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Media Create Sales Jan 8 - 14


starship said:
I meant in regard to brand power. DS strengthened Nintendo brand and weakened PS brand there so it seems the DS changed their tastes.

That doesn't make much sense. Your saying that since the Nintendo brand is stronger now people no longer like racers(rr7) or action games(genji), that now they want more AC and BT. I think my theory holds more water. Just because I own a DS doesn't mean that I no long want to play rally racers and fps, which I usually enjoy regardless of the system. Only reason I'm not buying any for DS is because there aren't any worth a purchase(except MPH, which i have).

duderon said:
I'm saying it is easy to come to the conclusion that the PS3 is going to have a hard time equaling PS2's sales now that we've seen it struggling after launch. I don't remember anyone here saying the PS3 was not going to be sold out in January.

Somebody probably said it and no one should be coming to conclusions right now anyway.


rollin' in the gutter
Linkup said:
Somebody probably said it and no one should be coming to conclusions right now anyway.

I'm sure someone said it, but the vast majority thought otherwise. Bob is in the minority, but we're hearing his "prediction" now instead of in November. I think we can come to the conclusion that PS3 isn't selling out right now, if that is what your last statement is about.


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
Bungalow Bob said:
Uh... maybe English isn´t your first language - that´s not changing tastes.
Yeah, English isn't my first language so sometimes I can't express myself well. :)


Bungalow Bob said:
Exactly. PS3 is doing just as well as I thought it would do. It´s just that the Wii, and especially its software, is exceeding expectations. So the PS3 looks bad in comparison, when in reality, only RR sales are a disappointment.

Resistance sales are definitely a pleasant surprise. Does anyone know what the best selling FPS in Japan is and how much it sold?



glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
The most ironic thing is that the Wii is beating up the PS3 pretty easily, and that the best seller is Wii Sports and Wii Play. it's just amazing how Nintendo ****ed the concept of videogames. :lol


tanasten said:
The most ironic thing is that the Wii is beating up the PS3 pretty easily, and that the best seller is Wii Sports and Wii Play. it's just amazing how Nintendo ****ed the concept of videogames. :lol
What exactly do you mean by "****ed the concept of videogames"? A lot of people (myself included) have found new enjoyment for these types of games. I was getting ready to hang up my controller when Nintendo came out with the DS and gave some sort of indication that something different was on the horizon.
starship said:
Yeah, English isn't my first language so sometimes I can't express myself well. :)

That´s cool. I´m sure GAF will help you improve you english. Come to think of it, I should recommend this place to my english students.

Btw, could someone please give me the link to the post on how to create a GAF avatar? I can´t find it. Thanks in advance!
Razoric said:

When I said this, "So the PS3 looks bad in comparison, when in reality, only RR sales are a disappointment," perhaps I should have added "to me" to make it more clear. And yes, I know that most others (including pro analysts) had much higher expectations than I.
tanasten said:
The most ironic thing is that the Wii is beating up the PS3 pretty easily, and that the best seller is Wii Sports and Wii Play. it's just amazing how Nintendo ****ed the concept of videogames. :lol

I wouldn't say they changed the concept of video games. More like bringing the concept back to what it should be. The concept changed over time and they're just bringing it back to it's original state. Brought gaming into a fun experience.

Games back in the day were simple. Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Duck Hunt. Sure the hardware was limited, but they are still far more popular and disputably, more enjoyable than the majority of current games. Maybe we can say that the evolution of gaming needed to go back to it's roots to spur new growth. It may be a bit premature to say what I just said but we'll see the end results in a years time.


Bungalow Bob said:
When I said this, "So the PS3 looks bad in comparison, when in reality, only RR sales are a disappointment," perhaps I should have added "to me" to make it more clear. And yes, I know that most others (including pro analysts) had much higher expectations than I.

See the biggest problem I find in your logic is that nobody cares what the sales are to you...

Other than that its fine!


