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Media Create Sales: 7/23 - 7/29

Neo C.

justchris said:
Taking it from another direction, what do you think weekly sales would have to drop to for Nintendo to consider a price drop?
50k would be still considered as good numbers, IMO. Price drops in Japan don't have the same effect like in Europe or NA though. I think Americans and Europeans are generally more price sensitive.


Lobster said:
Really? I reckon it has the chance to hit 80k-100k first week.

I'm guessing 40-50k first week for Forever Blue, maybe even lower. I'm usually a pretty big pessimist though.


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
This is incredibly obvious but since it seems to be not being said I'll say it anyway:

PS3 lives onwards, in all of your people's saturn/gamecube comparisons have failed to notice that there was a hardcore machine for people to buy vs thoese machines. 360 is not a happy factor in Japan, so PS3 default wins there for hardcore gamers, thus sony really doesn't have to do much of the caring there as America is the battleground for the next-generation.

Might as well look at hot exclusives in Japan as being DMC4, FFXII, MGS4, SH5 etc etc. obviously wii wil come out on top, but PS3 is not going to falter, it's not like they are just going to go up and port these games to wii. It doesn't matter if dmc4 comes out at the same time for both consoles, the ps3 will be the one that gets the DMC4 bump.
Stay tuned for more massive lulz


vanguardian1 said:
So the Wii is incapable of being a "hardcore" gaming machine? Oookay. >.>

He's completely correct, after a fashion.

The Wii is completely incapable of appealing to a closed-minded gamer, which appears to be the definition of 'hardcore gamer' that he's subscribing to. I don't go with that definition myself, but it's certainly a point of view.

I like to think of myself as a pretty hardcore gamer, but I have to admit I wouldn't want anything to do with what he's describing as one.


Anyone know why Famitsu and MC got so different numbers on something? Famitsu has 38k PS3, but MC has 28k (maybe not bundle counts?). Famitsu also had Mario Party 8 and MnG5 with something like 15k on each game higher than MC.
test_account said:
Anyone know why Famitsu and MC got so different numbers on something? Famitsu has 38k PS3, but MC has 28k (maybe not bundle counts?). Famitsu also had Mario Party 8 and MnG5 with something like 15k on each game higher than MC.
Statistical noise and the nature of extrapolations and different polling methods. They tend to even out and arrive at the same ballpark estimations over the long term.


Famitsu are Sony fanboys.

Does Media Create track more retailers than Famitsu? Maybe Famitsu mainly track gaming specific retailers, but not so many of the others, so that their extrapolated numbers don't factor in that non-gaming retailers sell more casual stuff and less hardcore stuff in comparison, and thus, PS3 numbers are higher than they should be with Famitsu as PS3 is a very core oriented system, atm.


kottila said:
I'm guessing 40-50k first week for Forever Blue, maybe even lower. I'm usually a pretty big pessimist though.

I reckon good word of mouth might push the game up..and just a little bit of me thinks its going to be the second coming of Nintendogs.


old ?

Enterbrain has pulled together some data to come up with what they see as the Wii total sales in Japan for the month of July. According to them, Nintendo managed to move 396,752 units. That nearly doubles the amount Nintendo sold in June. For comparison, Sony sold 91.987 PS3 units for July in Japan.

http://gamefront.de/ via gnintendo
I don't expect big Forever Blue first day sales. It's a nongame and thier sales tend to even out during the week, instead of one huge avalanche on launch day.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Wow at PS3 sales. They're done. Even if they have a killer TGS they need stuff right now. Question for those more knowledgable- is there any game on the PS3 Japanese release list for 07 that is as big or migger than MNG5? Is this Sony's best shot for 07?

As for next week, I'd say sales will go down to 15-16Kish, maybe a bit higher.

Nothing really to say for Wii/DS really..great as always.


schuelma said:
Wow at PS3 sales. They're done. Even if they have a killer TGS they need stuff right now. Question for those more knowledgable- is there any game on the PS3 Japanese release list for 07 that is as big or migger than MNG5? Is this Sony's best shot for 07?

