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wallbc01 said:
Reviews are all over the place. I'm not a big fan of COD so it sounds like I will enjoy the game :D My buddy picked it up last night and texted me today that it's awesome and we usually have some interests so now I wait for UPS to get here
I'm not sure why not being a fan of Call of Duty means that you'll enjoy this game more, seeing as both games are of the same genre and feature the same setting, style, mechanics, etc.
Always-honest said:
wow.. did they want to make a point towards the devs? :p
6.0 is dissapointing.
remember IGN is revamping their score system (20 point system, .5 increments) and a 7 is good, so 6 isn't terrible.

I don't know. I hate IGN's reviews. GB's 3/5 is the same score, but makes more sense - "if you like these games, you might want to check it out. Its got some problems, but a good rental" or something like that.


commish said:
CoD 1
CoD 2
Killzone 2
Resistance 1
Resistance 2

All of them I bought and never touched the single player for more than 1 or 2 hours total, for all the games COMBINED. Single player is just so boring ...

Anyway, I ordered the game last night. No real desire to play it, but figured what the heck, multiplayer is usually fun for a bit.

Although I did end up finishing the Story modes for R1, R2, KZ2 and MW2. I'm with you man, if the MP is fun, I'll spend my time playing with friends and doing GBs to get a little more competative. If I want a SP game, I'll pop onto an RPG. That's all the value I need.


Neo Member
sdornan said:
I'm not sure why not being a fan of Call of Duty means that you'll enjoy this game more, seeing as both games are of the same genre and feature the same setting, style, mechanics, etc.

Cause after playing the beta I liked the way the game controlled compared to COD and auto aim didnt seem to be there anywhere near as bad as COD. Never liked killstreaks in COD and they dont seem to be as overpowering or as many in MOH. As long as I don't start getting knifed from 10 ft away by a soldier with super human speed and the mp is fixed from the beta I will enjoy this game


Level 7: T1 Recruit (1500xp) - Muzzle Brake (- recoil, + acc)
Whaaaa??? Even less recoil and better acc...That's nuts!

Hari Seldon said:
Don't understand why I would get this with a BC2 expansion on the horizon.
Because you can play more than 1 game at a time? Each game fits into it's own space comfortably. They might all look the same on the surface but they all play differently. You don't have to choose just 1 FPS to rule all ya know....

Buy the BC2 expansion AND MoH? MoH is completely different from BC2


Got the PS3 version last night.
Played the first mission this morning...it's okay. Straight to the point, really no wandering around looking for anything, since there's no extras to find. Teamates give you ammo if you ask, or not if you are full.

Multiplayer is allllll over the fucking place. First I would get this "EA servers are not available. try again later" for 10 minutes. Then you can't input the Online Pass code because it does an auto-check and tells you "Online pass failed."

Matches are pretty hectic. Spawning is almost instant and spawn points are random, but usually next to a team mate. All I heard for an hour was people screaming in their mics "fuck the P90" because of some dude going all ninja and killing everyone. :lol
There are already a lot of people with high levels, so I was getting massacred due to them having much better weapons.

It's decent so far, but I haven't ever played COD, so I can't compare.

Will give it another go later.

Also, MOH Frontlines is on the disc and has to be installed to the hard drive; there's no voucher.


mr_nothin said:
Ppl actually play the SP portions of these games still?

I never jump online until i finish a campaign. I was playing games before online became such a big thing and i still enjoy a good story and single player action.

Sometimes the whole online thing can be overrated.


i'm still unsure if i should get my copy that i reserved at the local gamestop.

it seems good enough, i'm trying to stay away from call of duty really. only online games i've been playing lately are mmorpgs and MAG.

thinking i should just stick to mag and killzone 2.

the free frontlines game is appealing.. like i said before i like single player games including shooters.
mr_nothin said:
Buy the BC2 expansion AND MoH? MoH is completely different from BC2
The MP really isn't though.

