That's 8 months before and an exception like I said before, they can't be right with everything.
Mario Maker 3DS beat everyone's expectations in here too.
Just last month they predicted less than 75k for Arms, but still your point is correct.
That's 8 months before and an exception like I said before, they can't be right with everything.
Mario Maker 3DS beat everyone's expectations in here too.
I have a hard time believing their this week's prediction. That would be quite the attach rate on PS4.YSO predictions
01. [3DS] Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time < 1,1m (average 1m)
02. [PS4] Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time < 1,1m (average 1m)
03. [NSW] Splatoon 2 < 170k (average 140k)
That would be Famitsu/Dengeki, I believe.Which outlet track bundles and duo packs?
Didn't they predict like 60k for ARMS? That'd be the most recent one I could think of.
Seems like some heavy courting on Sony's part to me. Callbacks to the incredibly successful PS1-PS2 partnership between the two companies and a marketing deal or two was probably enough to do the trick.I think it mostly makes sense:
1- the presumption, despite Nintendo's attempts to make a device attractive to Japan, that consoles are "doomed" there and mobile is the ~only future, is a common one (and for them, partly a self-fulfilling presumption), and not without reason.
2-After Vita, Sony is probably never going to make a device with Japan in particular in mind again: they make PlayStation for the rest of the world where it does well. I'm sure that many developers would prefer Japan be on the same page wrt PlayStation.
3-PlayStation has an ecosystem where new forms of monetization are more tried and true than on Nintendo portables.
4-Developers often simply want to develop for hardware with more grunt or that's stationary (Horii's professed reason for going PS4).
What I don't get is expecting PS4 to have done markedly better than it did in Japan. I guess, as suggested above, it is a case of wanting to make it true that it did? And then on that failing to happen, things like DQ going 3DS happened?
I mean, that is, iirc, the attitude Nomura or someone at Square expressed about PS4, but I didn't think we took that at face value...
Before we start searching predictions one by one, when they are off is when preorders don't reflect the real situation before of last moment building momentum. Arms, NieR, Nioh and are in there.
But for every wrong prediction they make I can find you 10 more they were spot on and for far more important titles.
I expected DQXI to open somewhere between 500-600k on PS4 and 800k-900k on 3DS. I know we were talking about predictions and not actual estimates but still I would be really surprised if the PS4 version opens closer to a million.
You expected DQXI PS4 to do less than FFXV? Lol
Check the predictions to see I am not alone here on GAFYou expected DQXI PS4 to do less than FFXV? Lol
Are PS4 and Switch going to get their first retail million sellers on the same week?
that'd be funny.
But i thought FFXV passed 1m retail on some trackers?
DQXI on the PS4 really blew away my expectations. At the beginning of the year I was thinking it would release towards November/December on PS4 and Switch and expected that to suppress PS4 sales. In the end the PS4 version will end up biggest game on the PS4, its difficult to picture MHW on a console doing more than 1 million at launch in Japan(although MH will have more legs than any SP RPG even if it lacks to portable local).
20./25. [PS4] Final Fantasy XV # <RPG> (Square Enix) {2016.11.29} (¥8.800) - 2.180 / 992.453 <80-100%> (+46%)
It's pretty obvious by making the game exclusive to PS4 originally that domestic sales prioritization came second to potential global growth, by that meaning western penetration. The strategy makes sense when the game itself possesses some western appeal intrinsically (MH, for example) but I'm at a loss as to why SE would make such a gamble with a franchise as deeply embedded in Japan as DQ.
I think they will because this will surely open 1.5 million plus???WW reports for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe sales came out on Monday 1st May, tomorrow is the day for Nintendo if they intend to share numbers.
same, unless they add voice acting and stuff. As of now I don't see much appeal tho.
How did DQ8 do in the west?
I can't see it doing more than that. Especially if not every version gets brought over.
I think they will because this will surely open 1.5 million plus???
DQVIII did just north of a million IIRC, similar to DQIX.
Check the predictions to see I am not alone here on GAF
Aye, GAF as a whole has really had its head in the sand when it comes to the strength of the PS4 version's preorders
Everybody talking good about switch hw numbers but ps4 hw numbers at dqxi debut is what will shatter the Japanese market
That's 8 months before and an exception like I said before, they can't be right with everything.
Mario Maker 3DS beat everyone's expectations in here too.
Well we went from a very succesful Wii DS PSP PS3 generation to basically PS4 Switch. Both offer different kind of experiences and there is room for both. Releasing DQ for PS4 will do the market good. There isnt much else to work with besides mobile anyway.Everybody talking good about switch hw numbers but ps4 hw numbers at dqxi debut is what will shatter the Japanese market
I wonder how much if a factor recruiting was for putting DQ11 on PS4, if you want the best talent in japan it would probably be easier to recruit them with ps4 and UE4 than with 3ds tech. I also think this plays a role in why SE announces games so early, they werent being subtle when they were recruiting for FF7 remake.
That's true, but keep in mind that Sony could have a marketing deal for the game. They do it all the time for big Western multiplats, so I don't see why they wouldn't do the same for Dragon Quest.Weak performance on 3ds DQXI version kind of falls on Nintendo imo. SE is pushing both the PS4 version and 3ds version in their own ads.
Sony has done a lot to promote the game, meanwhile Nintendo is basically doing nothing on the social side.
Weak performance on 3ds DQXI version kind of falls on Nintendo imo. SE is pushing both the PS4 version and 3ds version in their own ads.
Sony has done a lot to promote the game, meanwhile Nintendo is basically doing nothing on the social side.
Just look at the Playstation channel vs the Nintendo one in the past 2 months. 5 videos vs 1. Furthermore, Sony's got high quality promotions too such as:
... while Nintendo's is a direct which only reaches the hardcore
Nintendo looks like a bad partner in comparison. ¯_(ツ_/¯
They are making bundles aren't they.
I'm more thinking that there's a marketing deal on DQXI. Nintendo doesn't usually not advertise major releases.
no bump in other Switch SW going by comgnet rankings right?
Nintendo looks like a bad partner in comparison. ¯_(ツ_/¯
The initial discussion was about how much Nintendo ships every month which is based on what reaches the customers. However the amount of units produced per months is not equal to the units available to customers as the latter depends on the allocation each region gets with different shipping times that necessarily distort the statistics. It's hard to avoid units being available to customers a calendar months after being produced. To go back to the initial discussion, hardware shipment to coincidence the launch of Splatoon 2 globally doesn't require e.g. cutting shipment to Japan now; on the contrary Japan could see (to keep this simple) all hardware produced half a week ago, US all from 3 weeks ago, Europe all from a month ago etc. and all could coincidence the same release time of today. In turn that would make the statistics seem like Nintendo vastly increased production for that month where in reality only the allocation changed.In the US shipping almost never exceeds a month for China-sourced electronics. Though the new Panamax size has helped, it's almost always a better plan to land goods on the West Coast (21 days shipping) and use rail cross-country. And there is little quantization of delivery from carriers. Stores operate on retail week or every-other, yes, but as far as freight companies are concerned the enduser is the DC. And they schedule ad hoc.
I think they will because this will surely open 1.5 million plus???
I'm confused.Ōkami;244268493 said:Most predictions are in.
Average puts PS4 version over the 3DS one, by less than 50k, but still. Average for Splatoon 2 is below 150k.
That's week two.I'm confused.
Even split between PS4 and 3DS?YSO predictions
01. [3DS] Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time < 1,1m (average 1m)
02. [PS4] Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time < 1,1m (average 1m)