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Media Create Software Sales 2/5 - 2/11


I would bang a hot farmer!
Stumpokapow said:
Please just put the numbers in a graph. No Iwata. No "Ninty". No bright, gaudy colours. If you can't force yourself not to use the bright, annoying stuff, just uninstall Office 2007 and downgrade to 2000 or something.
sazzy said:
The purpose of a graph is to make statistics easy to 'see' and understand. Not to make it more complicated.
Which is why we have JoshuaJSlone's graphs.



If you think this one has too many colors...


...here's a graph with next gen systems only:



non-sanctioned troll
Has anyone estimated how much longer, obviously at the current average rate, it will take for Sony to sell the 1M they have already shipped in Japan? Also, does anyone know if they're still shipping units despite them not selling? That'd kinda be like MS shipping 40k a week and selling 4k. I wouldn't think retailers would tolerate it, but some have been known to be bullied into taking shipments.

Is MS in the same boat? Do we know how many they've shipped vs. sold to this point?



Totalriot said:
It looks like the XBox 360 sells more software than the PS3.
Well, in 2007 they have sold about the same, VF5 excluded. I expect the weekly PS3/X360 software ratio to average around 3 or higher in March though (thanks to Gundam Musou and no new 360 games).
Rock_Man, rather than too many colors I think the problem is too many similar colors. With little exception it's dominated by blue variants.

squatingyeti said:
Has anyone estimated how much longer, obviously at the current average rate, it will take for Sony to sell the 1M they have already shipped in Japan?
Lately by MC they've been fluctuating around 20K, but let's say an average of 25K to account for some decent bumps due to Gundam Musou or sales or people suddenly realizing they need HD or whatever. PS3 being at 636K now, that would be... 15 more weeks?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Just gotta say, seeing NSMB tear up the charts like this is just an amazing site to behold. Kinda funny when I realize in my younger days, when I saw NSMB get only a mere 800k for its first week, I thought it would do 1.5 to 2 million at the very most. And yet, here we are, several months later, still selling better than most new releases, and still at full price. Sheer, awesomeness.

Just wanted to say that. :)


JoshuaJSlone said:
Rock_Man, rather than too many colors I think the problem is too many similar colors. With little exception it's dominated by blue variants.

Did you confuse GC with DS? ;)

But I see what you mean. Here's another one with different colors.



Can you one like that, but with just raw numbers that don't fill up the graph Rock_Man?

Percentages don't really mean much, since software sales fluctuate so much anyway.


rollin' in the gutter
Smiles and Cries said:
stop making these! they make my brain hurt

They're quite easy to interpret, the color with the largest area has the largest percentage of software sales and so on. I quite like them, since it shows that the DS and Wii are not just hardware successes, but software successes also.
duderon said:
They're quite easy to interpret, the color with the largest area has the largest percentage of software sales and so on. I quite like them, since it shows that the DS and Wii are not just hardware successes, but software successes also.

if it a chart and a graph you don't need to interpret, its suppose to be a visual representation of numbers, yet to me when I see the green closer to the top at 100% then see green is Xbox my mind melts

this chart does not work, math nerds suck at artistic representations
D.Lo said:
Can you one like that, but with just raw numbers that don't fill up the graph Rock_Man?

Percentages don't really mean much, since software sales fluctuate so much anyway.
Famitsu gives them in the form of a pie with percentages.

If we had a situation where all games for a system were within the top 30 we could figure what total sales were for the week, buuuut yeah, that doesn't happen.


Does maths and stuff
I can't believe the Wii outsold the ps2, psp, and ps3 combined. Hell, even with the 360 combined. Insanity.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Famitsu gives them in the form of a pie with percentages.

If we had a situation where all games for a system were within the top 30 we could figure what total sales were for the week, buuuut yeah, that doesn't happen.

now even if that is in Japanese it makes more sense visually :)

You must always consider the visual representation of what you want to have others understand. If you are in a boardroom and your job depended on getting a client to understand how well your company is doing you would not choose a graph as questionable and confusing as the one above?

some of you guys here need to learn that some numbers are best represented visually by using other methods to illustrate quantitative relationships


A Bar Graph or a Pie Chart would not melt my brain as that mess


Smiles and Cries said:
now even if that is in Japanese it makes more sense visually :)

You must always consider the visual representation of what you want to have others understand. If you are in a boardroom and your job depended on getting a client to understand how well your company is doing you would not choose a graph as questionable and confusing as the one above?

some of you guys here need to learn that some numbers are best represented visually by using other methods to illustrate quantitative relationships


A Bar Graph or a Pie Chart would not melt my brain as that mess

The cool thing about Rock_Man's graphs is it shows the percentages over multiple weeks instead of just a single week so you can see software spikes for a specific system in relation to other weeks.
Smiles and Cries said:
now even if that is in Japanese it makes more sense visually :)
Sure, but it's also not attempting to show the changes in the data over 13 weeks.

A simple set of lines might due to the trick, but the way he's done it emphasizes that it's only percentage data. Looking at a simple set of lines, it would be easy to make assumptions such as that the line moving upward necessarily means an increase in sales.
Ceebs said:
The cool thing about Rock_Man's graphs is it shows the percentages over multiple weeks instead of just a single week so you can see software spikes for a specific system in relation to other weeks.

but I am saying its backwards, it spikes down to me when I look at "nov 26 - dec 3" that should be a spike but it looks like it goes down to me so my mind cant make the connection visually - no matter what I do I can't understand it, so thats a problem in a boardroom setting you want all the stupid people like me to understand your charts :)
JoshuaJSlone said:
Sure, but it's also not attempting to show the changes in the data over 13 weeks.

