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Meet the husbands who fly first class – while their wives travel in economy

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Even if you only got 1 business class ticket, the fair thing to do would be to alternate who gets to use it. It's nicer to sit together but I don't think my other half would take sitting together over flying business every other flight.


Going on my past relationships I don't understand it.

Personal thing I guess but I'd always want to be with my partner because... I enjoy my partners company.

I'd also feel shitty about enjoying 1st class while she sat in economy.

So this would never happen with me. If I was with a business paying for first class then I'd just buy a 1st class ticket for my partner. I'd assume if I'm in that situation I make a decent living.

And if for some reason 1 first class seat could only be guaranteed I'd let my partner sit in it. Why? Possibly just my personality but I'd rather my other half enjoyed it and I put up with economy which isn't really all that bad for a simple flight.


Who cares about human interaction ? 1st class is the only way to fly.


It makes passing the time enjoyable for me. Will happily talk to a stranger but quite often after a brief hello other passengers just want their own space and time. Which I'd respect.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Well, I would certainly prefer to always be next to my wife on a flight, but I would absolutely not be willing to pay extra for first class for me. So if my wife for one reason or another really needed a first class ticket - and feeling so uncomfortable that she can't stomach is is a fine reason - I'd buy her one and, if the flight is short enough, not for myself as well, because I'd see it as a waste of money. Of coursecases 2 & 3 given in the op are not really nice people and I cannot understand their reasoning.


So you're the kind of guy who goes with his girlfriend to the movies but just buys tickets with premium seating and popcorn for himself and let's his girlfriend seat in the front row. Oh and she can buy her own popcorn, because "she earns her own money?"

Anything else would be sexist. Same rules for everyone in today's egalitarian society, right? :p


It sort of sounds like he does this for business all the time and she doesn't want to be home alone.

So they are trying to make a vacation out of every single business trip.

It doesn't justify the behavior but I can see where this would get crazy expensive, unless the husband actually was the owner of said business.

Perhaps she could accompany him far less and fly first class with him on those occasions.


Anything else would be sexist. Same rules for everyone in today's egalitarian society, right? :p

Yeah, I mean:


"I would have really liked to buy you a premium seating ticket and popcorn and make you feel really comfortable so that you can really enjoy the movie...but...society doesn't let me...they...would paint me as sexist..."



sparkle this bitch
I'm not seeing an issue if one is on business and getting his ticket comp by the company while the other is coming for vacation. They come off as assholes, but wouldn't the idea of the husband being required to pay for her ticket be sexism?
I'd much rather sit with my wife than be in first class. I can't imagine valuing marginally more comfortable seats over interaction with my favorite person.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
This popped straight into my head:

What ever works for them, i guess.
I hate commercial flights in general. It's just a cramped bus in the sky. Recipe for disaster. There are allways retarded loud people on EVERY flight. The airco will give you a sore throat and a cold. I have no idea why people consider flying such a luxury idea.

I do like flying in a small plane though. With just two or three people.
I'm not seeing an issue if one is on business and getting his ticket comp by the company while the other is coming for vacation. They come off as assholes, but wouldn't the idea of the husband being required to pay for her ticket be sexism?

If they're partners and they want to travel together to wherever the business trip is to be together, why would it be the 'husband' who's paying? Wouldn't it be 'their' money? If the wife doesn't care or they both agreed it would save money, then it doesn't matter as it's a decision they made together, but to relegate her to the back without the option is pretty shitty.


If it's a business trip, I can understand. Why should the company be on the hook for two massively priced tickets?

That's not the point.

The person should offer their partner half the flight (or the whole flight) in the upgraded seat.

Having your partner sit in economy while you're living it up in business or first class the whole time is tacky af.


If they're partners and they want to travel together to wherever the business trip is to be together, why would it be the 'husband' who's paying? Wouldn't it be 'their' money? If the wife doesn't care or they both agreed it would save money, then it doesn't matter as it's a decision they made together, but to relegate her to the back without the option is pretty shitty.



So you're the kind of guy who goes with his girlfriend to the movies but just buys tickets with premium seating and popcorn for himself and let's his girlfriend seat in the front row. Oh and she can buy her own popcorn, because "she earns her own money?"
why would i buy different seats at a theater? A plane ride is a hurdle to the destination while a movie is the destination.

Its like if i was going to meet someone at the theater and i was going to cab it. But they were going to bus and for some strange reason i have to pay for their cab because everything has to be equal.

Also i wouldnt buy her popcorn, she is an adult with money.


It wasn’t until she gave birth to Philip’s son that Sarah-Jane finally got her first taste of luxury travel. “Despite Philip's instinctive frugality, he eventually caved in. He would allow me to buy an upgrade because I was travelling with his baby. But, to make up for the cost, he wouldn't buy one for himself.

The hell...?
People choose where they want to sit. Why should couples be forced to sit in seats together if they don't want to? Lots of people putting on their marriage counselor caps on today


People choose where they want to sit. Why should couples be forced to sit in seats together if they don't want to? Lots of people putting on their marriage counselor caps on today

If they didn't wanted the bolded would not happen in the article in the OP

It was a bit alarming at first – she handed me a sick bag! But inside was a small bottle of fizz and chocolates. It was a nice thought. But a business class ticket would have been better

That's why we end up buying me an economy ticket. Sometimes I get upgraded. Usually I don't.”

