jett said:
I wonder if Yakuza will be able to hold on for dear life.
Ah who am I kidding, it's gonna drop like a fucking rock. Not a single next-gen game has demonstrated even remotely decent legs in Japan so far...
Here are some decent legs for the games for the hardcore which typically have 50% frontloads on their first week:
1 Blue Dragon
ブルードラゴン Microsoft
マイクロソフト RPG 07/12/2006
First Week 82.286 Units (40,39% of LTD)
LTD 203.740 Units
12 Ace Combat 6 (Platinum Collection)
エースコンバット6 解放への戦火 (プラチナコレクション
Bandai Namco
バンダイナムコ STG 06/11/2008
First Week 6.044 Units (7,50% of LTD)
LTD 80.608 Units
13 Beautiful Katamari Damashii (Platinum Collection)
ビューティフル塊魂 (プラチナコレクション
Bandai Namco
バンダイナムコ ACT 06/11/2008
First Week 5.782 Units (7,29% of LTD)
LTD 79.334 Units
2 Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
みんなのGOLF 5 SCE
SCE SPT 26/07/2007
First Week 175.750 Units (45,66% of LTD)
LTD 384.882 Units
If you wanted something more meaty that people would give a shit about that had higher total sales, you need look no further than Gran Turismo
8 Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Spec.III
グランツーリスモ5プロローグ SpecIII SCE
SCE RCG 30/10/2008
First Week 34.186 Units (11,83% of LTD)
LTD 289.077 Units
Can someone tell me why GT5
Spec III is selling? How does it have such long legs at 11.83%? Is it a pack-in with all hardware now?