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Media Create Sales: 07/28 - 08/03


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Something to watch for- In another 2-3 weeks, Wii's 07 hardware sales started their rapid slide into 20K territory. I'm very curious whether Wii will perform similiarly this year, or whether sales will be a bit more stable.


For the sake of this argument, let's say Sony releases a slim PS3 next year for FFXIII (they won't). What loltastic price do you think they are going to charge for it that will cause a spur in sales large enough for FFXIII?


Jonnyram said:
For the sake of this argument, let's say Sony releases a slim PS3 next year for FFXIII (they won't). What loltastic price do you think they are going to charge for it that will cause a spur in sales large enough for FFXIII?
Does it really matter? It's not Sony's problem to push FFXIII sales.
Lightning said:
Does it really matter? It's not Sony's problem to push FFXIII sales.

Except it kinda is, maybe not directly (although that's arguable) but it is. As a platform holder they hold overall responsibility for the health of that platform, and how fertile the platform is for third party publishers, and with 2 strong competiting platforms, if Sony doesn't create momentum on which third parties can sell adequate amounts of software, then they'll put their franchises and resources elsewhere. Which would be a problem for Sony.
Lightning said:
Does it really matter? It's not Sony's problem to push FFXIII sales.

It is, hence the ACC/FFXIII demo bundle in March. There will another hardware bundle when FFXIII ships in Japan and the current debate is what Sony will do, if anything, to lower the price and/or launch a new model.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Except it kinda is, maybe not directly (although that's arguable) but it is. As a platform holder they hold overall responsibility for the health of that platform, and how fertile the platform is for third party publishers, and with 2 strong competiting platforms, if Sony doesn't create momentum on which third parties can sell adequate amounts of software, then they'll put their franchises and resources elsewhere. Which would be a problem for Sony.
Square are putting their resources elsewhere anyway and that won't change no matter how much FFXIII sells. S-E have made their intentions quite clear and worrying about FFXIII sales is not Sony's problem. The worst Square can do to Sony now is make Versus XIII multiplatform but I doubt anyone will care given that the game will be lucky to be finished by the time the generation is over.

It's become quite obvious to me that Square will not be focusing much on the PS3 or the 360 for that matter. They want to make handheld games and that's where their focus lies. Nothing FFXIII does will change that, it's releasing WAY too late in the console lifespan for that. It could make Sony/Square's relationship even more sour than it already is.

Rolf NB

Jonnyram said:
For the sake of this argument, let's say Sony releases a slim PS3 next year for FFXIII (they won't). What loltastic price do you think they are going to charge for it that will cause a spur in sales large enough for FFXIII?
30000 Yen? 25000?
(I have no idea what the official price is right now)


MassiveAttack said:
It is, hence the ACC/FFXIII demo bundle in March. There will another hardware bundle when FFXIII ships in Japan and the current debate is what Sony will do, if anything, to lower the price and/or launch a new model.
Like the bundle of Yakuza etc... with 10k quantity? This movie bundle is a joke and will move no PS3's. Only someone who already wants the console would even remotely consider buying such a joke of a bundle.

