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Media Create Sales: 04 - 10 Dec (HOLY ****ING CRAP edition)


Xeke said:
Don't be hatin.

I guess there is a chance my predictions could be off, but I think they're rock solid.............:lol

DS got casual gamers, and 2007 will bring it the very core gamer (FF XII, Dragon Quest IX, ASH, etc...). That's only the beginning of the success.

However, I really want to see what will happen to the PSP.


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
Elios83 said:
Well it's not like there can be miracles for PS3 software sales in Japan. RR7 and Gundam are selling to 20-30% of the userbase so far which is pretty good

You're wrong. PS3 software tie ratio is still well below 1. Software sales are bad. Like I said, I'm sure things will improve in 2007, but it is a poor start.

Elios83 said:
I don't think Wii software sales are that good either,with third parties games MIA, Zelda doing terrible, only Wii Sports and Wii Play are selling well.

This is where your PS3 argument actually does work. Wii software tie ratio is pretty high and after Play/Sports the sales of Zelda are pretty solid (~40% of userbase) considering it isn't the top selling Wii game. Third party titles aren't selling well because it is a Nintendo launch and people don't typically buy 3+ games during that period. The fate of 3rd parties on Wii is not going to be revealed in the Japanese launch numbers.

Elios83 said:
Expectations, Zelda is the best game Nintendo has made in a long time.It should have outsold those non-games with ease (as happaned in the US market).Those sales show that Japanese don't care about Zelda,and that's terrible indeed.

just be quiet now

Magicpaint said:
Chocobo, Rockman and Pokemon have had awful starts, that's not too good :/

awful to start with 35k-50k first day sales when the userbase is only 450k and has just bought 2 games a few weeks ago? right :lol


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
Some pie-charts

System sales this week & last week:



Manufacturer sales this week & last week:



2006 sales:



Lifetime sales:



If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
bloke said:
first day sales from http://ameblo.jp/sinobi/day-20061215.html

NDS Fuurani no Shiren 50k
NDS Ryuusei no RockMan 40k all 3 versions
NDS Puyo Puyo 15th an. 20k
Wii Pokemon Battle Rev. 35k

titles that sold between 10-15k if I got it right
NDS Chocobo to Mahou
360 EDF3
Wii Bleach
PS3 Motorstorm
360 Oneechanbara vX

WTF.... why so low numbers for rockman,chocobe an Shiren the wanderer ?

Thats shit...rockman is supposed 2 sell like 500k-600k ....


Shiren - 50k
Puyo Puyo - 18k
Pegasus - 16k
Dragon - 14k
Leo - 13k
Chocobo - 13k
Naruto - 10k
Kabutore - 8k
SNK vs Cap Card - 4k

Wild Arms Vth - 43k
Power Pro 13 final - 18k
Beatmania IIDX12 Happy Sky - 10k

WE10 Ubiquitous - 16k
Maplus - 5.5k

Pokermans - 34k
Bleach - 9k

EDF3 - 9k
WEX - 7k
Oneechan - 6k
PSU - bomba?

Motorstorm - 7k

So basically EDF3 > WEX = Motorstorm :D


Yikes. Those are bombs all around.

I'm not too surprised by Shiren's numbers -- I never expected it to do that well, because looking at the numbers for past games, it's popular, but not a big hit (172k on the GB, for instance).

Mega Man Star Force and Chocobo & the Magic Picture Book, on the other hand... yikes. Pokemon Battle Revolution, yikes. Wild Arms 5, yikes (it'll have a hard time meeting previous series sales with a start like that).


jimbo said:
However I still would like some definite confirmation on whether or not this is 80k including the bundle or is this without the bundle? Or was that 80k number including the bundle first day sales only and this 80k number software only for the whole week a mere coincidence?

Well if the bundles are included, then 50k would be from normal software sales.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Yikes everywhere....seriously :/

First day sales do seem poor but remember that this is the time of year when first day sales can be multiplied by about 3 to give first week. For the next 7 days now things ramp up day by day so these games will still perform well (the likes of Pokemon BR, DS titles etc) - I'd expect, for example, 100k+ for Pokemon BR by Sunday and steady sales over the rest of the month.