GillianSeed79 said:
I just can't get over the horrible timing of the release. Less than a month after Reach and less than a month before Black Ops. I guess it's just me though. I have a feeling this will sell pretty well tbh. I'm actually kind of interested in the MP myself. My brother-in-law even asked me about it. I may pick up later. I just can't see myself dedicating myself to three mp games atm.
Horrible? It's probably the best time it could release.
I just can't get over the horrible timing of the release. Less than a month after Reach and less than a month before Black Ops. I guess it's just me though. I have a feeling this will sell pretty well tbh. I'm actually kind of interested in the MP myself. My brother-in-law even asked me about it. I may pick up later. I just can't see myself dedicating myself to three mp games atm.


Raoh said:
I never jump online until i finish a campaign. I was playing games before online became such a big thing and i still enjoy a good story and single player action.

Sometimes the whole online thing can be overrated.
But with companies focusing more on the MP than the SP, I dont see how people can justify paying for the SP. Campaign is an afterthought now (and it shouldn't be like that but it is) and most people buy these games (Military FPS games) for the MP.

Now when I look into buying these games, I research the MP. If the MP has no value then there's no point in getting the game because the SP is going to suck. I DO look up a little bit on the SP for a game because of the slight chance that it might be good but when all signs point to no then MP it is.

DevelopmentArrested said:
The MP really isn't though.
You cant be serious. I played BFBC2 and the MoH Beta back to back and although they might look the same...they play nothing alike. Maybe higher level play has some similarities (Combat Mission in MoH basically being Rush from BC2 but even more focused). When it comes to gunplay, how one navigates the maps, and what type of decisions one makes in situations...they are totally different and are at opposite sides of the spectrum.
I was considering picking this up this evening with the $25 gift card at K-Mart, but I won't be now. I thought the multiplayer would be a competent, feature filled experience to keep me busy until Black Ops releases and possibly beyond. From what I've read it sounds bare bones. Reach is keeping me more than happy right now with the playlist and team objective fixes.


mr_nothin said:
But with companies focusing more on the MP than the SP, I dont see how people can justify paying for the SP. Campaign is an afterthought now (and it shouldn't be like that but it is) and most people buy these games (Military FPS games) for the MP.

Now when I look into buying these games, I research the MP. If the MP has no value then there's no point in getting the game because the SP is going to suck. I DO look up a little bit on the SP for a game because of the slight chance that it might be good but when all signs point to no then MP it is.

this is why i'm excited for vanquish..

and i never really liked gears of war online at all.. at all i found it completely boring.. but i loved its co op as well as the co op in resistance 2.. killzone 2 campaign was not that long but it was hard enough to make it better than most single player campaigns.

and while i loved the socom series in the past i would always look forward to the single player action as well.. pop 2 in Boomers head and complete my missions with a 3 man squad... then jump online..

way too much emphasis on online now a days.. i saw no reason for a dead space and bioshock multiplayer.. its actually ruining good single player games..


DevelopmentArrested said:
The MP really isn't though.

It depends on your POV. Guns which take an entire clip to kill someone has been replaced with laser guns which kill in 3 shots. The maps are smaller than BC2. But the swimmy controls, rubberbanding, copypasta animations and lack of recoil are back.


Raoh said:
this is why i'm excited for vanquish..

and i never really liked gears of war online at all.. at all i found it completely boring.. but i loved its co op as well as the co op in resistance 2.. killzone 2 campaign was not that long but it was hard enough to make it better than most single player campaigns.

and while i loved the socom series in the past i would always look forward to the single player action as well.. pop 2 in Boomers head and complete my missions with a 3 man squad... then jump online..

way too much emphasis on online now a days.. i saw no reason for a dead space and bioshock multiplayer.. its actually ruining good single player games..
I actually remember when it was SP>MP but back then, online was just getting off the ground. It was almost non-existent. Online play is still relatively new for console gaming so it's being pushed hard. Developers were/are still trying to find out their niche in the online gaming space. Now we're basically entering the refinement stages of MP and I'm guessing that devs will start to put more value into the SP side of things.