The mere fact that they are putting a demo of a game in with a movie is a joke in itself. This after all of Wada's ranting about Sony should be focusing on games and then ships a demo S-E's biggest console release with a movie? I can't help but laugh.
test_account said:
Thats true, but dont you think that Sony will try to do something to increase the preformance of the PS3, that they have some sort of strategy/strategies to achieve this goal? :) I dont think Sony has forgotten about the PS3 in Japan and that they will contunie to go in the same pattern as they are doing now, by not lowering the price and not comming out with new games etc. etc. Personally i'm guessing that they are trying to do something with the PS3 so more people will be interested in bying a PS3 (and games for it).
Of course Sony hopes they can do something to improve the situation. So does every manufacturer of a secondary/tertiary machine. It's historically been the minority that get anywhere with such plans, though.
schuelma said:
Something to watch for- In another 2-3 weeks, Wii's 07 hardware sales started their rapid slide into 20K territory. I'm very curious whether Wii will perform similiarly this year, or whether sales will be a bit more stable.
That did come pretty soon after it was regularly getting in the 60s and 70s K. The end of the shortages/initial demand rush? I'm thinking since things have been much more stable at a lower ~40K level this year that there's probably not a reason for a sudden dip that requires a Galaxy to resuscitate things.
Lightning said:
Square are putting their resources elsewhere anyway and that won't change no matter how much FFXIII sells. S-E have made their intentions quite clear and worrying about FFXIII sales is not Sony's problem. The worst Square can do to Sony now is make Versus XIII multiplatform but I doubt anyone will care given that the game will be lucky to be finished by the time the generation is over.
I can really see a lot of the big companies, not just the smaller developers, continuing to release games on the current platforms way after the start of the next generation of consoles more than we have seen in the past. With so much money and resources going into developing this generation's engines, should we see a "typical" generation length, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw something like Final Fantasy XIV a year into the next generation, on current generation consoles. The current model of jumping right on to the next generation of systems just doesn't work anymore.
Mr. Wonderful said:
I can really see a lot of the big companies, not just the smaller developers, continuing to release games on the current platforms way after the start of the next generation of consoles more than we have seen in the past. With so much money and resources going into developing this generation's engines, should we see a "typical" generation length, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw something like Final Fantasy XIV a year into the next generation, on current generation consoles. The current model of jumping right on to the next generation of systems just doesn't work anymore.
That wouldn't even take much of a shift. Dragon Quest VII and Final Fantasy IX came out after PS2 in Japan, and FF XII barely beat PS3 out the door in NA and EU.
Lightning said:
Like the bundle of Yakuza etc... with 10k quantity? This movie bundle is a joke and will move no PS3's. Only someone who already wants the console would even remotely consider buying such a joke of a bundle.

The mere fact that they are putting a demo of a game in with a movie is a joke in itself. This after all of Wada's ranting about Sony should be focusing on games and then ships a demo S-E's biggest console release with a movie? I can't help but laugh.

Dismiss it all you want but the FFXIII demo bundle will move several times the number of hardware units that MGS4 did in Japan. I think you're underestimating the fan base of all things FFVII related as well.


Junior Member
MassiveAttack said:
Dismiss it all you want but the FFXIII demo bundle will move several times the number of hardware units that MGS4 did in Japan. I think you're underestimating the fan base of all things FFVII related as well.
You think a demo is gonna move 100k+ PS3's?

Edit: Make that 150k+...
solid2snake said:
you should get a new tag buddy. something like blind fanboy.

You didn't answer the question at the top of this page. Feel free to make your own predictions. As for the tag, I'm perfectly happy being banned every 24 hours.
Hmm. Are there any instances of demos big enough to have their own bump? Something like a Tobalbump goes a bit earlier than we've got decent hardware data for. GT Prologues are kinda big demos, but being December releases are hard to measure on their own anyway.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Weisheit said:
Wii Sports 2 will outsell both.
I know just like DQ9 etc. but still... ff13 vs. mh3 seems like a epic battle which could go on end of 09...


cw_sasuke said:
I know just like DQ9 etc. but still... ff13 vs. mh3 seems like a epic battle which could go on end of 09...

The MH IP is nowhere near as big as FF. Especially not the console versions. I really dont see how or why anyone should look forward to that as an "epic battle".


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Puncture said:
The MH IP is nowhere near as big as FF. Especially not the console versions. I really dont see how or why anyone should look forward to that as an "epic battle".

MH on Ps2 back in 04/05 wasn`t that big. how do u know that ppl. 2009 won`t have more interest in mh3 for wii with the ip being that popular nowadays? mh3 will be big, just like those hater tears .....


Super Member
Puncture said:
The MH IP is nowhere near as big as FF. Especially not the console versions. I really dont see how or why anyone should look forward to that as an "epic battle".
I don't remember how FF sales max out in Japan, but there MH is doing incredibly well.

Would there be some sort of struggle in Japan?
Puncture said:
The MH IP is nowhere near as big as FF. Especially not the console versions. I really dont see how or why anyone should look forward to that as an "epic battle".

Are we talking worldwide here?

Right now, MHP is a bigger franchise than Final Fantasy in Japan, at least. MHP2 is well above any recent Final Fantasy on a much smaller userbase.


cw_sasuke said:
MH on Ps2 back in 04/05 wasn`t that big. how do u know that ppl. 2009 won`t have more interest in mh3 for wii with the ip being that popular nowadays? mh3 will be big, just like those hater tears .....

