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Click said:
Thanks fort he initial online impressions. Everyone's talking about SP, which I couldn't give 2 shits about.

Sounds like this game's MP blows. We need more people to post their opinion on the MP...
I posted a lot about the MP in the beta threads. I really enjoyed it (32 hours during the 3 day beta and a lot more than that during the 1st beta). It's niche is basically in between BC2/MW2/and Old School PC Online games. That's the perfect balance for me. I played a little bit of the console version during the 1st beta phase and thought it wasnt that great but I kind of liked the direction of the game. Switched over to PC and really enjoyed the game.

It's basically for people who think MW2 is a little TOOOO over the top and unbalanced and who think BC2 requires a little bit too much effort/patience sometimes. I dont really like MW2 that much. I love BC2 but sometimes I just want to run around a little bit more and shoot shit. You can play MoH like CODMW but then you're doing it wrong. You need to do a little bit more thinking (albeit quick thinking) but still be able to react and respond on a dime. It's not always about the gunplay, it's about how well you approach the different seituations. Also, it's not always required for you to use iron sights...hip shooting actually helps you a lot. It allows you to dodge bullets more since you're moving faster...I'm betting this is only for the PC version though since it's probably a lot harder to hip fire on the console version.
kevm3 said:
Overall the multiplayer is solid. Pretty much what has been said before. Battlefield feel with smaller maps. A couple things annoy me about it though:
1) Why is prone not in this game?
2) There needs to be more maps. Feels like for team deathmatch you're only playing 4 maps over and over again.

I completely disagree. The MP is inferior to BFBC2 in everyway. Matchingmaking options alone are even more limited (how? Why?), lacking visually/graphically and not just compared to BFBC2 but other online shooters in general. I feel the gunplay is subpar, kills and deaths feel hollow. The "killstreaks" (specifically the offensive based ones) are a mixed bag, but compared to CoD they are fairly balanced. You can abuse them under certain conditions, I unntentionally managed to nuke the opposing one round...back to back 'streaks' because I kept hitting their general spawn area. I ended the match with a cruise missile (got the last kills). I went 36-1. It was a hollow victory for myself. I have no gripes with the pacing, I love it. But the games feels like a cheap imitation of other competent shooters avaliable on the market.

Going to sound crazy, but I can honestly say I enjoyed MW2 MP more.


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
I completely disagree. The MP is inferior to BFBC2 in everyway. Matchingmaking options alone are even more limited (how? Why?), lacking visually/graphically and not just compared to BFBC2 but other online shooters in general. I feel the gunplay is subpar, kills and deaths feel hollow. The "killstreaks" (specifically the offensive based ones) are a mixed bag, but compared to CoD they are fairly balanced. You can abuse them under certain conditions, I unntentionally managed to nuke the opposing one round...back to back 'streaks' because I kept hitting their general spawn area. I ended the match with a cruise missile (got the last kills). I went 36-1. It was a hollow victory for myself. I have no gripes with the pacing, I love it. But the games feels like a cheap imitation of other competent shooters avaliable on the market.

Going to sound crazy, but I can honestly say I enjoyed MW2 MP more.
I was just about to call you to see what you thought of it but I thought it was too late. I expected to hear exactly this...These would probably be my impressions of the console version too!
mr_nothin said:
I was just about to call you to see what you thought of it but I thought it was too late. I expected to hear exactly this...These would probably be my impressions of the console version too!

I will say the map layouts are well designed. Unfortunately the only redeeming feature of MP. And while I agree th PC version is definitely the superior version, I still feel the core game mechanics and such are nothing special, making little effort to separate itself from the bunch. I guess I would define it as a dumbed down BFBC2...but that's too much of a compliment.


i only recall hearing lincoln park for like 1 minute on the helicopter level and in the credits. the rest of the music is really good actually.
Is multiplayer on 360 unplayable for anyone else? I guess it's just laggy as hell, cause I'm basically walking underwater. The action is going on fine around me though, so I dunno. I didn't have this trouble with Halo, MW or BC2 though.


This is way more enjoyable than Battlefield to me. Battlefield is more polished, but that game felt lonely and had too many vehicles. This game takes the focus back on gunplay and frequency of encounters. I'll come back with more impressions after I play some more.

