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Media Create Sales: 08/18 - 08/24


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Segata Sanshiro said:
You've forgotten last year. Right around this time actually. Kids are heading back to school, so not too many folks are buying I would imagine.

Yup. Interested to see just how low it goes this year. I thought it might stabilize a bit better, but judging from this week's drop, maybe not


Busaiku said:
Wonder why Nintendo dropped the ball on this one.
Possibly because its past few DS RPGs have struggled to do that well...and maybe because the past couple of FE games haven't crossed the 200,000 mark.


Elementary kids return to school on Monday. But the thing that sucks about Japanese summer vacation (other than being really short) is that teachers give a huge stack of homework for the kids to do over "vacation". Kids are kids and most of them put it off until the last week of vacation, which is this week. Not too many parents will be buying brand new games for their kids this week.

Still the Wii Fit sales probably show that adults are still picking it up.


All hardware is down, no reason to single out the Wii. I'm pretty sure it was the same deal last year, though PSP escaped the slump before the others thanks to Slim.


sony better be working on overdrive on that slim ps3,along with sending coders to help out squeenix on ff13. they need those two items on the market asap. psp numbers are still really good,glad to see the turnaround in software. before the slim and crisis core launched,it would be vey rare to see a psp game in the top ten,now we have at least one a week.


Slow week if I ever saw one.

Was J-League WE 2008 only launched in the PS2? that kind of game usually gets a multiplatform release.


I hadn't really looked at a Japan sales thread for a few weeks and sort of amazed that DS still dominates the charts after all this time. I mean I understand it, but you sort of forget about Japan's infatuation with the device if you don't continuously read the threads.

Rhythm Tengoku is doing real well and there are lots of little games that seems to be continuously holding on in the top 30, like We Are Fossil Diggers.


jimbo said:
Heh, I missed this. Just got back from NY and Canada. To all those Canadian Gafers, you guys should be proud, you have a really nice country, at least what I caught of Niagra Falls and Toronto, and it's not as cold as people make it out to be. But your dollars, look REALLY funny, especially the $5 bill with kids playing hockey.

I should hope it's not cold, considering that it's the middle of Summer. Usually around this time Ontario is very hot and humid, around or over 30 degrees. I've heard though that Ontario has had a very cold, rainy summer this year though...


Professional Schmuck
CreatureX3 said:
Yes a MK chart would be cool. Also can you post an updated Super Mario chart as well? Thanks! :D

...turns out i only have data from GC and beyond. So no SNES or N64 data unless it is provided. I would definitely like to do one, though.

Also, the SPM charts were looked at in last week's thread.


Tiktaalik said:
...and there are lots of little games that seems to be continuously holding on in the top 30, like We Are Fossil Diggers.
Whenever I see screens for that game I get a 'Pokémon' vibe from it. Surely its continued sales will give it a strong chance of a Western release...we shall see. Disappointing that RED Entertainment's other DS game for Nintendo, Project Hacker, never got translated :(


listen to the mad man
CreatureX3 said:
Yes a MK chart would be cool. Also can you post an updated Super Mario chart as well? Thanks! :D

You missed this last week:


Segata Sanshiro said:
Japanese school is on a whole other level compared to Western countries. These kids barely get time to take a shit, let alone play video games. Crazy fucking parents.

Thanks to Segata post, I have found out the reason why DS (and PSP to a certain extent) are having such a fabulous LTD. It is because of the kids. Buying a portable console means they can do both things (taking a shit, playing video games) in the small amount of free time they got.



Vinnk said:
Elementary kids return to school on Monday. But the thing that sucks about Japanese summer vacation (other than being really short) is that teachers give a huge stack of homework for the kids to do over "vacation". Kids are kids and most of them put it off until the last week of vacation, which is this week. Not too many parents will be buying brand new games for their kids this week.

Still the Wii Fit sales probably show that adults are still picking it up.