With my previous statements, I was only talking about FPS games. When it comes to an FPS game, MP is more valued than SP these days.

The bolded is whole other separate debate but I will say this....Uncharted 2 proved that wrong (KIND OF.....pre-1.04 patch!).


purple cobra said:
Shit man, I'm kinda pissed off right now. Just a couple of minutes ago I got an e-mail telling me the game shipped. But when I saw the total billed it was $57.98. I had a $30.00 credit from an earlier trade-in and I thought they would have automatically used it towards MoH. I just checked and I still have the $30.00 credit.

When you made the order, if you didn't see the discount apply in the review order page, then you didn't get the discount.

Might want to check your order history for that. If anything, you can probably try calling Amazon to see if they will refund you the difference.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
DevelopmentArrested said:
The MP really isn't though.

Horrible? It's probably the best time it could release.

Do you specialize in making posts that make conclusions but don't actually explain how you arrived at said conclusions?


Strider2K99 said:
When you made the order, if you don't see the discount apply in the review order page, then you didn't get the discount.

Might want to check your order history for that. If anything, you can probably try calling Amazon to see if they will refund you the difference.
I had pre-ordered this back in June so I don't remember, but I didn't get that credit till early August (I traded in Singularity). I remember checking the order and there was a blue box with a message telling me I had a credit and if I wanted to use the balance towards the game.

I clicked to do so but it never went through. I figured since the order was in a "hold" state since it hadn't shipped and my card wasn't charged yet I thought it would automatically apply that towards MoH. I e-mailed Amazon last night asking if they could apply that credit towards the game but they wrote back that the order had already shipped and they couldn't.

Oh well. I still have that credit plus I'm getting another $20.00 for pre-ordering MoH. :)


Just watched the QL and I am suprised how boring the game looks for a FPS.

Even more suprising that this is the best EA could come up with for a reboot.


I went to get Sky Heroes today to play with my kid and the Gamestop guy talked me into getting this instead. I played about an hour of the multiplayer and it's pretty fun. I like BFBC 1 & 2 online, and this is similar but there are maps that scale closer to COD, which is something I like. I hope that they can find a way to add a kill cam at some point. I'd give the online portion an 8 based on the fun I've had so far, and the whole package gets an 8.5 for having Frontlines on the disk, which I can't wait to play. Unless the single player is a complete disaster, seems like a good purchase to me.
commish said:
Do you specialize in making posts that make conclusions but don't actually explain how you arrived at said conclusions?
go back and read my in-depth impressions or read ANY review of the game to see why the MP is simply a mish-mash of BFBC2 and MW2. Gunplay feels exactly like any other DICE game. Combat Mission is literally BFBC2 but gimped.
Instead it feels caught between the fast, loose style of Modern Warfare 2 and the somewhat more surgical class-based play of Bad Company 2.
- GB

The idea that this MP is some kind of new breed is hilarious.
I'd forgotten what a great game Frontline is. That soundtrack is still awesome.

Things I've noticed so far:

- They've upgraded some textures (buildings and ground look good from far away, still look like crap close up, the faces and clothing on the character models look a little better). It's got a cleaner, "crisper" look overall. They don't seem to have cleaned up the fonts, videos, or the menus much (if at all).

- It's not true widescreen, looks a tiny bit stretched on the sides, like a panorama mode on an HDTV.

- Soundtrack isn't in 5.1 (although I suppose that can't be helped).

- Iron sights inclusion is okay, but moves around a lot and if you come anywhere near an obstruction it pulls up on you.

It's not really remastered to any great length, but i guess Medal of Honor: Frontline "Cleaned-Up" wouldn't be much of a selling title.