This is probably the most fun I've had with a shooter since MW1. It doesn't reach those heights, but this is takes shooters back in a direction I like.

What is good about this title?
1) Focus on gunplay. The killstreaks are nice, but they're not anything worth camping for. People won't be hiding in bushes so they can get some overpowered killstreaks. The choice of defensive/offensive killstreams is good.

2) No vehicles in team deathmatch. They have tanks in the rush mode however. It avoids the annoyance of having a match flooded with overpowered vehicles everywhere and avoids having people fighting over them. This goes back to focusing on gunplay.

3) No aggravating perks. There is no knifing 20 feet across the screen, no running at super human speeds. No annoying juggernaut which makes enemies nearly impossible to kill if you're lagging. No one man army/scavenger for unlimited explosives

4) The explosives are not overpowered. The grenades have a fairly small blast radius. I've probably only gotten one kill with it... Maybe two. This is good. I've gotten a couple of kills with the grenade launcher as well, but it's nowhere near overpowered. Explosives are not spamworthy in this game.

5) No gun has been all that overpowered as of yet. We'll have to see when more are unlocked.

6) This has the team oriented concept of battlefield except for tighter situations. It feels good to be able to hear all your other teammates talking as opposed to those in your squad. This is more team-oriented than the COD series, but not quite as much as Battlefield. You don't have to join a solid team/squad to have fun, but you will be a good deal more successful if you work with your team.

7) No babying elements such as killcams. If you get killed, you are not rewarded with an automatic position on your enemy. You are not given free/easy kills after dying due to things such as last stand or martyrdom.

8) Frequency of encounters. This game has a good flow. You won't be running around 5 minutes trying to find enemies. On the other hand, this game avoids feeling crowded as well.

The downsides?
1) This game isn't particularly polished. It feels a bit barebones.

2) There is no party system as far as I can tell.

3) EA really needs to put some more maps in this. I've been playing the same maps over and over.

4) Doesn't reach the level of the pavlonian reward interface of COD. You don't get all the awesome guitar riffs and screen splash graphics after killing someone. You get a little ribbon pop-up which is cool, but the 'reward interface' isn't nearly as polished as COD.

This title isn't particularly innovative, but it goes back to what I enjoy about shooters and which is why MW1 was my favorite shooter. It goes back to focusing on the actual shooting and there are frequent encounters. The overall feel of the guns are good as you should expect from Dice. I would say the feel is slightly behind MW1 but ahead of the tinny feel of WAW. Right now I'd put it in the 8 category. If it had a good deal more polish, this would easily be a 9 in my book.


Multiplayer Impressions

Alright.. just spent an hour online (over 30k online on Live right now)

It really is a fast paced Battlefield. If you like how DICE games control then you should enjoy this but expect to die plenty at first while you figure things out.

If you are a Battlefield player I would suggest getting online and feasting on the COD players as they run out into the open over and over. The guns feel really good to me and although the unlock system is very limited it is enough for me.

I really like that streaks are not just tied to kills and you can either use them for offense or for your entire team in a support role. I think this might be the best thing about multiplayer.

Game is solid from what I could tell.. maps are not rotating on their own and people are not vetoing so you get stuck playing the same map over and over. I think that part of the game is busted at the moment.

Lets talk about spawns.. it seems snipers have already figured out a few key spots to kill people over and over as they spawn. I think a few seconds where you can not be hurt is needed upon spawning.

Servers are up right now but there is some strange jerky lag once in a while which really throws you off.. feels like early Bad Company server stuff.

Map variety is pretty meh.. they all look the same but so far they are fairly well designed.

Overall I really enjoy the online and it will fill the gap till Black Ops and BC Vietnam very well. Go into it knowing that it is neither Battlefield or COD but a good mix of both.

24 people on the maps can get crazy.. pro tip.. hug the walls, do NOT run out from cover. Take your time and pick off those that are running all over the place.

I am very happy with how it turned out. It is in no way groundbreaking or amazing but its very solid.

Another big positive is DICE brought their audio team in and you can tell. Something about how they do ambient audio during matches that no other dev can match. Audio is fantastic online.

Just my initial impressions.. I went into it with a very open mind and a love for DICE. I enjoy it for what it is..

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
sflufan said:
I should've known that those guys would've ended up in Iraq eventually too. If there is ever one group that have the ruthlessness, competence, and experience to be an adversary worth fearing, it's THEM!

