For any UK folks, a statue has gone up on the Official Nintendo UK Store.
(It's £134.99)
Looks nice, not sure I can stomach that price though
Oh well, on the brighter side my Japanese 3DS limited edition Legacy Collection arrived today and I like the extras more than I thought I would. It comes with 6 replaceable cover sleeves - each of which features cover art from one of the Famicom games (so all 6 look lovely). It also comes with Dr Wily's diary, which has a wonderful cover (full of NES sprites of bosses and enemies). Only had a quick browse of the diary, but it looks like there are entries on each day from Wily detailing various activities that he was up to on that day (I saw Blues/Protoman mentioned a couple of times). Seems like a cool little extra, and I love the packaging of the entire collection.
Now I'm just waiting for my USA 3DS LE to arrive so I get my Gold Mega Man Amiibo.