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Media Create Sales 2/26 - 3/4

linsivvi said:
There is a game that would bring people out in doves to buy the PS3 in Japan, despite of the price. And it's called FFXIII, not Little Big Planet.

i'm sure Minna no Golf 5 will move more hw than Gundam Musou did


Junior Member
The Experiment said:
ROFL @ Little Big Planet

This reminds me of the days of the Game Cube. First, it was supposed to be Resident Evil to pull the GC out of its slump. Then Super Mario Sunshine. Then Metroid Prime. Then Wind Waker. A few desperate souls even pined their hopes on Mario Kart: Double Dash.

Virtua Fighter 5 was a prolific franchise and its sales are the worst in the series. Gundam Musou only doubled sales. Gundam Musou merged two sales giants and still was only able to nab 180,000 the first week.

Maybe it will happen but I was around in 2002 and 2003. I could almost see the sad, disappointed faces of Nintendo fans when they came to terms that Game Cube would never take off; it would only just hobble along.

The signs are discouraging though.

The Wii has a million unit lead on the PS3 and could be 2-3 million ahead of it before the end of the year in Japan ONLY. They are aiming for 6 million worldwide by March, with a capacity of >1 mil worldwide per month. Given that we are wandering into March and past it and demand is still high, they may end up selling a million a month til Dec. That'll put it somewhere close to 15 million. That may be too lofty but PS3 hasn't crossed a million total in any single continent (wait til europe, haha, 1 million day one).

So the quesition is, if the Wii is past 12 million by the end of the year, will it matter what games PS3 gets? The PS3 is selling around 20K per week, 80 K per month (i'll round up to 100K per month) in Japan. They sold 200K last month in NA last month. What, is Europe going to double that, so they can push out 600K per month? If they could do that, that'll put them at selling 8 million for the year. That's being generous.

All these new games, LBP, the new home; they won't have effect until the end of the year. It may be too late. Oh well, hopefully, the PS4 will be 299 US dollars.
skinnyrattler said:
The Wii has a million unit lead on the PS3 and could be 2-3 million ahead of it before the end of the year in Japan ONLY. They are aiming for 6 million worldwide by March, with a capacity of >1 mil worldwide per month. Given that we are wandering into March and past it and demand is still high, they may end up selling a million a month til Dec. That'll put it somewhere close to 15 million. That may be too lofty but PS3 hasn't crossed a million total in any single continent (wait til europe, haha, 1 million day one).

So the quesition is, if the Wii is past 12 million by the end of the year, will it matter what games PS3 gets? The PS3 is selling around 20K per week, 80 K per month (i'll round up to 100K per month) in Japan. They sold 200K last month in NA last month. What, is Europe going to double that, so they can push out 600K per month? If they could do that, that'll put them at selling 8 million for the year. That's being generous.

All these new games, LBP, the new home; they won't have effect until the end of the year. It may be too late. Oh well, hopefully, the PS4 will be 299 US dollars.

Good post. And isn't LBP comming out next year?


And isn't LBP comming out next year?
Early 2008. We'll see.

I have to agree that LBP may just not arrive in time to save the PS3. In fact, even if it arrived tomorrow, does anyone really believe it would sell a $600 system? I know I'm echoing the same arguments that others have already stated, but it just seems like false hope on Sony's part.

Also, does anyone else find the main character (Sack Boy?) to look a little like this dude?


Kuramu said:
cvfreak here yet?... I always smile at his avatar; I've been wanting to make this for a while:


:lol :lol


Junior Member
LBP looks good and all so I'll post this here, instead of the official LBP thread. I know it looks great/fantastic. But hasn't the market already spoken about nice graphics. Lost Planet, the majority of PSP games: not selling extraodinarily well. Maybe good, maybe great. The blockbuster games of the past few years: a game where you draw in your answers to math problems, GTA and, what, Nintendogs? Gears of War is the exception. I'm just not seeing the reason for they hype besides 'finally, good SONY news'.