No doubt.

On a side note, while the multi isn't AWESOME, it isn't BAD either.

Black Ops/Reach have nothing to fear from this game, however I loved the single player.

Absoludacrous said:
Is multiplayer on 360 unplayable for anyone else? I guess it's just laggy as hell, cause I'm basically walking underwater. The action is going on fine around me though, so I dunno. I didn't have this trouble with Halo, MW or BC2 though.

Nope I just played about 6 rounds and had a good time too!


Anyone else on the PC getting a 300mb download for single player, after installing the main game. Is it a patch or what?

Also the graphics are really nice, I am really enjoying this so far!

Going to hit up multi player, I wonder if texture and Frame rate issues are a non-pc problem?

Also, whats with all the hate this game is getting right now?

People saying single player is shit? Maybe its a bit short? I don't know I haven't finished it. The game doesn't feel like it has terrible short comings, it's a run of the mill FPS.
To the people who HAVE PLAYED THE GAME, and are asking for more out of it's single player, other then length, what more would you have?

It has stealth missions, it has riding vehicles missions, it has action gunplay, it has sniping, it has using gadgets, it's got everything that I expect in a modern shooter.
On the PC the graphics are really nice, I can't speak for consoles as I haven't played consoles.

I feel that this game is getting a bad rap due to it's a modern war/spec ops style game that is swimming in COD's pool right now, and I get the feeling alot of people would just rather see it fail.

That goat picture of the no texture loading, that never happened to me. I figure I'm about half way through or 2.5 hours into the game and haven't had any bugs/glitches/or problems yet.

I just don't get it, what makes this game come up short in your books? Other than length as I can agree if it clocks in at 3-5 hours it was stupid short.

Would love to see some responses, thanks GAF!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
One thing I've noticed, which I notice in all games of this ilk, not enough people are aware of, or use smoke appropriately. Smoke makes snipers lives hell people, don't bitch about them if you aren't making ample use of your smoke when you move out in the open.



It seems like people who enjoy both MW/MW2 and BC2, dont like this game because they already have "this kind of game" in their library. Same goes for people who ONLY enjoy the MW games. It also seems like the people that enjoy the BC/BC2 games, but dont really enjoy MW games too much, jive with MoH.
So I've put about an hour and a half in the MP on Xbox Live. So far, so good surprisingly. I haven't been kicked out of a single game and haven't noticed any lag between shots and other players. Really needs more maps asap though =/

In the end, it's growing on me that's for sure.
not that bad a game, run n gun mostly so its a good warm up for call of duty black ops.

that amazon $20 credit helped make this a purchase, so when it reaches about $39 i'll probably trade it in or sell it.

but i'm having fun so far :D :D


kevm3 said:
This is way more enjoyable than Battlefield to me. Battlefield is more polished, but that game felt lonely and had too many vehicles. This game takes the focus back on gunplay and frequency of encounters. I'll come back with more impressions after I play some more.

This is probably the most fun I've had with a shooter since MW1. It doesn't reach those heights, but this is takes shooters back in a direction I like.

What is good about this title?
1) Focus on gunplay. The killstreaks are nice, but they're not anything worth camping for. People won't be hiding in bushes so they can get some overpowered killstreaks. The choice of defensive/offensive killstreams is good.

2) No vehicles in team deathmatch. They have tanks in the rush mode however. It avoids the annoyance of having a match flooded with overpowered vehicles everywhere and avoids having people fighting over them. This goes back to focusing on gunplay.

3) No aggravating perks. There is no knifing 20 feet across the screen, no running at super human speeds. No annoying juggernaut which makes enemies nearly impossible to kill if you're lagging. No one man army/scavenger for unlimited explosives

4) The explosives are not overpowered. The grenades have a fairly small blast radius. I've probably only gotten one kill with it... Maybe two. This is good. I've gotten a couple of kills with the grenade launcher as well, but it's nowhere near overpowered. Explosives are not spamworthy in this game.

5) No gun has been all that overpowered as of yet. We'll have to see when more are unlocked.

6) This has the team oriented concept of battlefield except for tighter situations. It feels good to be able to hear all your other teammates talking as opposed to those in your squad. This is more team-oriented than the COD series, but not quite as much as Battlefield. You don't have to join a solid team/squad to have fun, but you will be a good deal more successful if you work with your team.

