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Media Create Sales 4/16 - 4/22


titiklabingapat said:
Gundabump didn't do it. Well, it did about 20k total.

Not sure about Ninja Gaiden but I've always pegged that as a non-factor hardcore game.

Minna no Golf with no waggle against Wii Sports? :lol

It usually does 1-2 million on home consoles..it did 500,000 on PSP. It's also the number 1 game at Amazon Japan at present (although PS3 still isn't in the top 100). You shouldn't discount it. I'm not saying it will turn things around..but it's a game to focus on. If it doesn't give PS3 a decent boost the there really isn't much hope.


Alkaliine said:
It's a big question though. Does a Japanese publisher look at Wii and say "wow it's killing the other next-gen systems, let's make games for it" or does it look at Wii and say "gee, 3rd party games aren't doing well, there's a chance that even if our game is GOTY it will flop in sales, we should stick to PS2/DS/PSP."?

Or do they go "Only games that naturally appeal to the market, rather than cheap shovelware sells on Wii. We should make shovelware!"

Some shovelware sells well on Wii, and a lot doesn't. Same applies to every console with a 6 million install base.
Parl said:
Or do they go "Only games that naturally appeal to the market, rather than cheap shovelware sells on Wii. We should make shovelware!"

Some shovelware sells well on Wii, and a lot doesn't. Same applies to every console with a 6 million install base.

I just hope publishers who pile shovelware onto Wii, and receive poor sales, don't automatically assume 3rd party games won't sell well on Wii and thus remove their support.


Ynos Yrros said:
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.

I'm glad someone stepped up to the plate.


Ynos Yrros said:
Does that come off as a legitimate opinion? Sorry folks, if you had hope that I would suddenly get into defensive or overly offensive mode, and get banned in result. If you think that best selling franchises won't boost PS3 sales (even if for one week), then I don't know how to react.
Have fun. I await the week when Mina No Golf 5 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma won't boost PS3 sales to more than 20k units.
they may boost sales but the problem is that every week the Wii sells thousands upon thousands more than the PS3 is a stab at Sony.....the boost won't be significant enough to change the pace drastically.


titiklabingapat said:
Gundabump didn't do it. Well, it did about 20k total.

Not sure about Ninja Gaiden but I've always pegged that as a non-factor hardcore game.

Minna no Golf with no waggle against Wii Sports? :lol

That's my thought exactly.

After seeing the recent Minna screenshots/video, I was jonesing for some golf action. Literally logged off and played an hour of Wii Sports Golf.

I'm not always a fan of the things Wii is doing, but Golf and Tennis games have been killed for me. Waggle or death. And considering the mood of Japan and the popularity of Wii Sports, I think Minna's gonna do nothing but highlight how "outdated" PS3 is. And by outdated, I'm speaking of the collective mentality of the market.

Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Rush job, very busy today, I might have made an error or two...

FFXII RW 180k (450k shipment)
Momotaro Densetsu DS 20k
BBA Wii 15k
One Piece 30k

It may not have mattered for Japan, but I'm miffed that BBA didn't have real online play. For me, it's the difference between killer app and meh. Everything under the sun on DS gets online, including Zelda?, and Wii is still trapped in the stoneage.

And I'm not asking for a ton. Just something along the lines of Tetris DS modes. Short and simple point-based competitions. Would it really have killed them to include this?
cvxfreak said:
The one year anniversary of Tabris ownage.

I remember that like yesterday. Damn this year has gone fast. I hate time. One day I shall be so powerful, I will control the fourth dimension.

I still need Nintendo to release all Mother's/Earthbound in English. How much do you reckon it will cost them to do that. If I become rich enough, I will fund the whole project myself. With all the artistic intergrity I can afford.
Taker666 said:
It usually does 1-2 million on home consoles..it did 500,000 on PSP. It's also the number 1 game at Amazon Japan at present (although PS3 still isn't in the top 100). You shouldn't discount it. I'm not saying it will turn things around..but it's a game to focus on. If it doesn't give PS3 a decent boost the there really isn't much hope.
But is it a system seller or did it benefit from a large established install base? By July, the PS3 will barely break the 1 million mark.
Alkaliine said:
It's a big question though. Does a Japanese publisher look at Wii and say "wow it's killing the other next-gen systems, let's make games for it" or does it look at Wii and say "gee, 3rd party games aren't doing well, there's a chance that even if our game is GOTY it will flop in sales, we should stick to PS2/DS/PSP."?

