need to occur, some folks are starting to see the man behind the curtain.

Anyone who still plays the game, run this experiment the next time you drop. After power up of your mech at the start of the match go into 3rd person view. Move your targeting cursor near a friendly or enemy mech. Watch in pure horror as the targeting reticule snaps to the nearest hit location on the machine and follows it within a certain proximity.

Then reflect in revelry about all those times you wondered in the past if an aim assist was concoted (and allowed to exist) for the game and was being used prior to the 3rd person patch.

Some notes. When a part is destroyed it will snap to the next nearest part if close enough (IE no more wasting shots into already blown off legs/torso). Tends to work better with lasers, due to tracking/lead issues. Amusingly useful in fairly open ground versus lights.

If anyone ever wonders which direction the game is being developed in, this gives a pretty large hint.
So what happened to clans are they already in ?

Last time i remember Piranha was against pushing timeline back despite game being nowhere near ready.


The Decals mode in the mech lab is still just there without anything to do with it, right?

And no DX11 yet.

Seriously, I'm disappointed with the way the game has evolved (or rather lack of evolution). I can't believe there is still only one basic mode of playing this game.


Have you tried the Gauss Rifle since they added the charge up?

It's still good once you get used to it but the rate of fire is really poor and you'll likely get owned if someone get's in your face.

Yeah, I went ahead and bought the Gauss setup and it's definitely a more awkward affair than my Gauss-Cat before the changes, though I think I still like the feel of it a bit more than AC/20's. I'll probably spend more time with both builds and see how things go.

The Decals mode in the mech lab is still just there without anything to do with it, right?

And no DX11 yet.

Seriously, I'm disappointed with the way the game has evolved (or rather lack of evolution). I can't believe there is still only one basic mode of playing this game.

Conquest and Assault are different. Sorta. I guess. It sounds like they're actually rolling out the gametype with base turrets ahead of Community Warfare, so that might be interesting.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
In other, better news.

The only really great thing to come out of this game is Alex's art. And that guy who makes the garage kits is now working on a Centurion.


So that's something!
Yes, the art is sooo good, if not a little bit too samey.
So what happened to clans are they already in ?

Last time i remember Piranha was against pushing timeline back despite game being nowhere near ready.

Clans? Lol come back in 2015.
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