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Media Create Sales: 07/28 - 08/03


Lightning said:
I really don't think that a rerelease of a crappy movie will be a indication of anything. This is nothing more than a stupid marketing ploy from Square Enix to push sales of this BS movie of theirs.

So you think it is the other way around?

Anyway, the last DK3ctdsgdsd show of theirs was a pretty strong Sony push. I guess that it is reasonable to expect a permanent bump to PS3 sales in 2009.

Just like after MGS4 the PS3 sold from 5K units weekly to 10K units weekly.


Public Health Threat
Jonnyram said:
Vesperia done good.
Would be nice to see how well a 360 title would do if supply would actually meet demand for a change (esp. the ltd hardware bundles).
There's always Star Ocean 4.


Theres one fundamental flaw i beleive with the prevailing hope that" because PSP had a resurgance with FF Crisis Core and a PSP slim then a PS3slim and FF13 can do the same thing " the flaw is that there were more factors to the psp resurgance that that, one of them a taboo in regards to sales age. Piracy. Accesible, Easy to use, the popularization of the custom firmware homebrew scene. This is a factor that like it or not has helped PSP sales and i may be mistaken but is not currently avaialble for the PS3.


alske said:
Wat. PS3 was never doing 5k. It's average low point has always been abouit 10k.


oh, it's true

I think this is actually worse for the PS3 in my argument :lol


Weisheit said:
Not referring specifically to you, but, man, I love how the roles get reversed. Last year
Sony fans were saying "No, no, no Nintendo fans, there's no relation between the HH market and the console market. None whatsoever, completely different."

The handheld/console relation argument, as far as I know, was never endorsed by a specific crowd. Some people embraced the idea or didn't.

Many thought the Wii would be successful thanks to the DS. Many thought the PS3 would falter for the same/similar reasons as the PSP. Many people thought the PSP would succeed thanks to the PS pedigree. And so forth.


ElFly said:

oh, it's true

I think this is actually worse for the PS3 in my argument :lol
PS3 trending has followed the average sales age prediction so far :
1) epic game comes out
2) hardware sales get bumped
3) epic game goes down in chart in a few weeks
4) hardware sales back to normal (ie. 8-10k/week)


It's pretty interesting what is going on with the 360 in Japan. It's recent rise doesn't seem to have been so much from any one particular title. It will certainly get a temporary spike next week from TOV but I am curious to see if it will continue its current trend, meaning the week AFTER next being above 5,400.


Man God said:
I don't get where this PS3 will have a PSP like turnaround bit even comes from.

The PSP was never as constantly low in sales as the PS3 is.

The FF VIII demo was packaged with Brave Fencer I believe.

I don't think it will actually happen , but I still have hope. I only hope for that ,because I want a healthier home console market in Japan, where two consoles can enjoy great success.


Lightning said:
I really don't think that a rerelease of a crappy movie will be a indication of anything. This is nothing more than a stupid marketing ploy from Square Enix to push sales of this BS movie of theirs.

Crappy movie or not, it sold over a million in Japan. There's a huge FFVII fanbase that will buy anything, including stuff like DCFFVII. ACC along with the PS3 bundles with be huge. It would have been a bump with or without the FFXIII demo, but with the demo, the hardware bump will be larger than MGS4 for sure. Blu-rays are gaining fast acceptance in Japan among otakus in particular now, with the Macross Frontier Vol1 release seeing the Blu-ray release outsell the DVD one.
test_account said:
but with a new and a lower price + a PS3 slim, then i think The PS3 could sell more hardware and software.

But what is it about this hypothetical slim that makes it more desirable? Almost every person who actually lives in Japan has tended towards debunking the "some consoles are too big for the Japanese" argument in the past -- it seems unlikely that there are significant swathes of people for whom the size of the PS3 is literally a dealbreaker. So what is causing these extra sales?

But if we talk about the situation in 1-2 years from now, then things might be different than what they are today.

They might be, but maybe in two years the world economy will have collapsed or aliens will have invaded or the Bodhisattvic Love Peoples from the Inner Earth will have started a millennium of peace and happiness. It's not worthwhile to extend the PS3 a line of "maybe...!" credit because that applies with exact equality to every system on the market. What is worth analyzing is what we have access to for purposes of extrapolating the future: current trends, known future releases, statements about intended future direction, and other evidence as to future performance. None of this gives us any particular reason to believe a PS3 turnaround is likely.

