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Media Create Sales 10/15 - 10/21 2007

Parl said:
Seems like this week's is making up for the general lack of the Stupid Argument Poster of the last several months.
you thinks it's bad now? wait until the streams cross, even for a day. That wiill be an epic thread.


Arde5643 said:
We've got a live one here, guys.

Hey, just honest questions... if I've misinterpreted information I've admittedly skimmed, just say so. *shrug*

And I probably should have specified, I was mostly looking at hardware numbers.
Phoenix Down said:
wow sounds like you have alot of hate in your blood... calm down :lol
I do have a lot of hate in my blood. Some people in this thread are being offensively stupid. I thought it was bad enough with the Nintendo guys trying to somehow defend the disaster that is Wii software sales, now we've got the Sony guys in here trying to defy fact.

Willful ignorance is one of the most annoying things in the world to me.
Segata Sanshiro said:
I do have a lot of hate in my blood. Some people in this thread are being offensively stupid. I thought it was bad enough with the Nintendo guys trying to somehow defend the disaster that is Wii software sales, now we've got the Sony guys in here trying to defy fact.

Willful ignorance is one of the most annoying things in the world to me.

yea those people defending that capcom game bomba was pretty sad... and yea those sony guys need to stop making shit up and realize japan is wii country!


Phoenix Down said:
yea those people defending that capcom game bomba was pretty sad... and yea those sony guys need to stop making shit up and realize japan is wii country!



I would bang a hot farmer!
I remember when I used to wonder if the DS LTD would pass the PS2 LTD before the Wii LTD passed the GCN LTD. Come on SMG, make it close again.


Fuzzy said:
I remember when I used to wonder if the DS LTD would pass the PS2 LTD before the Wii LTD passed the GCN LTD. Come on SMG, make it close again.

I dunno. I mean. The Wii is gonna stop selling once it reaches GC LTD so it'll probably slow down a lot before that.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
test_account said:
That is what predictions is :) Predictions doesnt always have to be backed up by hard facts or evidence. No one has any evidence today on whats going to happend in 4 years when it comes to console sales. You can point to how the situation is today, but you cannot say if this situation will be the same next year. Who had any evidence 2 years ago that Wii would sell this well? That could that be considered as "blind faith" and you saw what happend :)

He's talking about predictions on blind faith. The difference between the wii two years ago and the ps3 now is that we have a past and a present. You can use a past and a present to make predictions based off past trends, which has nothing to do with blind faith.

For example. You see Steve. And you want to predict how high Steve can jump, now before you ever see Steve jump you can say he will jump 10 feet into the air, and the other person says 6 feet. Both would be predictions on blind faith. now let's say you have watched Steve jump 183 times, and each jump has been between 6 to 7 feet high. Now, if you suddenly predicted that Steve will jump 10 feet, while somebody else predicts 6 feet, which of the two of you would be prediction on blind faith?
GreenGlowingGoo said:
He's talking about predictions on blind faith. The difference between the wii two years ago and the ps3 now is that we have a past and a present. You can use a past and a present to make predictions based off past trends, which has nothing to do with blind faith.

For example. You see Steve. And you want to predict how high Steve can jump, now before you ever see Steve jump you can say he will jump 10 feet into the air, and the other person says 6 feet. Both would be predictions on blind faith. now let's say you have watched Steve jump 183 times, and each jump has been between 6 to 7 feet high. Now, if you suddenly predicted that Steve will jump 10 feet, while somebody else predicts 6 feet, which of the two of you would be prediction on blind faith?

What he said. We know the Wii has upcoming software (Wii Fit) that will keep it's sales number at a decent pace of 20-30k. We know of none that will increase the PS3 beyond the usual 10-15k. EOJ bombed and that's something that would appeal to the casual.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Hey guys, you know what is closing the gap? DS... on PS2! Next week they should be <1m apart! It's crazy!


Pureauthor said:
Didn't Dragona rule earlier that it's okay to use MC threads for general sales discussion or somesuch?