7) No babying elements such as killcams. If you get killed, you are not rewarded with an automatic position on your enemy. You are not given free/easy kills after dying due to things such as last stand or martyrdom.

8) Frequency of encounters. This game has a good flow. You won't be running around 5 minutes trying to find enemies. On the other hand, this game avoids feeling crowded as well.

The downsides?
1) This game isn't particularly polished. It feels a bit barebones.

2) There is no party system as far as I can tell.

3) EA really needs to put some more maps in this. I've been playing the same maps over and over.

4) Doesn't reach the level of the pavlonian reward interface of COD. You don't get all the awesome guitar riffs and screen splash graphics after killing someone. You get a little ribbon pop-up which is cool, but the 'reward interface' isn't nearly as polished as COD.

This title isn't particularly innovative, but it goes back to what I enjoy about shooters and which is why MW1 was my favorite shooter. It goes back to focusing on the actual shooting and there are frequent encounters. The overall feel of the guns are good as you should expect from Dice. I would say the feel is slightly behind MW1 but ahead of the tinny feel of WAW. Right now I'd put it in the 8 category. If it had a good deal more polish, this would easily be a 9 in my book.

Wow this makes me want to give the game a try. To be honest I just wanted this game to be fast paced action without training wheel perks. Really wanna see how the game changed from beta (the feel). Might grab this before the end of the week.


kevm3 said:
What is good about this title?
1) Focus on gunplay. The killstreaks are nice, but they're not anything worth camping for. People won't be hiding in bushes so they can get some overpowered killstreaks. The choice of defensive/offensive killstreams is good.

2) No vehicles in team deathmatch. They have tanks in the rush mode however. It avoids the annoyance of having a match flooded with overpowered vehicles everywhere and avoids having people fighting over them. This goes back to focusing on gunplay.

3) No aggravating perks. There is no knifing 20 feet across the screen, no running at super human speeds. No annoying juggernaut which makes enemies nearly impossible to kill if you're lagging. No one man army/scavenger for unlimited explosives

4) The explosives are not overpowered. The grenades have a fairly small blast radius. I've probably only gotten one kill with it... Maybe two. This is good. I've gotten a couple of kills with the grenade launcher as well, but it's nowhere near overpowered. Explosives are not spamworthy in this game.

5) No gun has been all that overpowered as of yet. We'll have to see when more are unlocked.

6) This has the team oriented concept of battlefield except for tighter situations. It feels good to be able to hear all your other teammates talking as opposed to those in your squad. This is more team-oriented than the COD series, but not quite as much as Battlefield. You don't have to join a solid team/squad to have fun, but you will be a good deal more successful if you work with your team.

7) No babying elements such as killcams. If you get killed, you are not rewarded with an automatic position on your enemy. You are not given free/easy kills after dying due to things such as last stand or martyrdom.

8) Frequency of encounters. This game has a good flow. You won't be running around 5 minutes trying to find enemies. On the other hand, this game avoids feeling crowded as well.

The downsides?
1) This game isn't particularly polished. It feels a bit barebones.

2) There is no party system as far as I can tell.

3) EA really needs to put some more maps in this. I've been playing the same maps over and over.

4) Doesn't reach the level of the pavlonian reward interface of COD. You don't get all the awesome guitar riffs and screen splash graphics after killing someone. You get a little ribbon pop-up which is cool, but the 'reward interface' isn't nearly as polished as COD.
I can agree with just about everything here!

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
This may be the shortest game I've played in a long time. Rented it this morning, started it around 2pm and just finished it at 11pm in about 3 sittings.

Glad I rented this as I will be able to return it tomorrow for credit. :D
I've played about 2 hours of multiplayer. I think it's great. Combat mission is definitely the best mode to play. If I have a major complaint, it would be spawning. DICE needs to tweak it.


Played some of the SP. It's slower paced than I expected. Haven't played enough to say beyond that though.

For MP, played a bunch of Team Assault. I'll play the other modes tomorrow or so. It's definitely improved in terms of graphics and lighting from the beta.

It might just be that it's the 360 servers, but there is some bad rubberbanding going on. It sometimes screws up with my movement and my aim.