A simple set of lines might due to the trick, but the way he's done it emphasizes that it's only percentage data. Looking at a simple set of lines, it would be easy to make assumptions such as that the line moving upward necessarily means an increase in sales.

okay maybe what I really need is a key... on that chart what does 100% mean and what does the 0% mean?

my head hurts :(
duderon said:
They're quite easy to interpret, the color with the largest area has the largest percentage of software sales and so on. I quite like them, since it shows that the DS and Wii are not just hardware successes, but software successes also.

I can interpret them fine, they're just disgustingly ugly.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Smiles and Cries said:
okay maybe what I really need is a key... on that chart what does 100% mean and what does the 0% mean?

my head hurts :(

OK, here's how to read this chart. Ignore the lines. Just compare the thickness of the color to each other. That's all it is. If the blue section takes up from 0 to 69, it's got 69%. if the pink takes up from 69% to 82% it has 13%. You will have to do math. This graph is strictly for comparing size of the marketshare in relation to each other's share at any given time.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Rock_man, do you have any that are cumulative?
GreenGlowingGoo said:
OK, here's how to read this chart. Ignore the lines. Just compare the thickness of the color to each other. That's all it is. If the blue section takes up from 0 to 69, it's got 69%. if the pink takes up from 69% to 82% it has 13%. You will have to do math. This graph is strictly for comparing size of the marketshare in relation to each other's share at any given time.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Rock_man, do you have any that are cumulative?

AWESOME! I finally get it... thanks :D
Smiles and Cries said:
okay maybe what I really need is a key... on that chart what does 100% mean and what does the 0% mean?

my head hurts :(

Maybe it'd make more sense if the Y-value of the units sold varied from week to week as it does in real life; the market doesn't buy exactly the same number of games every week.
Lapsed said:

It's not extremism, it's one-upsmanship!

"OK, so the PS3 isn't crushing the Wii like I predicted, eh? Well, try this one on for size!"

You know what they say about monkeys and typewriters? Well, I suppose the same is true for analysts (and GAF, too), so maybe we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss. :)


ghostlyjoe said:
You know what they say about monkeys and typewriters? Well, I suppose the same is true for analysts (and GAF, too), so maybe we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss. :)
The difference is that analysts get paid to make accurate predictions. If they're doing worse than GAF then they deserve mockery.


A random selection based on the likely possible outcomes might be more accurate the the aforementioned analysts.
Lapsed said:
More fun with analysts:
Fun stuff. Since so often things like that get discussed in huge threads here, then forgotten about by the time they're supposed to have come true until someone like Lapsed here pulls them back out, I began to archive predictions with actual numbers for later reference. Probably not of great interest now, since most of them have to do with the longterm fates of X360/PS3/Wii.

Here's a relevant one, though:
The firm [Merrill Lynch] further predicts that in Japan, Sony will take the lead with a 57 percent market share, while Nintendo will take the bulk of the rest at 39 percent of the market.
For this to happen anytime soon, Nintendo would need to stop supplying Japan with Wiis until the PS3 base hit about 2.3 million.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
JoshuaJSlone said:
Fun stuff. Since so often things like that get discussed in huge threads here, then forgotten about by the time they're supposed to have come true until someone like Lapsed here pulls them back out, I began to archive predictions with actual numbers for later reference. Probably not of great interest now, since most of them have to do with the longterm fates of X360/PS3/Wii.

It's a treasure trove of crow already! :lol


ghostlyjoe said:
You know what they say about monkeys and typewriters? Well, I suppose the same is true for analysts (and GAF, too), so maybe we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss. :)

The saying was "If you put a thousand monkeys at typewriters alone in the room, they would eventually type out the works of Shakespeare." But thanks to the Internet, we know this not to be true. It is funny that our analysts of certainty are turning into fools by the train of current events. In"King Lear", the Fool asks the King why there are only seven planets. The King answers, "Because they are not eight." To which the Fool replied, "Yes, indeed, thou woulds't make a good fool." When reporters asked these analysts about Nintendo's chances, they showed the certainty that Lear did. Now they appear as fools.

The correct prediction won't be found by random words somehow unifying into the right answer. It will be the 'opposite' of the analysis. Think GAF. What is the OPPOSITE of serious, scientific analysis? It is the joke. Gamespot's April Fool's Joke was, to them, seen as so preposterous that it could never happen. One of the building components of the Wii must be delicious irony.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Fun stuff. Since so often things like that get discussed in huge threads here, then forgotten about by the time they're supposed to have come true until someone like Lapsed here pulls them back out, I began to archive predictions with actual numbers for later reference. Probably not of great interest now, since most of them have to do with the longterm fates of X360/PS3/Wii.

Here's a relevant one, though:

For this to happen anytime soon, Nintendo would need to stop supplying Japan with Wiis until the PS3 base hit about 2.3 million.
That's a great idea, got to love the so called analysts:
A report released by Citigroup (C) on Jan. 16 predicts that Xbox 360 will hold its lead and edge out the PlayStation 3 in the U.S. at the peak of the next cycle, selling an estimated 8 million units in 2008 compared with 7.1 million PlayStation 3s in that year (for a grand total of 19.8 million since launch vs. 11 million, respectively). Citigroup expects Nintendo to have sold 3.9 million Revolution systems by 2008.
Even at that time it was borderline insane. And these people actually get paid for this sh*t.


This analyst stuff is so awesome it should almost have its own dedicated thread. And wow at Gamespot's April Fool's.
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