Looking forward to charlequin or some other poster to whip this expectation back into place but I guess not, those only apply to pro-Sony sentiments
He got a point, though. FFXIII sales will probably suffer from the small PS3 userbase, while MH3 may profit from the much bigger Wii userbase and the new awareness and reception the PSP games gave to the franchise. We don't really know how a new Monster Hunter is going to behave on home consoles, but there is a chance of it being a good competitor to FF XIII.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
gantz85 said:
Looking forward to charlequin or some other poster to whip this expectation back into place but I guess not, those only apply to pro-Sony sentiments

mh3 first day sales will be a shock for u.... :D
What MH3 on Wii will do is an open question. Yes, Monster Hunter is much more successful on PSP now than it was on PS2 three years ago. But does that mean it will always be the case that the portable version will dwarf the console version, or will much of its newfound portable popularity rub back onto the home console version? The same can be asked of Animal Crossing.

I'm trying to think of analogous situations and drawing a blank: Game exists to moderate success in one format, gets placed on another and blows up, then returns to the original format. Some people wondered if Super Mario Galaxy would be helped by New Super Mario Bros., but they're extremely different types of games.

test_account said:
Thats true, but dont you think that Sony will try to do something to increase the preformance of the PS3

One can fairly assume that Sony is constantly "trying to do something" to make the PS3 perform better, just as all console manufacturers are. Given that their efforts to do so in Japan have consistently failed from launch up until today (and there is nothing on the horizon that represents a new strategy with potential to succeed in doing so), no, there is not any reason to extend them credit that their undefined future endeavors at doing so will magically be better received.

Again, why are you suggesting this for the PS3 but not saying, "well, we should assume the X360 will be selling 20k a week in two years -- after all, Microsoft will keep trying to push the console to do better in Japan than it has to date, right?" There is no inherent reason why Sony, and only Sony, should see improvements two years out unless you believe in some sort of magical preference by the universe for Sony to regain their "rightful" position.

personally i wouldnt rule out any possibilites of changes just because we dont have any "evidence" for it today

Read what I'm saying, please. It's very likely that there will be some changes two years from now, but which direction those changes go is entirely unpredictable. PS3 improving is no different from PS3 cratering further; neither is expected, either could happen if unforseen events occur. If there were a reason to believe that these changes could only be positive for PS3, they would be changes we have evidence for.

My problem, again, is that the only change you are willing to believe in for two years out is a miraculous PS3 revival.

but with around 10k a week for PS3 sales, and some weeks its even lower than 10k, i think its a bigger change to increase this rather than getting even lower

And why do you think this? Historically, losing consoles in Japan have only ever gotten worse, not better, with time; consoles that were selling 10k a week slowed down to selling 1k a week or less before their successors were even out. The only counter-example is the PSP, which was already selling at a "successful" rate even when it was being soundly whooped by the DS, which PS3 is not. (It's arguable that in place of a handheld/console split, there's just a five-way "system war" in Japan, with PSP, DS, and Wii on the "winning" side and the HD systems on the losing.)

Lightning said:
It's become quite obvious to me that Square will not be focusing much on the PS3 or the 360 for that matter. They want to make handheld games and that's where their focus lies.

I certainly can't argue with this. If I were Sony, I'd be spending whatever reputation capital I had with S-E in getting them to keep propping up the PSP rather than fighting a losing battle over the fairly miniscule quantity of HD exclusives they'll serve up over the next X years.
Mr. Wonderful said:
I can really see a lot of the big companies, not just the smaller developers, continuing to release games on the current platforms way after the start of the next generation of consoles more than we have seen in the past.

I agree, but I expect this will be realized at the hardware manufacturer level rather than the third party level -- Sony and MS have taken such huge losses (and have so much more room to keep their systems selling via pricecuts) that I expect they'll try to stretch out the generation anyway to maximize the period of profitability, and obviously Nintendo as the winner won't be in any hurry to launch a new system.


slaughterking said:
He got a point, though. FFXIII sales will probably suffer from the small PS3 userbase, while MH3 may profit from the much bigger Wii userbase and the new awareness and reception the PSP games gave to the franchise. We don't really know how a new Monster Hunter is going to behave on home consoles, but there is a chance of it being a good competitor to FF XIII.