If i remember right, there were some comments like "are you expecting MGS 4 to sell more in its first week than any other PS3 games has done in their lifetime?".

If I recall correctly, I did ask that question, but also did state that I just wanted to make sure that was really the guy's actual expectation. :D


charlequin said:
But what is it about this hypothetical slim that makes it more desirable? Almost every person who actually lives in Japan has tended towards debunking the "some consoles are too big for the Japanese" argument in the past -- it seems unlikely that there are significant swathes of people for whom the size of the PS3 is literally a dealbreaker. So what is causing these extra sales?

Typically consoles get the most media exposure when they launch. It's the only time that the mass media really covers them. A PS3 slim could benefit from everyone who wrote it off at launch giving the system another look. I don't think it's the form-factor, it's the chance to redefine what the platform means.


The PS3 needs a lot more software before a new model imo. A PS3 Slim anytime in the next year or so would just be a wasted chance. By the time the PSP Slim was finally launched, there was actually already a ton a PSP software and a few pretty big titles on it across a ton of genres. Without a strong catalog, relaunching the PS3 is a waste of time.


duckroll said:
The PS3 needs a lot more software before a new model imo. A PS3 Slim anytime in the next year or so would just be a wasted chance. By the time the PSP Slim was finally launched, there was actually already a ton a PSP software and a few pretty big titles on it across a ton of genres. Without a strong catalog, relaunching the PS3 is a waste of time.

Agreed. PSP had also had it's video/music/internet functionality drastically improved by that point as well. It seems to me to have been a case where the device was super-solid, but it was getting ignored. The redesign served to draw attention to it, and sales took off. PS3 does not have the software, the price, or the extra features that it should. It will have them eventually, the question is whether or not it will be in time.

Edit: Typos
onipex said:
I don't think it will actually happen , but I still have hope. I only hope for that ,because I want a healthier home console market in Japan, where two consoles can enjoy great success.
By that metric, the home console market has *never* been healthy in Japan.


duckroll said:
The PS3 needs a lot more software before a new model imo. A PS3 Slim anytime in the next year or so would just be a wasted chance. By the time the PSP Slim was finally launched, there was actually already a ton a PSP software and a few pretty big titles on it across a ton of genres. Without a strong catalog, relaunching the PS3 is a waste of time.

I agree with your sentiments, but the PSP's back catalog seemed to have very little to do with the PSP Slim's great performance. Only the original version of MHP2nd seemed to boost along with the Slim, and I think MGS Portable Ops made a few repeat appearances.


cvxfreak said:
I agree with your sentiments, but the PSP's back catalog seemed to have very little to do with the PSP Slim's great performance. Only the original version of MHP2nd seemed to boost along with the Slim, and I think MGS Portable Ops made a few repeat appearances.

It's not about the system boosting the back catalog sales so much as the back catalog being diverse and large enough that people don't feel like they're buying into a shitty system just because of a relaunch imo. By the time the PSP Slim came out, the PSP was already actively in everyone's mind as a very real contributor to weekly game releases. The PS3 still has some ways to go before it hits that status.


cvxfreak said:
I agree with your sentiments, but the PSP's back catalog seemed to have very little to do with the PSP Slim's great performance. Only the original version of MHP2nd seemed to boost along with the Slim, and I think MGS Portable Ops made a few repeat appearances.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, can you even buy new PSP back catalog games?

I thought in Japan, you pretty much only get one chance to sell games (and most of the pre-slim psp games sold like crap) So the only place where games like MHX, MMP, GNG, ect could even be found is probably used game stores and we have no way of tracking that.


If the software lineup is beefed up considerably, then people will be on the fence regarding PS3. They'll want one, but not sure if they're willing to spend the money... The release of a revised slim PS3 could be just what these people need to justify the purchase.

They'll need more than just Metal Gear and a promise of Final Fantasy in order for this to work. Though maybe if they release it the same time as FFXIII and have a bundle. A slim PS3 here could work wonders.
Olaeh said:
If the software lineup is beefed up considerably, then people will be on the fence regarding PS3. They'll want one, but not sure if they're willing to spend the money... The release of a revised slim PS3 could be just what these people need to justify the purchase.

They'll need more than just Metal Gear and a promise of Final Fantasy in order for this to work. Though maybe if they release it the same time as FFXIII and have a bundle. A slim PS3 here could work wonders.

