Recently I've changed career paths and have moved out of the city I lived in and loved for the past three years.
In this new city in the mornings, I grab a coffee to-go and walk around in the freezing cold. This is my happy half hour of zen. The combination of heat from the coffee cup, mixed with the cold from the the falling snow, gives me an odd sense of calmness and ability to think about things clearly while I'm away from screens.
The ability to just go outside and see the sky in the morning, casting myself up into the clouds and looking down at myself from above, reminds me that whatever anxieties and depressing thoughts I have today, they are perhaps insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
The things I think about on this walk vary; It feels tiring to start over, I am struggling to maintain relationships with people from my past over digital constructs (to expand on this thought, I think of these relationships as being in a crowd of people at a train station. You're on an invisible spline, briskly heading from random waypoint to waypoint, when you come close to a friendly face. You know there will be seconds for any exchange of words to be registered by the other person, because they are also walking fast, and it's like neither of you can stop moving for a minute to tell the other person something. Then there's the uncertainty of when you'll run into them again and hear from them, which gives every encounter with them more weight and urgency, and it goes on like this ad infinitum); how can I forge new relationships with people IRL after graduating college, dealing with insanely unbalanced work/life, and the isolating effects of working in post production; this weird and new see-saw between acting professionally as a 25-year-old and realizing that growing up does not mean losing the fun in life.
I keep a list of things to cross off in a notebook that I believe will help slowly beat my depression and that keep me focused. I tackle one thing at a time, even if it takes a really long time to accomplish it.
It is a fight to not let the darkness overtake the light many days, but I like to quote Sly Stallone when he tells Adonis in Creed, "One step at a time, one punch at a time, one round at a time."