When FFX came out Ps2 had sold 4500k iirc. IF the AC bundle sells well and Sony does something this/next year (lower the price, more bundles, announce games for japanese tastes) Ps3 could be at 4000k+ when FFXIII releases. So we'll see how lower is the userbase
gantz85 said:
Looking forward to charlequin or some other poster to whip this expectation back into place but I guess not, those only apply to pro-Sony sentiments

Oh, c'mon, gimme a break here, I have to spend time actually playing games too. :lol

There's no reason to think MH3 will do even remotely similar numbers to MHP2G. The big selling point of the franchise is local co-op where everyone has the game on their own system; the home console versions don't deliver that. I'll guess that MH3 will improve on MH2 because the franchise is much more visible now, but the teen boy demographic that's devouring MH2G and then coming back for more similar games like P*P isn't going to make this nearly as big a hit.
charlequin said:
I agree, but I expect this will be realized at the hardware manufacturer level rather than the third party level -- Sony and MS have taken such huge losses (and have so much more room to keep their systems selling via pricecuts) that I expect they'll try to stretch out the generation anyway to maximize the period of profitability, and obviously Nintendo as the winner won't be in any hurry to launch a new system.
I hope so.
Spiegel said:
When FFX came out Ps2 had sold 4500k iirc. IF the AC bundle sells well and Sony does something this/next year (lower the price, more bundles, announce games for japanese tastes) Ps3 could be at 4000k+ when FFXIII releases. So we'll see how lower is the userbase

who does believe, that the AC bundle will change the world? it's an old bluray movie and only a demo. i expect nothing form it.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
JoshuaJSlone said:
That did come pretty soon after it was regularly getting in the 60s and 70s K. The end of the shortages/initial demand rush? I'm thinking since things have been much more stable at a lower ~40K level this year that there's probably not a reason for a sudden dip that requires a Galaxy to resuscitate things.

Yeah, I had the same thought. Should be interesting


JoshuaJSlone said:
Of course Sony hopes they can do something to improve the situation. So does every manufacturer of a secondary/tertiary machine. It's historically been the minority that get anywhere with such plans, though.
Indeed, and personally i think that Sony might be able to come up with some solution that will improve the PS3 situation as it is today, even if its small improvements. What these solutions are can be anything from a PS3 Slim to a (or several) pricedrop. History does sometimes repeat itself, that is true and i agree to that. Looking back in history to see how things were before and say that the same things will happend again might turn out to be true and happend in the future, but history doesnt necessarily always repeat itself :)

charlequin said:
One can fairly assume that Sony is constantly "trying to do something" to make the PS3 perform better, just as all console manufacturers are. Given that their efforts to do so in Japan have consistently failed from launch up until today (and there is nothing on the horizon that represents a new strategy with potential to succeed in doing so), no, there is not any reason to extend them credit that their undefined future endeavors at doing so will magically be better received.

Again, why are you suggesting this for the PS3 but not saying, "well, we should assume the X360 will be selling 20k a week in two years -- after all, Microsoft will keep trying to push the console to do better in Japan than it has to date, right?" There is no inherent reason why Sony, and only Sony, should see improvements two years out unless you believe in some sort of magical preference by the universe for Sony to regain their "rightful" position.
True, i know there is nothing specific strategy around the PS3 that has been revealed by Sony at the current time, but i just said that i belive that they are working on some solutions that i think might help the PS3 situation, even if its a small change for the better. I'm not saying that Sony will succeed with these potential strategies, but i do belive they have a chance to improve the PS3 situation in Japan alittle (not necesseraly much or alot) atleast :)

Sony has been good in the console marked before in my opinion, so i would give them some credit that they might be able to improve the current PS3 situation in Japan, alittle atleast. They managed to do it in USA (so far atleast), so why not Japan? :) I dont think magic is necessarily needed to make some small improvement, in my opinion atleast.

When it comes to the Xbox 360 i dont belive that it can do 20k a week (atleast for a longer period of time) because the Xbox 360 is already relatively cheaper (atleast after my experience, please correct me if i'm wrong though :)) than the PS3 just to take one example. So i dont think price is the biggest issue why Xbox 360 dont sell better than it does in Japan right now, but that is just my guess. and i think that the japanese people in general would buy a Sony console over a Microsoft console because Sony is a japanese company.

