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Mental Health |OT2| - Light in the Darkness

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If life were a film, I'm certain this is the point where I would storm out of the theater, back down the hallway to the ticket office and demand my fucking money back.

So over all of this garbage. What is the point of being a good person?? When it's rewarded with nothing but bullshit and heartache.


not tag worthy
been struggling recently, just finding I feel more frustrated and anxious my wife talks to me and I take it as she is having a go and a react like a victim blaming things instead of listening to what she is saying (reality is she is helping me out, I react like she is moaning)

got so fed up I just went to bed early last night thought sod it just went upstairs and slept, woke up to a text to my wife asking if I was coming back down.
I love spending time with my wife and I chose to just end the evening early instead of being with her.

my head feels like a mess a lot of the time. :(

I hate what I have at times, I just want to be normal and do things instead of feeling like a failure at times.


Shouldn't have opened that "dating someone who lives with their parents" thread.

I have a bachelor's degree (in English, which means it's basically worthless) but I still live at home because I can't get a job due in part to the job market and in part due to my crippling anxiety that basically kills my chances the moment I walk into an interview, on the rare occasion I get one. I'll be 24 next month and every year it feels worse and worse that I haven't even started to figure this shit out yet. I'm thinking about going back to school but I don't know if it's because I actually want to learn more and get more career opportunities or if it's because it's an easy way of having a sort of faux-independence and making my life a little more interesting for another couple of years before falling back into this rut. And that's assuming I actually make the most of college this time around, because I totally wasted it in undergrad, only left my dorm/apartment for class and groceries and didn't make a single friend all four years. As much as I like to think I'd do it differently if I went back, I'm not so sure I would.

I'm in a very similar situation. Went to CC and lived at home so I missed out on the entire college life experience. Turning 24 soon, can't get a job with my little associates degree, and have had no freedom or independence in my life. I'm just simply not ready for the world yet. I want to go back, but I feel like I can't.

Man, I'm in the exact same boat with an English Lang degree doing not able to get anything, though I'm 25 (26 in March). Not great for self esteem eh :/


I feel so lost. I'm just kind of floating on, not really making any progress. I need to fix my sleep schedule; I've mentioned it on and off in these threads for the past two years, but I honestly don't know how. I have no idea how to fix it and then stick to it. Maybe when I do things will finally get easier.
I've had this. It's infuriating and it feels like an endless cycle. It's one of the reasons why I always try to keep busy. I always feel that talking to people helps when I'm going through a tough phase. I know there are different coping mechanisms for each person but that's helped me in the past.

It does help. My girlfriend is very supportive as are my friends it's just finding time to balance it all. Therapy helps but I've only had once session so far. I just feel like a terrible person for thinking this stuff but deep down I know I'm good. It's just my brain is convincing me I'm a monster
Had a hard crash tonight over the Trump thing. I'm in a very unenviable position where a full on GOP run county is going to 100% for sure ruin my life in some way and all I seem to be able to do is call representatives and (as pleasantly as possible) mark time until my number is called.

Feeling a little better now, but not sure if that's just because I'm tired or buoyed by the absurdity of the (seemingly) entire world.
I've been pretty depressed lately. My GF broke up with me, treated me like shit during, then wanted to get back together only to break my heart all over again. I'm pretty sure she has bipolar disorder, judging by her actions and the medication the psychiatrist prescribed. She was so sweet and loving before, showed no signs of it. She made me happy in a sense but I could never shake my depression even while with her. I've been dealing with general/social anxiety and depression as far back as kindergarten, I'm 25 now.


I got prescribed to take Lexapro, some SSRI for anxiety. I've never been prescribed medicine like this before. I looked it up on my insurance site, and they don't cover it but cover some off-brand escitalopram some generic equivalent.

How much will it cost? Can I get the escitalopram if I'm prescribed Lexapro? Should I just go to a pharmacy with my insurance card and prescription and ask lol?


the holidays are terrible for me, too much happy imagery everywhere

my solution has been to stay in my house as much as possible


I never come into this thread. But just thought I'd recommend a really great book for those who are struggling:



It really put me in a good place, mentally. It's a self-help book for people who hate self help books.

