弊社所属俳優 大塚周夫 儀 (85歳が、平成27年1月15日 虚血性心不全の為 永眠いたしました。
Voice-actor, Chikao Otsuka, has passed away on the 15th of January due to heart failure. He was 85 years old. Father of Akio Otsuka.
Voice Role : Big Boss (MGS4)
RIP. Great voice of Big Boss. So cool they were actually able to get Akio's dad to play Big Boss.
if hayter and others were silent, cheeky, or cryptic about MGSV vo and the change to kiefer i could see the argument for hayter being in as a fun kojima surprise for fans. but they haven't been at all, everyone involved has been very candid about it. hayter has been extremely open about it. the idea that he would not only lie, but come up with excuses and talk about how much konami pays voice actors, and speak off the cuff about it etc etc is just silly
I just found out recently that Konami has a sketchy history with voice actors concerning the Silent Hill series so Hayter's explanation makes more and more sense.