Microsoft is indeed trying to push the Xbox 360 in Japan and they have been getting a better result than they had before, atleast for a shorter period of time. This week (well, last week) Xbox 360 sold about 5k consoles in Japan. Normaly the Xbox 360 sells something like maybe around 2k + - in Japan each week (except with the hardware bumps when new and relatively popular games are being released). Xbox 360 has also already outsold the Xbox 1 in Japan. I guess you can say that is some improvement in Japan around the Xbox brand/consoles, atleast when it comes to the hardware :) I dont know how Xbox 1 software did it in Japan compared to Xbox 360 software, sorry.

What do you mean with ""rightful" position"? Do you mean that the PS3 will be the number 1 selling console in Japan, as the PS1 and PS2 was for quite some time? If so, i havnt mentioned that. I have just been talking about an improvement, even if its just from 10k a week to 15k consoles sold each week in Japan. I havnt talked about a mega big change (like from 10k a week to 70k or 80k a week just to take an example) if anyone have understood my posts like that.

I also mentioned that there probably is not much doubt about that the Wii will be the consoles that sells most consoles in this generation in Japan. And just to clearify, i am not talking about a takeover (or what i shall say), that PS3 will start to outsell the Wii's LTD, or even outsell Wii on a weekly basis over a longer period of time. The chances for that to happend, especially that the PS3 will outsell the Wii's LTD is most likely very very small.

charlequin said:
Read what I'm saying, please. It's very likely that there will be some changes two years from now, but which direction those changes go is entirely unpredictable. PS3 improving is no different from PS3 cratering further; neither is expected, either could happen if unforseen events occur. If there were a reason to believe that these changes could only be positive for PS3, they would be changes we have evidence for.
What you write in this paragraph that i just quoted you on is pretty much what i mean :)
I'm pretty sure i have read everything you written to me in this discussion by the way. I can recall that i havnt read anything that you have written to me in this discussion, and i think i have understood everything that you have said as well. If you see that i missunderstand what you are say, then please say to me what i'm missunderstanding. I guess i can say the same to you though, please read what i'm saying :) If something i write is unclear, then please just tell me and i will try to explain better what i mean.

I did agree with you earlier that there is a possibility that the PS3 might end up selling less than 10k a week in about i.e 2 years from now by the way, so i havnt said that a change for the better around the PS3 situation is the only thing that might happend in about i.e 2 years from now. What i wrote was serious, it wasnt sarcastic or anything. I dont know if you understood it like sarcasm, but i just want to clearify that i was serious when i wrote it and that is wasnt sarcasm :) I wrote this in an earlier post in this thread:

test_account said:
But sure, it is possible that Sony might do something so the sales will be even lower than around 10k a week, lets say, for example 5k a week instead.

charlequin said:
My problem, again, is that the only change you are willing to believe in for two years out is a miraculous PS3 revival.
How do you define "miraculous PS3 revival"?. As i mentioned above here, i've mentioned earlier in this thread that i've been talking about a change from like 10k to 20k, or even 15k a week. Personally i dont think that going from 10k to 15k consoles sold each week is something miraculous, but in the PS3's case, maybe it is? :)

But as i mentioned earlier in this post, i have not said that a positive change is the only possibility that might happend with the PS3 in about i.e 2 years from now. The PS3 might end up selling worse each week instead of improving, that is a possibility too of course. There is much that can happend :)

charlequin said:
And why do you think this? Historically, losing consoles in Japan have only ever gotten worse, not better, with time; consoles that were selling 10k a week slowed down to selling 1k a week or less before their successors were even out.
I think that because about 10k is a pretty low number. If the PS3 kan do about 10k right now, at the current model and at the current price, i dont think its impossible that the PS3 can do it alittle better in about i.e 2 years from now, even if its just from 10k to 15k sold PS3 consoles each week. But of course, people in general might have even less interest in the PS3 in about i.e 2 years from now, so the sales might even be lower than 10k a week. I dont rule that possibility out.