It won't magically cure your problems, but it makes them easier to accept and still live a good life.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I got prescribed to take Lexapro, some SSRI for anxiety. I've never been prescribed medicine like this before. I looked it up on my insurance site, and they don't cover it but cover some off-brand escitalopram some generic equivalent.

How much will it cost? Can I get the escitalopram if I'm prescribed Lexapro? Should I just go to a pharmacy with my insurance card and prescription and ask lol?
They're the same.

Lexapro is just the positive isomer of the drug.

The generics aren't expensive.
Hey, Mental Health GAF.

I've been lurking for a while, reading your posts and have been moved by them many times. I've wanted to post here before to show my support but avoided doing it. So, my thoughts are with you, I know Christmas can be a really tough time. Believe me, you're not alone.

I've struggled my entire life with drug addiction and mental health problems. I suffer/ed long bouts of depression and mood swings, gender dysphoria and eating disorders. At the age of 13 I asked my parents for help but was told by my mum that depression didn't exist, or at least didn't in our family. So, I turned to drugs: cigarettes and skunk weed at 14, cocaine addiction at 17, ecstasy, heroin and opiates from 18 until 24.

At the age of 24 I was burnt out. I managed to ween myself off the drugs but in doing so, lost the friends that I had. My mental health problems remained and now I found my self isolated, lonely and in a low paid job; I relapsed hard at the age of 30 and started on amphetamines and various research chemicals. The last five years have been a blur of mostly misery with some suicidal thoughts. I came out to my folks and work friends as trans about three years ago.

Then last year I was abused. Mentally, for a prolonged period I endured threats of physical and sexual violence. I feared for my life. I'm not going to go into much detail but I felt trapped with nowhere to turn. I stopped posting on forums and I felt despair like I had never felt before and so very alone. Then I did what I do best: turned to drugs.

A drug binge coupled with my mental state triggered a massive paranoid episode--a breakdown. I ended up in accident and emergency where they said I should wait hours to be seen but I cut my wrist in a hospital toilet. I didn't have a knife, so I had to improvise with a car key and credit card. It took a few minutes but eventually reached the veins. My wrist was in a terrible state, bruised, swollen, lacerated and last thing I thought I would see would be a dirty hospital toilet covered with my blood. Truly, I wouldn't wish what I felt on anybody.

The hospital kept me on a ward under observation. They found me in the toilet and attended to my wrist, then the police turned up and I told them about the drugs which they removed from my (parents) house while I remained under observation. My poor parents. In the hospital another wave of paranoia hit me, this time regarding the police and drugs. Even though my head was swirling, I managed to leave the hospital around 6am. Consequently, I was reported as a missing person on social media and a helicopter was sent out to search for me.

I attempted to walk home - I was desperate to get home. And I had convinced myself that I'd died, so when my father in his car found me by the road, I pushed him away and accused him of being an evil apparition. I was not well. I cut across country through fields and the journey took me all day. It was late night by the time I reached my road, only to find my house surrounded by police vehicles. I ran away, wandered around in a state of panic, slept rough in an industrial park and then managed to find an unlocked caravan in someone's driveway, where I waited until sunrise. My psychosis got worse and I now believed my parents were gone and like a ghost, I would return to an empty house.

At sunrise I walked home: police cars were gone. I let myself in and found my parents still awake in the lounge and hugged them. I cried for a while and when I calmed down we rang the police to inform them I had been found. They came round later on and were incredibly nice to me. The drugs had seemingly passed through my system completely by then and my episode had also abated, so they said there was no point going back to hospital immediately and that mental health services would contact me and to not worry about the drugs. They showed me more kindness than I deserved.

Later that day I cut my wrists with a ceramic kitchen knife. I took the knife upstairs to my room, held my wrists over a rubbish bin and slashed my left wrist twice and then my right once, then laid down with my hands in the bin, bleeding out. I feel so bad when I think that I did this in my parents house while they were downstairs. I was in such a bad place I can't even put into words. My mum forced open the door when she came up to check on me and had no reply. So, I ended up in the same hospital with towels wrapped around my wrists, head spinning. I hadn't lost too much blood, again they tended my wounds, put me in an observation ward, my parents stayed at my bedside. Some mental health care professionals talked to me and next day--to my complete surprise--I was discharged into my parents care. How was I not sectioned?