As Japan appears to be a handheld market first and a console market second, I'd say the choice for local Japanese publishers isn't that much of a choice anyway.

I don't think we'll see the same amount of Japan-only console (PS2) games (mainly jRPG's) this generation as the last one, as the handheld market has more potention for local sales. Plus, there is online/direct distribution to consider, which -imo- adds a lot to the local mobile market (read: PSP).

I can only wonder what games like FFVII [re-release am total] on PSS will do to Japanese PSP and PS3 sales in the (near?) future.


Alkaliine said:
PSP software sales have actually been okay in recent months. Monster Hunter in particular did awesome.
The PSP still has only one million seller EVER, despite having multiple high quality games from massive name franchises released on it (Winning 11, MGS, Ridge Racer. Dynasty Warriors, Minna no Golf, Gundam).

In fact, if we compare the Wii's best selling third party game Dragonball Z (a plain PS2 port) to the PSP Dragonball game, the Wii game has already sold about the same on less then half the userbase.

Japanese 3rd parties will come around to the Wii, or they will suffer. Simple as that.


healthy first day sales for both BBA and Onepiece

BBA is a long run seller so 15k isnt bad at all.. im guessing 50k for the first week
Onepiece will probably do a little bit more


It's gonna happen with some. But Red Steel, Rayman, Tiger Woods, Madden, COD3 have sold sell, Sonic has sold fairly sell too.

I'm not saying all of these are good games, and they mainly haven't been made with the best teams and some a quite half-asses and STILL sell well. Third parties sell well on Wii in the west.

In Japan, well, there's shovelware, and it's not selling. DQS will own the charts, however. DS had the same problem and now third parties are doing great on the platform because they're making good stuff for it.


BBA could go either way. It could disappear quickly because as a franchise the public doesn't see much staying power and as great as the DS game is, it's enough, or, it could slow burn to impressive sales, maybe making 300K or more lifetime. We'll have a better idea in a few weeks.

One Piece is selling well, iirc the initial shipment was 50K, so it's going to sell out easily. Over 100K lifetime is probable, which is a good sign for 3rd Parties.


What should Sony do now, for real, real?

1) Stop losing money. This would probably mean that PS3 prices in US and, especially, Japan are too low. But since retailers have huge stocks, don't need to worry for now. Scale back the first party development PS3 after the first bunch of games is ready. They realistically have very little to gain by fighting this round and a lot to lose.

2) Shift almost everything to the PSP and continue prolonging the life of PS2. Maybe even releasing a waggle wand for PS2 - to take advantage of all the PS2 to Wii porting. PSP, however is a way more successful platform that PS3 will ever be and it is in the faster growing portable market.


Jirotrom said:
you guys think the Wii will hit 3 million in Japan before the PS3 hits 1 million?

I think it will. Wii at 75,000 per week will get it there in 11 or 12 weeks. PS3, if it keeps dropping and will reach below 10k and below 9k and then down to 8k will give it another 15-20 weeks, depending on how quickly it declines.
Look at cooking mama on the wii. Pretty good DS sales, but on the Wii did it even break 15k in total sales in JP?
Who would have ever thought that game would have done much better in the US?
Tyrannical said:
Look at cooking mama on the wii. Pretty good DS sales, but on the Wii did it even break 15k in total sales in JP?
Who would have ever thought that game would have done much better in the US?
Cooking Mama also completely tanked on the DS in Japan.
Ynos Yrros said:
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

Ynos Yrros said:
I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.
Not gonna happen.
But please injoy your stay in this thread, we need you to reach 1000 posts.
God I hope Hot Shots Golf and Ninja Gaiden can boost PS3 sales, it's getting really pathetic at this moment. The PS3 ran over Japans collective dog so it seems. :(

And I'm not surprised at all by the BBA-sales. I too think the game is more suited for a handheld. The best option should have been to make a Brain Training channel with full online support to ga against your friends, with top rankings, ...
PS3 sales have declined steadily for two months. Can someone extrapolate to the day that it hits zero and people start giving back their PS3s?


