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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?

Then again, some of the game's actual features were so bizarrely unlocked so as to seem like those silly playground rumors.

Like Dr. Light's Hadouken capsule that only sometimes appears in Armored Armadillo's stage...

It was worth making the run through that stage many times so I could just hadouken that git of a spider later on.
Baffling design decision though.


Who knows? Capcpom, obviously, but we're not them and they don't wanna be like us.

It was probably 3DS sales, I think. They didn't even release their test game on the eShop, which is a really bad sign.

Maybe—just maybe—they were acting like children and trying to piss off INAFKing. I'd beat the snot out of them if they actually did this for that reason.

This is absolutely what it was, they cancelled all of his projects. Another way of looking at it is that he was the reason they were being made, and fucked fans over by not staying another few months until Legends 3 would have been green lit and in proper production.

He abandoned making sure his dream game would come out, when he had been hoping for a Legends 3 for years.


So what was the most broken weapon MMX, guys? The Hadoken, the Z-Saber, or what?

Technically the Z-Saber. The Hadoken and Shoryuken are one-shot, but limited by having to be at full health to use them.

Though really, the real answer is this:


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
It was worth making the run through that stage many times so I could just hadouken that git of a spider later on.
Baffling design decision though.
I don't think I can listen to the Armoured Armadillo stage music anymore. I think it's great, but I ended up doing some cleaning with MMX in pause mode and ended up listening to it for an hour or so straight. >.>

While Mega Man X has some great design decisions with regards to teaching the player how to get things done, it does some of its unlocking stuff quite strangely, I agree.
This is absolutely what it was, they cancelled all of his projects. Another way of looking at it is that he was the reason they were being made, and fucked fans over by not staying another few months until Legends 3 would have been green lit and in proper production.

He abandoned making sure his dream game would come out, when he had been hoping for a Legends 3 for years.

I think Inafune figured the games were far enough along already that they'd be finished. Mega Man Universe was close to completion, for crying out loud. He did this similar to Lost Planet where he got the game going despite not being officially green lit, but did so much to it without Capcom's approval that Capcom basically HAD to release the game. I think he did this with Dead Rising also.

Basically, I think he was expecting Legends 3 to be the same, where they put enough money into the project where Capcom pretty much would have to finish it to recoup cost. And since Mega Man Universe was almost done, I don't think he thought Capcom would have the balls to cancel it.

He probably left thinking everything he worked for was going to be finish. But then Capcom acted like two year olds and just canceled them out of spite.


Technically the Z-Saber. The Hadoken and Shoryuken are one-shot, but limited by having to be at full health to use them.

Though really, the real answer is this:


I didn't count the Ultimate Armor because it was my follow up question: Which armor (now barring the Ultimate) is the best? Feel free to include the Rush Assists.
Not counting X7 and 8 because I've never really gotten around to playing them, I'd say either the Force or the Falcon armor. Falcon has the better mobility, but I like the Force's charge shot better...

Azure J

Best (non X4 - X6 era Ultimate) armor? That's a damn hard choice. I want to say personally it's either Shadow (Wall clings, ceiling dashes, that one frame saber/charged saber and that Giga Attack? Yes, please.) or the Third Armor. Before the genius that would eventually create the best X mobility with Hover Boots, Air Dashes & Nova Strike, having an multi-directional air dash was the best thing ever. The buster also was cool (until I realized that without Z-Saber, chances of getting max damage on bosses were mindbogglingly low. Why the main fused shot has a delay while the baby shots go forward is beyond me.

X8's would actually rank pretty high up there because the utility was excellent, but the design kinda left more to be desired. Until of course you got the purple and blue ultimate variant.
I can't wait to replay X8 in my 25th Anniversary playthrough. I didn't do shit in the game other than beat it on Normal. I didn't try to get ANYTHING.

I loved the game though, other than the awful vehicle parts, so 100%ing it is the thing I'm looking most forward to.
or the Third Armor.

Speaking of the Third, are we counting its gold version too? Because if we are, I'd say that one. Double 8-way air-dashing, receives only about 1/4th of the damage, gives you health regeneration that can even fill all subtanks (if you have the patience), and I completely forgot what the arm part did so it must've been lame in comparison.