Somewhere inside SCE's R&D dept. there is already a working PS3 slim design. Now the question is when to launch it and at what price. Q4 2009 is the most likely scenario for Japan unless FFXIII somehow makes it out before then.


duckroll said:
It's not about the system boosting the back catalog sales so much as the back catalog being diverse and large enough that people don't feel like they're buying into a shitty system just because of a relaunch imo. By the time the PSP Slim came out, the PSP was already actively in everyone's mind as a very real contributor to weekly game releases. The PS3 still has some ways to go before it hits that status.

I see what you mean in terms of having something to show to get a redesign effort going. I think you've got a valid point, but I have my own points to raise.

Still, with a small number of exceptions, most of those exceptions being on the Wii and DS, when has the back catalog of a game system affected sales and perception in later years? This definitely matters in the west, but doesn't seem so as much in Japan. This is where I disagree about having to have a definitive back catalog before doing a relaunch (even if you don't explicitly say it in this manner). For the PSP, I think the other factors at play were far more important and influential than the back catalog, such as the 1Seg tuner, TV output, and so on. It helps, but I don't think the PS3 should be discouraged from relaunching on this basis alone. ;)

ccbfan said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but, can you even buy new PSP back catalog games?

I thought in Japan, you pretty much only get one chance to sell games (and most of the pre-slim psp games sold like crap) So the only place where games like MHX, MMP, GNG, ect could even be found is probably used game stores and we have no way of tracking that.

PSP back catalog games are a bit difficult to come by, but you can probably find what you're looking for in a major city like Tokyo or Osaka.

DS back catalog games are plentiful. Wii games as well, and the PS2's bigger hits throughout the years can be found.


Why does everyone think a Slim PS3 will boost sales so much? I don`t see it. Also, the 360 will have a slim version out before the PS3 does.


cvxfreak said:
For the PSP, I think the other factors at play were far more important and influential than the back catalog, such as the 1Seg tuner, TV output, and so on. It helps, but I don't think the PS3 should be discouraged from relaunching on this basis alone. ;)

Do you really think those factors were more important than the fact that there are actually PSP releases every week or every other week? When I say strong catalog I mean that people are confident when they're buying the hardware that because of the fact that there has been a steady support of software for some time and into the future. Even if they don't buy a single back catalog game, they know it's a supported system that will continue to be supported.

Granted the PSP has never had the problem that the PS3 faces now, so it's not really a fair comparison, but I strongly believe that's a core factor that's stopping people that aren't getting a PS3 in Japan from getting one. Even if they want it for say MGS4, they see nothing else in the horizon that they would be getting. There are big titles in the works, but none of them have any release dates.

Out of the 18 or so games coming out in the next 3 months in Japan, over half of them are western games. Not exactly a bright outlook for the Japanese gamer looking for a new system.


duckroll said:
Do you really think those factors were more important than the fact that there are actually PSP releases every week or every other week? When I say strong catalog I mean that people are confident when they're buying the hardware that because of the fact that there has been a steady support of software for some time and into the future. Even if they don't buy a single back catalog game, they know it's a supported system that will continue to be supported.

Granted the PSP has never had the problem that the PS3 faces now, so it's not really a fair comparison, but I strongly believe that's a core factor that's stopping people that aren't getting a PS3 in Japan from getting one. Even if they want it for say MGS4, they see nothing else in the horizon that they would be getting. There are big titles in the works, but none of them have any release dates.

Out of the 18 or so games coming out in the next 3 months in Japan, over half of them are western games. Not exactly a bright outlook for the Japanese gamer looking for a new system.

We've actually gone over your mentioned points a few times over in this thread, but I don't believe a back catalog is as important as a period of sustained key releases over a period of minimum 4 months, ideally 6. This should be driven by key JP-centric 1st party titles since 3rd parties aren't likely to want to pick up the burden unless Sony is footing the bill.

How Western-centric JP PS3 titles have been is pretty ridiculous though :lol I cannot believe how Sony dropped the ball on this, I hope Phil Harrison wasn't the cause! Did they think that the JP userbase would take to these kinds of games, seriously? The pathetic state it is in now is pretty astonishing, although when you think about it the JP market is about slightly less than half the size of the US or Euro market (20 vs 50 million vs 50 million). It's STILL money though.. did they think that feeding the JP market with US/EU titles on a one-size-fits-all policy would save on development costs? :lol

I just hope Sony has a plan at TGS 2008


gantz85 said:
We've actually gone over your mentioned points a few times over in this thread, but I don't believe a back catalog is as important as a period of sustained key releases over a period of minimum 4 months, ideally 6.

