Simple solution is don't buy them, no?
Obvious answer. Don't worry, I'm not going to until they release one single, complete collection of high value after MGSV like Square Enix did with FF and its 25th anniversary.
I'll wait 2017, they'll do something for the 30th anniversary. Hopefully something serious.
Not really, MGS4 has never been on any platform except ps3, tons of people have missed it, even if the only new addition to the collection was MGS4 it would be a worthwhile decision cause it allows a greater number of people to get caught up before MGSV comes out. Makes plenty of sense and is a smart decision to gear up people who have missed out (PC, Xbox) Definitely not worth getting pissed over, you don't have to buy it.
MGS1 has also never made it to an Xbox, I know a few people who enjoy MGS but have only played whats in the HD collection.
A collection for every addition is smart for Konami, not for us. As I said, I'm waiting for one, single, complete and well packaged collection. As a fan, it's the treatment I expect for such a historic franchise.
All these collections seem to have a very poor value to me. They can be good for the new players (more or less, there's always something missing..) but that's true for every collection or remaster done so far of games that are not even close to the importance of MGS.
MGS should be treated better, what I see is Konamy trying to suck everything out from it (and the fans) at every possible chance.