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Is this really about feminism and sexism? Sounds more about badly spoiled people. And I 'm really sorry for these wives but I'm afraid this is just the tip of the iceberg. Obviously there will be also many other situations in their lives where theor husbands enjoy the benefits while them have to deal with struggles.

To be fair, at least from the quotes in the OP, the wives sound like the stay at home wives of rich business men type. If they're getting everything provided for them, I can't feel too sorry for them riding coach. I wouldn't it do it if I was in those guys shoes, but I'm not going to feel sorry for people living totally off their partners income (be it the husband or the wife who's not working) not getting all the frills the working spouse does.

But I hate kids, hate taking care of other people and being taken care of, so that probably skews my view. My top priority when I was looking for my life partner was someone that was very independent and strong emotionally and financially. I'd have rather been single forever than settle for a housewife. Thankfully my fiance rocks in every way, doesn't want kids, likes having totally separate financial accounts etc. so I lucked out majorly.
People choose where they want to sit. Why should couples be forced to sit in seats together if they don't want to? Lots of people putting on their marriage counselor caps on today

Yeah...sounds like you should remove yours permanently.

Did you even read the quotes in the OP? Doesn't sound like they chose to do so.
If they're partners and they want to travel together to wherever the business trip is to be together, why would it be the 'husband' who's paying? Wouldn't it be 'their' money? If the wife doesn't care or they both agreed it would save money, then it doesn't matter as it's a decision they made together, but to relegate her to the back without the option is pretty shitty.

Every marriage doesn't operate under a system of 100% shared money. Me and my wife have an account for bills and shared expenses such as things for our son but anything that's not in that pot we can do with whatever we like.

I actually do fly quite a bit for work and she does sometimes make the trip if she wants to go but I don't buy the ticket for her. She buys her own ticket.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member

For those trying to make a family vacation out of business trips, it would be less of an insult to the wives if they traveled on separate days.
they way the story is written this sound crazy, but i ever so occasionally get to travel free for work in business, if me and the wife went together with her ticket on our money she would absolutely fly economy. The reverse would also be true if her work included travel.
Every marriage doesn't operate under a system of 100% shared money. Me and my wife have an account for bills and shared expenses such as things for our son but anything that's not in that pot we can do with whatever we like.

If she bought a lottery ticket and won, should she share it with you? (Not would she, but should she?)
I did check in for SWISS passengers for around a year and this is incredibly common, would joke about it with the passengers (about how shitty that is anyway, they normally said they switch but they don't switch).
Wimbledon-based businessman Arrun Kumar doesn’t seem to feel ashamed for travelling up-front either. “In my opinion, everyone should travel this way. I think first-class is really rather wonderful — the only way to fly,” he told the newspaper. His wife Tina, however, doesn’t get a look-in. Whenever Arrun travels overseas for work, the couple tag a holiday on to the end of his meetings, but Tina always sits in economy.

yeah ya morons! just always fly first class! IDIOTS!
That's not the point.

The person should offer their partner half the flight (or the whole flight) in the upgraded seat.

Having your partner sit in economy while you're living it up in business or first class the whole time is tacky af.

Sitting together on airplanes is an overrated experience.

What if the working spouse actually needs to get work done and the increased comfort facilitates that?

I dunno, if I'm getting a free ride somewhere I don't complain that I'm riding in the back seat. The destination part of the of the trip is much more important to be together than the flight IMO.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm on a text thread where our wives are LOVING this story.

I travel a lot for work and so I have LOADS of mileage points. I usually get free upgrades on domestic when I am traveling with my family as a result - sometimes I can upgrade everyone, sometimes just 'me" - so what I normally do is offer my wife (who is pretty short) the seat - saying I will sit with our daughter in coach.

She ALWAYS plays martyr and refuses (unless one of her girlfriends is up front). So rather than "waste" the seat, I offer it to whatever lucky bastard is sitting next to my wife and kid in a row of three. Amazingly I have encountered a few (rude or weird) people who refuse to trade. Then my wife uses that against me later.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Wow. What these women put up with for some money. Not even enough for first class.

They are totally getting cheated on. Guys treat them like commodities. Zero respect.
If she is willing to pay for herself, don't see the problem. But no, I don't think a man should be obligated to pay for his wife to travel first class, even if he wants to.

And I don't believe in this concept of "shared money" I earnt it, it's mine. You earnt it, it's yours.

We can share bills and responsibilities but income is a no go.
Is this the part where we stop talking about how things actually work in a lot of households and start throwing out absurd hypotheticals to try and prove a point?

Nope, just curious. I have a suspicion that it's usually the person who makes the most money in the relationship who starts this "rule," and was wondering how a situation like that is handled. My wife and I have always shared our earnings, even before we were married. She "hit the lottery" in a manner of speaking, and there was never a question that it was "ours."


Wimbledon-based businessman Arrun Kumar doesn’t seem to feel ashamed for travelling up-front either. “In my opinion, everyone should travel this way. I think first-class is really rather wonderful — the only way to fly,” he told the newspaper. His wife Tina, however, doesn’t get a look-in. Whenever Arrun travels overseas for work, the couple tag a holiday on to the end of his meetings, but Tina always sits in economy.


It's not a big deal to a lot of couples to do stuff like this; maybe the husband is significantly taller. Maybe the wife enjoys other luxuries the husband doesnt, maybe she insists he be the one to take the upgrade if availavle.

While some might do it because they are assholes that is quite the assumption to make.

I'm the type who would always offer a first class upgrade to my wife; but that type of pampering can actually be considered a form of sexism.
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