I just realized that if it's true the single player of the new game is really 4 hrs, then the 8 year old bonus game you get is double that length :lol

Overall, though, if you're gonna buy the game anyway, have both consoles, and you've never played Frontline, the PS3 version is the bang for the buck here. It's pretty much the best Frontline is ever going to look, and I suppose it's now the definitive version.
mr_nothin said:
I actually remember when it was SP>MP but back then, online was just getting off the ground. It was almost non-existent. Online play is still relatively new for console gaming so it's being pushed hard. Developers were/are still trying to find out their niche in the online gaming space. Now we're basically entering the refinement stages of MP and I'm guessing that devs will start to put more value into the SP side of things.

With my previous statements, I was only talking about FPS games. When it comes to an FPS game, MP is more valued than SP these days.

The bolded is whole other separate debate but I will say this....Uncharted 2 proved that wrong (KIND OF.....pre-1.04 patch!).

I agree about UC2 being great, but it always feels like the exception. I really crave a good narrative (and diverse gameplay). I just hate these 5-8 hour SP modes that seem like an afterthought. I want to be emotionally involved with my game story. My issue with MP is that even with goals it just feels plotless and I get the feeling it's just an endless repeat. I guess its a testament to how good some MP is that I loved UC2 and BFBC 2 so much.

I just wish more games would use story elements for creating their MP, IIRC wasn't Bioshock 2 set during the fall of rapture?


I don't get it, why when you have the brilliant Frostbite engine running in multiplayer would you choose UE3 of all engines to run the singleplayer?
The reviews have convinced me that I don't need a stop gap FPS between now and Black Ops. Based on what I've read it looks like they spread themselves too thin trying to capture the best elements of both MW2 and BC2. The class system in multiplayer is a huge step back from what one might expect in the genre, which is the exact concern I expressed from last weeks "beta".

This game feels like a huge missed opportunity :(
Zenith said:
I don't get it, why when you have the brilliant Frostbite engine running in multiplayer would you choose UE3 of all engines to run the singleplayer?
Good question, this gen really needs more engines, because UE3 needs a successor and one that deals with pop in better! Is crytek even a possibility to challenge? I was so upset when I found out Ragetek now stays internal. I remeber caring about a new Id game not for the game itself, but because it would power so many other games.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Zenith said:
I don't get it, why when you have the brilliant Frostbite engine running in multiplayer would you choose UE3 of all engines to run the singleplayer?
The team had worked with UE3 before with Airborne so it makes sense that they wouldn't go learn a new engine. It's just not cost effective to retrain everyone.

Also, I would bet good money that Dice for multiplayer wasn't there since inception.


Stallion Free said:
The team had worked with UE3 before with Airborne so it makes sense that they wouldn't go learn a new engine. It's just not cost effective to retrain everyone.

Also, I would bet good money that Dice for multiplayer wasn't there since inception.
I think you're probably right.


Stallion Free said:
The team had worked with UE3 before with Airborne so it makes sense that they wouldn't go learn a new engine. It's just not cost effective to retrain everyone.

Also, I would bet good money that Dice for multiplayer wasn't there since inception.

but it looks hideous. It looks identical to Blacksite's Iraq levels. you can't go up against CoD with an unmodified UE3 engine. the textures, the pop-in. I walk back and forth and marvel at how my AI teammates transform as I pass the LOD mark.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Zenith said:
but it looks hideous. It looks identical to Blacksite's Iraq levels. you can't go up against CoD with an unmodified UE3 engine. the textures, the pop-in. I walk back and forth and marvel at how my AI teammates transform as I pass the LOD mark.
UE3 can look incredible in capable hands on PC. Don't hate the engine, hate the limited tech of the consoles (honestly, Frostbite looks pretty mediocre on consoles too, PC is where it shines) and hated the artists who failed to make the most of the technological environment.
Zenith said:
but it looks hideous. It looks identical to Blacksite's Iraq levels. you can't go up against CoD with an unmodified UE3 engine. the textures, the pop-in. I walk back and forth and marvel at how my AI teammates transform as I pass the LOD mark.