SpiderJerusalem said:
ugh, mine never came either :/
I hope they don't come while I'm at work tomorrow.

Ended up coming in late for me. UPS is so damn random with there deliveries for me. Sometimes it's in the afternoon, other times it's the latest time possible.


I finished the single player and rather enjoyed it. It is way to short as reported. And I personally don't get why the Frostbite Engine was not used for SP as well?
Im ranked 580th on the 360 leaderboard. Over 2.0 k/d. Been playing hardcore mostly due to playlist changes between maps and not having to quit out.

kevm3 said:
This is way more enjoyable than Battlefield to me. Battlefield is more polished, but that game felt lonely and had too many vehicles. This game takes the focus back on gunplay and frequency of encounters. I'll come back with more impressions after I play some more.

This is probably the most fun I've had with a shooter since MW1. It doesn't reach those heights, but this is takes shooters back in a direction I like.

What is good about this title?
1) Focus on gunplay. The killstreaks are nice, but they're not anything worth camping for. People won't be hiding in bushes so they can get some overpowered killstreaks. The choice of defensive/offensive killstreams is good.

2) No vehicles in team deathmatch. They have tanks in the rush mode however. It avoids the annoyance of having a match flooded with overpowered vehicles everywhere and avoids having people fighting over them. This goes back to focusing on gunplay.

3) No aggravating perks. There is no knifing 20 feet across the screen, no running at super human speeds. No annoying juggernaut which makes enemies nearly impossible to kill if you're lagging. No one man army/scavenger for unlimited explosives

4) The explosives are not overpowered. The grenades have a fairly small blast radius. I've probably only gotten one kill with it... Maybe two. This is good. I've gotten a couple of kills with the grenade launcher as well, but it's nowhere near overpowered. Explosives are not spamworthy in this game.

5) No gun has been all that overpowered as of yet. We'll have to see when more are unlocked.

6) This has the team oriented concept of battlefield except for tighter situations. It feels good to be able to hear all your other teammates talking as opposed to those in your squad. This is more team-oriented than the COD series, but not quite as much as Battlefield. You don't have to join a solid team/squad to have fun, but you will be a good deal more successful if you work with your team.

7) No babying elements such as killcams. If you get killed, you are not rewarded with an automatic position on your enemy. You are not given free/easy kills after dying due to things such as last stand or martyrdom.

8) Frequency of encounters. This game has a good flow. You won't be running around 5 minutes trying to find enemies. On the other hand, this game avoids feeling crowded as well.

The downsides?
1) This game isn't particularly polished. It feels a bit barebones.

2) There is no party system as far as I can tell.

3) EA really needs to put some more maps in this. I've been playing the same maps over and over.

4) Doesn't reach the level of the pavlonian reward interface of COD. You don't get all the awesome guitar riffs and screen splash graphics after killing someone. You get a little ribbon pop-up which is cool, but the 'reward interface' isn't nearly as polished as COD.

This title isn't particularly innovative, but it goes back to what I enjoy about shooters and which is why MW1 was my favorite shooter. It goes back to focusing on the actual shooting and there are frequent encounters. The overall feel of the guns are good as you should expect from Dice. I would say the feel is slightly behind MW1 but ahead of the tinny feel of WAW. Right now I'd put it in the 8 category. If it had a good deal more polish, this would easily be a 9 in my book.

There is. You click play with friends, then you have to make a room, I think you press X. Then invite friends. Only limited to 4 and sometimes breaks up your party.

I've played 4+ hours of mp now. over 500 kills. over 14k score. I am loving this game.

Things that I feel need to be added.

-A BETTER working party system.

-A Custom Games lobby. I feel the game could shine as a competitive GB ladder game. Also would be fun playing with certain things turned off.

-This is more of I am not sure? I haven't heard a single person online yet. I switched to party chat once my friends got on but I don't know if Voice chat works in this game. Maybe someone can school me or has had a different experience.

-Longer Durations/Kill Totals. Some of the games are over way too fast. Combat Mission lasts the the longest. Average games of Team assault for me have lasted like 7-8 mins. I think they should up the Score total in team assault for sure.

