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Media Create Sales: 08/18 - 08/24


Jonnyram said:
Well, it's not only published by Nintendo - most of the characters in the game are Nintendo characters too. But the point is that they are b-list Nintendo characters, and sales expectations should be set accordingly. Also, it'll probably keep selling over the weekend. Maybe 10k for the first week is doable?
Ah ok, thanks for the info! :) I've only seen Birdo in the game :) I was just alittle suprised that when Nintendo takes the time (or what i shall say) to publish a game that it didnt sell better than that.

But ye, if its only b-list Nino characters as you say, the appeal around the game might not be that high compared to if it was a-list Nintendo characters. Its only been 1 day of sales as well, we'll see how it ends up selling in the next few weeks :)
Jonnyram said:
Well, it's not only published by Nintendo - most of the characters in the game are Nintendo characters too. But the point is that they are b-list Nintendo characters, and sales expectations should be set accordingly. Also, it'll probably keep selling over the weekend. Maybe 10k for the first week is doable?

Not just that - they’re B-list Nintendo characters subverted and placed in a very quirky game. This isn’t the straightforward fanservice love-in of something like Smash Brothers.


Cosmonaut X said:
Perhaps "hyped" is too strong a word, but it's not been running completely silent.
Ye, thats true, its not been running complete silent, Africa have/had some TV spot(s) for example. Captain Rainbow also have/had some TV spot(s), atleast there are some over at www.gametrailers.com. I have no idea how much airtime these Africa and Captain Rainbow commercials have gotten though. I also have no idea how much coverage these games have had in stores (as in in-store adverticements, such as posters, game being runned in a demo kiosk etc.).
test_account said:
Ye, thats true, its not been running complete silent, Africa have/had some TV spot(s) for example. Captain Rainbow also have/had some TV spot(s), atleast there are some over at www.gametrailers.com. I have no idea how much airtime these Africa and Captain Rainbow commercials have gotten though. I also have no idea how much coverage these games have had in stores (as in in-store adverticements, such as posters, game being runned in a demo kiosk etc.).

I think the Gametrailers ads for Captain Rainbow are pulled from the Japanese Nintendo Channel. Not sure whether it got any TV advertising.


Cosmonaut X said:
I think the Gametrailers ads for Captain Rainbow are pulled from the Japanese Nintendo Channel. Not sure whether it got any TV advertising.
Ah ok, that might be the case ye. I just saw they were labeled as "TV spots", so i assumed that they were shown on TV. Anyone living in Japan who know if Africa and Captain Rainbow have had commericial(s) on TV? Or how the promotion in general have been for these 2 games?


Segata Sanshiro said:
I haven't seen any Captain Rainbow ads on TV as of yet. I've seen the Afrika ad with the father and son falling asleep quite a bit, though.
Ok, then these TV spots for Captain Rainbow might have been taken from the Japanese Nintendo Channel as Cosmonaut X said. I wonder why Nintendo isnt pushing this game more if they are publishing it? Thanks for the info by the way! :)
test_account said:
Ok, then these TV spots for Captain Rainbow might have been taken from the Japanese Nintendo Channel as Cosmonaut X said. I wonder why Nintendo isnt pushing this game more if they are publishing it? Thanks for the info by the way! :)
Probably low-budget, low-expectations.

Also, a caution: just because I haven't seen the ads, it doesn't mean they don't exist. For all I know they might just be airing during anime, which I never watch. Or during the day when I'm at work. And so forth.


For those that care.

August to date #'s:

360: ~38,167
PS3: ~34,161

I don't think the 360 will hold on next week. But we'll see.


Vinnk said:
Ok, I will start in 2 weeks. I am off to the United States to visit my family. When I return I will start giving reports from "the village".

Have a good visit, and excellent to hear "the village" is coming back. :)
Based on the latest Famitsu numbers...

PSP comparisons: After 193 weeks, PSP is where PS2 was at 147.2 weeks (December 23, 2002), where DS was at 87.9 weeks (August 5, 2006), and where GBA was at 123.4 weeks (July 29, 2003).

PS3 comparisons: After 93 weeks, PS3 is where PS2 was at 20.8 weeks (July 21, 2000), where PSP was at 53.0 weeks (December 10, 2005), where GCN was at 99.3 weeks (August 4, 2003), and where Wii was at 22.9 weeks (May 5, 2007).