Then you're agreeing with exactly what I've said. cvxfreak was the only one saying "back catalog", when all I've ever said is that before a relaunch can be optimally successful, the hardware platform needs to already have a strong catalog to show people that the software is persistantly coming in and has done so in the past year or so. A relaunch is a time to let consumers reconsider your hardware and bring it to their attention again, so it's really important that the impression they will get when reconsidering it has changed since launch. If you relaunch the PS3 next week with a slim line, lots of people will suddenly reconsider the PS3 since there's a newer revision coming out, but since nothing has changed in terms of release strategy and software performance, they will likely draw the same conclusion they did previously. That's bad.

Why are all of you clinging on to "back catalog" when I've never said such a thing! :lol


gantz85 said:
We've actually gone over your mentioned points a few times over in this thread, but I don't believe a back catalog is as important as a period of sustained key releases over a period of minimum 4 months, ideally 6. This should be driven by key JP-centric 1st party titles since 3rd parties aren't likely to want to pick up the burden unless Sony is footing the bill.

How Western-centric JP PS3 titles have been is pretty ridiculous though :lol I cannot believe how Sony dropped the ball on this, I hope Phil Harrison wasn't the cause! Did they think that the JP userbase would take to these kinds of games, seriously? The pathetic state it is in now is pretty astonishing, although when you think about it the JP market is about slightly less than half the size of the US or Euro market (20 vs 50 million vs 50 million). It's STILL money though.. did they think that feeding the JP market with US/EU titles on a one-size-fits-all policy would save on development costs? :lol

I just hope Sony has a plan at TGS 2008

They probably decided like this because America isn't like Japan: in the States even the second and third-place consoles can sell.

This isn't the case in Japan, where Wii dominates and Sony and MS get dust in their hands.

Why fighting so badly over something that can raise your status of some thousand units?


A slim PS3 will not be released to spur sales of the PS3; it will only be released if the PS3 is a major success. Same as PSone and PStwo. Slim redesigns only come about once the hardware is making good profit. I don't actually think we're going to see a slim PS3 at all, because of the degree to which Sony have already bled cash this gen. They'll make smaller form components and keep using the current case design.


duckroll said:
Then you're agreeing with exactly what I've said. cvxfreak was the only one saying "back catalog", when all I've ever said is that before a relaunch can be optimally successful, the hardware platform needs to already have a strong catalog to show people that the software is persistantly coming in and has done so in the past year or so. A relaunch is a time to let consumers reconsider your hardware and bring it to their attention again, so it's really important that the impression they will get when reconsidering it has changed since launch. If you relaunch the PS3 next week with a slim line, lots of people will suddenly reconsider the PS3 since there's a newer revision coming out, but since nothing has changed in terms of release strategy and software performance, they will likely draw the same conclusion they did previously. That's bad.

Why are all of you clinging on to "back catalog" when I've never said such a thing! :lol

Ha, maybe I read only the replies to your post and not your original..

Well, we are all in agreement then; I don't think a PS3 Slim right now will garner much sales in Japan. Putting it out this end year without a comprehensive, proximal release schedule is also not going to maximize the marketing opportunity and possible momentum that could arise out of a relaunch. Of course, amongst all this we also have to factor in the fact that the 360 will likely have a hardware relaunch; how big Microsoft wants it to be in the Japan is another issue entirely, but I hope Sony isn't blind about all this.

If Sony is going to pack in the punches this year, a PS3 Slim (extremely unlikely) close to the end of this year coupled with a release schedule of Resident Evil 5, White Knight Story, and at least 4-6 other key titles leading up to March 2009 for the FFXIII demo could do wonders for the PS3. I don't know what Hiraii has in mind though.
So I was tinkering with something someone requested a month or two back that takes the weekly software sums of a platform from the database and displays them in a table. Of course this misses a lot of stuff that falls below the realm of charts or that just hasn't been entered yet, but it's still pretty neat. Anyway, my tinkering was thinking that by adding a date range like the one in the newer game search, we could see what continued software sales were like for games released during a certain range. Easy change.

