There is no physical version in Europe for 3DS?
As I mentioned above, no physical release at all for any system in Europe, Capcom doesn't care about Mega Man when it comes to Europe - the UK missed out on Mega Man 5 and 6 on the NES back in the day, most of Europe (Germany/France? I think) at least got Mega Man 5. Europe also missed out on MM Starforce 3, and the UK never got Starforce 2 or the Zero Collection (I had to import those from Europe to get Euro copies).
Plus stuff like the last MM collections (both classic and X collections) never made it over here etc. Basically we almost always got the short end of the stick, even Mega Man Soccer got passed over but got a USA release for some strange reason (its not like the sport is popular in Europe or anything!)
Its not all bad though, we did get Mega Man the Wily Wars over here, and Battle and Chase for the Playstation (uh.., yay?)
MegaMan 6 also had some really weird jumping issues where the button press wasn't registering for me on the PS4 version, it didn't happen very often for most of the game, but pretty much dominated Plant Man's stage.
I had the exact same issue at certain points, usually manifesting when I fight Yamato Man. Not sure if that is a new glitch or it might happen on the original game. I definitely feel as if its happened to me several times before playing the PS4 collection for some reason.
It may be my memory failing on me but I put hours and hours unto the Megaman games on the Anniversary Collection for PS2 and I don't remember slowdown being as frequent in that one as it is in the Legacy Collection. I realize the LC's slowdowns emulates the NES' but how does the LC stack up with the AC? Were the slowdowns equal in both and I'm wrong? Or did the AC really had less slowdown than the LC has?
Its been a while since I touched my copy of the Gamecube AC but I think the ports were based on the "Complete Works" Playstation re-releases done in the 90's. I know the AC did have most of the extras that the Complete Works games had (like extra difficulties, navi mode, arranged soundtracks - on PS2 and Xbox etc.). I think the performance at points were also tightened up - so Mega Man 2's "get weapon" demo was much quicker, Mega Man 4 boss health bars fill up way faster.
I really need to do another comparison between the two, my memory is pretty spotty on certain specifics of the AC.