Yes, because we were resorting to discussing the number of posts in the Media-Create threads.
Anyone want an updated graph of the # of posts in Media-Create threads over the years? :lol

charlequin said:
Given the sales for Gyakuten Saiban these days I'm quite certain the potential target market for Z&W is well above the pitiful ~12k it's going to put up lifetime in Japan,

People keep comparing Zack & Wiki to Phoenix Wright, but wouldn't the better comparison be to Professor Layton?

charlequin said:
Wii only has the advantage of carrying over all of the third-party success from the GameCube: i.e. not a single success ever.

Selective memory for the loss.

Dante said:
Can't wait to see what PS3 does after Final Fantasy and price drop.

Relatively the same to what the N64 did when Zelda: OoT was released.

sakuragi said:
If the WII gets a boost in xmas then so will the PS3.

The PSP always got a boost in December. It didn't "close the gap," though. To put it in terms you may understand, the GameCube always got a boost in December ...

ethelred said:


sakuragi said:
Sorry but isnt Bunnies and unicorns is what Nintendo does best :lol

B I T T E R   T E A R S

You must really miss the days when you thought you could write off Nintendo as "that kiddy company" and be done with it. :lol

test_account said:
I see your point, but 4 years is a long time, so much can happend within this time period. Looking back, how many thought that Wii would sell this much and that PS3 would sell this little? If you said that PS3 was going to selling much less than Wii like 2 years ago people would probly have laughed at you, or atleast said "no way!" :p

Things can take a dramatic change.

Things can make a dramatic change at generation transitions. During a generation is a much less likely occurrence, and I really can't think of one with the magnitude of what's being discussed for the PS3 in Japan.

Parl said:
Seems like this week's is making up for the general lack of the Stupid Argument Poster of the last several months.

Yep. :lol This is the most active the weekend Media-Create thread has been in months.

The 2006 Top 500 from Famitsu went down to below 20K, so we will see what Zack & Wiki ends up at in 2007. I wouldn't be surprised to see it near or above 50K (assuming Capcom will even ship that many) by the end of this year. Still not an unqualified success, but much better than some in this thread are predicting. :p

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
donny2112 said:
The 2006 Top 500 from Famitsu went down to below 20K, so we will see what Zack & Wiki ends up at in 2007. I wouldn't be surprised to see it near or above 50K (assuming Capcom will even ship that many) by the end of this year. Still not an unqualified success, but much better than some in this thread are predicting. :p

with Zack & Wiki, is this a case of retailers not even pre-ordering it, or is capcom just not even trying to push this game in japan? Is it expected to do well in the US?

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Fredescu said:
It's having the exact same problems in the US in terms of retail shelf space. It will bomb hard everywhere.

Guess that's why Gamestop didn't have it yesterday. I thought maybe it sold out. Oh well.


GreenGlowingGoo said:
Guess that's why Gamestop didn't have it yesterday. I thought maybe it sold out. Oh well.

It probably did sell out whatever it shipped to Gamestop. About 2 or 3 copies is what im hearing.
Xeke said:
I dunno, why would any company release a game on the PS3 with that attitude?

Or the GameCube last generation?
There's a difference between planning for success on a small scale, and just not giving a shit whether your product sells.
Opus Angelorum said:
To be fair a lot of faith in the Playstation brand can be attributed to the success of the PS2, you cannot condemn the successor so quickly with that kind of history...
Well, we are closing in on a year here. I'm sure it would've been pretty clear by May 1997 that N64 was pretty well boned in Japan.
Fuzzy said:
I remember when I used to wonder if the DS LTD would pass the PS2 LTD before the Wii LTD passed the GCN LTD. Come on SMG, make it close again.
It could still easily go either way, but I think Wii has the advantage. Thanks to Galaxy its sales should return to its former highs a bit sooner than DS will, and it's still feasible that it will do so by week 52. Well, at least going by Famitsu's GCN total.


Fredescu said:
It's having the exact same problems in the US in terms of retail shelf space. It will bomb hard everywhere.
I hope it'll do well in Europe. Point'n'click adventures used to be very successful in Europe back in the day. Especially Germans love their old-school adventures it seems, and Germany is Nintendo land. Too bad it's not exactly a huge or important market for console games, though...