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
Haleon said:
What exactly do you mean by "****ed the concept of videogames"? A lot of people (myself included) have found new enjoyment for these types of games. I was getting ready to hang up my controller when Nintendo came out with the DS and gave some sort of indication that something different was on the horizon.

Wyndstryker said:
I wouldn't say they changed the concept of video games. More like bringing the concept back to what it should be. The concept changed over time and they're just bringing it back to it's original state. Brought gaming into a fun experience.

Games back in the day were simple. Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Duck Hunt. Sure the hardware was limited, but they are still far more popular and disputably, more enjoyable than the majority of current games. Maybe we can say that the evolution of gaming needed to go back to it's roots to spur new growth. It may be a bit premature to say what I just said but we'll see the end results in a years time.

You know, I mean that Nintendo just came around with new concepts and put down what was suposed to be the gaming of the PlayStation era. There's a lot of people who owns a PS2 and has a concept of videogames far different that the original meaning. That's ****ing the PlayStation era, just like Sony ****ed the Nintendo era back in time.


the piano man
I have been thinking this lately.

Some guys, trying to put Sony in a better light, make comments about how the PS2 wasn't instantly selling well even after its 7th or so month in japanese shelves. I'd like to post the difference of circumstances:

On the PS2

.- PS2 launched before other consoles of the same gen, it had the last-gen maret share pie all for itself for a lot of time, more than a year I think.

.- PS2 managed to do the perfect transition from PS1 to PS2. PS1 software was still flooding the charts while the ps2 was gaining momemtum little by little.

.- PS2 initial price wasn't all that bad. After all, it offered DVD playback. Which was a HUGE step up from VHS cassettes.

in contrast with

.- PS3 launches side by side with its extremely hungry and strongest competitor, nintendo which happens to launch with killer titles left and right, Zelda for hardcore, Wario, Play and sports for the new audience.

.- PS2 software, outside of the occasional Yakuza 2, is buried in the past. People care for PS2 software as much as for PSP software. The transition between PS2 - PS3 has terribly flopped.

.- Blue-ray? it just works if you have a $3000 HD tv.....:rolleyes

So no, the PS3 is in for the rape of its life.

They took nintendo's death on the home console front for granted.
They took japan's PS loyalty for granted.

and the problem is, this is a time constrained console war. If the bigger companies haven't announced HUGE support to any of the systems is because they are waiting for the results of the initial battle, mainly what's the leading brand and then place the bulk of the support there.

how much time does PS3 has to make publishers believe it still contends for the next-gen leading platform? The wii is getting ahead too fast. If this continues throughout 2007, FF13 in 2008 will be too late. Even MGS4 in christmas 2007 will be too late if Wii is ahead by 4 or 5 millions.

PS3 is in trouble.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
sphinx said:
Sony is in trouble.


Don't forget that Sony recurred to some banks to get cash to handle the PS3 project. So in case of the PS3 failing to badly... Sony isn't at the position of Microsoft and can't loss 4 billions of dollars on the Games division, because during the PS2, the games division substained the rest of the company.

So Sony is in trouble, and maybe Japan is in trouble.


rollin' in the gutter
sphinx said:
I have been thinking this lately.

Some guys, trying to put Sony in a better light, make comments about how the PS2 wasn't instantly selling well even after its 7th or so month in japanese shelves. I'd like to post the difference of circumstances:

You misinterpreted that statement. The Playstation 2 took 7 months to drop to 30k sales per week, and the PS3 is hitting this in it's second month.

The PS2 sold 600k in it's first week.


tanasten said:

Don't forget that Sony recurred to some banks to get cash to handle the PS3 project. So in case of the PS3 failing to badly... Sony isn't at the position of Microsoft and can't loss 4 billions of dollars on the Games division, because during the PS2, the games division substained the rest of the company.

So Sony is in trouble, and maybe Japan is in trouble.
In search of your third TAG? :lol
duderon said:
You misinterpreted that statement. The Playstation 2 took 7 months to drop to 30k sales per week, and the PS3 is hitting this in it's second month.