Cross-posted from the Mega Man Music thread...I used FamiTracker to make an 8-bit "What if it were on the NES" version of Izzy Glow's stage music from X5. Lemme know what you guys think! :D

Mega Man X5 - Izzy Glow (8-bit Remix)
Sounds great and it's a faithful conversion.
My favorite track from MM8 was always the intro stage:

I get chills listening to it. The remix on OCRemix does an absolutely awesome job at it as well. That's probably one of my favorite songs ever.
The transition from the title screen to the intro stage to the stage select is some of the best music in gaming bundled together ever.
I didn't count the Ultimate Armor because it was my follow up question: Which armor (now barring the Ultimate) is the best? Feel free to include the Rush Assists.

Because I'm such a fanboy X3 Gold Armor.


I'm gonna start my first stream of Hitokage's barebones challlenge over at my twitch.tv channel in a moment. Currently deliberating on whether or not I should do X1 though, since I've done the challenge before though I wouldn't mind doing it again for the 25th anniversary thread.

Basically, do I want more or less pain. Yeesh.


Speaking of the Third, are we counting its gold version too? Because if we are, I'd say that one. Double 8-way air-dashing, receives only about 1/4th of the damage, gives you health regeneration that can even fill all subtanks (if you have the patience), and I completely forgot what the arm part did so it must've been lame in comparison.

The arm chip stored up damage into a meter that you could use to spam full charged shots. The gold-mode chip was pretty crazy. The Third Armor was already one of the best X Armors, and the hyper-chip just makes it completely better. Gold Armor X + Z-Saber is easily the most broken thing in the X series.

In the Zero series, that honor probably goes to using every cyber-elf, including Jackson, in Zero 1. At that point, Zero is (literally) invincible.


X8 Neutral is the best armor tbqh, and has the best Ultimate.

To be honest, I was sorta disappointed that the Ultimate Armor in X8 was just an emulation of the X4-6 Ultimate Armor. I would have loved an Ultimate Armor that combined the different upgrades of the Hermes and Icarus parts. At the very least, I would have liked to see a more original interpretation of what X's ultimate power would look like.

X8 Ultimate Armor did look cool though. Black Zero and ??? Axl were kinda bland in comparison.
Is it possible to beat the X series games post 1 without getting any piece of armor? Having to get the boots to dash in X1 was one of my few complaints about the game.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Man, that last fight was quite a scrape on Noi's stream. Aw.

And looking at it, I'm reminded of how much I liked Zero's X sprite. I thought it was pretty awesome when I was younger.


I like his sprites too(especially the talking ones), but I do notice he didn't start off with the green chest orbs.


I suppose they added them to match his sword.


After listening to all the Main soundtracks i have decided that these are my top three.

1) Megaman 8
2) Megaman X
3) Megaman 9

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Edit: Noi is more patient than I could ever be! D:

Is this the run?

I like his sprites too(especially the talking ones), but I do notice he didn't start off with the green chest orbs.


I suppose they added them to match his sword.
Yeah, I think this is the X2 sprite sheet. It looks better with the sword. I liked that they ended up throwing in a few details like the orbs in the second one.


Zero's dash and speech sprites in X1 are very nicely done.
I like his sprites too(especially the talking ones), but I do notice he didn't start off with the green chest orbs.


I suppose they added them to match his sword.

Yeah, supposedly the excuse for all of the design changes made to him in X2 were because Serges (who may or may not be Wily, like Isoc) made improvements on his design while rebuilding him.


It did. I own it. Managed to snag it for $25 CIB off of eBay in 2006. I daren't imagine how pricey it is now.

I'd sure love a box for my copy of Saturn MMX4, too, but eh.