GreenGlowingGoo said:
Guess that's why Gamestop didn't have it yesterday. I thought maybe it sold out. Oh well.
The best buys and targets arent even carrying the game in my area for some reason. I asked them about it and nobody knew what it was. The three gamestops only got 2 copies apiece. Epic bomba......it didnt even have an oppurtunity to sell.


Guitar Hero III: 271 (final count)
360: 95 (83 bundle, 13 game only)
PS2: 81 (51 bundle, 30 game only)
Wii: 62
PS3: 33

Super Mario Galaxy: 64
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 115
Fire Emblem: 9
REUC: 17

More tomorrow if anyone cares.
BishopLamont said:
What he said. We know the Wii has upcoming software (Wii Fit) that will keep it's sales number at a decent pace of 20-30k. We know of none that will increase the PS3 beyond the usual 10-15k.
EOJ bombed and that's something that would appeal to the casual.[

:lol :lol Well for one, PS3 just sold over 15k, with EoJ. Second thing is that a video card games are absolute niche titles, like absoabsolute niche, you inclde eyetoy to it and ther you have it, casual my ass.


AniHawk said:
Guitar Hero III: 271 (final count)
360: 95 (83 bundle, 13 game only)
PS2: 81 (51 bundle, 30 game only)
Wii: 62
PS3: 33

Super Mario Galaxy: 64
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 115
Fire Emblem: 9
REUC: 17

More tomorrow if anyone cares.

That would be nice if possible. :)

Interesting to see such a large gap between the PS3 version of GHIII and the rest of the versions.
sakuragi said:
I don't know why people are saying the PS3's software is terrible.

Because most of us are looking at the actual games available on the system instead of vague assertions about "most" of the "developers" from the "PS2."

The PS3's software sales were terrible because the PS3 just launch and most of the games are on the cheaper competition's console.

No, PS3's software sales are bad because it's a complete failure that's covered with the stink of death.

The Xbox 360 needs to sell outside of the US to even compare it to the PS2.

Those of us who have, y'know, paid any attention at all to the current marketplace realized a while ago that there was not going to be a PS2 of this generation. (Special alternate answer: The DS is the PS2 of this generation.)

donny2112 said:
People keep comparing Zack & Wiki to Phoenix Wright, but wouldn't the better comparison be to Professor Layton?

Selective memory for the loss.

In Japan? What were the unqualified third-party successes on GameCube? Not "it did well given what system it was on," not "it only cost 500 yen to make but then it sold 2000 copies" -- unqualified, looks-good-no-matter-what-system-it-was-on third party successes on the GameCube. You might want to note that the best selling third-party game on GameCube sold worse than 17 first-party titles and barely cracked 400k lifetime.

The 2006 Top 500 from Famitsu went down to below 20K, so we will see what Zack & Wiki ends up at in 2007. I wouldn't be surprised to see it near or above 50K (assuming Capcom will even ship that many) by the end of this year.

Alright. Point me towards a good example of a game that put up comparable numbers -- starting at something like 6k day one sales with low orders, no marketing, etc. which went on to do 50k.

BishopLamont said:
EOJ bombed and that's something that would appeal to the casual.

Let's not go crazy here. EoJ is a new, unproved concept that requires a lot of space to play, involves additional purchases beyond the initial game buy, and focuses its value on online play (which is not a popular feature in Japan.)


charlequin said:
Let's not go crazy here. EoJ is a new, unproved concept that requires a lot of space to play, involves additional purchases beyond the initial game buy, and focuses its value on online play (which is not a popular feature in Japan.)
You've been complaining for pages about people "spinning" Zack & Wiki and now you're going to trot this little explanation out for Eye of Judgement? What the fuck, dude?
charlequin said:
Let's not go crazy here. EoJ is a new, unproved concept that requires a lot of space to play, involves additional purchases beyond the initial game buy, and focuses its value on online play (which is not a popular feature in Japan.)

Ynos Yrros said:

:lol :lol Well for one, PS3 just sold over 15k, with EoJ. Second thing is that a video card games are absolute niche titles, like absoabsolute niche, you inclde eyetoy to it and ther you have it, casual my ass.