Really, I'll wait til we get some gameplay impressions. The physics look great but why the frothing? Oh well, maybe this is the console war from the other side. But then again, I finally crossed to the all-console side a long time ago. Too bad greedy ass Sony (and MS but not so much) priced me out of the next gen. Bastards. I vow to never buy anything for 599 US dollars. Hell, a ticket to heaven could cost 599 US dollars and I wouldn't buy. No sale...****ers.


Aww... I just noticed it's 2KB over the limit. Oops. :lol

I'll switch to another version until it gets chopped down slightly. :D


rollin' in the gutter
cvxfreak said:
Aww... I just noticed it's 2KB over the limit. Oops. :lol

I'll switch to another version until it gets chopped down slightly. :D

It says it's 1.28k under for me.


Little Big Planet may end up being* the culmination of basically everything good about 2D sidescrollers, from co-op to player-created content to charming characters, but as it concerns sales, this is the Sony fanbase we're talking about--a fanbase not inclined toward 2D, precisely because Sony never cultivated nor really commissioned 2D games on its systems.

Even Nintendo, for all the flak I give them, is working from a larger DS/Game Boy fanbase than Gamecube fanbase--and even on the GC alone, they did at least have last-gen's one blockbuster 2D home console franchise, which was SSBM. With Nintendo, something like Super Paper Mario can cater to a couple of existing markets: the SSBM market, and the GBA/DS market.

With Sony, where's the precedent? I can't think of any, at least in a significant degree. I expect LBP to be another Loco Roco or a PS3 Viva Pinata or something along those lines. Or perhaps a Sony Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

*Play control and challenge level are still questionable factors until some people have actually played it and can comment--and unfortunately these are some huge questions.


Professional Schmuck
JoshuaJSlone said:
Whoa whoa whoa. I for one care. I've had other places use mine before, too. Noting the fact doesn't make us bitter or possessive, it's more that it's interesting to see when other places use us as a source. In my site's stats I frequently see stuff of mine being referenced by foreign sites or forums, but when it just gives a refferer URL like http://www.thainin.com/forum/index.php , it's hard to see exactly where it's being used.

Yeah, I suppose I jumped the gun on that post a bit, but I'm being a bit hard on Cheesy because that's the last trait we need from somebody that is continually making the OP. Other people, with far less talents and far more recognition (that site which must not be named) acted similarly with their "data." All I was saying was let's not go down that road again.


Junior Member
PantherLotus said:
Yeah, I suppose I jumped the gun on that post a bit, but I'm being a bit hard on Cheesy because that's the last trait we need from somebody that is continually making the OP. Other people, with far less talents and far more recognition (that site which must not be named) acted similarly with their "data." All I was saying was let's not go down that road again.

Hey Panther, how's your Wii? *snickers*
LocoRoco anyone?

LBP looks amazing - no one denies that. But why mentioning it as a possible PS3 savior? The Experiment really hit it on the head with respect to the constant revolving of possible PS3 saviors and such. How is a 2.5D game going to save anything, especially considering the "kiddie" nature of it? While the game looks amazing, it's not a system seller. The very casual people it appeals to most are not going to consider spending $500-600 on a PS3 to buy it, come on.

This discussion is almost exactly like the LocoRoco "debates" that went on not too long ago. The PS3 doesn't need a savior, it needs a price cut.

It saddens and sickens me that we can't enjoy gaming news anymore without it being tainted by sales discussions and discussions over system sellers; there are people right now who are comparing LBP to Super Mario Galaxy, in terms of sales potential. What the hell? Can't we be glad as gamers that the Wii and PS3 each have a highly imaginative and unique game in the pipeworks, titles which are getting people to change their opinions on the systems? LBP and WarHawk have definitely caused me to change my outlook on the PS3's software. And while MS hasn't shown anything that has garnered as much attention as Mario/LBP at GDC, we all know it has an amazing 2007 lineup anyway, which is good for everyone.



PhoenixDark said:
LocoRoco anyone?

LBP looks amazing - no one denies that. But why mentioning it as a possible PS3 savior? The Experiment really hit it on the head with respect to the constant revolving of possible PS3 saviors and such. How is a 2.5D game going to save anything, especially considering the "kiddie" nature of it? While the game looks amazing, it's not a system seller. The very casual people it appeals to most are not going to consider spending $500-600 on a PS3 to buy it, come on.