I was a fan of the beta, despite its flaws. The end product definitely feels a lot better and I am glad people are digging it.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Stoffinator said:
I finished the single player and rather enjoyed it. It is way to short as reported. And I personally don't get why the Frostbite Engine was not used for SP as well?
Danger Close (EALA) has previous experience working with UE3 on Medal of Honor: Airborne, it's not always cost effective/time efficient to retrain everyone to work with a new engine.

Also, it is likely that Dice was brought in to work on the project later on in the dev cycle.


Where this falters in comparison to Battlefield:
1) Battlefield has the better graphics. The graphics in this game can be kind of ugly. It woulda been good with more polish, but they are acceptable.

2) Battlefield has way more vehicles and has more of an 'epic scale; feel than this game. If you want destruction and a bigger focus on teamwork, Battlefield is the way to go. If you like vehicles and huge maps, this isn't the game for you.

3) Classes are not as distinctive here. There are no snipers calling out positions. There are no vehicles to repair. There is no medic to revive people. Most of the classes feel very similar except they have different guns.

Where this excels in comparison to Battlefield:
1) As I said before, I found this more fun than Battlefield due to the simple fact that it is a lot more pick up and play. It reminds me of Call of Duty in that respect. The flow of action is way more frequent due to the smaller maps. In battlefield, I could literally run around for minutes and not find anyone. I get killed and I have to go traverse through the huge stage all over again. Not so in this game. You will frequently encounter enemies. Teamwork is encouraged in this game but not a must to have fun.

2) Less vehicles. That means less of your teammates calling dibs on whatever overpowered vehicle is left on the map. It means less people spamming helicopters and tanks everywhere and thus it means less 'forcing' of using a particular class so you can actually get the rocket launcher to blow the said vehicle up.

3) Different map size will force you to use different guns/play style. This game has a couple of maps that are advantageous for snipers since they are wide open and a couple of maps that are advantageous for assault/spec ops since they are smaller and more closed in. It can get fatiguing playing in those huge battlefield maps all the time.

Where this falters in comparison to Call of Duty:
1) The reward interface isn't all that good. Call of Duty MW2 had all sorts of interesting ribbons and things for you to get when you did certain things in battle. It had guitar riffs when you unlocked stuff. You get ribbons here, but it isn't dramatic. The unlocks don't feel as dramatic either. Call of Duty simply has a better presentation.

2)Depends on whether you like it or not, but doesn't have the momentum shifts of Call of Duty. In Call of Duty, you could be way behind and get a killstreak and call in something like a helicopter and the helicopter nets you all kind of kills and your team catches up. Stuff like this pumps up the adrenaline. In MOH, it's a more calm, methodical grind.

3)Due to low recoil, the guns don't feel as distinctive as they should. This issue wasn't going to be as bad as I thought. I thought the low recoil would make the game feel like laser tag, but it manages to avoid that. The low recoil does rob the game of feeling like you're using very different guns to an extent. Most of them can shoot at extreme distance and couple that with low recoil, they may not feel all that different to you. For example, in MW1 the AK and had a lot of kick. The M4 was weaker but had low recoil.

4) There aren't a ton of game modes or maps. Hopefully EA will get on the ball with this. It can get repetitive playing the same modes and maps over. One thing COD has is variety. This game needs a bit more of it.

5) There is no lobby system. One of the things that was so enjoyable after a match of call of duty is being dumped into the lobby and hearing what the other team thought after you dominated them or they dominated you. You never really get to hear how the other side feels.

Where this excels in comparison to Call of Duty:
1) There are no training wheel perks. You don't get rewarded for dying. You don't get super soldier perks where you are flying across the screen, stabbing people a mile away. There is no cheesy perks like juggernaut.

2) There are no claymores. Grenades have a tiny blast radius. "Noobtubes" will get you killed if you don't know what you are doing with them since they aren't overpowered. I haven't complained about 'grenade spam' once in this game. This must be one of the reasons the game avoids feeling 'crowded', even though some of the maps are small. Not having to worry about some losers throwing frag grenades all over the place is refreshing.

3) There are little to no vehicles depending on game mode if you couldn't stand them in other games. In the combat mission mode which is one team going from base to base trying to take it over, there are tanks, but they aren't overpowered. In team deathmatch mode, no vehicles, which is something that got annoying in World at War when one team took all the tanks... and if you were on a team that didn't know or particularly care to deal with them, you were in trouble.