Historically no standalone (as in not handhelds) Nintendo console have sold over 100 million units worldwide. I dont think many people thought like about 2-3 years ago that Wii (or Nintendo Revolution as the Wii was named back in the days) would have a shot at selling 100 million consoles worldwide, but that might actually happend, in my opinion atleast :)

Also historically Playstation 1 and 2 were dominating the standalone consoles market in Japan when PS1 and PS2 was in their prime time (or what i shall say). Going back about 2-3 years in time from now it might have seemed impossible that Nintendo would sell better than the PS2 (so far atleast) and that the PS3 would struggle this much in Japan, because historically PS1 and PS2 were pretty much the most selling consoles in Japan in their time. The situation in the console marked today is quite the opposite on how things were historically when Nintendo was competing with Sony's Playstation 1 and 2 :)

If i'm not mistaken i have seen some people saying that the 3rd part developers will support the Wii alot in the years to come. The only proof we have on this (as i can think or right now atleast, but please feel free to correct me if that is needed) is that Monster Hunter 3 went from PS3 to Wii. Other than that i dont think we know much more about how the 3rd party support will be for the Wii in the future, if we will see big 3rd party support on the Wii with titles like Dragon Quest 10 and/or Final Fantasy 14 etc. etc.

Historically, Nintendo 64 and Gamecube didnt exactly have the best 3rd party support, atleast i would guess so, atleast compared to the PS1 and the PS2 (correct me if i'm wrong though), but i dont think that this would necessarily be the case with the Wii in this generation. I think the 3rd party support could improve on the Wii compared to how it was on the Nintendo 64 and on the Gamecube.

I think Nintendo was Nintendo had the most selling consoles with the Famicom and the Super Famicom back in those 2 generations in Japan, and in this generation Nintendo has the most selling standalone console (the Wii) in Japan, so history does indeed repeat itself some times, i agree that that, but things can also change in my opinion :)

Personally i dont think PS3 will slide from 10k to 1k (not counting the hardware bumps when relatively popular titles gets released) through-out the years to come. I might be wrong about this, but i guess it is possible that i might happend instead of improving the PS3's sales of course, but if this happend i would be kinda suprised.

charlequin said:
The only counter-example is the PSP, which was already selling at a "successful" rate even when it was being soundly whooped by the DS, which PS3 is not. (It's arguable that in place of a handheld/console split, there's just a five-way "system war" in Japan, with PSP, DS, and Wii on the "winning" side and the HD systems on the losing.)
Thats true, but we can all wonder and speculate in what "suddently" caused the PSP to be more popular than it already was. Monster Hunter is one factor, but one game alone is enough to boost the PSP hardware sale that much, i dont know.

But now i feel that i've said what i wanted to say in this discussion about if the PS3 might improve its situation in about i.e 2 years from now. I am sorry some very long posts in this discussion, but i felt that i had to write everything that i could think of that i wanted to say in this discussion. You do make some good points, and i do agree to things that you say. I think we can discuss more about if the PS3 will improve or not, and you can probably come up with more good points that i will agree on, but i dont think you can say anything that will change my belives about an improvement (even if it is a small improvement) in the PS3 sales in Japan :) I'm not sure if you say that PS3 doesnt have any chance at all to improve the sale, so please correct me if i'm wrong about what you mean. Personally i think the PS3 has a chance to improve the hardware sale, even if its some relatively small change from like 10k a week to 15k PS3 consoles sold a week, but we'll see what happends in the future and when the time comes :)

In the end i can sum up my main point in this discussion:

- I do belive that Sony is able to improve the PS3 weekly hardware sale in Japan in about i.e 2 years from now, even if its small changes from like 10k a week to only 15k consoles sold each week. In afterthough i do also belive that there is a possibility that PS3 might sell less than 10k a week in about i.e 2 years from now. No one knows for sure how the future will be.

- Historically the struggling consoles in previous generations might have never ended up in doing some improvement in their life cycle, i agree to that, but i do belive that things can change. The console market in example 5 or 10 years ago isnt necessarily exactly the same like it is today, or exactly the same as it will be in about i.e 2 years or so from now.

- I do belive that things might (not will, but might) change for the better for the PS3 in Japan, even if its just some small improvements. People are welcome to totally disagree with me, that is absolutely fine with me, it is no problem at atll! :) Also, what i belive in that the PS3 might sell alittle more consoles each week in about i.e 2 years from now, like from 10k to 15k or so, might turn out to be totally wrong. We will see in the future what will happend :)

EDIT: Damn, that was a long post than i thought, sorry hehe :)


solid2snake said:
who does believe, that the AC bundle will change the world? it's an old bluray movie and only a demo. i expect nothing form it.

