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Media Create Sales 10/15 - 10/21 2007


Phoenix Down said:
really i read recently Mario in japan isent very popular... there was more advertisement for FF CC... anyways mario hasent sold well in Japan for a VERY long time..


Take a look at NSMB's numbers when you get a chance.
Eteric Rice said:
Which wouldn't be bad considering no advertising, kiddy style, and every other thing working against the poor little game.

"Not bad for <problem that's the publisher and/or console-maker's own damn fault>" is not a sensible standard. You don't get to say "well, I tried to do this, but I fucked it up -- so given that, it turned out pretty well!"

Eteric Rice

charlequin said:
"Not bad for <problem that's the publisher and/or console-maker's own damn fault>" is not a sensible standard. You don't get to say "well, I tried to do this, but I fucked it up -- so given that, it turned out pretty well!"

I'm just saying that everything was against this game from the start.

We all knew it, and they probably did also.


What are our Z&W sales predictions anyway?

I think...

50-70k in Japan LTD
100k in PAL LTD
100k in Americas LTD

so about 250k-270k. That would mean profit on Wii right?

Oh and atm I don't think Capcom cares about numbers..they're even bringing Okami to Wii which will sell only a little more then Z&W worldwide.


Lobster said:
What are our Treasure Island Z sales predictions anyway?

I think...

50-70k in Japan LTD



Oh and atm I don't think Capcom cares about numbers..


Yeah, they're in this publishing gig out of the goodness of their altruistic little hearts.


ethelred said:

I reckon it will sell 1k a week for a while then slow down to 1k a month then finally something like 100 a month. By the end of this gen..it will have sold 50-70k in Japan.

ethelred said:
Yeah, they're in this publishing gig out of the goodness of their altruistic little hearts.

Eh? Why would they bring LP to Ps3. Its gonna bomb. Okami bombed on Ps2 with a 100 mil userbase and they still ported it to Wiis 12mil+ userbase.

Eteric Rice

ethelred said:



Yeah, they're in this publishing gig out of the goodness of their altruistic little hearts.

It's sad to say that if most of us were the people who decided if these games get made or not, Zack & Wiki would have possibly been a whole lot cooler.
Eteric Rice said:
I'm just saying that everything was against this game from the start.

That's spin, though. There's a ceiling on possible sales for a game like this (which should, in turn, generally specify the ceiling on development budget) but beyond that it was conscious choices on the part of individuals at Capcom and Nintendo that led to today's situation. It's not like the director died and they had to salvage his work or something -- they chose when to release the game, what to call it, how to market it, etc. and those choices all directly contributed to its sales (or lack thereof.)

Lobster said:
Eh? Why would they bring LP to Ps3. Its gonna bomb. Okami bombed on Ps2 with a 100 mil userbase and they still ported it to Wiis 12mil+ userbase.

Porting a game to recoup some of its expensive development cost (since porting is extremely cheap in comparison to devleoping a whole new game) is completely different from releasing a new game and you know it.

Eteric Rice

charlequin said:
That's spin, though. There's a ceiling on possible sales for a game like this (which should, in turn, generally specify the ceiling on development budget) but beyond that it was conscious choices on the part of individuals at Capcom and Nintendo that led to today's situation. It's not like the director died and they had to salvage his work or something -- they chose when to release the game, what to call it, how to market it, etc. and those choices all directly contributed to its sales (or lack thereof.)

I'm not saying they weren't retarded for green lighting this game (I wouldn't even have greenlighted it in it's current style/form). They definately were, and I don't know what the hell they were smoking... Maybe they took the "Wii is kiddie" thing to heart?

This game was fucked from the start, really. Doesn't stop it from being good, thankfully. :)


Woah, when did Wii and PS3 numbers get so close?

Can't wait to see what PS3 does after Final Fantasy and price drop.


Lobster said:
What are our Z&W sales predictions anyway?

I think...

