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Metal Gear Community Thread: Made you wait, didn't I?

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Quiet wasn't the only thing Stefanie Joosten was modeled after.


Ishmael is not real. He's a product of Mantis, a mind control trick to persuade Big Boss to reach out to Ocelot. If Ishmael dies, it's only because Mantis wanted him to die and it's only happening in Boss' head. He has no physical appearance in the real world, only in Boss' subconscious. That being said, Mantis does not control the soldiers who kill those patients. Those soldiers were clearly sent by an unknown faction possibly XOF members. They killed everyone most likely because they didn't want to leave any witness behind.

Now the part that puzzled me the most is the fact that none of these soldiers saw Ishmael guiding Big Boss to every room we've seen them in. They clearly can't see Ishmael but Big Boss was there and it's hard to miss him. Did they intentionally avoid Big Boss? If they're after him, why avoid him? What are they really after? And when they finally find him, how the hell does Big Boss manage to escape? He was literally surrounded by several guns pointed at him. We see Ishmael holding a gun. If he really doesn't exist then he can't shoot at anyone since that gun too is part of Big Boss' subconscious. So what the hell is going on here?

Could be that Big Boss somehow got his hands on a gun and used it to kill some soldiers and escape. Like you said, Ishmael is not real. Could be that Big Boss is so traumatized that he's starting to project certain acts that he performs himself on "Ishmael" as a way of detaching himself from them. I could imagine a scene in TPP pain where Big Boss is talking about the medic having to open up Paz to remove a bomb and Kaz saying, "No, Boss, that was you. There was no medic in the chopper." Don't Ishmael and the medic have a very similar voice?
I'm actually hoping for a big one. Something along the lines of The Witcher 3. Big statue, lots of goodies. I want it all.

I don't get it. A part of me thinks that theyre second nature to me because I played the games a billion times but when I run the controls in my head, they really aren't THAT difficult. Id say that if you play MGS3 and don't have the controls down by the end of Virtuous Mission, then I'm not sure it's the games fault.
If someone never played mgs3 or games where you use R1 to aim and square to shoot, not to mention the fact that the aim and shoot is the same button, you have assume they won't have mastered the controls by the end of the virtuous mission. Yeah the controls are second nature for us, but we've played the games a "billion times" as you say. I do think people should attempt to master the controls before criticizing them.
Since the Kurdish massacre happened in the late 80s, it sucks that we most likely won't get to see Big Boss rescue Sniper Wolf.

Just imagine a scene where Big Boss rescues her and picks her up, with Enclosure playing. :(
Same here. Although, I do have The Legacy Collection (don't know if that counts).

But I'm going all out on MGSV. I might even triple dip (PS3/PS4/PC).

It does. ;)

I have been collecting Kojima merchandise since the MSX release of the original Metal Gear. It's a compulsion really, as Metal Gear stirred something in me to simply over-adore everything Hideo Kojima creates to the point of even buying t-shirts I won't wear. That means I have to buy all the Metal Gear merchandise, all the Snatcher stuff, all the Policenauts and Z.O.E. items, all the goofy Boktai and Tokimeki Memorial Drama stuff and even his obscure assistant director/producer releases like Penguin Adventure and Stock Trading Trainer. Now, I have to include Silent Hills, since he is directing that now/next. There are precious few items that I do not have - one of them is the MGS2 paperweight. It's a small, useless block of hard, clear plastic that has the MGS2 logo on it and the date the trailer was premiered. It's mind-numbingly inane but I still want it.

I always get overjoyed when he says "This is my last Metal Gear" or anything to that effect, since I will only collect items that are from games he directs [this wasn't always the case, but financially I have to set some boundaries and rules you know ;) ]

I sincerely hope that MGSV:TPP brings the Metal Gear saga full-circle so that Kojima can bow-out gracefully and with style - to finally work on all these titles that he says he's had in mind for years.

Who else here is a rabid Kojima collector?



Junior Member
I'm just glad I own the original versions of all the games. (with the exception of twin snakes) IP is on a different level.


Not port begging, but it would be nice if Konami re-released the HD Collection on PC.

As of now there is now way to play MG3 & PW on PC.


Junior Member
Not port begging, but it would be nice if Konami re-released the HD Collection on PC.

As of now there is now way to play MG3 & PW on PC.

I think they will. They realize people on PC are interested in the franchise and frankly they don't have many games to come out.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Looks like Kojima's english account is starting to translate his tweets now.




2/3rds of what I've got.



Looking at your stuff made me dig out most of mine:

Not shown are some of the old MacFarlane figures (unboxed) and Play Arts Solid, Meryl, and Liquid (unboxed). Also have a few issues of MGS1 comic not graded and almost the full run of MGS2 comic not graded. I want to get them graded but shits expensive :(
Also forgot to put Ground Zeroes in the pile lol


This probably means the 31st won't have a release date either then. (Which I wasnt expecting to happen) still hope for a new trailer/gameplay.

It seems a bit ridiculous to show more material without a date at this point. They've shown enough,
and it is assumed that the game is nearing completion. I seem the perfect time to introduce
the game with his cover and definite date.


Junior Member
The hell are you guys expecting. He's saying a release date won't be exclusively revealed on a Japanese only vidcast. Not next week and not 3 months from now.

I wonder if Miller & Bossu go their separate ways and Ocelot takes over the radio comms?

That also rules out the 31st since that will probably be in Chinese (maybe in English too). PAX East seems to most reasonable since that is in the US.

OR MAYBE...Konami will be like any other publisher and will announce the game randomly one day in a press release.
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