What I thought the eye toy was big in Japan on the PS2? If it ain't well I take it back then. So that makes no software on the PS3 to appeal to the casual. Selling 17k isn't exactly far off from 15k. What will push the PS3 past the usual 10-15k on a week to week basis? Not mini-bumps like previous games.


Junior Member
AniHawk said:
Guitar Hero III: 271 (final count)
360: 95 (83 bundle, 13 game only)
PS2: 81 (51 bundle, 30 game only)
Wii: 62
PS3: 33

Super Mario Galaxy: 64
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 115
Fire Emblem: 9
REUC: 17

More tomorrow if anyone cares.

I would love to see Call of Duty, Mass Effect, Rock Band, and Drake's...


C4Lukins said:
I would love to see Call of Duty, Mass Effect, Rock Band, and Drake's...

I know Call of Duty on the 360 is around 40 for the normal, and I'm pretty sure that it's 9 for the CE bringing it up to 49 total. Mass Effect was at 33 when I checked earlier in the week and Rock Band was somewhere between 25 and 30, but the number could be higher at the end of tomorrow.

I'll get the actual numbers after business closes tomorrow. Gonna be a long day.


Guys I don't think my tripod of success is getting enough appreciation. I mean you can apply it to any past game to explain the sales, and as well as any future game to predict sales.

I should sell it to Pachter.
rakka said:
really? preorders to userbase (US) ratio is about the same for the wii and the ps3 isn't it?

Ratio of AniHawk store preorders:userbase

X360, 1 : 0.71 million
Wii, 1 : 0.73 million
PS3, 1 : 0.56 million

Not like it's a monster difference, but it's enough so I don't think of the gap from PS3 to the others as as large as it could be. Though it's probably not safe to assume the "market share" of that store's customers is split the same way as the country as a whole.

charlequin said:
In Japan? What were the unqualified third-party successes on GameCube? Not "it did well given what system it was on," not "it only cost 500 yen to make but then it sold 2000 copies" -- unqualified, looks-good-no-matter-what-system-it-was-on third party successes on the GameCube. You might want to note that the best selling third-party game on GameCube sold worse than 17 first-party titles and barely cracked 400k lifetime.
Certainly GameCube was not exactly Third Party... Party Central, but if 400K can't be qualified as any sort of success, then even DS and PS2 don't have many. But of course absolutely any GameCube game must have the qualifier "it did well given what system it was on". Any game for any system would.
ethelred said:
Yeah, they're in this publishing gig out of the goodness of their altruistic little hearts.
Sometimes you'd think they are. I mean the published a sequel to Maximo.

Kurosaki Ichigo said:

This week: How to spin a bomb into a success in 4 pages
Not really, more like how to spin a game that was believed to bomb from the very beginning to a game that was supposed to sell decently.

No one in their right mind is argueing that Z&W is not a bomb. There is this one guy who said EoJ is not a bomb but I think you were referring to Z&W.

test_account said:
Still $499 tho.
You just wait for $199!

kay said:
Waah, waah...
Yeah, don't discuss sales in a sales thread people.

charlequin said:
Alright. Point me towards a good example of a game that put up comparable numbers -- starting at something like 6k day one sales with low orders, no marketing, etc. which went on to do 50k.
Elebits had a 6k opening week and sold 60k last time it was reported. Low marketing etc. included. Tamagotchi (7k opening week, 50k up to now), Crayon Shin Chan (3k opening, 50k up to now), Enichi (10k opening week, 100k up to now).

Oh and :lol @sakuragi
Brak said:
You've been complaining for pages about people "spinning" Zack & Wiki and now you're going to trot this little explanation out for Eye of Judgement? What the fuck, dude?

Oh, EoJ bombed to hell and back, is a huge disaster, etc. I'm disputing the "would appeal to casuals" part. :lol


JoshuaJSlone said:
Ratio of AniHawk store preorders:userbase

X360, 1 : 0.71 million
Wii, 1 : 0.73 million
PS3, 1 : 0.56 million
thanks. wasn't aware that ps3 US LTD hadn't even reached 2mil. :-\
JoshuaJSlone said:
Certainly GameCube was not exactly Third Party... Party Central, but if 400K can't be qualified as any sort of success, then even DS and PS2 don't have many.

