Is this when someone suggests that we will play as Frank Jaeger?
Not me but i do think he will be a NPC that gives you new mission or maybe even be a buddy. We'll see...
Is this when someone suggests that we will play as Frank Jaeger?
If grey fox is in it I hope they dont turn him into a ninja wannabe with a sword just because he's turned into a ninja in mgs1
I like how Kojima does the MGS V trailers because they remind me of my favourite trailer.
Just with no CGI![]()
y u do dis Konami?
I can already see it.
Sent on a spec-ops mission to Mozambique. Have to gather some data or a POW or whatever. While sneaking through the base there, you find another tortured prisoner. Kaz tells you that you can save this person if you want. You go closer...
Cutscene triggers....
<A tortured soul>
If Gray Fox is in TPP, I'd put more money in him being the 3rd unique member of 'Those Who Don't Exist'
So far, we've got Volgin Mk.II, and TotallyNot!Mantis. And what looks to be like a super-cyborg squad of white-faced baldies.
Can't help but feel only two unique members of TWDE feels a little bit thin, even if it's buffered by the cyborg-squad. I feel like Kojima is hiding someone from the line-up of TWDE, and it's going to be Gray Fox.
But Gray Fox does exist. Wouldn't it make more sense to have dead characters like Volgin in that squad?
I'm assuming Mantis is some kind of boss fight later in the game here. Maybe he appears first during the hospital scene (unknown to Snake) and that's why Volgin appears. But later in the game he summons more of those illusions.
Kid Mantis better be a boss fight. This fight has so much potential to become one of the best boss fights ever.
Maybe he appears first during the hospital scene (unknown to Snake)
Well Snake sees him after the ambulance car crashed. He crawls out of the car and there he is with a helicopter behind him.
Oh right. But that's after the hospital. Just right after. So he probably doesn't know the kid "summoned" Volgin.
Oh right. But that's after the hospital. Just right after. So he probably doesn't know the kid "summoned" Volgin.
They probably know what they are running away from.
From the GZ tape, Skullfaces "crew" seems to be made of people who have survived death like himself.
Volgin, if it is Volgin, makes sense to be there(burn victim).
And I'm guessing Kojima can come up with a reason for Mantis to be there too.
I'm being pedantic but I'd use Dawg's word of 'illusion' over hallucination. It's got to be Mantis's doing.
Na, look what the did to Ocelots Revolvers.Well yeah but i rather have fake weapon names than having other stuff cut out because it's too expensive. I mean the weapon models are real but the names are fake... it would be nice but hey not a big deal to me.
My theory is that the soldiers are legit, but the Volgin, whale, flying horse and whatnot is obviously a Mantis illusion.
The impression I'm getting is that people heard Big Boss woke up. Maybe they have spies stationed in the hospital. And when they heard the news, they decided to kill him. Or extract him. So they sent in a team of soldiers with the help of one of their special agents, young Mantis.
No idea who 'they' is but maybe they want to cover this operation up and kill everyone they face in the hospital in their search for Big Boss. Leave no witnesses.
What if it's the KGB? Mantis was part of them, right?
I know I'm reaching here, but it seems plausible... kinda![]()
Na, look what the did to Ocelots Revolvers.
It is really stupid.
Na, look what the did to Ocelots Revolvers.
It is really stupid.
My theory is that the soldiers are legit, but the Volgin, whale, flying horse and whatnot is obviously a Mantis illusion.
The impression I'm getting is that people heard Big Boss woke up. Maybe they have spies stationed in the hospital. And when they heard the news, they decided to kill him. Or extract him. So they sent in a team of soldiers with the help of one of their special agents, young Mantis.
No idea who 'they' is but maybe they want to cover this operation up and kill everyone they face in the hospital in their search for Big Boss. Leave no witnesses.
What if it's the KGB? Mantis was part of them, right?
I know I'm reaching here, but it seems plausible... kinda![]()
Does he comment on them too?
That was a donation.In between them he has some insight and comments on them. I like Threedogg.
Man... on the second trailer for MGSV there is a ration sound in the middle haha. Never noticed that.
Kojima really knows how to pick the perfect song.
That was a donation.
Just watched the bit Sn4ke was talking about and, yes, almost everyone gets shot at except Big Boss.
But Big Boss also stands in the middleAnd you can't see whether or not the two or three guys left to him get shot too. The scene cuts too early.
I wouldn't take that scene as proof EVERYTHING is an illusion anyway. Imo, the soldiers actually look legit to me. I see a pretty big difference between Volgin and the soldiers shooting the patients.
Also, the main character miracelously not getting shot happens a lot. Both in videogames and movies.
Wait, why doesn't Ishmael help Snake?
There is a guy right in front of Snake that get's killed....
Mantis behind the soldiers.
He's not real, a hallucination from Kid Mantis or he's just in Big Boss mind.
How do you know Kid Mantis is not just mind controlling the soldier?
CSI-GAF is real
The fuck is going on in the chat lol.
Knight and drk so salty because Hayter is not Big Boss hahahha
This is what happens if we don't get any new information.
Sn4ke and myself... Kojima sent us to hell - but we're going even deeper...