Wii comparisons: After 90 weeks, Wii is where GBA was at 88.7 weeks (November 28, 2002), where DS was at 69.6 weeks (March 29, 2006), where PS2 was at 96.9 weeks (January 5, 2002), and where PSP was at 151.2 weeks (October 29, 2007).

For a while now Wii will appear to get further behind GBA, since GBA is entering a holiday period. However, Wii is almost through PS2's biggest holiday period. If Wii has a weak next few months it might briefly fall behind PS2 before shooting ahead again due to its own holiday boost.

Based on the latest Media Create numbers...
DS vs PSP: Weekly shares of 54.0 / 46.0 bring total shares to 69.5 / 30.5. If DS stopped selling and PSP continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 273.5 weeks (November 21, 2013).

PS3 vs Wii: Weekly shares of 20.4 / 79.6 bring total shares to 25.5 / 74.5. If Wii stopped selling and PS3 continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 484.5 weeks (December 7, 2017).

PS3 2008 falls back behind PS3 2007.

Famitsu software stuff:

Wario Land remains slow but steady.

Fatal Frame Wii (3062) remains well in the middle.

Rhythm Tengoku Gold continues to look ridiculous next to its predecessor.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Full set...

PS3 Afrika - 20.000
PSP Fate Tiger Colosseum Upper - Eh...not sure, 20k? (last year entry did 40k)
PS3 Battlefield Bad Company - 11.000
360 Too Human - 6.500
WII Captain Rainbow - 4.300
360 Clannad - 3.800

sinobi comments that Afrika actually has sold better than expectations and some shops (plus amazon) seem to be running out of stock. He says Captain Rainbow numbers are expected, and he is surprised at Clannad 360 numbers because PSP edition sold 20k in May.

That bar must have been pretty low :lol


Slurmer said:
Not to be a bother but...what about NDS/Wii/PS2/PSP?

I didn't think anyone cared. But here goes. This is as of August 1st.

DS: ~219,695
PSP: ~196,738
Wii: ~144,332
360: ~38,167
PS3: ~34,161
PS2: ~30,967

Reason they are an estimate is because I had to average out the first 3 days of August. from the week of 7/28-8/03. Corrected PS3 & 360 too.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Tenbatsu said:
Captain Rainbow......so so sad....

What did u expect ? I mean it`s a FREAK game without marketing...
when inazuma on ds can sell "only" 40K for week one...


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
He says Captain Rainbow numbers are expected, and he is surprised at Clannad 360 numbers because PSP edition sold 20k in May.

surprised as in didn't sell as expected? or sold more than expected?


Segata Sanshiro said:
I haven't seen any Captain Rainbow ads on TV as of yet. I've seen the Afrika ad with the father and son falling asleep quite a bit, though.

The same. I have seen Afrika ads on TV quite a bit and the in store ads (in my town) are on par with their other A grade (but not AAA grade) titles (for example Folk Soul)

Captain Rainbow.. well if I hadn't read about it on GAF I would never have even known it was coming out. Like Segata I don't watch a great deal of kids programming, but I never once saw an ad for this. On TV or in a game store.

I kind of agree with the Nintendo policy of "Don't announce a game until it is almost done" but I hate their other policy of "And when it's done, don't make a big deal about it".

After it's release Wario got (and is still getting TV ads), but before it came out almost nothing. So I suppose Nintendo could be planning to do the same with Captain Rainbow.. but I personally believe it was just sent to die.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Probably low-budget, low-expectations.

Also, a caution: just because I haven't seen the ads, it doesn't mean they don't exist. For all I know they might just be airing during anime, which I never watch. Or during the day when I'm at work. And so forth.
Ye, that might be, that Nintendo didnt want to use too much money on adverticing the game if it is a low-budget game.

Ye, that might also be, that if the game did get TV commercials, maybe they are aired during kids show or during anime shows.

Vinnk said:
The same. I have seen Afrika ads on TV quite a bit and the in store ads (in my town) are on par with their other A grade (but not AAA grade) titles (for example Folk Soul)

Captain Rainbow.. well if I hadn't read about it on GAF I would never have even known it was coming out. Like Segata I don't watch a great deal of kids programming, but I never once saw an ad for this. On TV or in a game store.

I kind of agree with the Nintendo policy of "Don't announce a game until it is almost done" but I hate their other policy of "And when it's done, don't make a big deal about it".

