Few thoughts on the SP: Aim down sights on the PC- Fix the sensitivity already. If you go anything more than iron or red dot it's squirly as hell and incredibly difficult to aim. No FoV slider either. Ugh. Lazy cunts.
The game it's self is incredibly scripted better hidden than the previous game mind. But each mission is little more of a pop up shooter: you'll enter a new area clear it out, breach a door and rinse and repeat. While CoD managed to hide it with 1001 Bay-esq explosions, MoH doesn't have that and it doesn't capture the weight of the Ukraine mission from CoD4 which I think it is going for. Bland is the best way to describe it, I found the BF3 single player more enjoyable and memorable than this so far. Also that video doing the rounds? It's not even the first mission, it's an intro. There are many reasons to give the SP grief but that isn't really one of them. To rake them over the coals for a heavily scripted intro is cynicism on par with 4chan when it comes to EA games.
MP: Guns feel meaty but I feel they do too much damage considering the recoil on some of the guns. Though if you're standing it gives enough recoil to stop the game being a run, pop, run, pop shit fest. It often becomes someone spots someone else at a medium range and drops them before they can react. Fair enough if it's a head shot but often it's just a handful of body shots. Even if you're close to cover it's often not enough time to slide in to it. It feels like I'm being rewarded for reaction times rather than strategy, even CoD gives you a chance to pop off a grenade and flank the bastard shooting at you. To give them credit the guns feel like they service their class well which is a plesent break from flavour of the month weapons found in CoD. Carbines feel great close range, assault rifles are great at medium and the LMG is great for herassing people.
To give them credit the buddy system is great, you can't spawn on someone if they are in combat (HI DICE FANCY PICKING UP THIS FUCKING FEATURE? THANKS LOVE EVERYONE.) you can only resupply your team mate and you can heal each other quickly back to 100% HP. If you're off running about on your own it takes a damn sight longer to regenerate back to full. Not to mention if you manage to avenge your friend after he takes a fall his respawn time is immediate and he will spawn back on you which is a great touch.
I can't comment on each of the class abilities because I haven't played them all yet! Foot steps aren't loud enough to make this a methodical shooter either. Everyone sounds like they are running on a carpet rather than in heavy boots covered in kevlar and ammo. If I could hear them at range I might find my self utilizing the lean more often which brings me on to the maps. They can be described as babbys first maps. Nothing stands out in them at all besides the environment. Everyone knows a good map: Q3DM17, Pipeline, de_train etc Each has a unique feel to them, vertical combat and a distinct look or set of choke points which stand out. MoH, so far, has none of those. No real vertical combat everything is on a low first floor just in range of your shitty snap to aim found on consoles. There are no stand out geometry which you know to be good for snipers or holding people back from bum rushing your flank. Then to finish it off, half of these maps are lacking any sort of soul. I find difficulty giving it a word but it's a feeling you have about a good map which sets it apart from the rest. Much like the SP, every map I've tried so far, can be described as bland. Like eating a vanilla rich tea. Nothing wrong with it but you wouldn't pay a premium price for a packet of them. You definitely wouldn't get 8 in a pack either.
Edit: I should mention I also like the destruction, DICE could take some tips. The world feels like it is made out of concrete and steel rather than polystyrene. It takes a lot of small arms fire to degrade a wall though I'd like to see a rocket leave a solid hole when I've fired at something.