As for next week, I'd say sales will go down to 15-16Kish, maybe a bit higher.

Nothing really to say for Wii/DS really..great as always.

Dynasty Warrior 5(6?) is their next "saviour". About the same size as Mingolf, maybe not quite as big, but still a comfortable million-seller from the ps2-era.

But that won't save them, no game will save them. Systemsellers are a fanboy-myth anyway, if you ask me.


test_account said:
Reviews/previews are just one (or several) person's opinion about something, it cant be considered as fact. Altho several of previews might give simular score, another person can think and feel the complete opposite. Take Bioshock for example, it got 10/10 in OXM and is probly going to get high scores other places too, but how many have played it? Some might find it incredible cool, but others might go "it looks good, but its boring to play". True as you say, good gfx cant save a game (this is not directed to Bioshock, i'm talking generally. For the record, i'm looking forward to Bioshock :))
To be fair, Bioshock has a good amount developer pedigree/cache over Lair and Heavenly Sword too. When looking at back catalogs and comparing System Shock 2 to Fung Fu Chaos or Rogue Leader, I can definitely see how Bioshock might be given more of a "free pass".

This is incredibly obvious but since it seems to be not being said I'll say it anyway:

PS3 lives onwards, in all of your people's saturn/gamecube comparisons have failed to notice that there was a hardcore machine for people to buy vs thoese machines. 360 is not a happy factor in Japan, so PS3 default wins there for hardcore gamers, thus sony really doesn't have to do much of the caring there as America is the battleground for the next-generation.

Might as well look at hot exclusives in Japan as being DMC4, FFXII, MGS4, SH5 etc etc. obviously wii wil come out on top, but PS3 is not going to falter, it's not like they are just going to go up and port these games to wii. It doesn't matter if dmc4 comes out at the same time for both consoles, the ps3 will be the one that gets the DMC4 bump.
Er, Saturn *was* the hardcore alternative actually... just like PC Engine before it. Last gen was something of a change though, as there really was no alternative (DC washed out too early, GC/Xbox never lived up to it) and it really was just PS2 for almost everyone's needs. I'd say though that this gen is shaping up to be a bit similar, only with DS in place of PS2.

goompapa said:
Dynasty Warrior 5(6?) is their next "saviour". About the same size as Mingolf, maybe not quite as big, but still a comfortable million-seller from the ps2-era.

But that won't save them, no game will save them. Systemsellers are a fanboy-myth anyway, if you ask me.
It's day and date multiplatform now... obviously PS3 will still mass the majority of attention, but a 360 release does defuse it's impact to a degree....


Fuzzy said:
I think you guys give him too much crap. I think that site is an invaluable resource.


justchris said:
I'm gonna have to say I still think DS will see a price drop this year.

I have it dropping to $99 in July 2009. I think you're getting confused between "it's been long enough at this price to get a price drop" and "it needs to have a price drop." Price drops are driven by the latter, not the former.

sphinx said:
nintendo-only fans existed throughout all last gen and I can tell you, post RE4, which launched in january 2005, it was all a gamer's nightmare.


Not even close. There's also the fact that the GBA and DS were releasing games through that time, too. The GameCube was fine, for me, even in 2005.

milanbaros said:
Snes->N64 Nintendo started to rely heavily on handheld performance i.e. pokemon

PS2-PS3 Sony will have to start to rely heavily on handheld performance?

I would say that the N64 -> GCN transition was when Nintendo started putting a lot of effort into getting out more handheld titles.

goompapa said:
Systemsellers are a fanboy-myth anyway, if you ask me.

I think you mean that the idea of one game turning the tide is a myth. System sellers exist on all systems.
Looks like preorders in Amazon for PSP new model and colors are open...

#2 Black
#5 Blue
#6 Silver
#7 White
#11 Lavender
#12 Pink

I like the white one even if its the one I currently have...seems they also started preorders for some accessories and #1 is TV tuner (isn't it?) while #3 is the D-terminal cable (I think...).