So don't panic just yet, but I agree that some are much lower than expected...


ioi said:
First day sales do seem poor but remember that this is the time of year when first day sales can be multiplied by about 3 to give first week. For the next 7 days now things ramp up day by day so these games will still perform well (the likes of Pokemon BR, DS titles etc) - I'd expect, for example, 100k+ for Pokemon BR by Sunday and steady sales over the rest of the month.

So don't panic just yet, but I agree that some are much lower than expected...
ioi, what's your take on some of the recent sales, especially the launches?

warioware seems really low for the franchise and wii sports looks like it has a good chance of becoming a huge seller.


Not a bad start for Puyo Puyo. I don't think Puyo Pop 2 even made it above 20k :lol

The first DS one sold ~95k overall. This one actually has online at least.

But seriously.. what's the point of releasing 3 versions of the same god damn puzzle game within.. two and a half years?


Oh my gosh... 16k for WE10...
7k for Motorstorm...

Yeah, good luck Sony with your expensive machine and traditional gaming disaffection...


Elios83 said:
Expectations, Zelda is the best game Nintendo has made in a long time.It should have outsold those non-games with ease (as happaned in the US market).Those sales show that Japanese don't care about Zelda,and that's terrible indeed.

I'm not disputing your statement about Zelda's quality, but maybe the mainstream gamer is more interested in simpler games now. Maybe Nintendo is right.

Now before anyone gets their britches in a bunch, the big sellers fund the niche titles, even higher cost ones. So, bring on Wii vacuuming, sweeping, and snow shoveling if it will fund a Parasite Eve for Wii.


Please help me with my bad english
Wow. Why the Wii numbers are so low? Oh, and DS is back from where it was, again!
RaijinFY said:
Oh my gosh... 16k for WE10...
7k for Motorstorm...

Yeah, good luck Sony with your expensive machine and traditional gaming disaffection...
Those seem to be just 1 day sales for MotorStorm.

But yeah, gaming is pretty much dead in Japan.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't understand why Sony rushed motorstorm out over there. The game doesn't look like it has any particular Japanese appeal at all.


Great hardware numbers. Nintendo is winning. Yay

Also those first day sales numbers are terrible. Hopefully since this is the holidays though they will sell steady during the whole week.

Wii sales lets hope that there software sales increase.
ethelred said:
Mega Man Star Force and Chocobo & the Magic Picture Book, on the other hand... yikes.

Seriously yikes. What happened, guys? I expected 30k at minimum from Chocobo on day one. And isn't MMBN supposed to be a consistent 300k+ franchise in Japan?


I had a grim feeling about Rockman given its presence on the Amazon charts... or lack thereof. But Monster Hunter Portable also began at far less than its first day sales indicated, and I expect the same to happen here. Likewise, Pokemon Colosseum looked doomed for a few days in 2003 but that one did well by the end of the holiday. The Wii userbase is just too small to support any mega sellers right now, aside from Wii Sports and Wii Play it seems.

But seeing as how Diamond and Pearl keep topping Battle Revolution on the Amazon charts, maybe they sold at least 70K one day of the week? :D


Yeah, I'm really hoping that Star Force and Chocobo in particular can turn around their low starts. For Capcom, I'd hate to see them lose one of their most consistently selling/profitable franchises -- especially since it's EXE that keeps the entire greater Mega Man franchise afloat. And I'd hate to see Square Enix get their first bomb on the DS (even though they had plenty on the PS2 as well)... and for it to be Chocobo, since the game seems really unique, really well put together, and nicely targets the system demographic.

So hopefully Ioi's right and their first week sales are ~triple the first day sales. I'm wondering now if three versions was Capcom pushing its luck just a little bit too far, though.

Wild Arms' start isn't too, too bad. It'll likely end up lower than the other games, but not by a huge margin.
ethelred said:
So hopefully Ioi's right and their first week sales are ~triple the first day sales.

I feel like this is believable for Chocobo. The game's really cute. It can't have cost too much to make, either.

I'm wondering now if three versions was Capcom pushing its luck just a little bit too far, though.

There are three versions of this one? That's just stupid.


charlequin said:
I feel like this is believable for Chocobo. The game's really cute. It can't have cost too much to make, either.