PantherLotus said:
TheGreatDave said:
There's nothing Sony can do but attempt to prolong the life of the PS3 by giving it a "rebirth" at a point where they can sell it at a more accessible price, and with titles that are captivating for the market. A price cut at this point is pretty much out of the question (especially in Japan) so all they can do is try and ride it out.
Your shareholders would fire you, but you're right.

See, JoshuaJSlone? Now more people are coming around to my way of thinking. :D

PS3 1.0 + waggle + relaunch in 2010 @ < $300 = WIN!
or at least not lose by so much

To Sony:

"My name is Wiinigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
15K for BBA 1st day? Hm.

And I suppose I can't feel happy or sad about FFXII:RW's start until I manage to play the game and see for myself. Sigh.

Oh, BTW, my story's been successfully moved. You can find it here. I even managed an update for the week, albeit a short one.


BBA on Wii probably won't do as well as the DS versions but it will sell good numbers every week for a very long time. It may even have an upward curve like the original brain training.
pickwick said:
I predicts X360 may outsell PS3 this week because of Rainbow6 and Test drive !

Steady now. Lets not get excited over nothing. 360 might get boosted to 3.5K by those, but it sure ain't going to catch PS3.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Dude, Minna no Golf might, but there's not a chance Ninja Gaiden Sigma will. If you're holding NJS up as the next PS3 saviour, all you're doing is sending it out to die VF5-style.
Saviour? No, I think that it will bump PS3 sales to around 30k. Saviours, or rather definers of PS3 will be DMC4, MGS4, GT 5, FFXIII and WKS. And there are many more great anticipated games coming, it's just that now PS3 is on a drought, since launch pretty much.


Ynos Yrros said:
Saviour? No, I think that it will bump PS3 sales to around 30k. Saviours, or rather definers of PS3 will be DMC4, MGS4, GT 5, FFXIII and WKS. And there are many more great anticipated games coming, it's just that now PS3 is on a drought, since launch pretty much.

You're favouring the 'Better late than never' angle, but I'm going to go for 'Too little too late'.
Zerodoppler said:
Expected, but still a ruh-roh. So, Nintendo, what's the next big game?

With Golden Week I think SPM will remain a big seller, so they don't NEED another big game right at this moment.


Ynos Yrros said:
Saviour? No, I think that it will bump PS3 sales to around 30k. Saviours, or rather definers of PS3 will be DMC4, MGS4, GT 5, FFXIII and WKS. And there are many more great anticipated games coming, it's just that now PS3 is on a drought, since launch pretty much.

Do you really think that DMC4, MGS4 and WKS will be big sellers? DMC3 didn't even sell half a million, did it? I also think that Level 5's previous games didn't sell too well on the PS2 (besides DQ of course)
Magicpaint said:
Cooking Mama also completely tanked on the DS in Japan.

Really? Wow. I never checked because I just assumed that a wacky niche JP game did decent in JP because it actually came to the US.

WTF is up with that? We don't even get all the succesfull ones but we get a flop? AND it did decent in the US. Someone must have gone out on a mighty skinny limb when they decied to try it in US markets. I actually expected Wii Cooking Mama to get canned in the US because of poor JP sales. Guess I was wrong on that one.


Cooking Mama has done really well in the U.S. and not so well in Japan. But, it is a budget game, and it's pretty much Majesco's most popular game now to boot.


Ynos Yrros said:
Saviour? No, I think that it will bump PS3 sales to around 30k. Saviours, or rather definers of PS3 will be DMC4, MGS4, GT 5, FFXIII and WKS. And there are many more great anticipated games coming, it's just that now PS3 is on a drought, since launch pretty much.

GCN saviours - Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart, Zelda, RE4...

