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Metal Gear Community Thread: Made you wait, didn't I?

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i wish they would patch GZ so that the cutscenes are not blocked when you're streaming. it's been out almost a year now!

hope they don't pull that stunt with TPP as well.


Oh yeah I added a few people on PSN earlier.


I hope I didn't intimidate you. People usually think I'm an evil super villain dog, but the sad truth is that I'm actually the nicest guy around.

What I meant to say in my original post was that I was intimidated by Dawg and his wily ways...

I never knew you could draw, Chinner.


I have a question about MGS1.

The part when Maryl shows the path through the mines after you beat Psycho Mantis, I just walked around the mines by the walls.

Was that a developing miss or just Kojima trolling? :)


I have a question about MGS1.

The part when Maryl shows the path through the mines after you beat Psycho Mantis, I just walked around the mines by the walls.

Was that a developing miss or just Kojima trolling? :)

You can actually just walk straight ahead and not hit any mine, lol. And like you said hugging the wall (on the right side) also works.

I don't think that was intentional.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Boooooo my Metal Gear Legacy copy came today and it didn't have the art book, i just read that the art book only came with first print copies so yeah . In other news i spent like 5 hours playing MGS4 and those cutscenes are so so long.


Junior Member
Boooooo my Metal Gear Legacy copy came today and it didn't have the art book, i just read that the art book only came with first print copies so yeah . In other news i spent like 5 hours playing MGS4 and those cutscenes are so so long.

Get the popcorn out for most of the cutscenes.


He messed up. Sins of the Father came before Nuclear.

I think he sorted non-Konami licensed songs aside.

EDIT: Meaning that we might get a new Konami licensed song just like Sins of The Father if we follow the logic behind his schema.


Junior Member
This shit better come out in June (March was the dream but that ain't happening). I'm in my final semester of school and I'm not repeating this year because Kojima deemed it so. Knowing Kojima he'll want to be smart with the V/V/1V thing and release it then in the middle of finals season.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, sounds like a new story trailer with a new licensed song is near us. I'm hyped.
Ok, I've lurked around here long enough.

Welcome, brother!!

Can't wait to mess with Love Deterrence and Dawg's bases at every possible opportunity

I'm gonna have my base on LOCK, mate, come at me! (Gonna be awesome!)

Can't wait to own a ps4 in march to add snaku, LD, dawg and the rest of mgs-Gaf ;_;

Hell yeah, can't wait!

I'm also considering playing without markers or any other HUD elements, but that might be too much for a first playthrough

Considering this, as well!

Love , are you making the Resident Evil Remastered OT or are we going to stick with your Biohazard OT?

Gonna keep the current OT, but will update the text OT tomorrow!

Looks like Kojima is teasing a new song




I think we need a new MGS Main Theme since the old one is gone for good. The stuff out of Peace Walker was great and I was glad to see it back in Ground Zeroes.

I hope TPP keeps it around
Looks like Kojima is teasing a new song


I've loved all the story trailers for The Phantom Pain thus far, but is it just me who wishes Kojima would pick a different formula for this one? I'm a little disappointed he's going for the same kind of music choice as he has with the last three trailers.

I feel like we've had enough trailers with licensed songs or heck, even just ones using songs with lyrics. Not only do I think it would be nice to hear something from the OST for a change (new version of the main theme would be nice), but I also feel like - to help sell the storyline to a broader audience - they could do with a trailer for MGSV that is less 'music video' in style and has more narration/dialogue than what we've been getting thus far. I feel like Kojima opting for licensed songs with lyrics has probably been the biggest hindrance to this, if you watch the Sony version of the Nuclear trailer without the extended bit on the end, it actually has zero dialogue... ZERO! And the GDC and E3 trailers don't have much either.

I'm not saying to include scenes from spoilery parts of the game, rather it would be great just to have a traditional kind of trailer where we got to hear the characters rather than just images/lyrics... something like the Diamond Dogs trio (Big Boss, Ocelot and Kaz) simply talking about their situation, the state of the world and their goals and so forth, taken from tapes at the very beginning of the game and scenes of "infiltration" accompanying that. I've been watching some trailers for the older games and they would use dialogue from the beginning of the game like the "mission briefing" material to give a sense of what was going on, MGS4 had the "war has changed" speech in place of this that served the same purpose. None of these would constitute as "spoilers", and they give a good sense of what is going on and what everything is about even to people unfamiliar to the franchise.

I just really want the kind of trailer that I could show my friends who haven't played Peace Walker, and actually helps them understand the premise and want to jump into it rather than the older trailers which to them "looks awesome, but confusing" because they've been out of the loop. I do get what Kojima is doing by trying to show rather than tell, but I feel like just one of these kind of trailers is sorely needed for some people. I don't think Kojima can possibly top Sins of the Father in coolness factor anyway, so he might as well go for a trailer that serves a different kind of purpose. That's just me though, I guess. I'm almost assuredly going to love it either way!
In an effort to pass the time.....Who do y'all think will make appearances in TPP?