My parents insisted I stayed in their bedroom while they slept downstairs and checked up on me every half hour. I spent two weeks in bed (in which time I handed in my notice for my job) trying to make sense of what had happened to my life. Then I looked at my slashed wrists and it was too much, didn't want to go on, ashamed of everything I was, had and had not done with my life, no job and no hope. I took apart the plug from a desk fan, removed the metal pins, plugged them in one by one to the socket and then placed my hand down on them. I tried a few times before I gave up because of the pain--the palm of my hand had been burnt so that it appeared I had no print, just flat skin. I cried and had to tell my parents what I had done. A few days later I visited my doctor and she prescribed me citalopram which helped a lot with the depression and then had to see a psychiatric nurse who after one short consultation gave me a clean bill of health. And that was that.

It's a few months later and sometimes I feel like I need help but don't really know where get it; I'm thinking maybe narcotics anonymous or similar. I don't know. I just thought I would post here and share my story. I still don't have a job, I don't sleep well, find it hard to trust people and sometimes break down. I am trying to learn from this experience, be a better person but every now and then I feel so low and worthless.
Do you ever feel like there's something physically wrong with you that people aren't telling you and you've never figured out? Since I'm in my mid 30s you'd think if that was the case I'd know by now. I try to tell myself that I'm just paranoid, but holy shit it's getting hard. My whole life I feel like I've been treated like an outcast.

I just don't understand why people find me so off-putting. Especially women. While I know I'm unattractive, it seems to go beyond that. Like I have a huge deformity on my face and emit a constant cloud of body odor. And it's like they can smell my insecurity from a mile away. How many people go this long into life without having a relationship? I see so many people together and it just boggles my mind that I can't find anyone.

I'm in good physical shape, I dress nice enough, I drive a nice car, have a place of my own and still nothing. I honestly feel like I either have the absolute worst luck or something is very wrong with me.

Sorry for the rant, it's just the loneliness gets overwhelming at times.
So my Dad is not taking the case loss well, and because the jury wasn't a bunch of white people he is ranting and raving like a racist fucking idiot, and refuses to change his views or ways.

I feel like if people found out about how my dad actually speaks sometimes, and the thing is he doesn't say the N word or anything but he says enough that I don't think people would help us.

I fear that my life will be tarnished by my father's inability to let go of american exceptionalism, racism, and misogyny. For every great aspect of my father, there is something else repugnant and him being the man that made me, someone that values life and personal choice, and not being a deplorable asshole.

I just can't reconciliate the fact this is the same man that taught me tolerance and love for people. That he can be so stupid and blind.


Took my mom out for lunch today to talk about how I want to go back to school. I'm finally in a state right now where I feel ready for it. I was a mental wreck at 18 so going off to college on my own just wasn't going to happen, but I've improved a lot since and have a ton of transferable credits to save time and money. I know how to make the most out of the experience now as long as my depression or social anxiety doesn't ruin things. I just have to do this before I'll feel ready for the real world, I've missed out on too many milestones in my life.

She seemed supportive of it, but I don't know how my dad will react. He never went to college and thought school was just a waste of time. He just wants me to start working so he doesn't have to financially support me anymore.

Now I just have to figure out where I'll go and how I'll pay for it.


Having a rough week..

- In the middle of a separation (which we're both happy with and amicably splitting after 15 years and two close calls with separation previously)

- My girlfriend just had a minor stroke. She's recovering quickly. Doctors are stumped and have no idea what caused it as she's 100% healthy. She's worried and I try to cheer her up and thankfully it's working.

- I work in a small office (3 people) and one of them is actively looking for a job, and hasn't told anyone else. I found out when I overheard him doing a phone interview and he left the email open on the desktop. On one hand I thought I could be trusted, and on the other, it'd leave me with a lot of work to do on my own.

There's more but those are the three main sources of stress right now. I've been so stressed I'm not getting a lot of sleep, and now have the worst back pain and can't stop crying. I've been able to handle everything for so long, I don't know why I'm having such a hard time dealing with it today.
Having a rough week..