This discussion is almost exactly like the LocoRoco "debates" that went on not too long ago. The PS3 doesn't need a savior, it needs a price cut.

It saddens and sickens me that we can't enjoy gaming news anymore without it being tainted by sales discussions and discussions over system sellers; there are people right now who are comparing LBP to Super Mario Galaxy, in terms of sales potential. What the hell? Can't we be glad as gamers that the Wii and PS3 each have a highly imaginative and unique game in the pipeworks, titles which are getting people to change their opinions on the systems? LBP and WarHawk have definitely caused me to change my outlook on the PS3's software. And while MS hasn't shown anything that has garnered as much attention as Mario/LBP at GDC, we all know it has an amazing 2007 lineup anyway, which is good for everyone.

I understand what your saying, but you do know that your in a sales thread, right?

Comparing LBP in any way to Mario Galaxy is not only an insult to Mario Galaxy, but it makes no sense. The sales potential for Galaxy is so far greater that it makes a comparison seem assinine.

In any event, both titles seem interesting.
moku said:
I understand what your saying, but you do know that your in a sales thread, right?

Comparing LBP in any way to Mario Galaxy is not only an insult to Mario Galaxy, but it makes no sense. The sales potential for Galaxy is so far greater that it makes a comparison seem assinine.

In any event, both titles seem interesting.

Yeah this is a sales thread: it's the Japanese sales thread, and people are talking about LBP being a hit. That makes no sense.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Inhumanility said:
What's their PSP title again?
jeanne d' arc it bombed and it was published by sony.

Prof. Layton is their first self published game.
cvxfreak said:
Aww... I just noticed it's 2KB over the limit. Oops. :lol

I'll switch to another version until it gets chopped down slightly. :D

What does it say, I can hardly see it. I think I made out a PSP, and a DSL, and a few numbers.


cvxfreak said:
Aww... I just noticed it's 2KB over the limit. Oops. :lol

I'll switch to another version until it gets chopped down slightly. :D

Heck, thought i got it below 150. This one has a reduced pallet


Professional Schmuck
skinnyrattler said:
Hey Panther, how's your Wii? *snickers*

Very, very pleased so far. Wii Sports is what I expected, the Mii Channel definitely has gotten some play, and Zelda is a beautiful, beautiful game. I'm saving Trauma Center for afterwards.

At this very moment it's about 1/4 of the way through DL'ing a system update. I'm using somebody's wireless signal around here so it's going kinda slow.

And we should be getting hardware any minute now. YES!


the piano man
seriuosly why is that "little big planet" game mentioned like almost in every topic of GAF's 1st page??

It's a cute nice game but nothing more, or am I missing something?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
sphinx said:
seriuosly why is that "little big planet" game mentioned like almost in every topic of GAF's 1st page??

It's a cute nice game but nothing more, or am I missing something?

Didn't you hear? LBP is going to singlehandidly rescue PS3..the console wars are over.


Professional Schmuck
sphinx said:
seriuosly why is that "little big planet" game mentioned like almost in every topic of GAF's 1st page??

It's a cute nice game but nothing more, or am I missing something?

Honestly, it's the first non-MGS, non-FF, non-GT title for the PS3 that has the fanbase actually believing in their product of choice.


Professional Schmuck
schuelma said:
Didn't you hear? LBP is going to singlehandidly rescue PS3..the console wars are over.

