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We all knew Microsoft was going to push the narrative of we're so poor and small because the mobile market also counts, as if Call of Duty, Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo has any relevance in the mobile market.

Regardless, it's not the GAFers or the financial times reporter that Nadella needs to convince. It's the FTC and those guys don't give a rat's ass about the opinions of forum dwellers.
That would be your dream huh?

Keep dreamin boyo
It's supposed to be like some VR world, that has it's own community, currency. It's like second life. Ready Player One but on downers. It's a bridge too far if you ask me. People are already enthralled by screens damn near for the majority of the day. Let's just put you in the screen. Fuck the consequences. It's an invitation for the world to put their heads in the sand(box) and escape from real life. It was pathetic in the book and movie....even worse in these infant stages that seem to want to mimic it.
when you start feeling this way just means you’re getting old, cause similar things were said about video games in the past. Meta verse is a cool concept , just need to make sure that people aren’t able to exploit it in the same way they do other emerging technologies.
, but this FTC is under a lot of pressure so there is the risk they do something that is politically motivated.
The thing is that FTC decisions cannot be politically motivated and have to rely on the law. So even if they don't like something - like Facebook - they cannot just attack it without a solid proof. Like first time, their documents did not satisfy the courts for the example..
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We all knew Microsoft was going to push the narrative of we're so poor and small because the mobile market also counts, as if Call of Duty, Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo has any relevance in the mobile market.

Regardless, it's not the GAFers or the financial times reporter that Nadella needs to convince. It's the FTC and those guys don't give a rat's ass about the opinions of forum dwellers.
You need a monopoly reason to block that.

MS doesnt even have 10% of gaming industry with activision sale. So no, they wont bother them at all.


yeah wtf even is it!? like that movie ready player one?

It's basically internet 2.0. with internet 1.0 being now and basically mimics a library. with internet 2.0 being the internet.

For example.

This is you at school 20 years ago


School now:


This is internet 2.0 at school, u can build / maintain project any device and get direct work experience with it.


Basically its going to make internet more like real life to the point, u don't have to invest into anything anymore because u can just automatically load in the software and get the whole thing going. It's basically like the holodeck in star trek, however how we will get there is through brain chips which elon musk / valve are heavily invested into it but that's just a advancement tool for meta.

So u could say the matrix is basically internet 2.0 aka meta.

This is why we see massive massive amounts of investments into it, because it will make social media / schools or anything that relays on internet as of now that doesn't join with it be completely outdated sooner or later, the same way as shops became completely outdated that didn't join the internet. U basically don't exist anymore.

However much like the internet, u need to build a foundation to get things going and moving forwwards ( u don't really have much use for VR when there is nothing that takes advantage of VR its pointless then ). Which will take a ton of resources and effort.

It also makes VR useful because VR is basically just a filler until we get brain chips.

However internet 2.0 is still very basic shit and its still working with stick and stones kind of solutions with body's that will die off get old and fall flat.

The real tech that will push us into a entire new evolution is brain chips.

And the reason for that is, we could actually become immortal and just clone new body's of ourself and place the data in there and life forever at our peak performance or even become whatever u want to be or simple for example create a brain that is with support of AI is countless of times faster with processing data and thought processes. U could say, brain chips are basically the major jump into our own human evolution on every level.

Imagine a human that has endless brain it can use for any task it wants and creates a AI that is so advanced that the simplest task was already beyond our coop to understand, and that only supports that brain.

The jump from 1 cel to human is probably even less of a jump then that.


This is when valve and elon talks about brainchips they are not just talking about a new shiny toy, but as something far beyond it.

Brain chips will also become the major communicator with the meta obviously so both solutions will go hand in hand one the tool the other the platform. As shit needs software.

But for now, we will have meta + vr glasses and still die the natural way. But its a good start up.

So yea u will hear a lot of these in the remaining parts of your life.
Meta ( or alike solutions ) / AI / Brain chips
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
imagine if Microsoft starts going for single player publishers like Capcom, that would be problematic, doesnt matter whether they are third place or not.

I always find that "we are third place, thats why we are not in monopoly" doesnt make sense to me.

I mean when you acquire mega publishers in a short period of time, you are going to be in 1st place very soon..... you basically own all the major IPs.....

They are going to use this "excuse" until theres no one infront of them in the gaming market.....
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It's basically internet 2.0. with internet 1.0 being now and basically mimics a library. with internet 2.0 being the internet.

For example.

This is you at school 20 years ago


School now:


This is internet 2.0 at school, u can build / maintain project any device and get direct work experience with it.

instead of the headset, it would glasses.
What's clever as hell here is how he is already offering concessions that Microsoft, as well as all tech companies should be willing to follow to make sure everything is fair and open in the future of a metaverse.