- In the middle of a separation (which we're both happy with and amicably splitting after 15 years and two close calls with separation previously)

- My girlfriend just had a minor stroke. She's recovering quickly. Doctors are stumped and have no idea what caused it as she's 100% healthy. She's worried and I try to cheer her up and thankfully it's working.

- I work in a small office (3 people) and one of them is actively looking for a job, and hasn't told anyone else. I found out when I overheard him doing a phone interview and he left the email open on the desktop. On one hand I thought I could be trusted, and on the other, it'd leave me with a lot of work to do on my own.

There's more but those are the three main sources of stress right now. I've been so stressed I'm not getting a lot of sleep, and now have the worst back pain and can't stop crying. I've been able to handle everything for so long, I don't know why I'm having such a hard time dealing with it today.

The last one is kinda of hit or miss for me, if you just saw it open and overheard a conversation there is no big deal. If you stopped to listen and read his email or emails, then maybe I'd feel a bit more guilty for you. That said if he just quits without notice that isn't really cool, unless it is a serious situation for him.

The second issue man...I'm so sorry to hear that, that absolutely sucks. I have tons of health issues, so I know what it is like, and I also live with people that have health problems as well so I know what it is like to worry about the other person. The best thing you can do is be strong for them, and make them feel human. You seem to already be doing that so good on you, nothing to worry about there. :) Don't neglect yourself either, try to stay above it all.

As for divorce, I don't have any advice for you other than saying relationships and people are complex but it seems like you and your counterparts are doing the mature thing. I hope everything works out for you, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Hey, Mental Health GAF.

I've been lurking for a while, reading your posts and have been moved by them many times. I've wanted to post here before to show my support but avoided doing it. So, my thoughts are with you, I know Christmas can be a really tough time. Believe me, you're not alone.

I've struggled my entire life with drug addiction and mental health problems. I suffer/ed long bouts of depression and mood swings, gender dysphoria and eating disorders. At the age of 13 I asked my parents for help but was told by my mum that depression didn't exist, or at least didn't in our family. So, I turned to drugs: cigarettes and skunk weed at 14, cocaine addiction at 17, ecstasy, heroin and opiates from 18 until 24.

At the age of 24 I was burnt out. I managed to ween myself off the drugs but in doing so, lost the friends that I had. My mental health problems remained and now I found my self isolated, lonely and in a low paid job; I relapsed hard at the age of 30 and started on amphetamines and various research chemicals. The last five years have been a blur of mostly misery with some suicidal thoughts. I came out to my folks and work friends as trans about three years ago.

Then last year I was abused. Mentally, for a prolonged period I endured threats of physical and sexual violence. I feared for my life. I'm not going to go into much detail but I felt trapped with nowhere to turn. I stopped posting on forums and I felt despair like I had never felt before and so very alone. Then I did what I do best: turned to drugs.

A drug binge coupled with my mental state triggered a massive paranoid episode--a breakdown. I ended up in accident and emergency where they said I should wait hours to be seen but I cut my wrist in a hospital toilet. I didn't have a knife, so I had to improvise with a car key and credit card. It took a few minutes but eventually reached the veins. My wrist was in a terrible state, bruised, swollen, lacerated and last thing I thought I would see would be a dirty hospital toilet covered with my blood. Truly, I wouldn't wish what I felt on anybody.

The hospital kept me on a ward under observation. They found me in the toilet and attended to my wrist, then the police turned up and I told them about the drugs which they removed from my (parents) house while I remained under observation. My poor parents. In the hospital another wave of paranoia hit me, this time regarding the police and drugs. Even though my head was swirling, I managed to leave the hospital around 6am. Consequently, I was reported as a missing person on social media and a helicopter was sent out to search for me.

I attempted to walk home - I was desperate to get home. And I had convinced myself that I'd died, so when my father in his car found me by the road, I pushed him away and accused him of being an evil apparition. I was not well. I cut across country through fields and the journey took me all day. It was late night by the time I reached my road, only to find my house surrounded by police vehicles. I ran away, wandered around in a state of panic, slept rough in an industrial park and then managed to find an unlocked caravan in someone's driveway, where I waited until sunrise. My psychosis got worse and I now believed my parents were gone and like a ghost, I would return to an empty house.