No need to be a dick about it, as I don't think that any serious sales-minded person would suggest that. We all know (we including the people that like to see healthy competition) that the PS3 will need a sustained release list of that calibur of work for several months in conjunction with targeted price cuts and a healthy dose of some free shit for there to be any real change in the way the race is going so far.
31. (NDS, Spike) IQ Supply
32. (NDS, Rocket Co.) Kanji Test
33. (NDS, Nintendo) 1000 Recipes
34. (NDS, Sega) Love+Berry
35. (NDS, Nintendo) Kirby Squeek Squad
36. (PS2, Capcom) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
37. (PSP, Bandai-Namco) Tales of Destiny 2
38. (NDS, Nintendo) Tetris DS
39. (PS2, Banpresto) Lupin the 3rd: Death for Lupin from Love of Money
40. (WII, Nintendo) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
41. (PS2, Nippon Ichi Software) Soul Cradle: Sekai wo Kurau Mono
42. (NDS, Bandai-Namco) Keroro Gunsou Enshuu da yo! Zen-in Shuugou Part 2
43. (NDS, Nintendo) Jump Ultimate Stars
44. (PS2, Sega) Yakuza
45. (NDS, Nintendo) Cooking Navi
46. (PSP, Capcom) Monster Hunter Portable
47. (NDS, Sega) Sangokushi Taisen DS
48. (NDS, Capcom) Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus
49. (NDS, Sega) Puyo-Puyo!
50. (NDS, Shogakukan) DS Kageyama Method Electronic Math Drills

NDS - 35
WII - 6
PS2 - 5
PSP - 3
PS3 - 1

Hardware - This Week | Last Week | YTD | LTD
1. NDS - 111,926 | 136,260 | 1,489,334 | 15,495,013
2. PSP - 66,156 | 100,210 | 503,984 | 5,036,113
3. WII - 57,972 | 78,506 | 803,574 | 1,723,217
4. PS3 - 44,000 | 19,315 | 262,725 | 720,283
5. PS2 - 15,364 | 15,054 | 196,047 | 20,350,906
6. 360 - 3,379 | 4,183 | 65,389 | 330,091
7. GBA - 1,568 | 2,001 | 24,114 | 15,322,193
8. NGC - 303 | 323 | 4,432 | 4,173,900



Well, that about ends the speculation about Japan this gen. It becomes very difficult to imagine what could pull it out of second place.


Since Cheesemeister's numbers only show combined GBA:

DSL 111,814
PSP 66,156
Wii 57,972
PS3 44,000
PS2 15,364
Xbox360 3,379
GBM 805
GC 303
DS 112
GBA 25


The Sphinx said:
Well, that about ends the speculation about Japan this gen. It becomes very difficult to imagine what could pull it out of second place.
Wait for Little Big Planet

Also, anyone else think that the PS3 number looks a bit too.... well-rounded?


lowest week for the wii

yet the PS3 did not outsell it...

considering that the PS3 has nothing until june (MinGOL5)

i think the wii will keep outselling it.. not sure how much the numbers will be (since this is showing a tendency of falling hardwarenumbers... finally) but PS3 does not look like it can outsell the wii in Q 1 to Q 2 in Japan


Wii vs. PS3 is the most boring console war right now. Far more interesting alternatives, in no particular order, are:

PS2 vs PS3
PS2 vs PSP
GBA vs 360
even the good old 360 vs. PS3

However, my prediction is the true fans of console wars should keep a close eye on Wii vs. DS as the source of the next hit in the coming years. That one got a lot of entertainment potential and is not gonna just fold down any time soon.


I would bang a hot farmer!
XiaNaphryz said:
Does the Gundam Musou bundle sales get included in hardware?
IIRC MC includes bundle sales in both the HW number and the SW number.

PSP passes 5 million!


Wiitard said:
Wii vs. PS3 is the most boring console war right now. Far more interesting alternatives, in no particular order, are:

PS2 vs PS3
PS2 vs PSP
GBA vs 360
even the good old 360 vs. PS3

However, my prediction is the true fans of console wars should keep a close eye on Wii vs. DS as the source of the next hit in the coming years. That one got a lot of entertainment potential and is not gonna just fold down any time soon.
as boring as PSP VS DS..?


Saitou said:
Also, anyone else think that the PS3 number looks a bit too.... well-rounded?

Yea ok... pretty good numbers for the PS3 compared to just about every week this year. Low for Wii but not exactly like one week of low shipments to Japan is going to kill its lead. Next week it probably will be back to business as far as the hardware numbers go. I wonder if the Wii will ever not be supply constrained in Japan?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The Wii supply pattern continues. If it holds, expect it back at 75K next week.

Bump for PS3, but well...its a looking pretty bleak overall.
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