Oh, btw, I read here (or on the previous MC thread) that amazon had Wii in stock for its MSRP (25k Y), I remember when it was getting sold out at 32k yen. Its still in stock and at that price, surprising.

Also Mario Party 8 is still the top selling (released) game, I guess it won't be hard to see a 100-150k second week for it. Minna no Golf 5 looks like it'll do around 30k if you ask me...

Oh, first day sales should be coming soon.....GUESS WHAT...Sony is releasing another GPS Minna no Golf PSP....Vol 2...and they are preparing Vol3 AND Vol4 already! :(
test_account said:
Have you played them?

I played the demo of Heavenly Sword and after playing it my interest in the game plummetted to just above zero. The only reason that it didn't fall all the way to zero is because the graphics are really amazing.

It's not a very good sign when the demo is about five minutes long and I got bored before I finished it...


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Oh, first day sales should be coming soon.....GUESS WHAT...Sony is releasing another GPS Minna no Golf PSP....Vol 2...and they are preparing Vol3 AND Vol4 already! :(
ACK! They really should've just funneled any resources going into these into a proper Mingol P2.... given PSP's expanded base (thanks Monster Hunter!) I think a game like that might actually have a chance of coming within spitting distance of the million milestone.

As is, why waste this brand on trying to push a GPS add-on? :/


justchris said:
I made no claims that they need to, I'm simply saying it could be advantageous to do it sooner rather than later. I obviously don't have all the information Nintendo would have when making the decision, but I'm certain a case could be made for dropping the DS's price this year. And they could sell it at $99 pretty much indefinitely until DS2 (or GBE, whatever they decide on) is released.

I mean, realistically, the way it's selling, they could also sell it at $130 until DS2 is released. It really could go either way, but I stand by my prediction.

if Sony refuses to drop the PS2's price to $99, what makes you think Nintendo will do the same with the DS, which is newer and sells more?

PS3 lives onwards, in all of your people's saturn/gamecube comparisons have failed to notice that there was a hardcore machine for people to buy vs thoese machines. 360 is not a happy factor in Japan, so PS3 default wins there for hardcore gamers, thus sony really doesn't have to do much of the caring there as America is the battleground for the next-generation.

Okay so PS3 is competing against itself only? In that case, it is currently failing massively due to its ridiculous price. Not even hardcore gamers want to pay that much just to play the latest hardcore games.

But that's a good thing, because the more the PS3 fails to sell, the sooner it will drop down to an affordable price.
justchris said:
Taking it from another direction, what do you think weekly sales would have to drop to for Nintendo to consider a price drop?
Interesting question. Sales could halve and they'd still be really really ridiculously good-looking. But as you said, they'd start to have a production surplus.
LanceStern said:
For the Nintendo DS to beat it's Q3 2006 YTD (5,790,402), it would have to sell an average of 92,000 units each week for the next 9 weeks
- With week 31 and 32 providing a decent bump in DS weekly hardware sales, what was once an unfathomable goal of 140k per week to reach its Q3 2006 YTD, has been drastically lowered to an EASILY obtained average.
Whether the mistake is on your end or mine, my DS Q3 2006 YTD is 2K higher than what you've got.

Then... you've lost me. We just got week 30's numbers, where are these bumps for weeks 31 and 32 coming from? DS is currently at 4.56 million after week 30. If it can get away with only 92K for seven of those weeks, that brings things up to 5.20 million. That leaves 590K unaccounted for, which would make week 31 and 32 295K apiece? That's a bit more than a decent bump; that's more than DS has ever done outside of December, twice in a row.
Deku said:
FFXIII will see a huge bump potentially even suparssing Wii sales for the same week. N64 managed it with Zelda.
So I decided to check this out. Famitsu.