He's basically giving regulatory agencies the easiest avenue possible to establish new regulatory policy, which just so happens to be a VERY big and long desired goal of the current FTC chairwoman Lina Khan, as well as her former boss Rohit Chopra (current consumer financial protection bureau chief).

She has spoken often about wanting to impose on the tech industry major rules through regulation going forward that will have lasting impacts and will be followed by all, and the CEO of Microsoft, one of the largest corporations in the world, has literally just gift wrapped for her a massive win for the FTC with Satya Nadella himself pledging his company's commitment to abide by it. If she wants a major win, all she has to do is take it. Microsoft's lawyers are some clever ass people. This isn't accidental what he did.


It's clearly like a digital universe, think playstation home version of the internet, but controlling IP and properties to allow you to do things in a virtual space that maybe others can't, and videogame companies are the best weapon to create such things. Hell, Microsoft has the best pieces for a "universe or metaverse, Bethesda, Blizzard" If someone is making an imaginary virtual game world version of the internet that people can freely move between and engage in, those are two of the best teams possible. And they will also get the Call of Duty team that made warzone. Notice even Halo Infinite is now a more open style of game. They also got Sea of Thieves from Rare. Obsidian builds worlds, too.

I think that's what they're thinking. A ready player one type world. Or like that movie with Ryan Reynolds where he's a videogame NPC, minus the purpose being to commit in-game crimes or whatever lol.
I think Wreck it Ralph did the metaverse better than Ready Player One. A shared hub space where you socialise and can enter different game worlds and have a persistent avatar with virtual items that can be used between all of them. Individual games have totally different art styles and physics models so it makes more sense to have them in their own distinct worlds rather than one single world where all the games are played within it. Even on a technical level, patching and updating games will be really weird and messy if they are not in their own sandboxes.


imagine if Microsoft starts going for single player publishers like Capcom, that would be problematic, doesnt matter whether they are third place or not.
The bigger problem would small studios. MS can buy 30 mini studios, and they wont reach bethesda sales.


I'm blocked by the paywall from reading. What's the context of the interview / statements? I can't shake the feeling this is part of a PR blitz. IMO, MS head calling itself a bit player just doesn't sound like something MS would say without something concerning they are trying to get ahead of. But on the other hand he needs to be careful when he speaks with them being publicly traded. So I can't dismiss it.

Still though, MS calling itself a bit player? What's next? Kim K saying her butt is average sized?


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
The bigger problem would small studios. MS can buy 30 mini studios, and they wont reach bethesda sales.
Microsoft will go for small studios AND big publishers, they are going to eat up every publisher and say "we are still in third place, no monopoly here"


I'm pretty sure many of them also said Xbox can't just spend Microsoft's money and buy whatever they want a few years ago. Here we are. They bought Activision. And they just acquired the keyboard I was using to type thi...leflsfaowia

Those shareholders would be burning Spencer at the stake for that $7.5 billion Zenimax deal remember 🤣

Then they spent $70 billion and no shareholder batted an eyelid.
Anyone with common sense who isn’t console warring knows this. This argument even gets more stupid considering Nintendo just posted their financials and they’re outselling everyone without that much or no third party support at all. Sony has strong financials as well. This anti trust non sense is just a narrative by Sony loyalists. Notice how no one ever shows concerns for why these games won’t be on Nintendo platforms it’s always Sony.


Gold Member
He's so wrong...so much. How do you get so talented?

Sony buying Bungie may be unpopular, but it's not an act of desperation. Every acquisition they have made seems to be a carefully cut puzzle piece for a plan they have yet to fully reveal. The trends are there. They buy folks they've had working relationships with. Even though Bungie was originally a Xbox developer in more recent times they've struck deals with Playstation. Maybe it was more Activision than Bungie, but by association it's still Bungie. Live services is not Playstation's forte. So Jimbo is dipping his toes in the water.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

"Just to compare and contrast, EA bought Respawn about three or four years ago for $700 million with 400 developers. And those guys generate $700 million a year in revenue. Bungie does about $200 million in revenue. So I think Sony vastly overpaid."

"I think this was a statement that [Sony's] not going to let Microsoft get ahead of [it], so [it'll] just buy something out of desperation," Pachter adds, in rather damning fashion. "It's not really a deal that makes a whole lot of sense to me," he concludes.

I don't think this was a reaction to the Activision deal by Microsoft, but I do think Bungie's price tag was over-inflated. Thoughts?

Patcher doesn't seem to understand how inflation works either.
Nintendo gonna Nintendo. Honestly... do they really need to acquire anyone? Nintendo fans are Nintendo fans because of the games Nintendo makes... they go else where if they want something else.

