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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?


RE6's taken way too much of my time, but I'm finally off the train long enough to plan out my MMX3 run. Tentative date, this Saturday at about 7PM EST. Hopefully I get "lucky" like with MMX2 and can do it all on one run...

In Project X Zone Tron said she's looking for rocket parts.


God damn. It's gotta be on purpose by this point.


God damn. It's gotta be on purpose by this point.

If Megaman in SFxT wasn't proof enough...

I know it's a self-plug, but I've made a few 8-bit NES covers of Mega Man X tunes. Most recently, I did Bubble Crab/Duff McWhalen's theme.

Mega Man X2 - Bubble Crab/Duff McWhalen (8-bit demix)

Mega Man X5 - Izzy Glow (8-bit demix) (Already plugged this one, but I'm putting it here for completion's sake.)

Haven't decided if I'm gonna do more, but I'll leave these here for your listening pleasure. Lemme know what you guys think! :D

Love your stuff!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well, MML2
did end with Tron and Roll looking for rocket parts
so I guess it's just a callback to the ending. An ending that won't be resolved :(

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Rockman x 3 Snes finally arrived today...and i just had a revelation. Set dash to R. Why have I never tried this?!

It's the best way to dash. I always hated how it's the face button as default, it doesn't feel natural without it being a shoulder button.



This has been the default setting for me since MMX on SNES :)

It's the best way to dash. I always hated how it's the face button as default, it doesn't feel natural without it being a shoulder button.

I don't think I could do dash without it being the right face button.

Takes a little to get used to, and i never use the shoulder for weapon switching, so i figured, why not? Just figured out double tapping forward works too. All these years...always something new. Dont think i'll ever go back to A.


I don't like the low number of special moves BBA Megaman has in SFxT. Personally I would re-use the character in a future fighting game, but-
1- Buff him up so he looks like a dudebro
2- Give him a beard
3- Give him a big gun like Cable's from MvC2
4- I'd make his movelist utilize manevuerability and various weapons that have various effects and uses.


Setec Astronomer
Takes a little to get used to, and i never use the shoulder for weapon switching, so i figured, why not? Just figured out double tapping forward works too. All these years...always something new. Dont think i'll ever go back to A.
Shoulder button dash is better for your thumb.
Takes a little to get used to, and i never use the shoulder for weapon switching, so i figured, why not? Just figured out double tapping forward works too. All these years...always something new. Dont think i'll ever go back to A.

I never used R1 to dash until I played the Mega Man Zero games. I used to double-tap back in the day. It got irritating, but never occurred to me to change it at the time. I change it when I play MMX1 now.

I thought I was the only person who never used shoulders to change weapons...
But Capcom's not the one making PxZ and BBA was actually Inafune's idea or at least ok'd by him...

People keep saying this as if Capcom has no involvement in PxZ whatsoever, but somehow I doubt that; they're probably responsible for their side of the roster. I know that "the only involvement Capcom has is that their characters are in the game,” but I very much doubt that they just signed off on the rights for the project and called it a day. They're probably helping out with character design docs or the scenario for their characters or something.

I never used R1 to dash until I played the Mega Man Zero games. I used to double-tap back in the day. It got irritating, but never occurred to me to change it at the time. I change it when I play MMX1 now.

I thought I was the only person who never used shoulders to change weapons...

Nope, I thought that way too until I played MMZ1. My fingers would cramp up whenever I dashed or switched weapons quickly, so I switched the controls around a bit to see if it would help. I haven't gone back to the other controller configuration since.
Yeah, I always change dash to a trigger button when I play an MMX game. There's just no way I can charge a shot, jump and dash at the same time when it's all face buttons... unless I'm on a controller designed for multiple fingers to have their own button, like a keyboard or arcade stick (but while I'm used to platforming with the former, I'm not particularly used to the latter). I can map weapon-switching to other buttons if I really need that feature; face buttons work just as well as triggers do, really.
In Project X Zone Tron said she's looking for rocket parts.


I think the only time I used A for dash was for wall jumping. For some reason I can't time hitting a shoulder + face button together (well, simultaneously) worth a shit.

At some point I figured out how to consistently wall dash jump by tapping. Maybe I was bored, I dunno.


I am pretty comfortable using the SNES default for dashing. I used it for years after all. However, I have to admit that the Megaman Zero/ZX control scheme is really nice, though I have always used L to dash, rather than R. The R button is for alternate attacks.

The only time I ever messed with the controls for an X game is when I play the Gamecube version of the Mega Man X Collection. The default button mapping is very problematic in the Gamecube versions of both the X Collection and the Anniversary Collection. I mean, the funny button layout of the Gamecube controller means that it is possible to do a dash jump while charging using nothing but the face buttons, but you have to make sure nothing important is mapped to the B button.

Anyways, did anyone ever use the default "hold R then press B" method of using secondary weapons in the Zero games? I always immediately switched to the "just tap R" control scheme. For that matter, did you people prefer putting the gun or saber to B? I always went with Buster assigned to B and Saber assigned to R.


I am pretty comfortable using the SNES default for dashing. I used it for years after all. However, I have to admit that the Megaman Zero/ZX control scheme is really nice, though I have always used L to dash, rather than R. The R button is for alternate attacks.