DS 2004 software to date
DS 2005 software to date
DS 2006 software to date
DS 2007 software to date
DS 2008 software to date

I pasted the results into OpenOffice.org and created this stacked graph of sales, with a color for each year.

Since this is a bit manual rather than completely automatic I can't link to and I'm not going to immediately create counterparts for all other systems, but by replacing DS as the platform in the links above you can probably get the data to do something similar yourself if you're inclined.

Interesting things that stick out looking at this visually: DS's 2005 software has sold as much after 2005 as it did during 2005. You'll also notice occasional spikes in software. This is mostly due to releases of things like mid-year Top 100s or full-year Top 500s, where we get increased totals for games that haven't had new data in months or even a full year. The craziest single one is 2007 software at the end of 2007. From a combination of big sales at the end of the year, and under-the-radar games getting boosts all over the Top 500, it appears to jump by 5 million in one week.

If we don't stack them,

we can see that the early 2008 software hasn't started as strong as the early 2006 or early 2007 software.


charlequin said:
But what is it about this hypothetical slim that makes it more desirable? Almost every person who actually lives in Japan has tended towards debunking the "some consoles are too big for the Japanese" argument in the past -- it seems unlikely that there are significant swathes of people for whom the size of the PS3 is literally a dealbreaker. So what is causing these extra sales?
Ye, the "too big for japanese homes" arguement has mostly been (atleast after my understanding) about that the japanese homes/apparments are so small and that the PS3 is too big for the japanese homes. I dont this is necessarily the case, since you have to be living in a really really small place if you phyiscally cant fit a PS3 inside your home, and as Vinnk (i think) mentioned earlier some time, to play Wii you might need more space than to play on a PS3, because you might need the space for swinging the Wii controller around etc.

I do think a smaller sized console might maybe be more attractive to people, but that is just my guess :) I can probably fit a big boiler inside my appartment, but if i was some extra heat i'd rather buy a small oven or something instead, do you see my point? :)

charlequin said:
They might be, but maybe in two years the world economy will have collapsed or aliens will have invaded or the Bodhisattvic Love Peoples from the Inner Earth will have started a millennium of peace and happiness. It's not worthwhile to extend the PS3 a line of "maybe...!" credit because that applies with exact equality to every system on the market. What is worth analyzing is what we have access to for purposes of extrapolating the future: current trends, known future releases, statements about intended future direction, and other evidence as to future performance. None of this gives us any particular reason to believe a PS3 turnaround is likely.
Aliens and Love Peoples eh? Sounds sweet! Hehe :) But seriously, personally i dont we can say much about the future trends in about i.e 2 years from now. Although looking at today's trends, it might look like not much will change in 2 years either, i agree to that, but i do belive that changes can happend. To take an example, if a runner runs 100 meter dash at 20 seconds today, and he (or she) has never ran faster than this. Looking at his previous preformance, would that mean that he wont be able to run faster in 2 years from now? Is it impossible? Cant this runner do anything to improve his/her time on running a 100 meter dash?

It might however be easier to improve a running time than to sell more of a product though, but do you see my point? :) Looking at previous and/or current data from this sprinter, would it mean that this runner's time cant improve in the future?

It might be that this runner gets a new coach in the future, but we dont know about this today. I think the same might be with Sony, that they maybe are working out some strategies with the PS3 that we havnt heard about yet. Based on what we know today, then i agree that it doesnt look like much will change, but i think some things can happend (like some sales strategy or something) within about i.e 2 years that we dont know about today, and then things might change, in my opinion that is :)

But as i wrote earlier in this thread, when it comes to the PS3, changes might be from 10k a week to 20k a week, or even 15k a week. Its a small change, but its still a change and its still a better preformance than about 10k a week :) Is that too unlikely that the PS3 situation can improve in about i.e 2 years? To be honest i have no idea how big of a chance there is that things will change, but i do belive that its possible atleast :)

If people want to belive that nothing will change, that is fine with me :) Unfortunately we wont know the answer before it has been 2 years anyway :\ The Wii will most likely sell the most consoles in Japan this generation, i dont think there is much doubt about that, but i do think that PS3's situation can be better in about i.e 2 years from now.

charlequin said:
If I recall correctly, I did ask that question, but also did state that I just wanted to make sure that was really the guy's actual expectation. :D
But that was why it seemed kinda unlikely that MGS4 would sell what it did in its 1st week based on the current trends, right? :) What might seem unlikely in 2 years from now (about the PS3 situation) based on today's trends might happend sometime in the future. I dont think there will be a mega turn-around for the PS3 in 2 years just to underline that, but i do think its preformance can improve alittle atleast.