Ocarina of Time. Indeed it did happen.
N64, week of 1998-11-09: 4,972
PS1, week of 1998-11-09: 23,575

N64, week of 1998-11-16: 29,835
PS1, week of 1998-11-16: 17,374

N64, week of 1998-11-23: 29,835
PS1, week of 1998-11-23: 27,060

Majora's Mask. Indeed here, too, though it's less surprising since PS2 had been out over a month and done Bad Things to PS1 numbers.
N64, week of 2000-04-17: 3,539
PS1, week of 2000-04-17: 3,364

N64, combined weeks of 2000-04-24 and 2000-05-21: 17,260
PS1, combined weeks of 2000-04-24 and 2000-05-21: 5,565

slaughterking said:
How many units did the cube sold when he was on the market as many weeks as the PS3 is right now?
Somebody already brought up my earlier comparison of when GCN was where PS3 was now, but looking at it the other way... at week 38 (week of May 27, 2002) Famitsu had GCN at 1,367,013.
LanceStern said:
Excuse me 1337ist... but I was Gamecube only last generation and darn proud of it.

There was nothing wrong with being GCN only, it was swarmed with AAA titles. After 2005, I had the DS and GBA to play, and sadly lost the thrill of playing games at the pace I did when GCN was in its' full stride

Gamecube-only is nothing to be ashamed of--tons of people can only have one console, and I would definitely have picked the Cube last gen if I'd had to choose (which, thankfully, I didn't and don't...what a nightmare).

But "proud"? Why in the hell would you be proud of that?
so PS3 default wins there for hardcore gamers

Of course, because hardcore gamers don't own Nintendo consoles. Excuse me, but I'm insulted. I think the opposite is much closer to the truth--hardcore gamers don't NOT own Nintendo consoles.

PS3 is not going to falter

What word would you use to describe its performance, then, if not "falter"? Unless you meant further than it already has. I understand your point, and I agree: the PS3 will live on, good games are on the way. But you seem to be trying to frame this as a victory, which is absurd.


IIRC, we can use this thread for general sales.

Other then the Sony Q1 financial results do we have any worldwide sales numbers for the PS3?


TwinsDad said:
IIRC, we can use this thread for general sales.

Other then the Sony Q1 financial results do we have any worldwide sales numbers for the PS3?
No. We have good numbers through early July for North America and until the beginning of this week for Japan but we do not, and probably never will, have good tracking data for Europe and the other PAL territories.


The Sphinx said:
No. We have good numbers through early July for North America and until the beginning of this week for Japan but we do not, and probably never will, have good tracking data for Europe and the other PAL territories.

Thanks what I thought. Bunch of Sony people on the official forum are using a powerpoint slide to defend that it sold 6 million as of this month. They can't fathom that Sony's own press release states 4.28 million as of June 30th.
First day sales

PS2 J-League Winning Eleven 7 - 85.000
Wii Forever Blue - 10.000
NDS Face Training - 10.000
PSP Goku Makaimura Kai - <1k
NDS Mag Kid - <1k
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Wii Forever Blue - 10.000

I think it is also mentioned on shinobi that it's starting to be partly out of stock. Can anyone confirm ?

[edit] Here is the exact passage :

vanguardian1 said:
So the Wii is incapable of being a "hardcore" gaming machine? Oookay. >.>

Whee okay, obviously I need to go back to my debate team and start defining terms before I use them, because that post was stupidly obvious in it's point, I just can't use the English language. Hardcore gamers already have all the systems, let's say long-time gamers instead. Also in my comparison I was comparing 360 to PS3 in Japan.

Did you people entirely ignore how this generation was marketed out at the start? Did you guys ignore the e3 conference? Nintendo is off on their own little world(which woohoo! I invested in them right after nintendogs came out) creating new marketplaces and new consumers and have this so wrapped for the next 2 years that there is no point even debating it or Sony to try put up more them a whimper of a resistance for that group, a market segment many of which sony has never had before.(sonys 10 year plan with blu-ray and wii looking ever worse could come to fruition down the road).