Fun fact! The Saturn version of X4 has looping music. I don't mean "stops and starts over where the PlayStation version does", I mean actual, seamless loops. (Well, my copy skips a little bit, particularly with Dr. Light's theme; might need resurfacing.) In addition, the fight with Eregion and the second theme for Frost Walrus have 2-3 seconds of additional audio added to the beginning of the track. Also, the second Sky Lagoon stage and both of Magma Dragoon's stages have warping backgrounds. Downside is that polygonal transparencies are mesh transparencies instead of actual transparencies - although this is limited to the searchlights in Sky Lagoon and Storm Owl's weapon for X, AFAIK, it's still kind of ugly. (Other transparencies work fine AFAIK - the water is still see-through and tinted blue, for instance.)

Aw lucky. Going for 38+ right now:


And lol everyone at my elementary school thought Zero was Megaman's sister upgraded. Of course this was also a time when we thought Ryu and Ken were brothers.



Man, I wish there was an English translation of these. I have them both on PSX, but being able to play them on the go in English would be fantastic.
Maverick Hunter X and Powered Up arent on PSN right?

MHX is, I've got it on my Vita at the mo and its looks pretty nice on the Vita's OLED screen. Powered Up isn't for some reason despite it being on the Japanese store for some reason. I wish they would fix whatever problem is preventing it from being put onto the USA/Euro store as Powered Up on the Vita would be all kinds of awesome for me (even if the thought of clearing the challenge mode again sends shivers down my spine, some of those were brutal!)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Man, I wish there was an English translation of these. I have them both on PSX, but being able to play them on the go in English would be fantastic.
I always said to myself that I'd purchase that, but I never did.

I might just take the plunge or ask for it for Christmas or something soon. I like the DASH2 art.


Yeah, I've been thinking about getting it for forever. But not being able to play in English is kind of stopping me from getting it.

Man, I wish there was an English translation of these. I have them both on PSX, but being able to play them on the go in English would be fantastic.

Yeah I've played both and the game looks wonderful on the PSP screen (same as Breath of Fire 3, Capcom did some decent work when it ported it's PS1 games to PSP instead of simply emulating them).

I've been meaning to tear them apart and see how the text is stored as compared to the PS1 games or maybe even just the audio. I used to dabble in rom hacking way back in the hey-day of SNES rom translations and if it's not too odd a format it may be possible to do some text insertion from the PS1 translation.

Maybe next time I have a few days off in a row... god I miss me some mega man legends -_-

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Oh no! So cloooosssssse. :/

Pietepiet said:
Yeah, I've been thinking about getting it for forever. But not being able to play in English is kind of stopping me from getting it.
The set really does look nice, though. I kinda want to pull the trigger on getting a copy later today. >.>

Has anyone else here heard of this particular release on X8:

Its supposed to be a Chinese Special Edition of X8 for the PC but I've never managed to get me a copy. I've been collecting the numerous PC releases for my collection for a while now and I think this is the last "official" one I need. I still wonder why X6 and X7 got PC releases but only in certain Asian countries (China got X6 I believe and Korea got X7), weird that Japan got neither and jumped from X5 to X8 (at least to my knowledge, I've never come across a Japanese X6 or X7).

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Then again, some of the game's actual features were so bizarrely unlocked so as to seem like those silly playground rumors.

Like Dr. Light's Hadouken capsule that only sometimes appears in Armored Armadillo's stage...
Back in the day when secrets were secrets, aka easter eggs, and not fucking dlc.

Also pretty sure it's not "sometimes". There's a process to follow.


Oh no! So cloooosssssse. :/

The set really does look nice, though. I kinda want to pull the trigger on getting a copy later today. >.>

Oh shit, I didn't know it was a box like that. Don't do this to me, Schala. I swear, I'm not looking at shops right now....I'm not..

I've been meaning to tear them apart and see how the text is stored as compared to the PS1 games or maybe even just the audio. I used to dabble in rom hacking way back in the hey-day of SNES rom translations and if it's not too odd a format it may be possible to do some text insertion from the PS1 translation.

Maybe next time I have a few days off in a row... god I miss me some mega man legends -_-

You're getting me excited about things that are very unlikely to happen, aren't you?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Pietepiet said:
Oh shit, I didn't know it was a box like that. Don't do this to me, Schala. I swear, I'm not looking at shops right now....I'm not..
I know I am right now. >.>

Edit: Yessssssss, Noi finally won the peace. Congrats.
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