The PS2 sold 600k in it's first week.

Quick question for anyone who has been watching since E3:

What exactly is Sony's pricing strategy?
TheKingsCrown said:
Quick question for anyone who has been watching since E3:

What exactly is Sony's pricing strategy?

I don't know. What I know is that they HAVE to low this damned price to Xbox360's level very soon. Otherwise Japan will become Wiiland very soon....
Linkup said:
That doesn't make much sense. Your saying that since the Nintendo brand is stronger now people no longer like racers(rr7) or action games(genji), that now they want more AC and BT.
It's possible. Once I discovered RPGs, I stopped playing as many platformers. If there's a new hotness, the old hotness is less appealing.

Bungalow said:
Btw, could someone please give me the link to the post on how to create a GAF avatar? I can´t find it. Thanks in advance!
Only thing I can think of would be in the rules outside of any of the forum areas specifically, but really all you need to know is that the file size limit is 150K, and that the max size is 90x120. An avatar automatically resizes to 90 width, so if you use a 45x120 file it would resize to 90x240 and be too large. Host the image somewhere online, and put the URL in the Edit Profile section of your Control Panel.

Eteric Rice

Sometimes, I wonder if they're trying to "leave" the gaming industry.

I was reading a thread yesterday, and it turns out if you aren't using Sony component cables for your PS2 or PS3, you void the warrenty.

I mean, jeeze...


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
I don't know. What I know is that they HAVE to low this damned price to Xbox360's level very soon. Otherwise Japan will become Wiiland very soon....

It will be whatever does Sony. Nintendo has won with the Wiimote and WiiSports. Simply, look at the sales of Wii Sports and Wii Play, and get the trend. Sony is beaten yet. Jut wait for more Nintendo software. Next xmas Wii will outsould DS, I promise you.

fresquito said:
In search of your third TAG? :lol

I was serious. time ago, I saw a documental in which they explained that Sony and sub-companys had an whooping 18% of the working population. I think that was a BBC report or 60 minutes program (in Catalonia, it's 30 minuts)

I don't know what's the percent of japanese non-people working for Sony or for a sub-company. But it's scary to think that Sony could be dead in a few years.


Bungalow Bob said:
Btw, could someone please give me the link to the post on how to create a GAF avatar? I can´t find it. Thanks in advance!
The FAQ section (where that post is at) only appears when you're logged out.


the piano man
duderon said:
You misinterpreted that statement. The Playstation 2 took 7 months to drop to 30k sales per week, and the PS3 is hitting this in it's second month.

The PS2 sold 600k in it's first week.


tanasten said:

Don't forget that Sony recurred to some banks to get cash to handle the PS3 project. So in case of the PS3 failing to badly... Sony isn't at the position of Microsoft and can't loss 4 billions of dollars on the Games division, because during the PS2, the games division substained the rest of the company.

So Sony is in trouble, and maybe Japan is in trouble.

If Japan sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor or is thrown into abject poverty, people are going to bitch so hard at Nintendo on the internet!
tanasten said:
It will be whatever does Sony. Nintendo has won with the Wiimote and WiiSports. Simply, look at the sales of Wii Sports and Wii Play, and get the trend. Sony is beaten yet. Jut wait for more Nintendo software. Next xmas Wii will outsould DS, I promise you.

Wait, wait, wait. I know that Nintendo has done an amazing job with the Wii and that Wii Sports and Wii Play are driving Wii's hardware as nobody expected, BUT remember that Sony wasn't win the N64 vs. Saturn vs. Playstation battle. One single game change all: Final Fantasy. And guess for which console is developed Final Fantasy XIII ? The PS3.
And MGS4 ? And Devil May Cry 4 ? Sorry, but Sony has not lost the battle: they have just to stop to be stupid and arrogant and low the price. Nothing more, nothing less.

Then the userbase will grow anough fast to make the developing of games, doesn't matter which, worth the money and the work invested in it.