At sunrise I walked home: police cars were gone. I let myself in and found my parents still awake in the lounge and hugged them. I cried for a while and when I calmed down we rang the police to inform them I had been found. They came round later on and were incredibly nice to me. The drugs had seemingly passed through my system completely by then and my episode had also abated, so they said there was no point going back to hospital immediately and that mental health services would contact me and to not worry about the drugs. They showed me more kindness than I deserved.

Later that day I cut my wrists with a ceramic kitchen knife. I took the knife upstairs to my room, held my wrists over a rubbish bin and slashed my left wrist twice and then my right once, then laid down with my hands in the bin, bleeding out. I feel so bad when I think that I did this in my parents house while they were downstairs. I was in such a bad place I can't even put into words. My mum forced open the door when she came up to check on me and had no reply. So, I ended up in the same hospital with towels wrapped around my wrists, head spinning. I hadn't lost too much blood, again they tended my wounds, put me in an observation ward, my parents stayed at my bedside. Some mental health care professionals talked to me and next day--to my complete surprise--I was discharged into my parents care. How was I not sectioned?

My parents insisted I stayed in their bedroom while they slept downstairs and checked up on me every half hour. I spent two weeks in bed (in which time I handed in my notice for my job) trying to make sense of what had happened to my life. Then I looked at my slashed wrists and it was too much, didn't want to go on, ashamed of everything I was, had and had not done with my life, no job and no hope. I took apart the plug from a desk fan, removed the metal pins, plugged them in one by one to the socket and then placed my hand down on them. I tried a few times before I gave up because of the pain--the palm of my hand had been burnt so that it appeared I had no print, just flat skin. I cried and had to tell my parents what I had done. A few days later I visited my doctor and she prescribed me citalopram which helped a lot with the depression and then had to see a psychiatric nurse who after one short consultation gave me a clean bill of health. And that was that.

It's a few months later and sometimes I feel like I need help but don't really know where get it; I'm thinking maybe narcotics anonymous or similar. I don't know. I just thought I would post here and share my story. I still don't have a job, I don't sleep well, find it hard to trust people and sometimes break down. I am trying to learn from this experience, be a better person but every now and then I feel so low and worthless.

I just want to say, I was moved by your story. Sorry, I'm not in any place myself to be of any help though.

Just nknownyoure not worthless. Everyone has worth.
So my Dad is not taking the case loss well, and because the jury wasn't a bunch of white people he is ranting and raving like a racist fucking idiot, and refuses to change his views or ways.

I feel like if people found out about how my dad actually speaks sometimes, and the thing is he doesn't say the N word or anything but he says enough that I don't think people would help us.

I fear that my life will be tarnished by my father's inability to let go of american exceptionalism, racism, and misogyny. For every great aspect of my father, there is something else repugnant and him being the man that made me, someone that values life and personal choice, and not being a deplorable asshole.

I just can't reconciliate the fact this is the same man that taught me tolerance and love for people. That he can be so stupid and blind.

Sounds like my father. He is married to a Filipino, so I'm mixed but recently (since Brexit related newspaper racism) he thinks it's okay to use derogatory and racist language in front of me. He's become louder and more brash. Basically anyone who doesn't share his opinion "needs a good kicking!". That's not how you do politics, dad :)

He wasn't always like this and he can't see what a fool he looks. It's a perfect case study in exceptionalism and I can't believe this is happening to my father of all people. I have to love him, faults and all--that's all you can do. It seems like some people are susceptible to the climate of hate our news outlets/politicians are creating.

I just want to say, I was moved by your story. Sorry, I'm not in any place myself to be of any help though.

Just nknownyoure not worthless. Everyone has worth.

Thanks, mrkgoo. You're kind words mean a lot. My life is complicated but I never thought I would actually attempt suicide. I'll be glad when the calendar reads 2017. This has been the worst year ever
from my point of view :(
I was diagnosed with OCD. It sucks ass. My intrusive thoughts are what get to me. Violent, sexual, taboo stuff that drives me crazy. I wouldn't do any of them but they're there making me think I would.