Stallion Free said:
UE3 can look incredible in capable hands on PC. Don't hate the engine, hate the limited tech of the consoles (honestly, Frostbite looks pretty mediocre on consoles too, PC is where it shines) and hated the artists who failed to make the most of the technological environment.
But if UE3 has such issues on consoles, while plenty of other engines don't, can it really be considered a great engine?
I pesonnaly don't have any grief against it, some games using it just look incredible -Arkham Asylum, Mirror's edge, Enslaved, Bioshock to name a few- but there are areas where it isn't up to snuff -facial animations for example.
I have my copy paid for and will be able to get it in few hours.

So is it worth to pull the trigger or save the money on something else?


Caspel said:
Thanks. I'll let our staff member your thoughts. This and Dead Rising 2 aren't exactly stirring the crowds in a positive manner like I had imagined.

Actualy from what I'm hearing, it seems an update pushed to XBL yesterday, or Sunday, may address some of the glitchyess users were experiencing on the 360 version. I'm not positive tho.

I manged to snag my copy early on account of the Canadian thanksgiving holiday, and most of my time with the game til now was before the game update.

So, Ima check it out after work tonight and see if my experience is any better. Hopefully, no more mission bug outs. If the AI is a little better too that would definately influence my score in a positive direction.


Missed opportunity on the relaunch of a once-great franchise. Poor calendar placement of the launch, surrounded by Halo Reach and Call of Duty Black Ops, meant little room for error and EA's two-team development strategy didn't pay off. The single player does nothing new and aping several key scenes from the genre's kings just highlights how much this game isn't those ones, and the multiplayer is a mixed-bag-blend of MW2 and Bad Company 2 that doesn't include the high points from either game but does suffer from some of their problems.

$60+ for uninspired multiplayer and a four hour campaign full of inconsistent (trending towards poor) texturing, invisible walls, terrible enemy (and friendly) AI, and glitches that require restarting the entire mission? Save your money, there's far better games out there.


wallbc01 said:
Reviews are all over the place. I'm not a big fan of COD so it sounds like I will enjoy the game :D My buddy picked it up last night and texted me today that it's awesome and we usually have some interests so now I wait for UPS to get here
This is why reviews mean nothing to me and i never take them into consideration, plenty of games i love have gotten 2-3/5 and alot of 4-5/5 i didn't like and thought were incredibly overrated and not that fun like reach and modern warfare 2.

ive put in 2 hours in the SP so far and im digging it, i love SP portions of shooter games and i did really enjoy the MW2 SP but the multiplayer to me felt like it wanted to hold your hand too much which is why i enjoy the MP in this much more.

overall i love it and i don't regret paying 65$ for it


Neuromancer said:
Don't understand why I would get this with Black Ops on the horizon.
Don't understand why i would want a game from an overrated and noobish hand holding MP (BO) when i have this :D

all opinions, have 0 interest in black ops.


I really cant wait to replay the arnhem knights level again on Frontline. The aireyness of that mission, going down them tall narrow streets, loved it.

Music on that level was spot on
Chrange said:
Missed opportunity on the relaunch of a once-great franchise. Poor calendar placement of the launch, surrounded by Halo Reach and Call of Duty Black Ops, meant little room for error and EA's two-team development strategy didn't pay off. The single player does nothing new and aping several key scenes from the genre's kings just highlights how much this game isn't those ones, and the multiplayer is a mixed-bag-blend of MW2 and Bad Company 2 that doesn't include the high points from either game but does suffer from some of their problems.

$60+ for uninspired multiplayer and a four hour campaign full of inconsistent (trending towards poor) texturing, invisible walls, terrible enemy (and friendly) AI, and glitches that require restarting the entire mission? Save your money, there's far better games out there.
Will do but I must say I miss your Sheldon avatar, bring it back!
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