Are people like me with this? Whenever somebody says that he DS is gonna sell a certain amount in such a time, or the Wii is gonna sell a certain amount in such a time, rather than thinking of the unit's popularity or how much mindshare it has, or how big it is, I just think how good production and supply will be by then - and that'll be the factor I think of most.


sphinx said:
I have been thinking this lately.

Some guys, trying to put Sony in a better light, make comments about how the PS2 wasn't instantly selling well even after its 7th or so month in japanese shelves. I'd like to post the difference of circumstances:

On the PS2

.- PS2 launched before other consoles of the same gen, it had the last-gen maret share pie all for itself for a lot of time, more than a year I think.

.- PS2 managed to do the perfect transition from PS1 to PS2. PS1 software was still flooding the charts while the ps2 was gaining momemtum little by little.

.- PS2 initial price wasn't all that bad. After all, it offered DVD playback. Which was a HUGE step up from VHS cassettes.

in contrast with

.- PS3 launches side by side with its extremely hungry and strongest competitor, nintendo which happens to launch with killer titles left and right, Zelda for hardcore, Wario, Play and sports for the new audience.

.- PS2 software, outside of the occasional Yakuza 2, is buried in the past. People care for PS2 software as much as for PSP software. The transition between PS2 - PS3 has terribly flopped.

.- Blue-ray? it just works if you have a $3000 HD tv.....:rolleyes

So no, the PS3 is in for the rape of its life.

They took nintendo's death on the home console front for granted.
They took japan's PS loyalty for granted.

and the problem is, this is a time constrained console war. If the bigger companies haven't announced HUGE support to any of the systems is because they are waiting for the results of the initial battle, mainly what's the leading brand and then place the bulk of the support there.

how much time does PS3 has to make publishers believe it still contends for the next-gen leading platform? The wii is getting ahead too fast. If this continues throughout 2007, FF13 in 2008 will be too late. Even MGS4 in christmas 2007 will be too late if Wii is ahead by 4 or 5 millions.

PS3 is in trouble.

I agree with your post SONY had this gen in the bag. I cant belive how hard they fumbled even if they in the end win this gen, they wont be as strong as they where last gen.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Wait, wait, wait. I know that Nintendo has done an amazing job with the Wii and that Wii Sports and Wii Play are driving Wii's hardware as nobody expected, BUT remember that Sony wasn't win the N64 vs. Saturn vs. Playstation battle. One single game change all: Final Fantasy. And guess for which console is developed Final Fantasy XIII ? The PS3.
And MGS4 ? And Devil May Cry 4 ? Sorry, but Sony has not lost the battle: they have just to stop to be stupid and arrogant and low the price. Nothing more, nothing less.

Then the userbase will grow anough fast to make the developing of games, doesn't matter which, worth the money and the work invested in it.

You know, that's the fun part. Games aren't gona be exclusive if they're not selling on the PS3. Developers was shifting efforts to the Wii and the Xbox360 early than I expected, and I don't foresee a bright future for the catalog of the PS3. Meanwhile games like Final Fantasy has been the hot item on the PS2 era, that doesn't means that Final Fantasy it's gona be the hot item on the next gem.

Talk about Resident Evil series. They we're hot in the PS1 era, but OLD in the PS2 era. Something like that can happen, easily when everyone is swaping Brain Trainings, Animal Crossings and Wii Sports. It's just a new cicle, and PS2 games aren't that cool for the new cicle. I hope you get my point.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Wait, wait, wait. I know that Nintendo has done an amazing job with the Wii and that Wii Sports and Wii Play are driving Wii's hardware as nobody expected, BUT remember that Sony wasn't win the N64 vs. Saturn vs. Playstation battle. One single game change all: Final Fantasy. And guess for which console is developed Final Fantasy XIII ? The PS3.
And MGS4 ? And Devil May Cry 4 ? Sorry, but Sony has not lost the battle: they have just to stop to be stupid and arrogant and low the price. Nothing more, nothing less.