IIRC, you are a teacher. So, how many homework you gave to your student ? A huge stack, medium stack, or none ?

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Fatal Frame 4 on its way to be best selling in the franchise...?
When are we getting it in NA?!

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
So how long till Fatal Frame 4 overtake (if/when) the prequels?
Is it true Nintendo started replacing the bugged ones?
Still amazes me how large the handheld market has exploded this past generation.

All three consoles combined amounts to a slight more then the PSP alone, but can't match the DS alone.

Two handhelds against three consoles though? The differences become embarrassing. The PSP is the natural evolution of the GBA, and the DS is an offshoot. Together these two platforms could very easily outpace past handheld marketshare. Maybe by a lot.

Consoles have a long way to go. And the Wii is the only making a show of it.


Vinnk said:
So what qualifies as a mainline Tales game these days? Wasn't Tempest originally called one but had it's official status stripped from it?

It seems so arbitrary.
Flip a coin. Heads = mainline, Tails = spinoff. Tempest landed on the side and one guy thought it was heads and the other tails.


Dash Kappei said:
So how long till Fatal Frame 4 overtake (if/when) the prequels?
Is it true Nintendo started replacing the bugged ones?
Probably after it drops off the charts, so whenever we get the end of year update. It's 10k away from FF2 and 15k away from 3.

But who knows, maybe it'll miraculously hold around 5k and stay in the top 50 for a few weeks.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Thunder Monkey said:
Still amazes me how large the handheld market has exploded this past generation.

All three consoles combined amounts to a slight more then the PSP alone, but can't match the DS alone.

Two handhelds against three consoles though? The differences become embarrassing. The PSP is the natural evolution of the GBA, and the DS is an offshoot. Together these two platforms could very easily outpace past handheld marketshare. Maybe by a lot.

Consoles have a long way to go. And the Wii is the only making a show of it.

Still there's the living room console. The overall paradigm has changed a lot, Nintendo still has a lot they can do. Sony & MS are doing the same old things that weren't really working coming off the end of the PS2 generation in Japan, they don't have what it takes to compete under this new paradigm, that's why they're not really. What they're doing, it's not gonna work in the end. Things seem to be looking up now but the rope is running out, it will change again, that's the whole point of it.


apujanata said:
IIRC, you are a teacher. So, how many homework you gave to your student ? A huge stack, medium stack, or none ?

I don't give them any. It's summer vacation. ANd I don't want a bunch of worksheets to correct when my vacation ends.

PantherLotus said:
That's interesting anecdotal evidence that I would have never thought of. Where's your report been? :(

My report? People still care? I could do one again if something interesting is coming up. It's just lately everything seems to have settled, and I don't think it would be interesting enough.


Sony needs to release a slim PS3 with PS2 BACKWARDs compatibility (by soft or hard). The PS2 stills sells at par with the PS3, combined numbers could give some battle to the Wii.


Professional Schmuck
Vinnk said:
I don't give them any. It's summer vacation. ANd I don't want a bunch of worksheets to correct when my vacation ends.

My report? People still care? I could do one again if something interesting is coming up. It's just lately everything seems to have settled, and I don't think it would be interesting enough.

It provided a personal insight into the Japanese world that cold hard numbers can so often overlook. It may not be valuable to everybody, but it is appreciated by some. For me, I never really cared "game x was sold out here, here, and here," but I loved the comments about what people were doing, what was being advertised, and the general mentality of the people around you. We need more of that.


HK-47 said:
Why is SMRPG on the chart but Paper Mario not? Shouldnt it just be platformers?

true. SMRPG robbing famicom mini SMB confirmed.

Yoshi's Island DS doesn't belong there either since that's a Yoshi game basically. it would be like putting DK and Wario games there.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Osuwari said:
true. SMRPG robbing famicom mini SMB confirmed.

Yoshi's Island DS doesn't belong there either since that's a Yoshi game basically. it would be like putting DK and Wario games there.

Its there because Yoshi's Island is also there
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