I don't know if ppl realize this, but Nintendo is EVEN more arrogant than arrogant Sony or arrogant Xbox ever was. I think ppl get fooled by the art style and games them make, but make no mistake that Nintendo is as cut throat as those other guys.
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imagine if Microsoft starts going for single player publishers like Capcom, that would be problematic, doesnt matter whether they are third place or not.
Even if they buy Capcom, they still won't reach the second place even in revenue.
And as mobile gaming market is growing - and it is growing and growing fast - with studios and publishers popping up left and right, it is not a big deal either.

Microsoft will go for small studios AND big publishers, they are going to eat up every publisher and say "we are still in third place, no monopoly here"
Eidos, Crystal Dynamics, IO, Avalanche, Sega, Capcom, lets go!
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What's clever as hell here is how he is already offering concessions that Microsoft, as well as all tech companies should be willing to follow to make sure everything is fair and open in the future of a metaverse.

He's basically giving regulatory agencies the easiest avenue possible to establish new regulatory policy, which just so happens to be a VERY big and long desired goal of the current FTC chairwoman Lina Khan, as well as her former boss Rohit Chopra (current consumer financial protection bureau chief).

She has spoken often about wanting to impose on the tech industry major rules through regulation going forward that will have lasting impacts and will be followed by all, and the CEO of Microsoft, one of the largest corporations in the world, has literally just gift wrapped for her a massive win for the FTC with Satya Nadella himself pledging his company's commitment to abide by it. If she wants a major win, all she has to do is take it. Microsoft's lawyers are some clever ass people. This isn't accidental what he did.
When large companies start talking about how they want more regulation it is because regulation serves not to restrict large corporations but to create a large enough barrier of entry to prevent any smaller competitors from entering the market.

Will be interesting to see what happens when Apple gets involved... they won't even let other companies use their messaging platform, they sure as fuck won't share their meta. Actually, this is probably what Microsoft has in mind - they want to make sure that if Apple ever wants to compete in the meta space they HAVE to allow compatibility.
I was reading Era and as you can see below, the narrative that Sony bought a huge publisher in the 90s is still getting spread by Xbox fans as if it was fact (that poster is one of the biggest fanboy on Era).

Psygnosis was a very small publisher without any big IPs. Wipeout was the only one that survive for awhile. The market was so small anyway, it is nothing compared with Bethesda/Activision. It was before the PS1, while MS bought 2 pubs in their 4th generation with tons of million-selling IPs. It is nothing alike.

Post in thread 'Jim Ryan says you should "expect more acquisitions" from PlayStation' https://www.resetera.com/threads/ji...sitions-from-playstation.546488/post-81357245

TBH I only read the ERA equivalents of these threads for the lulz most of the time. It's so funny seeing them tiptoe around things so they don't get banned. It's just really funny sometimes.

I'd agree in terms of scale the Psygnosis purchase isn't on the same level as Zenimax or certainly Activision/Blizzard, those parts are true. But at a fundamental level, they're of the same ilk. A publisher was acquired in both cases, regardless of their size, and they were for similar purpose. IMO I think making a comparison simply on scale is a bit moot because the market was a lot smaller back then and the largest publishers, relatively speaking, were smaller than a lot of the mid-sized publishers in the market today.

That said anybody making it like Psygnosis being purchased was a "death blow" to Sega is being ridiculous xD. They had maybe a handful of games on Sega systems at best before being acquired, the only one I can name off top of my head was Shadow of the Beast (an Amiga port).

I think the post said they had 40% of the UK market. I have no idea if that’s true but they were absolutely huge on the Amiga. Question is, how big were they after the Commodore days?

Oh yeah, definitely were pretty big on Amiga; I've seen some channels dig into their history and it's pretty extensive. But even in places like Europe, I always got the impression publishers like Ocean were quite bigger and more prolific.

Then again, that might be due to the fact Ocean loved to make licensed games. A lot.


Microsoft will go for small studios AND big publishers, they are going to eat up every publisher and say "we are still in third place, no monopoly here"
They would have to ditch console spaces before that. If they do it, then they wont be in the monopoly after that.

As long as they are in that market, there is risk of monopoly element after activision purchase.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Nintendo is the only platform holder who has guaranteed 30M+ sellers without dropping the price. Mario Kart 9 is gonna be one of the best selling games ever if it comes out on Switch.


We all knew Microsoft was going to push the narrative of we're so poor and small because the mobile market also counts, as if Call of Duty, Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo has any relevance in the mobile market.

Regardless, it's not the GAFers or the financial times reporter that Nadella needs to convince. It's the FTC and those guys don't give a rat's ass about the opinions of forum dwellers.

The problem for you is that Satya Nadella knows a whole lot more about the FTC’s processes and what they look out for than you do. And he’s clearly sounding VERY confident, with very logical arguments.

I suspect you will continue to hope in vain that this deal falls through.
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