That list is just as impressive as the PS3 if you base it on the series pervious home console sales.
Jammy said:
Cooking Mama has done really well in the U.S. and not so well in Japan. But, it is a budget game, and it's pretty much Majesco's most popular game now to boot.

Yeah, good for them. I want more quirky budget titles like these and looks like we'll be seeing tons of them on the Wii. Atari and Majesco have already said they want to focus on Nintendo platforms for their budget titles.
Ynos Yrros said:
Saviour? No, I think that it will bump PS3 sales to around 30k. Saviours, or rather definers of PS3 will be DMC4, MGS4, GT 5, FFXIII and WKS. And there are many more great anticipated games coming, it's just that now PS3 is on a drought, since launch pretty much.

Sarcasm much?
Alkaliine said:
Oh I realise this, in fact I've been preaching this fact around GAF, but I'm talking more about the Japanese market rather than the US/Euro ones.

If you're talking strictly about Japan, then third parties have no choice, period. 360 and PS3 aren't going to bring them sales, either.

Ynos Yrros said:
What were you expecting from a system with not a single new game launched since 2 or more weeks, and only like 10 games launched this year?

I wonder what will you say when PS3 outsells everything else when Hot Shots Golf 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS4, FFXIII and GT Prologue come. Buying PS3 now is like buying plates when there's no food in the world.

VF5 and Gundam were the last games to make this claim.

Ynos Yrros said:
Does that come off as a legitimate opinion? Sorry folks, if you had hope that I would suddenly get into defensive or overly offensive mode, and get banned in result. If you think that best selling franchises won't boost PS3 sales (even if for one week), then I don't know how to react.
Have fun. I await the week when Mina No Golf 5 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma won't boost PS3 sales to more than 20k units.

Ninja Gaiden is a bestselling franchise now? Are you copying and pasting edited posts about DMC4 from 3 months ago?
Shiggy said:
Do you really think that DMC4, MGS4 and WKS will be big sellers? DMC3 didn't even sell half a million, did it? I also think that Level 5's previous games didn't sell too well on the PS2 (besides DQ of course)
They will be enough to make PS3 buy worthy, and they will certainly boost PS3 sales to over 30k in the weeks they launch.

You're favouring the 'Better late than never' angle, but I'm going to go for 'Too little too late'.
How do you know that? PS3 launched 5 months ago, and it still didn't get any real system seller, and there's almost no new software released since many weeks. Last game was Konami's Baseball (bad, bad game), and this week Tokyo Racer. Last real game launched for PS3 was Gundam Mosou. It did boost PS3 sales to 40k from what I remember.

The system has no definition in my opinion. There are no new releases, and SONY doesn't help themselves by releasing gimped versions of their big sellers (MotorStorm, F1). To guess the outcome of PS3's success in Japan, we have to wait until it's situation gets stabilized.

When, like some of people here said, big games like Mina No Gold, NGS, MGS4, DMC 4, RE5, FFXIII won't boost PS3 sales to 20-30k a week, then we can say that it's too late for SONY in Japan.

VF5 and Gundam were the last games to make this claim.
VF5 was never a great selling game. Gundam did sell alot considering the size of user base, and it did bump PS3 sales. I'm not saying that after launch of 1 of the games mentioned by me, will suddenly make PS3 sales sky rocket, I'm saying that it will bump PS3 sales, and once good software starts streaming in, PS3 sales will go higher than they are now.
Ynos Yrros said:
VF5 was never a great selling game. Gundam did sell alot considering the size of user base, and it did bump PS3 sales. I'm not saying that after launch of 1 of the games mentioned by me, will suddenly make PS3 sales sky rocket, I'm saying that it will bump PS3 sales, and once good software starts streaming in, PS3 sales will go higher than they are now.

VF3 and VF4 did a hell of a lot better.

What are Japanese sales of Ninja Gaiden, genius?
I'm sorry, I just don't see how Ninja Gaiden Sigma is going to light any fires. How much new content does it have over Ninja Gaiden Black? I know it's a massive graphics upgrade, but it it's the same game, I wouldn't hope for too much.
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