And who said that it's going to change the world?

Learn to read before posting.

I said that with Christmas, games, price drop and bundles Ps3 could sell 4000k+ (now is at 2200k) before FFXIII is released (a year from now minimum)
alske said:
Wat. PS3 was never doing 5k. It's average low point has always been about 10k.

PS3 did 7 438 on week april 14-20 2008 and 7 701 on week may 12-18 2008 for the lower peaks.

PS3 has 7 weeks under 10 000 in 2007 (consecutively, may 07-13 to june 18-24) and 8 weeks under 10 000 in 2008 (for the moment).


JoshuaJSlone said:
I'm trying to think of analogous situations and drawing a blank: Game exists to moderate success in one format, gets placed on another and blows up, then returns to the original format. Some people wondered if Super Mario Galaxy would be helped by New Super Mario Bros., but they're extremely different types of games.

We should get an example very soon, in the Animal Crossing Game. It is doing OK on N64 and GCN (home console), explode on DS (Portable), and returning back to home console (Wii).

Mario Kart could NOT be used, IMO, since it was released as parallel on both home console and portable console (N64, GBA, GC, DS, Wii).


Spiegel said:
And who said that it's going to change the world?

Learn to read before posting.

I said that with Christmas, games, price drop and bundles Ps3 could sell 4000k+ (now is at 2200k) before FFXIII is released (a year from now minimum)

I assume that FF13 will be released at Christmas 2009. I think an installed base of 4 million is possible for the PS3 if Sony can continue to get moderately big games to come out. It's certainly not guaranteed to be that high. I also think that FF13 will trend similar to MGS4. That is to say: its first week numbers will be inline with the series usual outings, but then it will drop off much quicker.

Since, the only Japanese developed games that the 360 and the PS3 will continue to get are those that have world-wide appeal or are super-cheap to make, personally I think that both Sony and Microsoft should be researching ways to make western developed games more popular in Japan. It certainly won't be easy, but it has the greatest potential pay-off for them.


duckroll said:
Do you really think those factors were more important than the fact that there are actually PSP releases every week or every other week? When I say strong catalog I mean that people are confident when they're buying the hardware that because of the fact that there has been a steady support of software for some time and into the future. Even if they don't buy a single back catalog game, they know it's a supported system that will continue to be supported.

Granted the PSP has never had the problem that the PS3 faces now, so it's not really a fair comparison, but I strongly believe that's a core factor that's stopping people that aren't getting a PS3 in Japan from getting one. Even if they want it for say MGS4, they see nothing else in the horizon that they would be getting. There are big titles in the works, but none of them have any release dates.

Out of the 18 or so games coming out in the next 3 months in Japan, over half of them are western games. Not exactly a bright outlook for the Japanese gamer looking for a new system.

I see now. To be fair, I've only seen the word 'catalog' used for presently available titles (which makes back catalog somewhat redundant) and 'lineup' used in both contexts (present and future), which is why I weighed in on your otherwise agreeable comment. :) I still think games don't play THE role in the PSP's sales rise, but we can't exactly prove it definitively either way. PSP Slim's sales spikes seemed to come more with new color launches than being tied to individual game releases bar MHP2ndG.

Like Nintendo and unlike MS, Sony has experience being in the leadership position of the console wars and if they see it fit to do a relaunch, they'll do it. Even Sony couldn't mess this up.

The feasibility of launching a slimmed down PS3 model shouldn't even be up for debate (referring to other arguments). The means are there and there's history to back it up.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
What were the last known numbers of Wario Land Shake?
Assuming it did around 19k this week for MC, what LTD should we be looking at now?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Dash Kappei said:
What were the last known numbers of Wario Land Shake?
Assuming it did around 19k this week for MC, what LTD should we be looking at now?

It's at 42K according to Famitsu (which is your better bet for following software sales since it has numbers for the top 30) and only fell from 24K to 18K. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up breaking a 100K eventually.


solid2snake said:
who does believe, that the AC bundle will change the world? it's an old bluray movie and only a demo. i expect nothing form it.