This sounds like you have Pure-O-CD. It is a very feisty thing that you should be able to take care of with the right Ant-anxiety focused medicine. It won't stop the thoughts, but it'll stop the alarm bells and putting stock on the validity of such thoughts. There's a great doctor from new York , who has put a spotlight on OCD without the compulsive actions but just on the Pure-Obsession side of it. He wrote an article about how mother's come to him because their minds tell them that they're going to choke their new born babies and other horribly intrusive and obsessive thoughts..
Sounds like my father. He is married to a Filipino, so I'm mixed but recently (since Brexit related newspaper racism) he thinks it's okay to use derogatory and racist language in front of me. He's become louder and more brash. Basically anyone who doesn't share his opinion "needs a good kicking!". That's not how you do politics, dad :)

He wasn't always like this and he can't see what a fool he looks. It's a perfect case study in exceptionalism and I can't believe this is happening to my father of all people. I have to love him, faults and all--that's all you can do. It seems like some people are susceptible to the climate of hate our news outlets/politicians are creating.

Thanks man, I hope things get better for you too. It sucks, seeing someone that told me to seek out other cultures and learn about them from food to customs, everything.

This man... is now someone I don't really know.


My best friend killed herself today. She had been going through a really hard 1/3 of her life and this past year was specially bad. I know Im in some stage of denial cause im not specially sad and I know that the feelings will come and Im terriefied of it.
My best friend killed herself today. She had been going through a really hard 1/3 of her life and this past year was specially bad. I know Im in some stage of denial cause im not specially sad and I know that the feelings will come and Im terriefied of it.

It's never easy dealing with someone you know killing themselves. All I can offer you is that eventually it sets in, it set in for me with a friend and my ex-gf.

I hope she finds peace in death. I hope her family and you find peace in life.
I feel like this might be my last holiday season.

I haven't been in a good place for a while now.

I'm excited to see my family again in a few weeks, but I feel like it might be the last time.

I don't want to live this life anymore.


I feel like this might be my last holiday season.

I haven't been in a good place for a while now.

I'm excited to see my family again in a few weeks, but I feel like it might be the last time.

I don't want to live this life anymore.
What makes you not want to live this life anymore?

The God

life is really pointless

nothing I do here matters

you're born, do a bunch of shit that doesn't matter, then you die

nothing matters. shit sucks.

I feel like this might be my last holiday season.

I haven't been in a good place for a while now.

I'm excited to see my family again in a few weeks, but I feel like it might be the last time.

I don't want to live this life anymore.
might be my last too. idk.


Does anybody have a good link about supporting a suicidal friend? My friend took his own life last year and in retrospect I believe he did try and reach out to me at times, but I was too much of an idiot to know/notice the warning signs. I don't want to go through that sort of guilt again.


I went to a suicide prevention workshop the other day but most of the material is for Australia. It was run by Wesley mission

Some of resources include
Suicide callback service for people with "Thoughts about Suicide", "worried about someone", "Bereaved by suicide", "Supporting suicidal clients"
In Australia phone 1300 659 467

They also mentioned an app called BeyondNow which can guide you through making a suicide prevention plan

Beyond Blue

Black Dog Institute

Blue Pages

National Mindframe Initiative




Reach Out!


Youth beyondblue
I'm being hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and depression. Currently listening to the security guard sing the Oompa Loompa song as the nurses talk about mass murderers and how human bodies are squishy and easy to kill.

Edit: and now they're talking about me, man I sound like a true shit coming from this lady.


I feel like this might be my last holiday season.

I haven't been in a good place for a while now.

I'm excited to see my family again in a few weeks, but I feel like it might be the last time.

I don't want to live this life anymore.

life is really pointless

nothing I do here matters

you're born, do a bunch of shit that doesn't matter, then you die

nothing matters. shit sucks.

might be my last too. idk.

Same. I feel I owe them one last holiday season.

I just wanna sleep.
Can you guys please let us know if you're okay?

Please let us help you solve your problems. There are solutions to your problems that do not involve suicide. Suicide doesn't solve anything and it is the rationalisation of a brain that is ill.

