Will respond to your post when at PC, Para11ax!
Yes! Go participate in the OT -- it's a ghost town in there. ;_;
It'll get lively when the title is changed.
Will respond to your post when at PC, Para11ax!
Yes! Go participate in the OT -- it's a ghost town in there. ;_;
In the words of one @davidbhayter, #letitgo
Never noticed this response. Well, that settles that.
Bring it on! I'm curious what many of you have to say on these characters. It's been so long since I've played many of these games, that I'm forced to reference the Wiki at times. ;_;Will respond to your post when at PC, Para11ax!
It'll get lively when the title is changed.
Bring it on! I'm curious what many of you have to say on these characters. It's been so long since I've played many of these games, that I'm forced to reference the Wiki at times. ;_;
I was wondering what you were talking about then...
I see that #TeamA is very selective on the tweets they choose to show.![]()
I just read a Google translation of the tweet regarding Kojima's songs -- he was indeed referring to trailer songs, so yes, the blank after "Sins of the Father" does represent a song that will be used in an upcoming trailer!
wasn't it used already?
I've loved all the story trailers for The Phantom Pain thus far, but is it just me who wishes Kojima would pick a different formula for this one? I'm a little disappointed he's going for the same kind of music choice as he has with the last three trailers.
I feel like we've had enough trailers with licensed songs or heck, even just ones using songs with lyrics. Not only do I think it would be nice to hear something from the OST for a change (new version of the main theme would be nice), but I also feel like - to help sell the storyline to a broader audience - they could do with a trailer for MGSV that is less 'music video' in style and has more narration/dialogue than what we've been getting thus far. I feel like Kojima opting for licensed songs with lyrics has probably been the biggest hindrance to this, if you watch the Sony version of the Nuclear trailer without the extended bit on the end, it actually has zero dialogue... ZERO! And the GDC and E3 trailers don't have much either.
I'm not saying to include scenes from spoilery parts of the game, rather it would be great just to have a traditional kind of trailer where we got to hear the characters rather than just images/lyrics... something like the Diamond Dogs trio (Big Boss, Ocelot and Kaz) simply talking about their situation, the state of the world and their goals and so forth, taken from tapes at the very beginning of the game and scenes of "infiltration" accompanying that. I've been watching some trailers for the older games and they would use dialogue from the beginning of the game like the "mission briefing" material to give a sense of what was going on, MGS4 had the "war has changed" speech in place of this that served the same purpose. None of these would constitute as "spoilers", and they give a good sense of what is going on and what everything is about even to people unfamiliar to the franchise.
I just really want the kind of trailer that I could show my friends who haven't played Peace Walker, and actually helps them understand the premise and want to jump into it rather than the older trailers which to them "looks awesome, but confusing" because they've been out of the loop. I do get what Kojima is doing by trying to show rather than tell, but I feel like just one of these kind of trailers is sorely needed for some people. I don't think Kojima can possibly top Sins of the Father in coolness factor anyway, so he might as well go for a trailer that serves a different kind of purpose. That's just me though, I guess. I'm almost assuredly going to love it either way!
How do you know?TPP marketing plan.
Purple pen -> purple ink -> octopuses -> enemy with Octopus codename in TPP![]()
TPP marketing plan.
How do you know?
How do you know?
TPP marketing plan.
What does any of this stuff mean?
What am I staring at with this sign?
Voice recording session.
What was used already? The blank after Sins of The Father?
yeah it's a real shame konami didn't want to pay to use real guns.Real guns are dead.Jim
Just finished replaying MGS2 tonite, so I'm going to go out on a limb and sayIn an effort to pass the time.....Who do y'all think will make appearances in TPP?
Rate on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being absolutely certain, and 1 being no chance at all.
I've loved all the story trailers for The Phantom Pain thus far, but is it just me who wishes Kojima would pick a different formula for this one? I
Real guns are dead.Jim
I would actually really dig a trailer in the style that Rockstar uses. For example, this Max Payne 3 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqjOXR9QnMo
and you can bet your sweet ass that there will be more than just a few weapons in the game, with a game this big....
Yup! Looks like not only will there be Peace Walker customization, but MGS4 in-depth customization as well -- if the iDroid concept video is anything to go by! (Not to mention that we've seen a bit of the customization options teased (camo patterns on guns and things of that nature)!
I'm getting hyped again... for the 31st....
I'm doing it again...
I'm getting hyped again... for the 31st....
I'm doing it again...
I would actually really dig a trailer in the style that Rockstar uses. For example, this Max Payne 3 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqjOXR9QnMo
This way, they could explain and preview mechanics that can show people who may not be familiar with MGS, how it plays and what they can expect, plus some of the usual MGS flair with hints of all the interesting ways you can tackle different situations.
I like how Kojima does the MGS V trailers because they remind me of my favourite trailer.
Just with no CGI![]()
What happened LD? Guess my idea didn't take off :/
y u do dis Konami?
y u do dis Konami?
I was wondering what you were talking about then...
I see that #TeamA is very selective on the tweets they choose to show.![]()
Kojima either has to retcon a lot, but...
Frank Jaeger killed Naomi's parents in 1979. During this time, Big Boss is still in a coma. Jeager would then adopt Naomi and care for her. At some point, Jaeger returned to Mozambique to fight in the civil war. He was captured there and tortured. But... he was saved by Big Boss.
Now, we don't know the exact time of "At some point" BUT... this happened before Big Boss met Naomi. I'm saying this because them meeting happened during the 1980s while Big Boss was in Mozambique.
Considering Big Boss rescuing Jaeger happens AFTER 1979 and SOMETIME during the 1980s BEFORE he met Naomi....
Well... unless Kojima is doing a huge retcon... I'm pretty confident there will be a Gray Fox rescue mission! "At some point" and "during the 1980s" is pretty vague enough to do both the rescue mission and the Naomi meeting in 1984, right?
"I'm pretty sure that the guys at Star Wars had the same issues," Kojima said through a translator. "When you try to write something that was supposed to be in the middle there will be some inconsistencies when you go into very small details."
"The most important part is writing something that is fun, something that is impressive, something that is better than it was before," Kojima said. "So sometimes in the interest of doing this, of having a better experience, we sacrifice some consistencies in the story. I hope the fans and players understand this, but I need to write the best we can, even if there are some small discrepancies."
Ya, I understand that. But maybe he's talking about stuff that isn't possible anymore and won't fit anymore because Big Boss was in a coma?
Thing is, in my opinion he was vague enough when talking about Naomi and Gray Fox. He didn't say exact dates. Because of this, IN MY OPINION, he can perfectly do the rescue mission of Gray Fox in Metal Gear Solid V. I mean... Gray Fox could be a big part of MGS V imo. I can't see Kojima dropping this ;_;
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Frank Jaeger will play a huge role in MGSV. Kojima loves that character to death and he always wanted to get him more in the spotlight.