Jonnyram said:
A slim PS3 will not be released to spur sales of the PS3; it will only be released if the PS3 is a major success. Same as PSone and PStwo. Slim redesigns only come about once the hardware is making good profit. I don't actually think we're going to see a slim PS3 at all, because of the degree to which Sony have already bled cash this gen. They'll make smaller form components and keep using the current case design.

You're completely wrong about this.
The main reason why redesigns are made is to cut manufacturing costs. Then of course having a slim factor also happens to help sales so it's a get two with one situation.
Sony has already done two big internal redesigns with PS3 with a third incoming with the new 80GB, when the power consumption will go down to the point that they'll be allowed to make also an external redesign they will do it because it means less costs and the ability to cut the price and being competitive.
As Cell moves to 45nm mass production (which is going to happen this year since the 45nm chip has been ready since last February) PS3 will be a 100W or less machine.
Then it will be really easy to make the power supply external and make a slim PS3 with a lot of advantages. That is definetly going to happen by the time FFXIII is out in Japan next year.


Elios83 said:
As Cell moves to 45nm mass production (which is going to happen this year since the 45nm chip has been ready since last February) PS3 will be a 100W or less machine.
Then it will be really easy to make the power supply external and make a slim PS3 with a lot of advantages. That is definetly going to happen by the time FFXIII is out in Japan next year.

Aye, I keep forgetting that PS3's power supply is actually built into the machine. With it being placed outside the machine there is ALOT of space that could be saved. I think building it into the machine was a great optimization decision but it's not a good marketing one; given the average consumer and how most gamers are easily tricked by invisible costs, Sony should reconsider their strategy for now and the future.


Elios83 said:
As Cell moves to 45nm mass production (which is going to happen this year since the 45nm chip has been ready since last February) PS3 will be a 100W or less machine.
Then it will be really easy to make the power supply external and make a slim PS3 with a lot of advantages. That is definetly going to happen by the time FFXIII is out in Japan next year.
Keep dreaming.


JoshuaJSlone said:
So I was tinkering with something someone requested a month or two back that takes the weekly software sums of a platform from the database and displays them in a table. Of course this misses a lot of stuff that falls below the realm of charts or that just hasn't been entered yet, but it's still pretty neat. Anyway, my tinkering was thinking that by adding a date range like the one in the newer game search, we could see what continued software sales were like for games released during a certain range. Easy change.

DS 2004 software to date
DS 2005 software to date
DS 2006 software to date
DS 2007 software to date
DS 2008 software to date

I pasted the results into OpenOffice.org and created this stacked graph of sales, with a color for each year.

great work. it took my a bit to realize whey they years didn't start at week 53, 105, 157 and so on but it is because DS released in Oct. or Sept. probably?
Jonnyram said:
Keep dreaming.

You need to keep dreaming if you think that the only reason a PS3 slim will be released is if it is a "success" (whatever that is supposed to mean, and PS3 is doing fine enough in the US/Europe to justify a PS3 slim if your argument had any weight to it, which it does not).

Getting into a smaller package (including casing) cuts costs.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Elios83 said:
Probably you should tell that to yourself if you really think that a PS3 slim will never be released :lol

He never wrote/said that.
Karma said:
Why does everyone think a Slim PS3 will boost sales so much? I don`t see it. Also, the 360 will have a slim version out before the PS3 does.

i hope we will see the Slim 360 at the next E3 or maybe the next TGS in 2009. this time please with only one fan and build-in PSU.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Elios83 said:
Probably you should tell that to yourself if you really think that a PS3 slim will never be released :lol
PS3 slim will not launch by the time FFXIII is out though. :lol


jj984jj said:
PS3 slim will not launch by the time FFXIII is out though. :lol

Based on what?
They'll have the technology to do it by then and it's the most obvious thing they'll try to do, looking at what they did with PSP.
DNF said:
great work. it took my a bit to realize whey they years didn't start at week 53, 105, 157 and so on but it is because DS released in Oct. or Sept. probably?
Actually it launched in early December in Japan. 2005 software seems to kick off a bit later than you'd expect because until late January the only stuff charting was 2004 stuff. At the scale of this image, 2005 software doesn't become perceptible until it hit a few hundred thousand in March-ish.