I was talking about the battle for your long-time gamer, (probably has a wii now too) and comparing ps3 to saturn/gamecube. If you think Wii is in the excat same market segment, then the battle for 2nd place and that sony will have a much much stronger 2nd place showing then saturn or gamecube.
Japan - Sony has the long-time gamer and a strong 2nd place showing guaranteed in the bag as wii is out in la-la land and 360 is a no show. You people are crazy if you don't think that FFXII, DMC4, RE5, SH5, heck even GTA4 etc... etc... are all going to give Sony huge bumps and do very little for x-box in Japan. I can't belive I'm even debating this, much less being laughed at. Sony will come out just fine, The only way Sony loses(as in saturn/gamecube level) in Japan is if next-gen completely loses in Japan (or nintendo next-gen!)

Thus my obvious point was why Sony can ignore Japan is because it's over, Sony can start selling the system more when there is a reason for people to buy it, right now yep, they are competing against themselves and just need to make sure the thing's image doesn't get branded as being unfashionable.

The battle for 2nd place wages on in America, and that's where the forces need to be concentrated. If Sony wins there/gains a higher percentage(or even close to 50%) markethold then x-box then the world is in thier hands.


The battle for 2nd place wages on in America, and that's where the forces need to be concentrated. If Sony wins there/gains a higher percentage(or even close to 50%) markethold then x-box then the world is in thier hands.
when ever has a console come back from last place in cycle?


listen to the mad man
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
First day sales

PS2 J-League Winning Eleven 7 - 85.000
Wii Forever Blue - 10.000
NDS Face Training - 10.000
PSP Goku Makaimura Kai - <1k
NDS Mag Kid - <1k

Well, we pretty much knew Mag Kid was going to be a bomb, but I don't think anyone would have predicted such an epic bomb.

Face Training is decent. Most of the Japanese had heard of Facening before the DS and if it's not super popular as a concept, it won't be made popular by the DS version. Personally, I'm almost one hundred percent certain that Facening offers no actual benefit that can't be obtained by a good diet, adequate hygiene, and stress management.

Put it this way; if an Atkins DS game was released in America, sales of the game would really be linked to the popularity of the concept rather than an indication about Nintendo's ability or non-ability to sell lifestyle software in general. They've already proven with BT, BT2, CKT, ET, ET2, Cooking Navi, and VT that they can sell lifestyle software

I think Nintendo made a mistake by announcing new peripherals for both of these relatively uncompelling pieces of software without specifying how future software will use them. If Nintendo had laid out ten games that either required the camera or would make use of it (like how many current DS games can make use of the rumble pak), I'm sure people on the fence about Facening as a concept would be more likely to pick up the Face Training package. The Mag Kid peripheral is pretty much useless; it's not true motion sensitivity, and it constains you to sitting down at a table while you use it.

Rocksteady33 said:
Forever Blue says ouch.
ksamedi said:
Face training as well, but who would want to train there face anyway.
schuelma said:
Poor Forever Blue :(

Forever Blue is actually not a bomb. Everblue 2 sold around 30,000 LTD if I remember correctly (maybe Moor Angol has the data on this? I can't find it right now) and Everblue 1 sold even fewer copies. Forever Blue has game-breaking bugs that have not yet been recalled. 10k is a good start. If this thing manages lifetime sales of 60-70k, it'll be a mega success for Arika... Unless Nintendo marketed this thing hard or retailers ordered an ungodly amount or I have a royally shitty memory for the previous installments, 10k first day is not worrisome.

J-League WE 7 shows, along with Powerful Pro Baseball, that the market is still there for annual PS2 titles. Much like Madden in the US, I expect last-gen WE and othe rsports games to sell for at least this year and next.


the piano man
Stumpokapow said:
Forever Blue has game-breaking bugs that have not yet been recalled. 10k is a good start.

WTH... o_o

1st time I hear about Forever blue having game-breaking bugs...


listen to the mad man
sphinx said:
WTH... o_o 1st time I hear about Forever blue having game-breaking bugs...

There's a 100% repeatable hard-lock bug. If you add a shark ray to your Aquarium, the game hard-locks producing a screeching noise and the Wii needs to be rebooted. Nintendo has a page up describing the bug online but there's been no news about patches, recalls, or whether or not Nintendo is going to do the second shipment of the game without fixing it or going to postpone a second shipment until fixed copies are pressed.

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