4) Avoids 'noobifying' the experience. There are no killcams to tell you exactly where your killer was. So if you manage to get a great flank and you know how to stealth, you are actually rewarded since your enemy will actually have to find your position. No martyrdom is amazing. You don't have to do a hundred yard dash every time you kill somebody because a magic grenade drops out of their pocket. You don't have to keep shooting someone and waste a clip because someone is going into last stand.

5) You actually feel like you're in a war at times as you hear bullets whizzing by, explosions going off, etc. Call of Duty never really felt like you were actually in a battle. Had more of a 'gamey' feel.

6) This game goes right back to focusing on gunplay. That's what made MW1 so good, and to a lesser extent, WAW (my fault with WAW was the sort of tinny feel to the guns). The feel of the guns is good. Weighty, but not sluggish. This game takes away from all the extraneous nonsense that started coming in with COD MW2 and goes back to focusing on your ability to find decent cover and to shoot and aim a gun.

7) Less kids playing. That means no 13 year olds making annoying sound effects over and over.

This is a solid game and you'll especially enjoy it if you just want to go back to the gunplay. It is a bit barebones in terms of interface and maps and has an overall unpolished feel, but this is quite enjoyable if you just wanted to get back to the focus on shooting instead of killstreaks and vehicles. This is not an innovative title nor is it some huge blockbuster, but it's quite enjoyable for what it is. I'd give it an 8.
7) Less kids playing. That means no 13 year olds making annoying sound effects over and over.

Does this game have a mute button on PS3? Because I ran across one of those kids and he screamed and dropped every four letter word for 10 straight minutes. ugh..
kevm3 said:
7) Less kids playing. That means no 13 year olds making annoying sound effects over and over.
That right there was the best part of GRAW/GRAW2 multiplayer.

We need more (or some) painfully ultra-realistic shooters.


kevm3 said:
Where this falters in comparison to Battlefield:

Where this excels in comparison to Battlefield:

Where this falters in comparison to Call of Duty:

Where this excels in comparison to Call of Duty:

This is a solid game and you'll especially enjoy it if you just want to go back to the gunplay. It is a bit barebones in terms of interface and maps and has an overall unpolished feel, but this is quite enjoyable if you just wanted to get back to the focus on shooting instead of killstreaks and vehicles. This is not an innovative title nor is it some huge blockbuster, but it's quite enjoyable for what it is. I'd give it an 8.
Another +1 :D
I actually like the barebones approach.
Yeah, the gunplay is pretty fucking awesome. Sadly, it lacks in alot of small detail but yes, gunplay is fucking awesome and is pretty fun for those that don't care about perks or anything.

Also, leaderboard is pretty bleak. It doesn't include K/D Ratio and it doesn't include W/L Ratio. So far, people are playing the way you should play but I guess once they realize that doing the objectives are not important, they won't give a fuck about it which is what I'm worried about. Of course, it does show since I've never won as an attacker yet... :/


Good first impressions, kevm3. You make it sound a lot better than what a lot of others have been saying.

I really like games that have great gunplay, less focus on vehicles, less / no cheap killstreaks / perks, and are more focused on objectives rather than K/D ratio. MoH seems to fit my preferences but the lack of maps, lack of polish, lack of a proper party / group system, and lack of good clan support is holding me back from getting this game right now. Maybe after Dice patch the game up and polish it some more, I'll think about picking up this game.
kevm3 said:

This title isn't particularly innovative, but it goes back to what I enjoy about shooters and which is why MW1 was my favorite shooter. It goes back to focusing on the actual shooting and there are frequent encounters. The overall feel of the guns are good as you should expect from Dice. I would say the feel is slightly behind MW1 but ahead of the tinny feel of WAW. Right now I'd put it in the 8 category. If it had a good deal more polish, this would easily be a 9 in my book.

I would type my impressions but you nailed it. Playing online (360) yesterday for about 3 hours doing TDM and Sector Control, I had no issues logging in, lag wasnt bad (especially for Day 1) and its nice that my deaths in a FPS were coming from actual shooting. One of my biggest beefs with the game is the same beef I have with Halo Reach and that why are there so few levels for multiplayer? Regardless, I paid for what I was expecting. CoD with Battlefield controls. Sure, it lacks polish, but I guess Im more forgiving in that regard. Also in the regard that yeah, only 3 gametypes more or less, but the ones that are there would be the ones I would be cycling through anyways even if there were more. The campaign is a tiny 3.5-4 hours long, but I didnt buy this AT ALL for the single player. The tiny length is what might get me to actually play it.