Then the userbase will grow anough fast to make the developing of games, doesn't matter which, worth the money and the work invested in it.

Nobody has lost or won this battle...yet. But you're kidding yourself if you think FFXIII will have the same impact that FFVII did. MGS4 and DMC4 aren't likely to be the ones to do it either. At this point, I think the only safe bet is that it's going to be something we don't know about. Because none of the stuff that we do know about from any of the three (or two, since we're talking Japan) has the power to make a decisive strike. Wii Sports is as close to it as we've seen.


joetachi said:
I agree with your post SONY had this gen in the bag. I cant belive how hard they fumbled even if they in the end winning this gen, they wont be as strong as they where last gen.

The inconsistantcy of your terminology for what constitutes as last-gen or current-gen is off-putting. Make your mind up! What's this-gen, and what's next-gen?!!


tanasten said:
Don't forget that Sony recurred to some banks to get cash to handle the PS3 project.

That was normal operations for Sony. The reason it made the news is that they normally did that action some other way but were now using a bank, because it was cheaper. It was not a reflection on them trying to "handle" the PS3 project. That was a misunderstood issue in that thread that I thought was cleared up in that thread.
Parl said:
The inconsistantcy of your terminology for what constitutes as last-gen or current-gen is off-putting. Make your mind up! What's this-gen, and what's next-gen?!!

Due to your avatar, whenever I read your posts, I hear Midna-speak in my head. That makes your posts super awesome, every time.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Wait, wait, wait. I know that Nintendo has done an amazing job with the Wii and that Wii Sports and Wii Play are driving Wii's hardware as nobody expected, BUT remember that Sony wasn't win the N64 vs. Saturn vs. Playstation battle. One single game change all: Final Fantasy. And guess for which console is developed Final Fantasy XIII ? The PS3.
And MGS4 ? And Devil May Cry 4 ? Sorry, but Sony has not lost the battle: they have just to stop to be stupid and arrogant and low the price. Nothing more, nothing less.

Then the userbase will grow anough fast to make the developing of games, doesn't matter which, worth the money and the work invested in it.

Sony cannot rely on the franchises of the past to win this war.

People constantly refer to older series as the key this gen, and I say that that couldn't be further from the truth.

During the N64 era, Nintendo had this same belief: We will bombard the people with the franchises they love and be rewarded for it. What happened to Nintendo is that Sony changed the definition of gaming from under Nintendo. Now Nintendo is doing the same thing to Sony.

If the PS3 released at 399 I still think they would be in trouble (though nowhere near as quickly, admittedly) because Nintendo has changed what games are FUN around Sony. Looking at the sales charts, people are buying the Wii in droves because of the power of Wii Sports and play. These fresh takes at playing a game are drawing in new people, not the hardware. Hell, even Nintendo's flagship epic, Zelda, is lagging behind, because it is mired in the older definition.

Sony needs to find a way to differentiate the Playstation brand again. People are looking at a fresh change, and more of the same will not turn people to the PS3, especially since the PS2 is still alive and kicking and selling for a good 400+ dollars less.
Xeke said:
See the biggest problem I find in your logic is that nobody cares what the sales are to you...

Other than that its fine!

But I´m not the only one. For example Patcher predicted that the Wii would start out strong, and the PS3 slow. If I was the only one in the world who predicted that that the PS3 would have a much less successful launch period than PS2 I´d certainly be crazy, but that´s simply not the case.

More than anything else, my posts should serve to remind people that just because many (perhaps ignorant?) people expected the PS3 to be PS2 all over again in Japan, there were many reasons, that we all knew about before launch, to predict a much less successful launch this time around.

Eteric Rice

Final Fantasy won't have as big of an impact this time around, imo. VII had a lot of momentum as it had come after VI. Before VII, they didn't mess up, but all the games after VII (except maybe XII) have been underwhelming.