Oh, I know. I'm sure it was a very cheap game (looks like it's just a pure reuse of the FFIII engine), so I'm sure Square Enix won't lose money on it. I'd just like it to do well because it looks like a very well made game, and as ducky was saying, it appears to do a nice job making use of the DS's features in an interesting way, appealing to the system's largest demographic without doing it a gimmicky/non-gamey way.

charlequin said:
There are three versions of this one? That's just stupid.

Yeah. Leo, Pegasus, Dragon.
bloke said:
first day sales from http://ameblo.jp/sinobi/day-20061215.html

NDS Fuurani no Shiren 50k
NDS Ryuusei no RockMan 40k all 3 versions
NDS Puyo Puyo 15th an. 20k
Wii Pokemon Battle Rev. 35k

titles that sold between 10-15k if I got it right
NDS Chocobo to Mahou
360 EDF3
Wii Bleach
PS3 Motorstorm
360 Oneechanbara vX

Well, I'm disappointed by almost all performances.Perhaps Pokémon Wii is not so bad due to the little installed hardware's base.
Ngeist said:
DS got casual gamers, and 2007 will bring it the very core gamer (FF XII, Dragon Quest IX, ASH, etc...). That's only the beginning of the success.

However, I really want to see what will happen to the PSP.

This is only the begin.
I had to say it


How the hell is PS3 ever going to take off, there's nothing in the near future that could sprout a craze big enought for that. Sony is in such a difficult position right now, stuck on a very outdated business model and strategy. They need to work hard or PS3 will go the PSP way.
The major yikes go to Chocobo, Rockman, WE10 PSP, Motorstorm...I think its shorter to list not bombs: Fuurai, Puyo Puyo and Pokemon.

DS titles will probably pick up (also Wii) on the weekend, as usual on Nintendo systems plus christmas period. Still, sounds difficult for Rockman specially to achieve great numbers in the first week to see similar GBA success, most likely legs and DS power will show up though.

PS2, PSP, PS3 or 360 titles otoh, won't (most likely) pick up ...Wild Arms opening with less than 100k is a bomb (because it'll vanish the week after that) and the series had >200k numbers except for WA4. WE is really dissapointing, its like this franchise only works on PS2, really dissapointing everywhere else, well actually first PSP game did good but now it bombs. I wonder if they same will happen to Monster Hunter Portable...


Jonnyram said:
Shiren - 50k
Puyo Puyo - 18k
Pegasus - 16k
Dragon - 14k
Leo - 13k
Chocobo - 13k
Naruto - 10k
Kabutore - 8k
SNK vs Cap Card - 4k

Wild Arms Vth - 43k
Power Pro 13 final - 18k
Beatmania IIDX12 Happy Sky - 10k

WE10 Ubiquitous - 16k
Maplus - 5.5k

Pokermans - 34k
Bleach - 9k

EDF3 - 9k
WEX - 7k
Oneechan - 6k
PSU - bomba?

Motorstorm - 7k

So basically EDF3 > WEX = Motorstorm :D

Wow those are horrible console sales. Dissapointed at WEX for the 360(EDIT: WOW and PSP TOO!). I thought WE was supposed to be one of the biggest titles in Japan. It looks to me like the Japanese are doing this to spite us and say hey, we don't need to be stereotyped. We will surprise you with what we buy just to prove GAF wrong.

As far as Motorstorm....wow. This would be about the right time for Sony to start worrying. If EDF3, such a nich title, on Xbox 360 can outsell such a high profile game like Motorstorm, the PS3 is having serious issues. And yes I am well aware that Motorstorm is not the best suited game for the Japanese. But it's still one of the best looking racing games we've ever seen. That's a lot of money wasted.

Also sad to see PSU bomb. WTF people? The only Sega franchise of the golden ages that's actually still quality and people ignore it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mato said:
How the hell is PS3 ever going to take off, there's nothing in the near future that could sprout a craze big enought for that. Sony is in such a difficult position right now, stuck on a very outdated business model and strategy. They need to work hard or PS3 will go the PSP way.

Isn't MS using that same business model?
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