Just like the MGS2 demo pack in had no effect on the sales of Zone of the Enders.


cvxfreak said:
The feasibility of launching a slimmed down PS3 model shouldn't even be up for debate (referring to other arguments). The means are there and there's history to back it up.
Sega developed and released slimline versions of their Master System and Megadrive, but not subsequent consoles.
Nintendo developed and released slimline versions of Famicom and Super Famicom, but not subsequent consoles.
Both of these have similar traits to Sony and their PS1 and PS2 revisions.

Sony can design a slim PS3, and it's likely both Nintendo and Sega designed slim versions of their later consoles, but the main issues preventing manufacture and release are: 1) the hardware is currently not successful enough to clear out the channels of existing stock if such a release took place and 2) the new hardware could not be offered at a price that is appealing to existing owners and prospective new buyers.

Seriously, look at the price points of PS1 and PS2 when they hit the market. There isn't even a remote possibility that Sony could pull off that kind of price drop in the next year of PS3's existence. The main issue being that every unit has an HDD in the box -- that's going to cause headaches in the end.


the piano man
Jonnyram said:
Sega developed and released slimline versions of their Master System and Megadrive, but not subsequent consoles.
Nintendo developed and released slimline versions of Famicom and Super Famicom, but not subsequent consoles.
Both of these have similar traits to Sony and their PS1 and PS2 revisions.

Sony can design a slim PS3, and it's likely both Nintendo and Sega designed slim versions of their later consoles, but the main issues preventing manufacture and release are: 1) the hardware is currently not successful enough to clear out the channels of existing stock if such a release took place and 2) the new hardware could not be offered at a price that is appealing to existing owners and prospective new buyers.

Seriously, look at the price points of PS1 and PS2 when they hit the market. There isn't even a remote possibility that Sony could pull off that kind of price drop in the next year of PS3's existence. The main issue being that every unit has an HDD in the box -- that's going to cause headaches in the end.

but sony said that producing PS3s now is way cheaper than at that time of (pre)launch and that they soon wouldn't be selling at a loss.

couldn't it be that they can somehow introduce a product that is, say, $275.00 in holidays next year? even at $299 would be cool if they can keep everything in place inside this new PS3 version.


Jonnyram said:
Sega developed and released slimline versions of their Master System and Megadrive, but not subsequent consoles.
Nintendo developed and released slimline versions of Famicom and Super Famicom, but not subsequent consoles.
Both of these have similar traits to Sony and their PS1 and PS2 revisions.

Sony can design a slim PS3, and it's likely both Nintendo and Sega designed slim versions of their later consoles, but the main issues preventing manufacture and release are: 1) the hardware is currently not successful enough to clear out the channels of existing stock if such a release took place and 2) the new hardware could not be offered at a price that is appealing to existing owners and prospective new buyers.

Seriously, look at the price points of PS1 and PS2 when they hit the market. There isn't even a remote possibility that Sony could pull off that kind of price drop in the next year of PS3's existence. The main issue being that every unit has an HDD in the box -- that's going to cause headaches in the end.

Sony is neither Nintendo nor Sega; their approach has always been different (closer to Sega's with the Genesis). Sony has always released redesigns while the systems were still active, while Nintendo's redesigns were released toward the end of their lifecycles. To put it another way, few ever think of those redesigned Famicom and SFCs whenever those systems are mentioned, because they played such a small role in the life of those systems. Meanwhile, it's totally plausible for one to think of the PSone or PS2 slim. By the end of this year, the PS2 slim will have been on the market nearly as long as the original had been before the slim hit. In short, redesigns have always been part of Sony's hardware cycle as it vies to remain profitable, and we can't yet assume that losing systems never become redesigned (if you don't want to count the PSP). And how likely is a major Wii redesign, for that matter?

Going onto the next point, has Sony ever dropped the price of their hardware along with its redesigns? I don't remember the PStwo or PSP Slim prices dropping, though it may have happened with the PSone. Price drops would be dependent on the current hardware, and then Sony would replace it with the Slim. Sony should be able to drop the price of the PS3 again.

Nor should Sony have to worry about stock issues and selling out the old model first. This has been nearly a non-issue in the iPod age. In the past, they've timed these things very well. Sony will either let their existing stock sell out on its own or they'll do temporary price drops if necessary. The PS3's sales are indeed quite low compared to the Wii and PS2, but we've yet to see evidence of overstock aside from a few small examples of Japanese retailers dropping the price on unmoved hardware.
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