Please either immediately use the contact information found in the OP, or talk to us here ASAP.
The droll way she explained my meekish attempts, and her disbelief at my level of drinking... I thought my supervisors standing around me as we waited for the emt was bad, this is really deflating
Really frustrated. Found a trauma therapist I liked and connected with, she went on maternity but she's back now but refusing to see me. I feel hurt. I also wish I hadn't wasted the last several months if I knew I was going to have to start over again. I also got kicked out of the PHP program I was in. They don't like my marijuana use. I wouldn't use if they could give me a cocktail that worked. I'm a big believer in marijuana as medicine. I have been ever since a strain last year made me understand what it was not to be depressed. I asked them for a cocktail that worked and they couldn't offer me one. In the last year and a half, I've seen about eight different doctors/nurse practitioners and tried over two different drugs to no avail. I'm on about five right now and still barely functioning and extremely depressed. I feel like I'm never going to get better. Weed gave me a glimpse of what it was not to be depressed but I don't think I'll ever be there permanently. I can't recall what it was like. It was nice to have all the constant negative intrusive thoughts turned off and be able to think clearly and happily for once. I can't silence them now enough to focus on anything I'd like to go. It's not ADHD but I'm on ADHD meds for it (surprise: they're not working). I can't read any of my books or do any activities and then I beat myself up for being so useless. I don't even allow myself to play video games or enjoy them because I feel like it's such a wasteful hobby. I would like to learn the piano, photography, graphic and motion design but I just can't focus with these intrusive negative racing thoughts. So much so that I often dissociate. I learned what that "weird funny feeling" is and that there's a word for it. I'm seldom present when stressed and with the PTSD, my anxiety skyrockets easily. So I'm still pretty reliant on the weed to help turn off said anxiety and keep me grounded. That must sound weird to anyone who thinks weed is a party drug and is an escape - it has the opposite effect for me. My dissociation goes back to me having to watch my alcoholic dad beat my mom and, being unable to physically run away, my mind wandered (dissociation) to help buffer the pain. But now that works against me and I'm overwhelmed and stressed easily so I dissociate often. Sometimes it's worse than others. I'm one of those people that lose time easily. I always struggled to recall the previous day or what I'm doing in the present. So weed is great anxiety control and it's much safer than the sedating addictive deadly benzos they prescribe instead. Or the all "off label" drugs that aren't officially for PTSD but this or that study said it may be helpful. You know it took like two days for me to see a doctor when I was in-patient this time last month. I went through benzo and lamictal withdrawal - both potentially deadly - because I hadn't brought my meds and they couldn't get their doctor sooner to prescribe something. It was horrific. After that I was discharged to the PHP program I mentioned earlier was unhelpful. Now I'm starting over. New psychiatrist is scheduled and I somehow need to find a good DBT trauma therapist. One of the books I have is a DBT skills workbook and I identify with most of the bullet points below. I could really use the guidance of a skilled therapist to help me through this but the one I was referred to isn't taking new patients. Just lovely. Also I'm stressing about finances. Abilify put me into a manic spending frenzy and into significant debt (check the August /September pick-up threads, lol) and now I'm stressing about that. However, I feel fortunate and relieved that my illness is getting some recognition. Besides just having some diagnosis, my PTSD qualified me for disability. It gave me some worth as a person. Someone thinks my life has value and that I should be able to get by. At the same time, I feel guilty and like a mooch. I can't allow myself to feel good for any extended period of time. I always have to find fault with something. That's the last bullet point. Resigning to an unfulfilling life. Speaking of qualifying for something, I got the rejection letter for my medical marijuana card yesterday. I qualify with the PTSD but none of those eight doctors/nurse practitioners have the guts to sign my application. I did everything else but I jumped the gun in applying. I guess I was just so happy. Oh well. I'm selling the house anyway and I'll probably move to another state where it would be better understood and I could find support. I always felt like I was on the defensive talking to my doctors here about it. My heart rate was always high (Fitbit confirms this). I shouldn't feel like I'm being attacked by the people that claim they're trying to help me. Maybe I'll reapply if I stay here long enough. I would really like to see if I can find a helpful strain from a reputable source instead of the street. But I might have to move to do that. I was potentially going to use the money from my house to start a marijuana related business somewhere. I was emailing back and forth with an experienced grower about potentially starting a grow-op together. I would like to help people with cancer in honor of my mother and people with depression in honor of my brother. It would be a lot of work but I do want to do something with my life. I'm really interested growing strains rich in the lesser know cannabinoids like CBN, CBG, CBC, CBV, etc (there's over eighty!). I even met a really awesome just out of college chemist that could be a potential partner. But with my anxiety, I've been too terrified to contact the grower in the last several months. I'm still interested in working with him but my equity is still tied up and I don't know when I'll be able to start. I was hoping to already be growing but it probably won't be for another year now at the earliest. Who knows if this'll happen now. It's really depressing to see another dream crumble right before my eyes. Things were finally happening for me but the universe hates me and won't let me succeed at anything. I don't know where I was going with this. I guess I'm just sharing with you guys since I don't have a therapist to share with right now. I just needed to get this off my chest.