Overall, its not a masterpiece at all, but I had a ton of fun yesterday playing it, and at no point was I frustrated, which is a nice change of pace from MW2 (and even Reach).


U2NUMB said:
Multiplayer Impressions

Alright.. just spent an hour online (over 30k online on Live right now)

1) It really is a fast paced Battlefield. If you like how DICE games control then you should enjoy this but expect to die plenty at first while you figure things out.

2) If you are a Battlefield player I would suggest getting online and feasting on the COD players as they run out into the open over and over. The guns feel really good to me and although the unlock system is very limited it is enough for me.

3) I really like that streaks are not just tied to kills and you can either use them for offense or for your entire team in a support role. I think this might be the best thing about multiplayer.

4) Lets talk about spawns.. it seems snipers have already figured out a few key spots to kill people over and over as they spawn. I think a few seconds where you can not be hurt is needed upon spawning.

Man, Where to start, I played this for about 3 hours last night on PSN and I was pleasantly surprised! You have a pretty good breakdown, so I'll expand my thoughts on it.

1)- In regards to BFBC2, it is definately a faster paced version, quicker reaction time, better hit detection, and more authentic feel to the weapons. The maps are also much smaller and more "intimate" which is perfect for killing, I didn;t feel like I was running around a map for a long time to find an enemy.

2)- Hell yeah! So true, I could hear people bitchin' in their mics about it, but you could definately pick out some of the CoD lifers that we're giving this a try and were not used to the more lifelike feel to it. " So how does it feel to have a real metal rifle in your hands and not a plastic BB gun?" I went 19-4 in my second online TDM.... good for me, LOL since I just picked up the game and have been playing MAG mostly.

3)- absolutely, I love the "anti-CoD" streak awards, many moral dilemmas will come up I'm sure between you and squadmates, when they see your in beast mode and they need some help. A team I was on last night actually lost a TDM with more kills than the other team because we had 8 "support points" and they had 14 or so... It Does make a difference.

4)- yes, the maps are small and snipers can shoot straight accross the Map. DICE neesd to fix this and quick because I got spawed killed at least 10-15 times last night before I had a chance to fire. The same goes for the morter strikes or missles, they should not be able to kill you as you spawn in your own base!

I really enjoyed the MP games last night, well all except the CoD style Sabbatage game mode, that one sucked! Another thing that is really annoying is the lack of a party of great than 4 players... C'Mon, I play with a LOT of people, your making it hard to make the rounds! also, there is no MIC indicator, I was playing with some new clanmates last night that want to do GBs, however, I never knew who was talking since there is no indicator. This HAS to get fixed. I'll play more of this on Friday night, but so far, so good! I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with the fun factor!


I want a game that is infantry focused unlike BC2 and one that has a more, how to say it, "authentic" feel to it, not dual wielding P90s while running at speedy gonzales speeds and stabing people 20 miles away from you as seen in MW2, which while fun, can't be played all the time

from reading stuff it seems that MoH can deliver this, so i'll probably order it, which means I'll play it on friday :D


shagg_187 said:
Yeah, the gunplay is pretty fucking awesome. Sadly, it lacks in alot of small detail but yes, gunplay is fucking awesome and is pretty fun for those that don't care about perks or anything.

Also, leaderboard is pretty bleak. It doesn't include K/D Ratio and it doesn't include W/L Ratio. So far, people are playing the way you should play but I guess once they realize that doing the objectives are not important, they won't give a fuck about it which is what I'm worried about. Of course, it does show since I've never won as an attacker yet... :/

Why do people keep saying this? I thought I remembered reading somewhere that the "streaks" are based off of points, not kills. After you get so many points you unlock your next point streak, capping objectives makes this much easier to complete.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Gritesh said:
Why do people keep saying this? I thought I remembered reading somewhere that the "streaks" are based off of points, not kills. After you get so many points you unlock your next point streak, capping objectives makes this much easier to complete.

Yeah, definitely the case. I had some streaks going and I definitely wasn't killing multiple people in a row without dying.
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