Rate on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being absolutely certain, and 1 being no chance at all.

Here are mine:

Liquid Snake - 10 ; Although not confirmed, all signs point to Eli being Liquid.

Solid Snake - 9 ; If Liquid is in there, we pretty much have to see Solid in some form during the game.
Don't mistake this for #TeamA support!

Hal Emmerich - 8 ; While he would only be a toddler in the beginning of TPP, Huey's involvement means that Hal may at least be referenced.

Eva - 8 ; Extremely important to the over-arching MGS plot, she almost has to make an appearance at some point, right?

Naomi Hunter - 7 ; The timelines seems to match up pretty well for TPP to cover the meeting of Naomi and Big Boss in Mozambique.

Grey Fox - 7 ; What goes for Naomi also goes for Gray Fox. Maybe we will also get to witness the back story of Frank and Naomi in Rhodesia.

Dr. Madnar - 7 ; He could be the doctor we see in the Cyprus hospital from the trailers. His expertise in cybernetics could have been used to fit BB with his new arm. He also developed bipedal technology of his own which could play a part.

Dr. Kio Marv - 6 ; Another possibility for the doctor we've seen in trailers.

Sniper Wolf - 5 ; It's possible that we could run into Sniper Wolf in the middle east. She was raised on the Kurdish battlefield, and was eventually recruited by BB. Somewhat depends on when she was actually born, as that seems up in the air.

Roy Campbell - 5 ; Hard to say what kind of role he could play, especially if the events of Portable Ops are not canon.

George Kasler -2 ; Doubtful, but would be another nice callback.

Feel free to add any more characters to the list and an explanation for your ratings.
Okay, here's mine:

Liquid Snake - 10 ; There is no way Eli isn't Liquid. He's in the game.

Solid Snake - 6 ; I don't think we have any reason to see Solid Snake as a child (he had no idea Liquid existed), but I also don't think Kojima can resist showing him in some shape or form to mirror the surprise ending of MGS4. Plus, everyone is expecting him to be referenced in some way, so Kojima would risk disappointing a lot of fans to not do something with him. It's an obligation at this point. I predict a time jump and someone who isn't Hayter voicing him, sadly. I think he will definitely be talked about, but not encountered in the main part of the story like Liquid is.

Hal Emmerich - 3 ; He will be referenced in conversations with Huey just like he was in the ending timelines of PW and GZ, but I see no reason for him to actually "appear" unless he's present for Huey's abduction and we witness it or something.

Eva - 5 ; It could go either way. Certainly isn't impossible she will appear given her importance, but I could just as easily see them never having met again after the whole thing with Zero and LET which would add to the tragedy of it. She even says the last time she saw him she knew him as "Naked Snake" and she was certainly very vague about Big Boss's activities after saying he formed a mercenary company, as if she didn't know exact details of what occured between that and Outer Heaven other than being told that Zero and Big Boss were at each other's throats but this was largely in part because Peace Walker wasn't written yet, I suppose.

Gray Fox & Naomi - 7 ; If they're in the game then I expect them to be together in Africa, just like the event referenced in MGS1 where they met Big Boss and took Naomi back to America. As for whether they're in this story I certainly think they should be considering the setting and everything overlaps, but from what we've seen Big Boss is in the wrong part of Africa that we're seeing and I could easily see them pushing it back as an event that happened in the late 80s if Kojima doesn't want him in the game for some reason. He'd have to elaborate on whether MPO happened, most likely lol

Dr. Kio Marv - 2 ; It was a big plot point in MG2 that the characters couldn't communicate with him because he didn't speak english. Big Boss is multilingual but apparently he has lost this ability after the accident and has to relearn other languages via game mechanics according to Kojima, so the design being similar to the Doctor in the hospital is probably coincidence.

Dr. Madnar - 5 ; This is more likely if they're setting up the first Metal Gear and he got a nod in MGS4. Plus, Big Boss's robot arm gives me Madnar-vibes for some reason,

Roy Campbell - 5 ; It's hard to say, I'd like to see him but I think Kojima said he retired the character after the japanese VA died.

Sniper Wolf - 4 ; She met Big Boss in the late 80s/early 90s. I think she will be referenced in the ending timeline, I don't think TPP's main story will go beyond 1984. If there's a time jump it will likely be an epilogue and focus on Solid Snake and Outer Heaven.

George Kasler - 0 ; I would love this but don't think there is any chance they will reference the MSX cast outside of Madnar.
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