I think what Nintendo will do, is do exactly what they say they were going to do. They're going to use non-traditional video games to gather people's interest. Take a look at the game "Wii Health Pack." It doesn't sound like much, but consider how big the diet industry is in the United States. If they can advertise it as a game to help you lose weight, they'll sell a LOT. Hell, the Wii already has a small reputation as a weight loss system.

As for DMC, FF, etc... I don't know when we'll be seeing those games. Final Fantasy isn't anywhere near done. DMC, I worry about. The last I've heard, they've watered the game down to make it easier, etc.

Anywho, this could go anywhere. But the truth is that the PS3 is not in a good light right now.


Even though you all may know I love my 360 and argue for its position all the time, I feel there are so many people jumping the gun about the PS3 in Japan, that it's way too ridiculous for me to join that bandwagon and ignore all the facts.

Why do people continue to make hasty assumptions? And why do people keep comparing the PS3 to the PS2? The same people that acted "surprised" the 360 wasn't doing PS2 numbers last year, have learned NOTHING, and are surprised once again when PS3 isn't performing like the PS2 either.

You have all of this data, all these numbers, you discuss them week after week, you make charts, you pretend you are well taught in the way of the videogame industry....yet after all this, when it all boils down to it....all logic, data, goes right out the window and everyone resorts to what they do best: spinnage. Refusing objectivity in favor of spinning things to suit their argument. Would it really be all bad to use a little bit of objectivity you guys? Instead of trying to figure out WHY something is selling like it's selling, and WHY you have the numbers you do.....then using that "WHY" towards future predictions...most people on here simply revert to the raw data. If PS2 did this than the PS3 should do this. If Wii is doing this, and the PS2 did this then it means it's going to do this....THIS IS HORRIBLE LOGIC. I don't meant to quote THE MATRIX....but it's the WHY the matters.

Aside from carrying the same name, the systems couldn't have been more different at launch respectively. Price difference, format difference, competition difference are all bound to make some differences.

If I told you apple was going to launch a $600 ipod successor now that the market is full of mp3 players, would you guys expect it to sell as well as the ipod?

Sony fans: Some advice. I hope some of you are saving some of these quotes. You know, just for fun.


Tanasten is predicting the death of the Japanese economy. Who do you think holds all this U.S. debt, the Japanese are on that list. Tanasten is predicting the death of the American economy. We need to sell everything and move to Spain. :lol
DeaconKnowledge said:
Sony cannot rely on the franchises of the past to win this war.

People constantly refer to older series as the key this gen, and I say that that couldn't be further from the truth.

During the N64 era, Nintendo had this same belief: We will bombard the people with the franchises they love and be rewarded for it. What happened to Nintendo is that Sony changed the definition of gaming from under Nintendo. Now Nintendo is doing the same thing to Sony.

If the PS3 released at 399 I still think they would be in trouble (though nowhere near as quickly, admittedly) because Nintendo has changed what games are FUN around Sony. Looking at the sales charts, people are buying the Wii in droves because of the power of Wii Sports and play. These fresh takes at playing a game are drawing in new people, not the hardware. Hell, even Nintendo's flagship epic, Zelda, is lagging behind, because it is mired in the older definition.

Sony needs to find a way to differentiate the Playstation brand again. People are looking at a fresh change, and more of the same will not turn people to the PS3, especially since the PS2 is still alive and kicking and selling for a good 400+ dollars less.

I would answer you that you're wrong if we hadn't had the example of Zelda. But Zelda has never been a so big series in Japan; at least, it cannot be compared with Final Fantasy.
You have to think that Nintendo has lost all the Third party Support during the N64's era and they survived only with their franchises and with the power of Rareware. Sony is not in this situation yet, so I would be careful to compare the PS3 to the N64.

But I got your point. And Zelda is an excellent example, even with its limitations.


Eteric Rice said:
Final Fantasy won't have as big of an impact this time around, imo. VII had a lot of momentum as it had come after VI. Before VII, they didn't mess up, but all the games after VII (except maybe XII) have been underwhelming.