What number is a success, of course, varies by title. Let's look at the top third-party titles on GameCube:

Naruto 3 -- 404k
Resident Evil 0 -- 400k
Naruto 2 -- 396k
FF:CC -- 335k
ToS -- 322k
Naruto 4 -- 314k

So I take it back: Naruto is a success on GCN. :lol The most successful Resident Evil put up a fraction of its previous gen numbers, with sales that are worse than both the DC's series entry and the released-second port of RE4.

But of course absolutely any GameCube game must have the qualifier "it did well given what system it was on". Any game for any system would.

Nope. If a game did well compared to other GCN games, but still shitty overall, it did shitty overall. Tales of Symphonia did quite well for a third-party GameCube game, but still shitty for a Tales game.


Ynos Yrros said:
:lol :lol Well for one, PS3 just sold over 15k, with EoJ.

Yes, because Eye of Judgment, a game which came out a week later, is the reason that PS3 sales went up the week of the price drop.

charlequin said:
In Japan? What were the unqualified third-party successes on GameCube? Not "it did well given what system it was on," not "it only cost 500 yen to make but then it sold 2000 copies" -- unqualified, looks-good-no-matter-what-system-it-was-on third party successes on the GameCube. You might want to note that the best selling third-party game on GameCube sold worse than 17 first-party titles and barely cracked 400k lifetime.

Yes, I went to Moor-Angol's site, too. You don't think the Naruto games did well? Compare them to PS2 Naruto games. Compare Tales of Symphonia on the PS2 and GCN. In the U.S. there are significantly more, but since over half of the worldwide GCN sales were in the U.S., that should be expected.

I see you retracted your previous statement. :)

charlequin said:
Alright. Point me towards a good example of a game that put up comparable numbers -- starting at something like 6k day one sales with low orders, no marketing, etc. which went on to do 50k.

Sure, just let me whip out my nigh-complete list of games that sold 6K the first day cross-referenced with my marketing budget breakdown spreadsheet for you. :p

I don't know about the marketing on these games, but all of these are games that sold less than 10K first week, were at > 50K by the end of 2006, and were not BEST PRICE re-releases. Media-Create numbers.

NDS Puzzle Series Vol. 3: Sudoku
NDS Tabi no Yubisashi Kaiwachou DS: DS Series 2 China
NDS Tabi no Yubisashi Kaiwachou DS: DS Series 3 Korea


donny2112 said:
You don't think the Naruto games did well? Compare them to PS2 Naruto games. Compare Tales of Symphonia on the PS2 and GCN.

Er... yeah. Now compare Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube to the preceding (Destiny 2) and succeeding (Rebirth) Tales games. It was an underperformer, which was the whole reason Scamco did the PS2 port to begin with.

donny2112 said:
I don't know about the marketing on these games, but all of these are games that sold less than 10K first week, were at > 50K by the end of 2006, and were not BEST PRICE re-releases. Media-Create numbers.

GBA Mother 1+2

Are you sure? I'm 95% positive that was in fact the best price version.


sakuragi said:
Um okay, I see what you did there. The wii didnt make push 100k in two weeks in months now and its sales have been in a downward spiral ever since. And I fail to see why you bought those numbers up. The fact is, the PS3 is slowly closing the gap and it will only get closer once the price gets to the mass market level. If the WII gets a boost in xmas then so will the PS3.

BTW. If Japan is a one console country then the PS2 is still king then since its still selling both software and hardware. :lol

Hmm. How about this :
X360 fans during Blue Dragon launch said:
The fact is, the X360 is slowly closing the gap (with PS3) and it will only get closer once the price gets to the mass market level. If the PS3 gets a boost in xmas then so will the X360


apujanata said:
Hmm. How about this :

I'm no 360 fan, but I think 360 has a relatively bright future in Japan. Although, this year has been bigger than last year. Next year, 360 may rise again.
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