Can you guys please let us know if you're okay?
Sorry, it was inappropriate of me to post that. Please disregard it.
The droll way she explained my meekish attempts, and her disbelief at my level of drinking... I thought my supervisors standing around me as we waited for the emt was bad, this is really deflating
Your supervisors were there? That sounds awful. Hope you can get better.


Sorry, it was inappropriate of me to post that. Please disregard it.
It was perfectly appropriate to post it. Don't beat yourself up dude.

There's ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel, and the tunnel is often shorter than you think.

Just learn not to trust the negative garbage spewing from an ill brain.

Regardless, you should still see a doctor or find a support buddy (parent/brother/friend/volunteer) who will make you see one and help you through it.
I don't know if my depression is from my death anxiety or if the anxiety is a symptom of the depression. I just fucking can't anymore. I want to fucking yell, I want to fucking sob. Why won't they fucking see me already?! I can't do this I can't fucking do this. I try to enjoy myself but there it is always at the back of my fuckung mind. I really hope it's just a manifestation of my depression because I dont see mywelf living with death anxiety. Fucking fuck. Why wont those fuckers help me. Just please fucking help me. I just want to go back to 3 weeks ago when I was normal. I was so fucking happy. I'm so fucking desperate. Thinking of contacting my friend James for some H. Fuck.


Illinois, Chicago suburb.

Have you tried to sign up for medicaid? I was in your situation like 2 years ago no insurance or anything after being dropped from my parents insurance.

I know you said suburbs of Chicago I found this with some searching not sure if you've already found it or not. If you think talking on here will help I am here to listen as well. I'll keep looking for other things though for you.
Illinois, Chicago suburb.
If you're in Dupage County, there's a Respite/Crisis Center in Wheaton through the county that you can get some meds and assisted in getting Medicaid and food stamps. I did it in April. The nurse practitioner I saw wasn't the best but I got on track kind of. It may be a resource worth looking into.

Crisis Center

The DuPage County Crisis Intervention Unit is a mental health support system that deals with mental health emergencies on a 24-hour/7 day a week basis. Individuals in need can contact the Crisis Intervention Unit at any time and set up an interview either by phone or in person. If necessary, the Crisis Residential (Respite) program has up to ten beds available for short term crisis stabilization.

You can reach the Crisis Center at 630-627-1700 or visit their website at www.dupagehealth.org/access-and-crisis-center.


People suffering terribly from incurable illnesses like myself say otherwise. Sometimes there is no relief other than death.
May I ask what your illness is? And is it treatable if not curable?

Most people ITT will live with something permanently, but there should always be hope that there will be a treatment solution worth living for, like any other illness.

And I hope people are literally exhausting every avenue and trying every possibility before even considering the ultimate.
I'm now on Abilify and I swear it's making me buy/sell stuff at an alarming rate. I looked this up and it is a known side effect. It feels like I'm out of control; almost manic in a sense.
My anxiety is driving me nuts right now.

I'm really paranoid that the girl I'm seeing is fucking with other guys, and it's really destroying me. There's no evidence whatsoever, my mind is just running rampant and jumping to conclusions.

For once there's a girl I really like and I'm insanely paranoid. How very fun...

Take a deep breath, let the thoughts come in, recognize their negativity, and choose to respond to them differently.

I understand the difficulty of your situation, but keep in mind she chooses to be with you; that counts for something in terms of self-worth.


Dad had heart surgery last Friday. He's okay now but this year can't get any worse. Depression is at an all time high.
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