I think what Nintendo will do, is do exactly what they say they were going to do. They're going to use non-traditional video games to gather people's interest. Take a look at the game "Wii Health Pack." It doesn't sound like much, but consider how big the diet industry is in the United States. If they can advertise it as a game to help you lose weight, they'll sell a LOT. Hell, the Wii already has a small reputation as a weight loss system.

As for DMC, FF, etc... I don't know when we'll be seeing those games. Final Fantasy isn't anywhere near done. DMC, I worry about. The last I've heard, they've watered the game down to make it easier, etc.

Anywho, this could go anywhere. But the truth is that the PS3 is not in a good light right now.

From the moment the strategy for PS3 and Wii were irreversable to great extent, the PS3's tunnel became dim, with it being litten by small flames here and there for the next few thousand kilometres.
Its up to Nintendo to choose the winner.

If they can deliver a good line-up for a domestic console again (last time they did it was in the 90's), Wii will win. If they don't, then it will be Square-Enix turn.

Just look at DS. Even with 0 3rd party support, they would have sold the same, its the Nintendo software the one selling the console. They delivered (Brain Training, Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, Mario, Pokemon) and so they win. And it seems they are delivering looking at Wii Sports and Wii Play. Sony just won't even have a chance.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Due to your avatar, whenever I read your posts, I hear Midna-speak in my head. That makes your posts super awesome, every time.

The fact you like Midna makes you super awesome, all the time.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Its up to Nintendo to choose the winner.

If they can deliver a good line-up for a domestic console again (last time they did it was in the 90's), Wii will win. If they don't, then it will be Square-Enix turn.

Just look at DS. Even with 0 3rd party support, they would have sold the same, its the Nintendo software the one selling the console. They delivered (Brain Training, Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, Mario, Pokemon) and so they win. And it seems they are delivering looking at Wii Sports and Wii Play. Sony just won't even have a chance.

Pokémon is a first party published title?
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
I would answer you that you're wrong if we hadn't had the example of Zelda. But Zelda has never been a so big series in Japan; at least, it cannot be compared with Final Fantasy.
You have to think that Nintendo has lost all the Third party Support during the N64's era and they survived only with their franchises and with the power of Rareware. Sony is not in this situation yet, so I would be careful to compare the PS3 to the N64.

But I got your point. And Zelda is an excellent example, even with its limitations.

Keep in mind that If Nintendo establishes the Wii as the market leader early, they will HAVE the future Final Fantasies as well. The FF series surely isn't set in stone on the Playstation 3.

Look to the DS. Yes, we know Handhelds /= consoles, but third parties will treat it the same way. 3rd parties gravitate to the larger userbase.

Eteric Rice

DeaconKnowledge said:
Keep in mind that If Nintendo establishes the Wii as the market leader early, they will HAVE the future Final Fantasies as well. The FF series surely isn't set in stone on the Playstation 3.

I'm not sure about Final Fantasy, but they would definately have Dragon Quest.
Eteric Rice said:
I'm not sure about Final Fantasy, but they would definately have Dragon Quest.

Not when the DS already has it!

I agree with jimbo, a lot of people are seriously getting ahead of themselves and setting themselves for future crow eating.

Eteric Rice

Magicpaint said:
Not when the DS already has it!

I agree with jimbo, a lot of people are seriously getting ahead of themselves and setting themselves for future crow eating.

But speculation is fun!

Oh, and apparently Sony is advertising the Wii.


You know someone got fired.
Magicpaint said:
Not when the DS already has it!

I agree with jimbo, a lot of people are seriously getting ahead of themselves and setting themselves for future crow eating.

Yes, but the fun part is, we have no idea who!


FF XIII looks beautiful and awesome, and I do think it will have a big impact on the PS3's hardware sales. The PS3 could still sell 10-12 million over its lifetime in Japan. But if Nintendo can consistently release innovative, unorthodox titles (which is yet to be seen) then I think the Wii will end up as a major hit this generation. Still, I don't think they can sustain 100k sales a week over the long term looking at the current release list.
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