50-70k in Japan LTD
100k in PAL LTD
100k in Americas LTD

so about 250k-270k. That would mean profit on Wii right?

Oh and atm I don't think Capcom cares about numbers..they're even bringing Okami to Wii which will sell only a little more then Z&W worldwide.

I not sure how much of a budget zack & wiki has, but 250k to make a profit? I don't think it has that much of a budget. Something like RE4Wii which was ported by about 6-10 people would only have to break about 70k to make a profit, probably less than that.


Dante said:
Woah, when did Wii and PS3 numbers get so close?

Can't wait to see what PS3 does after Final Fantasy and price drop.
Unfortunately, the price drop already happened, and Final Fantasy doesn't have a release date.


Phoenix Down said:
I also took into account wii fit.. maybe im dumb but i dont see it having a big impact in japan.. theres alot of healthy people over there hardly any fat people... IMO wii fit would do wayyy better in USA.. mark those words
Japanese people will never think they are skinny, all the girls over there wish themselve to be skinner even they are only 80lb

This week: How to spin a bomb into a success in 4 pages


ethelred said:



Yeah, they're in this publishing gig out of the goodness of their altruistic little hearts.

I dunno, why would any company release a game on the PS3 with that attitude?

Or the GameCube last generation?


charlequin said:
Porting a game to recoup some of its expensive development cost (since porting is extremely cheap in comparison to devleoping a whole new game) is completely different from releasing a new game and you know it.

It still takes a lot of resources to port to Ps3. I don't know if LP Ps3 will make a profit. I have my doubts.
Phoenix Down said:
really i read recently Mario in japan isent very popular... there was more advertisement for FF CC... anyways mario hasent sold well in Japan for a VERY long time..

I agree that Super Mario Galaxy is in Japan not as hyped as New Super Mario Bros. was, but it is exactly this last game that put your post in the bog: it sold almost 5 millions in Japan alone and 11.5 millions worldwide.

So, I would not say that the Mario franchise isn't popular or that it hasn't sold well recently. Remember: Mario is today exactly what was after 1985: the best selling franchise ever. I would not underevaluate this factor. Maybe it will not sell a million in his first week, but it will sell for a loong time. Typical for all Mario games after all.

500k in first week in what I expect. After 3-4 weeks it will reach a million and then....God only knows how long it will stay in the top 10.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I think ZaW will get above 100K world wide. Remember Nintendo is publishing it in Europe.


Cruceh said:
Unfortunately, the price drop already happened, and Final Fantasy doesn't have a release date.

The price drop made its numbers closer to the wii. However, its still significantly more expensive than the Wii too so we have to factor that in the equation which makes the PS3's future a little more brighter.


sakuragi said:
The price drop made its numbers closer to the wii. However, its still significantly more expensive than the Wii too so we have to factor that in the equation which makes the PS3's future a little more brighter.

Except when the Wii is pushing 100k in 2 weeks time.

Japan is a one console country.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
BishopLamont said:
100k WW is an atomic bomba.

Oh I agree, but I thought I saw some people saying it wouldn't do even that.


Xeke said:
Except when the Wii is pushing 100k in 2 weeks time.

Japan is a one console country.


I could have sworn we were talking about Japan.............. in a Japanese sales thread. But I guess you had to result to world wide sales to aid your argument. Typical.


schuelma said:
I think ZaW will get above 100K world wide. Remember Nintendo is publishing it in Europe.

Nintendo published ASH in Japan. We all saw how that worked out.

sakuragi said:

I could have sworn we were talking about Japan.............. in a Japanese sales thread. But I guess you had to result to world wide sales to aid your argument. Typical.

Huh? He is talking about Japan.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
sakuragi said:

I could have sworn we were talking about Japan.............. in a Japanese sales thread. But I guess you had to result to world wide sales to aid your argument. Typical.


sakuragi said:

I could have sworn we were talking about Japan.............. in a Japanese sales thread. But I guess you had to result to world wide sales to aid your argument. Typical.

you must feel stupid right now

It's more like 50k right now.