And actually, I realize now this means I bungled on the non-stacked chart. I just started each year with the first non-zero week, but 2005 should've started out with three weeks of zero.
test_account said:
Looking at his previous preformance, would that mean that he wont be able to run faster in 2 years from now? Is it impossible? Cant this runner do anything to improve his/her time on running a 100 meter dash?

What I'm trying to express here is that this is no more or less likely than the runner breaking their legs in a freak skiing accident and never competing again, or any one of a hundred other future occurrences that we shouldn't expect because we have no specific evidence of them.

Bringing it back to console sales, why is the starting position of "anything could happen" only being used to support one specific thing happening, that being a resurgence of the PS3? Why not expect the 360 to have a resurgence instead? Or Sony to blunder in a way that makes PS3 sales even worse?

I am quite certain that new factors we can't predict today will arise in the console market over the next two years or so, but there's no reason to assume that those changes will by default lead to greater success for the PS3 without knowing what they are.
jj984jj said:
PS3 slim will not launch by the time FFXIII is out though. :lol

And when exactly is FFXIII out? Look how quickly SCE brought a PSP Slim to market. If you don't think Sony is capable of designing, manufacturing, launching and marketing a PS3 Slim by end of 2009 in Japan then you're simply understimating Sony's R&D capacity and the rate of component cost/size reductions in the electronics industry in general.


charlequin said:
What I'm trying to express here is that this is no more or less likely than the runner breaking their legs in a freak skiing accident and never competing again, or any one of a hundred other future occurrences that we shouldn't expect because we have no specific evidence of them.
Thats true, but dont you think that Sony will try to do something to increase the preformance of the PS3, that they have some sort of strategy/strategies to achieve this goal? :) I dont think Sony has forgotten about the PS3 in Japan and that they will contunie to go in the same pattern as they are doing now, by not lowering the price and not comming out with new games etc. etc. Personally i'm guessing that they are trying to do something with the PS3 so more people will be interested in bying a PS3 (and games for it).

charlequin said:
Bringing it back to console sales, why is the starting position of "anything could happen" only being used to support one specific thing happening, that being a resurgence of the PS3? Why not expect the 360 to have a resurgence instead? Or Sony to blunder in a way that makes PS3 sales even worse?
Thats also true, "anything" can happend, but personally i wouldnt rule out any possibilites of changes just because we dont have any "evidence" for it today, that things might change in the future. PS3 selling 10k a week is pretty low, i dont see why it seems impossible that this might change, even if its just to 20k, or even 15k a week.

Ye, Sony might indeed do something that will will lead to even lower PS3 sales than there is today, i agree to that is a possibility indeed, but with around 10k a week for PS3 sales, and some weeks its even lower than 10k, i think its a bigger change to increase this rather than getting even lower, i dont know how big of a chance that is because that 10k is pretty low as it already is. But sure, it is possible that Sony might do something so the sales will be even lower than around 10k a week, lets say, for example 5k a week instead.

Xbox 360 has actually shown some small improvement in the hardware sales in Japan recently (compared to previous preformance that is), and if MS and other game companies contunies to support the Xbox 360 in Japan, the weekly preformance might increase from what it is today, even if we are only talking about 1k or 2k more consoles sold each week. Its small, but it would still be a change :)

charlequin said:
I am quite certain that new factors we can't predict today will arise in the console market over the next two years or so, but there's no reason to assume that those changes will by default lead to greater success for the PS3 without knowing what they are.
Not by default, i agree to that, but personally i wouldnt rule out that a change can happend just because we dont know about what will change today. Generally speaking, it pretty much comes down to if you want to belive that things could change or if you want to belive that things wont change. Or you can stay neutral and dont have any special opinion(s) about it and just wait see what will happend in the future :)

I just wanted to say that i think things can improve for the PS3 in about i.e 2 years from now. If people want to disagree with what i'm saying, or if people want to "blame" (or what i shall say) me for not having any data around this, its no problem for me, but now i've said what i wanted to say atleast, agree or disagree :)

Though, i might be very wrong about thinking that the PS3's preformance will increase in about i.e 2 years or so from now. The PS3's preformance might even decrease, but we will see what happends in the future :) Then we will know if the PS3's preformance has increased or decreased from what the PS3 is currently selling each week in Japan (about 10k PS3 consoles) :)
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