Until I actually see those games announced, and more importantly, running, on PS4, I'm not gonna hold my breath. Capcom has been in bed with Nintendo lately, MH3 moved from PS3 to Wii and PS3 is the only console from this generation to not get a MH game that wasn't a port. The new IP they showed actually looked like smoke and mirrors and far from being completed, same with SE and FF, they announced Versus in what, 2006? So let's not hold our breath on that one. I'll wait to see where MGS PP or MGS GW goes before proclaiming it's already there. WiiU had much of the same/similar announcements before being released and we know what happened there.
I have yet to be convinced that MH can't thrive being a multiplatform release. COD, for example, is a game that thrives being played online, with friends. Few people want to play COD by themselves or with randoms, I would guess. XBL is the leader in that aspect this generation and many people keep playing on XBox because their friends are on XB. Wouldn't it stand to reason that Activision would release COD exclusively on XBox then? Being a multiplatform release will not hurt MH IMHO and, if anything, Capcom could have 2 branches of the franchise, "Monster Hunter" on Nintendo and "Monster Hunter Portable" on Playstation.
IMO they would also need to buy a couple of devs/pubs to get close to SCEA/SCEE standards. One only needs to take a look at SCEA (ND, SP, SSM, Bend, etc) and SCEE (GG, MM, Cambridge, Evo, etc) and see why their output is so much greater, SCEJ is PD and SCEI, Team ICO and Team Siren are all within SCEI. SCEE is probably close to purchasing QD, especially if Beyond is successful. SCEJ would need to purchase at least 2-3 studios as well as expand internaly in order to compete.
Also, SCEJ kinda did a couple of niche, handheld specific IPs during the PSP days, namely Locorocco and Patapon (developed externally). It's far from ideal, but maybe they should be releasing a new Loco and a new Patapon in the coming months, they won't sell systems, but will help with the baseline. Patapon has grown in numbers with each new iteration while locorocco fell sharply, maybe have junior people work on those franchises to release soonish and experienced staff work on bigger budget new franchises.
Goes to show you that ratings on PSN, in terms of sales, are only good for one thing, establishing the minimum amount sold. There's about 5-6K ratings there, at best, 2% of the people rated their purchase. AC had something like 3k WW and 90-120k download, so about 3% of people rated their purchase.