After it's release Wario got (and is still getting TV ads), but before it came out almost nothing. So I suppose Nintendo could be planning to do the same with Captain Rainbow.. but I personally believe it was just sent to die.
Thanks for the info! :) Seems like Nintendo didnt put too much effort into adverticing Captain Rainbow. Ye, i must say its a pity, especially for the developers, if the publisher doesnt do too much to get the game known to people in general. I dont know why Nintendo doesnt do too much about Captain Rainbow, atleast it seems like it, but maybe it has something to do with if the game is a relatively low-budget game?


jimbo said:
I didn't think anyone cared. But here goes. This is as of August 1st.

DS: ~219,695
PSP: ~196,738
Wii: ~144,332
360: ~38,167
PS3: ~34,161
PS2: ~30,967

Reason they are an estimate is because I had to average out the first 3 days of August. from the week of 7/28-8/03. Corrected PS3 & 360 too.

Thanks a lot jimbo :)

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
PantherLotus said:
It provided a personal insight into the Japanese world that cold hard numbers can so often overlook. It may not be valuable to everybody, but it is appreciated by some. For me, I never really cared "game x was sold out here, here, and here," but I loved the comments about what people were doing, what was being advertised, and the general mentality of the people around you. We need more of that.

I must quote you on that because I share the exact same feelings about Vink's reports :)
test_account said:
Ye, that might be, that Nintendo didnt want to use too much money on adverticing the game if it is a low-budget game.

Ye, that might also be, that if the game did get TV commercials, maybe they are aired during kids show or during anime shows.

Thanks for the info! :) Seems like Nintendo didnt put too much effort into adverticing Captain Rainbow. Ye, i must say its a pity, especially for the developers, if the publisher doesnt do too much to get the game known to people in general. I dont know why Nintendo doesnt do too much about Captain Rainbow, atleast it seems like it, but maybe it has something to do with if the game is a relatively low-budget game?
After seeing more about the game, I'm starting to think they didn't advertise it too heavily because of the content. I'm also now pretty confident it wouldn't have commercials targeting the game to kids. :lol


Segata Sanshiro said:
After seeing more about the game, I'm starting to think they didn't advertise it too heavily because of the content. I'm also now pretty confident it wouldn't have commercials targeting the game to kids. :lol
What kinda content is there? :)
Captain Rainbow is a new quirky IP, I don't think anyone expected great first day/week sales. We'll see if it has any legs. Afrika numbers are decent too, hopefully it gets restocked quick enough. I like seeing these type of games succeed.

test_account said:
What kinda content is there? :)
Gay content? Rainbow dude, RAINBOW!
test_account said:
What kinda content is there? :)
Yeah, one of the early quests has Birdo asking you to go to his/her house for proof that he/she's a woman. You hear a buzzing sound like a cell phone going off, search under the pillow, and find a mystery (censored) vibrating item described as "proof Birdo is a woman".


Segata Sanshiro said:
Yeah, one of the early quests has Birdo asking you to go to his/her house for proof that he/she's a woman. You hear a buzzing sound like a cell phone going off, search under the pillow, and find a mystery (censored) vibrating item described as "proof Birdo is a woman".
Haha, that sounds crazy. I guess this game isnt too suitable for kids then hehe (atleast not that part of the game :)).

Thanks for the info everyone! :)


This game sounds fun, but it sounds like a lot of the fun would be lost if you can't read the text... Like that Birdo part for instance.


Professional Schmuck
Steiner_Zi said:
The OP says that Mario Kart Wii is 1,711,000 and not MK64.

That's MC data for MK Wii, which famitsu hasn't released yet this week. Famitsu data for MK64 is 1,711,661. It is interesting that they will both be at 1711k for a week (but famitsu may not have them there at the same time).
Spiegel said:
Afrika bombed (as expected) but considering that Endless Ocean did 17k first week (47k LTD) it doesn't seems so bad.
That depends on how you look at it. Afrika was heavily touted by SCE, apparently had a TV and in-store ad-campaign and is released in a period of serious drought, on a system that doesn't have many releases to begin with. EO was released a week after MP8 with no such things.

I don't think both titles can be compared at all sales-wise (gameplay-wise they look pretty much identical though).

Anyways it bombed less horribly than I expected.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Byakuya769 said:
Wow a DQ game bumping the DS back over the psp.. I remember some idiot telling me that wouldn't happen. Interesting.

So Rhythm Tengoku is now an Enix RPG ?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
PantherLotus said:
I think I misread your quoted comments. you're pointing out that DQ did not in fact push the DS up, but it was Rhythm Tengoku that helped it. right?

At the Ende it`s the whole libary of games which counts - but this time i`d guess that RT had more to do with pushing the DS sales than DQ5...
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