The only time I ever messed with the controls for an X game is when I play the Gamecube version of the Mega Man X Collection. The default button mapping is very problematic in the Gamecube versions of both the X Collection and the Anniversary Collection. I mean, the funny button layout of the Gamecube controller means that it is possible to do a dash jump while charging using nothing but the face buttons, but you have to make sure nothing important is mapped to the B button.

Anyways, did anyone ever use the default "hold R then press B" method of using secondary weapons in the Zero games? I always immediately switched to the "just tap R" control scheme. For that matter, did you people prefer putting the gun or saber to B? I always went with Buster assigned to B and Saber assigned to R.

This controller can save your life on the Gamecube MMX Collection

Yeah, I second preferring just having a SNES button layout. I gotta say though that the idea of an SNES controller made with Gamecube controller material has me all like



If it wasn't clear earlier, I actually like the position of the A, X, and Y buttons on the Gamecube controller, particularly for something like Mega Man. It is easy to press multiple of them at the same time. It is only the B button the frustrates me. If the B button was shaped and positioned like the X and Y buttons, it would probably be the ultimate button arrangement in my book.


R dashing sucks, L dashing is where it's at.

I don't think I could ever dash with the face buttons.

Haha, in X4 I'd set the dash to L1 for X, and R1 for Zero. ...and same I can't have a dash on the face buttons.

Also, lol-

Been putting this off for a while now but finally got around to it.
Some interesting pages from the Megaman comic.
Honestly if you haven't read it yet, you're missing out, it's a great adaptation and tribute to the original series in general. For now here are some highlights from Vol. 1-
Refresh my memory, is Bombman usually the 1st RM to fight in the first game? If so why is that?
Oh and those are Unknown Soldiers 1 and 2 in case anyone hasn't figured them out =P

Cameos galore~

Hah, I just now noticed Huitzil/Phobos on the box of nuts and bolts at the bottom there, nice one Ian XD


I love artworks like this, it's for such a reason I want to get the Megaman artbooks, but damn are they expensive XO
Refresh my memory, is Bombman usually the 1st RM to fight in the first game? If so why is that?
Some people swear by Cut Man, but I've always gone with Bomb Man myself. Not even really sure why, although I think he's easier to fight with the Mega Buster than Cut Man is.


How exactly? While an SNES-style Gamecube controller is cool, the B button is still in that same awful position. Does it have better shoulder buttons?

To me it does, I can't use the gamecube controller when playing a Mega Man game because I prefer d-pads over analogue sticks.
Yeah, Cutman, Bombman, and Chill Penguin have got to be the easiest bosses in the series (at least in the not-RPG ones).

Award to "most pathetic boss ever if you have its weakness" HAS to go to Spark Mandrill though. Seriously. I know the weaknesses are meant to make the battles easy, but Jesus.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Oh come on, no Toad Man mentions?

I beat him the very first time without taking a single hit and I was maybe 9 or 10. He's the easiest MM boss by far.

If you want the best bosses to start with per game I'll do my suggestions.

1-Bomb Man. Pretty easy level, very easy boss fight.
2-Metal Man. Pretty easy level with two E Tanks in it. Fairly easy boss fight though Bubbleman is arguably easier but getting the Metal Blade first just makes things better.
3-Top Man. Fairly easy level, really easy boss. The only problem with this is that Shadow Man has a hard stage and is a hard boss even when you have the Top Spin, so you might want to start with Magnet Man instead.
4-Toad Man. If you get hit by him I don't know what to say. Yes there is a rather tricky jump at the end of the level, but who cares.
5-Star Man. Really easy level, really easy boss.
6-Flame Man. Six is an oddball. None of them are particularly easy to go through with just the blaster but none of them are very hard either. Centaur Man is another choice if you can't get the pattern down.
7-Cloud Man. Well you only get four choices here. Burst Man is easier but fuck his level.
8-Frost Man. Very easy level (jump,jump, slide,slide.) and easy boss. Ok if you don't care about level ease or suck at the snowboard then by all means, Aqua Man.
9-Splash Woman. Easy Level, easy boss, good weapon.
10-Sheep Man. Easy level, pretty easy boss.

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Chill Penguin is pretty easy too. I could probably do it blindfolded.

Good call. At least in the SNES game for sure. The GBC game he's actually kind of annoying because of the tiny screen and the big hitbox (and he somehow does more damage)... yeah what the fuck Capcom?


Good call. At least in the SNES game for sure. The GBC game he's actually kind of annoying because of the tiny screen and the big hitbox (and he somehow does more damage)... yeah what the fuck Capcom?

Don't forget the Maverick Hunter X version where he has the shotgun ice variant that shoots spikes across the whole room. He's kind of an ass on Hard mode too!


Setec Astronomer
Award to "most pathetic boss ever if you have its weakness" HAS to go to Spark Mandrill though. Seriously. I know the weaknesses are meant to make the battles easy, but Jesus.
You actually have to time it right because if you hit him while he's busting out of freeze he will not refreeze and can proceed to punch you in the mouth. Chill Penguin is similar in that his entire game is almost completely shut down by fire but he can still go into his slide's invulnerable startup.

Sting Chameleon doesn't even present this problem. Stay in the middle of the screen, shoot boomerangs up in either direction until dead.
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