You took that the wrong way. It was clearly meant that not being a part of the fanbase excludes you from speculation of what the fanbase would be interested in.
The first reply sounded like "If you haven't followed the series, then shut the fuck up, you don't know shit what you are talking about" and I think it isn't justified because I was tryng to make a point that it isn't at all invalid (I explain in my next paragraph). The later "It's in English" just reeks of impertinence and arrogance either way.
While MGS3D supposedly isn't completely trash the game was unveiled as something many were legitimately interested in, but then was shown off as something that appeared considerably worse than the PS2 version. The game's attractiveness is that it was a re-release of a classic, but then Konami announced the HD Collection so its appeal is now only to those who want a portable version. But wait, the HD Collection has also been announced for Vita which makes it a considerably better value for money situation. We're starting to get into niches of niches who are either Nintendo-only (which is questionable since MGS3D is the first legit KojiPro MGS title on Nintendo hardware so where's that appeal coming from) or the hardcore Metal Gear fans who want to experience the differences and additions.
I know that because I'm a pretty big Metal Gear fan, and was going to buy 3D until Konami tried their hardest to make sure I could get a better value somewhere else.
this is where you and duckroll and I think everyone else is not understanding me. I have never talked about what is the better value for a MGS fan, I am not talking about whether there are better options or not to play MGS3.
I was wondering if the MGS fanbase is as rabid or fanatic of all things MGS like the zelda fans so that they will perhaps go and buy MGS: 3D regadarless of whether it appears in other consoles, or is cheaper in other platforms or if the port is a piece of shit. I was wondering if the MGS fanbase has a tendency to collect stuff, thus making them buy the game just to have it, because its the game it is. that was all, I don't think it's that a moronic idea. Perhaps not that pausible but not stupid.
Translation: "I don't know anything about MGS, but I'll take the time anyway to take some random generalizations and apply it to MGS3D sales potential."
Fuck off.