Megaman Legacy Collection 2 |OT| For heaven's sake, please don't mention the Switch!


This collection added Super Armor in options which gives you half damage when turned on. Should help anyone that needs it.


Wonder if it stacks with MM10's easy mode.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
It could just be me, but does MM9's music seem pitch-shifted to anyone?


I haven't played the PC version of MMLC 1, but based on what others in this thread have said about it, you should probably avoid that one at all costs.

I have no idea what people are griping about here, for the record. Game runs, plays, and sounds just fine on PC.
Been playing this on XB1 with the Fight Commander controller all evening. It runs super well on XB and I'm having a blast with it.


Dang. Mega Man got that Kirby Super Star treatment with the appearance change. It's almost certainly nothing
or from a canned Mega Man project
but it's cool nonetheless.
Very happy with this collection so far, I'm having so much fun with MM8. And I even managed to beat the snowboarding sections in Frost Man's stage on my first try, haha. That's the only thing I dislike about that game but thankfully it wasn't a problem this time around.

And this might be sacrilegious but aside from MM2 I think overall I vastly prefer the games in this collection. Too bad I'm never gonna get all the Trophies though, I just know I don't have it in me to get all the gold medals.


I love Mega Man 7 but it has a couple of really weird difficulty spikes. For one, why does Turbo Man absolutely crush me?! I swear I was stuck on him for a half hour last night.

And I know if I play more this evening I'll face up against Dr. Wily which I swear up and down is the hardest boss fight in the entire classic franchise. Dreading it already.
So... did I end up getting the game for free? I got it for $5ish in the Amazon Prime Day glitch, and now they want to give me $6 back?

No it's just an automated email that shows that the regular price of the game went down a few dollars and that with the "PreOrder Guarantee" you got the lowest price it was advertised for.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
MM7 done!

It's all uphill from here.

Only halfway through MM7 so far, but I actually really dig it. The stages have some clever obstacles, and I quite liked how weapons can be used for environmental interaction in some cases. Not quite following the argument at how this is some horrid black sheep entry yet. (Not specifically aiming this at your quote, but the general sentiment for decades)


I have no idea what people are griping about here, for the record. Game runs, plays, and sounds just fine on PC.

Could be an issue with one's rig. I might fiddle a bit with settings on my lappy and try again. to see if I still have issues.
That moment when you realise you had Freeze Man's weakness wrong all these years... But my excuse is that I never really use the boss weakness (buster only for me!) so I never really bothered looking it up until I started doing the time attack challenges.

Really glad the game tells you the gold times ahead of time unlike in the first collection, plus they kept the video playback option in the leaderboards so I could learn from the fastest. Still a tad sad the challenges are less numerous than in the last game but I'm having a heck of a time with the collection. 7 is more fun than I remember, and the boss battles are definitely great. Having more moves than previous MM games to learn when fighting them makes buster only runs more fun (unless your fighting that dick Slash Man) and the hidden secrets in stages make it worth exploring everything (I still remember most of the secrets from back in the day).

So glad this collection turned out well, its so much better than the Anniversary Collection, and when my physical copy arrives I'll finally have 9 and 10 on disk for my collection. Since I think a X Collection is fairly inevitable I'm at least confident going by this collection that it'll be of similar quality.


So glad this collection turned out well, its so much better than the Anniversary Collection, and when my physical copy arrives I'll finally have 9 and 10 on disk for my collection. Since I think a X Collection is fairly inevitable I'm at least confident going by this collection that it'll be of similar quality.

This is definitely a marked improvement on the Anniversary Collection.

I wonder how a modern X Collection would even be handled. Would they do X-X8? Would they split up into X-X3, X4-X6, and X7/X8/Command Mission? So many options and only one that would make me happy!
This is definitely a marked improvement on the Anniversary Collection.

I wonder how a modern X Collection would even be handled. Would they do X-X8? Would they split up into X-X3, X4-X6, and X7/X8/Command Mission? So many options and only one that would make me happy!

I could see X1-3 and X4-6 being split into their own collections. Not sure about the others though, mainly because X7 was pretty damn janky back in the day I can't even imagine what it'd be like to replay. Then again it'd lessen the blow if X8 and Command Mission were included with it, seeing as both of those are ace.
This is definitely a marked improvement on the Anniversary Collection.

I wonder how a modern X Collection would even be handled. Would they do X-X8? Would they split up into X-X3, X4-X6, and X7/X8/Command Mission? So many options and only one that would make me happy!

Just going off what emulator's they have shown to have in-house with Legacy collection 2 I'd say X-X6.


I think the main reason for the split of these collections was that the purpose of the first one was for Digital Eclipse to prove themselves as capable of making a NES-focused compilation of games for Capcom (I think their pitch was for the Disney one, actually), and to preserve it in a way that was as accurate to the originals as possible, so naturally they chose 1-6.

Going by that and the fact that they already have SNES and PS1 emulation going on in LC2, I think it's safe to expect at least X1-6. Personally I doubt they will bother with Command Mission, but who knows.

Because X was made to evolve the series.

7 wasn't, and in some aspects downgraded it.