Dante said:
All the same, that gap has gotten sizeably smaller.

The gap at which wii is outselling ps3.


sakuragi said:

I could have sworn we were talking about Japan.............. in a Japanese sales thread. But I guess you had to result to world wide sales to aid your argument. Typical.

No. I'm talking about when in 2 weeks time the media create charts will have the Wii at around 100k because of Mario Galaxy.

I didn't make good use of the future tense in that statement.

But the one-two punch of Mario Galaxy and WiiFit will be all it needs to be sold out from now till Smash Bros.


Xeke said:
No. I'm talking about when in 2 weeks time the media create charts will have the Wii at around 100k because of Mario Galaxy.

Um okay, I see what you did there. The wii didnt make push 100k in two weeks in months now and its sales have been in a downward spiral ever since. And I fail to see why you bought those numbers up. The fact is, the PS3 is slowly closing the gap and it will only get closer once the price gets to the mass market level. If the WII gets a boost in xmas then so will the PS3.

BTW. If Japan is a one console country then the PS2 is still king then since its still selling both software and hardware. :lol


Dante said:
yup that the one, used to be[ B]waaaaay[/B] larger, now not so much :)

Well Wii isn't a monster like DS in Japan, it actually needs games to make it sell.

sakuragi said:
Um okay, I see what you did there. The wii didnt make push 100k in two weeks in months now and its sales have been in a downward spiral ever since. And I fail to see why you bought those numbers up. The fact is, the PS3 is slowly closing the gap and it will only get closer once the price gets to the mass market level. If the WII gets a boost in xmas then so will the PS3.

BTW. If Japan is a one console country then the PS2 is still king then since its still selling both software and hardware. :lol

Uh..the Wii will be pushing 100k every week when Mario Galaxy comes out..Why are you having trouble understanding his post?
Dante said:
All the same, that gap has gotten sizeably smaller.
You must mean the weekly gap, because from what I'm seeing the gap is still increasing in the Wii's favor, it's just slowed down as of late... by a fuckton.

The Wii still has a sizeable lead that it's still increasing, instead of increasing by 80,000 units a week it's 7,000-10,000 units a week. Significant drop, and could be worrisome, if not for a reinvigorated Mario, and WiiFit coming soon.

If those two games do little then the console market at large in Japan should be worried.


sakuragi said:
Um okay, I see what you did there. The wii didnt make push 100k in two weeks in months now and its sales have been in a downward spiral ever since. And I fail to see why you bought those numbers up. The fact is, the PS3 is slowly closing the gap...

It's not closing the gap, Mr. Math League. The gap between the two is increasing at a smaller rate than it was before.


sakuragi said:
Um okay, I see what you did there. The wii didnt make push 100k in two weeks in months now and its sales have been in a downward spiral ever since. And I fail to see why you bought those numbers up. The fact is, the PS3 is slowly closing the gap and it will only get closer once the price gets to the mass market level. If the WII gets a boost in xmas then so will the PS3.

BTW. If Japan is a one console country then the PS2 is still king then since its still selling both software and hardware. :lol

The PS3's price drop bump wont bring it anywhere near the Wii's upcoming sales. Not to mention the 2 million unit gap between them already. Anything that isn't beating Wii sales is negative ground gained overall.
sakuragi said:
Um okay, I see what you did there. The wii didnt make push 100k in two weeks in months now and its sales have been in a downward spiral ever since. And I fail to see why you bought those numbers up. The fact is, the PS3 is slowly closing the gap and it will only get closer once the price gets to the mass market level. If the WII gets a boost in xmas then so will the PS3.