Yeah, 7 was a weird project because even though they're technically different series, X was effectively an evolution of the gameplay found in classic MM, so for 7 they had to limit themselves on purpose to be more like classic and it suffered from it IMO. 8 on the other hand seeked to evolve the classic series in a completely different direction, focused more on creative level design and gimmicks.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Going by that and the fact that they already have SNES and PS1 emulation going on in LC2, I think it's safe to expect at least X1-6. Personally I doubt they will bother with Command Mission, but who knows.

Agreed. I just don't see them splitting up X1-6 on a compilation. It does paint a curious question as to how X7 and 8 would be positioned. Can see those getting a duology pack(or individual releases) on PS2 classic emulation. They could also just bundle all 8 of them into a higher priced package as well(with Battle Chase and maybe the arcade games). I don't see Command Mission being considered at all, but who knows.

Getting more bummed at the lack of Megaman and Bass in this package as I keep playing. I never actually did play that one...


Agreed. I just don't see them splitting up X1-6 on a compilation. It does paint a curious question as to how X7 and 8 would be positioned. Can see those getting a duology pack(or individual releases) on PS2 classic emulation. They could also just bundle all 8 of them into a higher priced package as well(with Battle Chase and maybe the arcade games). I don't see Command Mission being considered at all, but who knows.

Getting more bummed at the lack of Megaman and Bass in this package as I keep playing. I never actually did play that one...

They'll release two more collections, MMX Collection featuring X1-X6 and Mega Man Gems Collection, featuring X7, X8, Battle & Chase, RM&F, and Rockboard: That's Paradise!.

The arcade games will get a separate enhanced port advertised as a test for a potential 3rd entry.


Getting more bummed at the lack of Megaman and Bass in this package as I keep playing. I never actually did play that one...

It feels much more like a Bass game than a Mega Man game, but it's not at all bad. It's worth playing the Japanese version for SNES rather than the GBA one.


Concerned about dinosaur erection.
I can't get the DLC unlock code to work on PlayStation 4. I did it slow and fast. What gives?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I finally got around completing 7. Last boss wasn't so hard
provided I used the super armor cheat and 4 energy tanks.


Yeah, Mega Man 7 is the one I have the hardest time returning to. I know it's reductive to say this but I feel like 8 is just a better 7 all around.


7 was also made in 3 months apparently. Every time I play it I go in hoping that this time it will do something for me, but it always disappoints. 8 is a far better, similar take on the franchise.
My ps4 copy came. Disc was rattling loose in the case.
Same. It was rattling, but it wasn't actually dislodged completely from the hub. That's better than a full-fledged floater at least.

But yeah, PS4 games are more likely to be floaters. The cases suck and the discs are very easy to dislodge.
Really? I enjoy 7 quite a bit, maybe it's because I rented it as a kid so I've got some nostalgia. It has such great sprite work, animations, and solid gameplay.

Picked up the collection on PC, everything loads so fast, I mean of course it would but the menus and interface are super snappy. This is a real high-quality collection, capcom did a great job with all the aesthetics. I think the CRT filter even looks great!


MM7 soundtrack is so good. Personally I enjoy 7 even though it's one of the easiest MM games imo. Shade Mans stage also makes me really want a Ghost n Goblins collection.


Picked this up on PC pretty much to play through 8 again, with 9 and 10 being a great bonus. Getting some really bad random slowdown in 8. Doesn't matter what's on the screen, it just decides it's going to run at 1/4th the speed. Happens in 9 as well. It randomly fixes itself even if I stay on the same screen. Going to refund it. Will pick it up on sale if it's fixed later. Disappointing.
Damn but that final boss in 7. I knew it was bad, but not this bad. Like, mandatory damage every turn. You basically have to trade hits to win. How is it even possible without using 4 energy tanks?
Should I buy the first collection and play that one before this one? I bought Collection 2 on a whim due to Prime Day but now I'm not sure if I should play this before the first.


Should I buy the first collection and play that one before this one? I bought Collection 2 on a whim due to Prime Day but now I'm not sure if I should play this before the first.

Have you played Mega Man before? I'd say get the first one too regardless, but not because it's necessary, it's just a good collection of great games.

Playing the originals could help you appreciate the entries in the second collection more... But then again, I imagine it works both ways too. Personally I got into the series playing a couple X games first, which are basically classic MM on steroids, and the classic series still ended up my favorite out of the two.


Should I buy the first collection and play that one before this one? I bought Collection 2 on a whim due to Prime Day but now I'm not sure if I should play this before the first.

If you've never played them it's definitely worth picking up, but there's actually not much value to playing the games in order. At worst you'll miss a few throwbacks.
Yeah, 7 was a weird project because even though they're technically different series, X was effectively an evolution of the gameplay found in classic MM, so for 7 they had to limit themselves on purpose to be more like classic and it suffered from it IMO. 8 on the other hand seeked to evolve the classic series in a completely different direction, focused more on creative level design and gimmicks.

Because X was made to evolve the series.

7 wasn't, and in some aspects downgraded it.

But at least X has a play area that resembles the classic games (as opposed to the large sprites in VII), and the buster doesn't take too long to charge.

It's like they downgraded it to the point where it resembles the classic series less than X does.


Should I buy the first collection and play that one before this one? I bought Collection 2 on a whim due to Prime Day but now I'm not sure if I should play this before the first.

They're slightly more sophisticated than the earlier titles, but the series as a whole never really changes much (outside of some experimental stage design in 8).

Starting with one of the games in this collection will probably be less jarring than trying to start with MM1.
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