BTW. If Japan is a one console country then the PS2 is still king then since its still selling both software and hardware. :lol

Holidays are coming up, people buy lost of stuff during the period. Ofcourse both PS3 and Wii will get a boost, but the Wii will get a bigger boost in absolute numbers since it's the more popular console. What's the use in closing the gap if it doesn't actually surpass it? So you think when PS3 drops to 200 dollars the Wii isn't going to be even cheaper?

Edit: Damn you GAF, I type all this and there's two billion responses to him already.


ethelred said:
It's not closing the gap, Mr. Math League. The gap between the two is increasing at a smaller rate than it was before.

But it is closing the gap if you factor the price. The PS3's price has yet to reach mass market level ($ -299), so its catering to a lesser audience than say the consumers that are currently buying Wiis. Once the price of both console reach mass market level, thee differences in value will be much more of a deciding factor in the consumers eyes than their price tag.


Thunder Monkey said:
= Big flopping dead fish?

BishopLamont said:
In this case it's a pond with no water.


sakuragi said:
But it is closing the gap if you factor the price. The PS3's price has yet to reach mass market level ($ -299)

I thought $199 or $149 was were most console made the majority of their sales and therefore making those prices mass market.
sakuragi said:
The price drop made its numbers closer to the wii. However, its still significantly more expensive than the Wii too so we have to factor that in the equation which makes the PS3's future a little more brighter.

You are not considering that PS3 sold like shit since it was out. The Wii has already sold almost as much as the Gamecube in its entire lifespan. These are determining factors in my opinion, because as good as the attach rate can be, if the userbase is limited, the potential of a game to sell well is greatly reduced.

The fact that this price cut has had a so little effect is a signal that the problem of PS3 is not only the price, but also the lack of big games. As said, this is expected, because PS3 is complicated to develop for and this Sony should have knew it since the beginning.

Chi è causa del suo male, pianga se stesso


BishopLamont said:
Holidays are coming up, people buy lost of stuff during the period. Ofcourse both PS3 and Wii will get a boost, but the Wii will get a bigger boost in absolute numbers since it's the more popular console. What's the use in closing the gap if it doesn't actually surpass it? So you think when PS3 drops to 200 dollars the Wii isn't going to be even cheaper?

Edit: Damn you GAF, I type all this and there's two billion responses to him already.

You really don't have to beat the competition to still be successful

Case in point: PSP.

I mean is it really that threatening to you guys for the PS3 to have some userbase?


sakuragi said:
But it is closing the gap if you factor the price. The PS3's price has yet to reach mass market level ($ -299), so its catering to a lesser audience than say the consumers that are currently buying Wiis. Once the price of both console reach mass market level, thee differences in value will be much more of a deciding factor in the consumers eyes than their price tag.

Next week it will only be selling around 10k again.


sakuragi said:
But it is closing the gap if you factor the price. The PS3's price has yet to reach mass market level ($ -299), so its catering to a lesser audience than say the consumers that are currently buying Wiis. Once the price of both console reach mass market level, thee differences in value will be much more of a deciding factor in the consumers eyes than their price tag.

By that time who is going to want a PS3? It'll be behind so far in sales that there wont really be a point. It has achieved GameCube status this generation.

I mean is it really that threatening to you guys for the PS3 to have some userbase?

No, it's annoying when you make silly arguments that are without merit.


sakuragi said:
But it is closing the gap if you factor the price.

And it's not closing the gap if you factor the fact THAT IT'S NOT CLOSING THE GAP.

sakuragi said:
Once the price of both console reach mass market level, thee differences in value will be much more of a deciding factor in the consumers eyes than their price tag.

Just as the PS3's price can drop, so will the Wiis. And software support will, most likely, continue to increase in that timeframe as well. It already has two million sellers in Japan, and it'll have two more by the time the year is out -- software that the Japanese want is on the Wii. That's really all there is to it.

Additionally, 299$ is not mass market pricing. 299$ is what consoles used to launch at. Mass market isn't until they're much lower than that. You've got a long wait ahead of you.
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