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Metal Gear Community Thread: Made you wait, didn't I?

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Pax east for some time period.
Only someone with a Twin Snakes avater would give such a soft prediction.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I popped a friend's Snake Eater cherry. Lent it to him a few weeks ago and he just finished. Can't wait to hear his thoughts.
Solid Snake - 10 ; Kojima said that he wasn't done with Solid Snake, and I don't believe he is, either.

Liquid Snake - 10 ; Eli, "Liquid man" on jacket seen in E3 2014 trailer, necklace made of jackal's teeth, and most importantly, gloves! Fits the profile and estimated age. "NOT SO SUBTLE LIQUID"

Eva - 10 ; Mother of Big Boss' sons. Mentioned in
Peace Walker
, she's bound to make an appearance in The Phantom Pain.

Johnny - 10 ; It's Metal Gear Solid. He's Johnny. We'll see Johnny.

Frank Jaeger (Gray Fox) - 9.99 ; Killed Naomi's parents during the Rhodesian Civil War. Rhodesia ring a bell? It should! Concept art and early Fox Engine demos feature a Rhodesian Ridgeback, the same dog used as the mascot for Snake's new unit, Diamond Dogs.


Solidus Snake (George Sears) - 9.5 ; Created from a "perfect balance" of dominant and recessive soldier genes that Big Boss possessed. Angered by the Les Enfants Terribles project, Big Boss left the Patriots, thus, the organization would need a figurehead to take Big Boss' place, so a perfect clone was created to fill the void left by the legendary hero once known as Naked Snake. He would go on to become the 43rd President of the United States. (Pertaining to one of the core themes of the game, Solidus raised child soldiers and created one critical to the series' lore, Raiden, whose likelihood of appearance we will get to in just a bit!)

Naomi Hunter - 9.5 ; You can head for the Happening Bunker, because it's happening! She perfected (and named) the assassination virus known as "FOXDIE." FOXDIE was on full display in Ground Zeroes during the Déjà Vu Extra Op. Why is this notable? Animations were created for those affected by the virus (Prisoners of War, or
- depending on which skin the player choose before starting the mission) -- backed by a full body capture. This tells me that we will see FOXDIE again in The Phantom Pain, and if that is indeed the case, there is no question Naomi - not only makes an appearance, but - has a strong presence in the game's narrative.

Para-Medic (Dr. Clark) - 9 ; Naomi's predecessor. One of the pioneers in gene therapy. Para-Medic is played a vital role in facilitating many of the notable timeline events that took place after Operation Snake Eater. As a founding member of the Patriots, chief of FOXHOUND's medical staff, and a key factor in the Les Enfants Terribles project, she is long overdue for an appearance.

Raiden (Jack) - 9 ; Adopted son of the aforementioned Solidus Snake, Raiden trained as a child soldier and became the killing machine known as the "White Devil." The protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2, Solid Snake's right hand man in Metal Gear Solid 4, and "Jack the Ripper" in Metal Gear Rising, Raiden will undoubtedly show up at some point in Metal Gear Solid V. Not to mention that he is a playable character in the game's prologue, Ground Zeroes!

Sergei Gurlukovich - 9 ; Gurlukovich served in the Soviet Armed Forces, and eventually rose to the rank of Colonel. He served as head of the Spetznaz during the Cold War, where he met his friend, who plays a gigantic role in The Phantom Pain, Revolver Ocelot. While Sergei himself may not be all that recognizable to those who loosely follow the series, his daughter probably is. I think he will be featured as a nod to fans and will partner with Ocelot at some point in the game.

Paz - 9 ; Flashback. Voice actress is in the booth, recording lines for The Phantom Pain.

Chico - 9 ; If my theory is correct, and (MAJOR GROUND ZEROES SPOILERS)
the helicopters somehow managed to avoid collision, then I believe Chico is still alive, as well. How long Chico survives in The Phantom Pain, however, is something I have my concerns about.
Oh, who am I kidding? 10 ; Chico is Quiet!

Donald Anderson (Sigint) - 8.5 ; A former member of FOX and an expert on weapons, equipment and cutting-edge technology. He was also a founding member of the Patriots, and later became the chief of DARPA. I believe Sigint will - not only be present in The Phantom Pain, but - also have some screen time due to his involvement in The Patriots' virtual control over the world. The DARPA Chief can also be found in the Ground Zeroes mission, "Déjà Vu."

Decoy Octopus - 8.5 ; Too many body double theories otu there for me not to believe that he'll be a part of Snake's new mission.

Strangelove - 8.5 ; The timing of her departure from MSF seems to be more than just coincidence. My guess is that she was either captured and used by XOF (or whoever) against Big Boss.
Huey's actions lead me to this conclusion.

Roy Campbell - 8 ; While determining which characters would and would not make an apperance, this has been - by far - the toughest call to make. As much of a lock I think he is, there is still a tiny bit of doubt that the Colonel won't appear in the upcoming game. His role will be determined by how "canon" Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops actually is. I guess I don't really question the likelihood of his appearance, but more so what kind of role he will play in The Phantom Pain. The "Excellent, Snake. Age hasn't slowed you down one bit." reference heard in Ground Zeroes leads me to believe that he will indeed show up sooner or later.

Kenneth Baker - 7.5 ; President of ArmsTech, one of the leading manufacturers in the arms industry during the Shadow Moses Incident. This is notable, because ArmsTech achieved rapid growth during the Cold War, the time period in which Metal Gear Solid V takes place. As is the case with the man he bribed to develop Metal Gear REX as a black project, Donald Anderson, Baker can be found in the Ground Zeroes mission, "Déjà Vu."

Notable technologies developed by ArmsTech:

  • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
  • Rail gun
  • Stealth camouflage
  • Stealth nuclear missile
  • Metal Gear REX
  • Hammerhead Canard/Rotor Wing
  • Sons of the Patriots System
  • Gekko
  • Dwarf Gekko

Amanda Valenciano Libre - 7 ; Depending on how Chico is holding up (or... not holding up) after Ground Zeroes, I think Amanda will be looking to exact revenge on the ones who hurt her brother.

Hal Emmerich (Otacon) - 5 ; This is dependent on a time-jump, but I'm ranking the likelihood of his appearance as highly as I am because he'll likely be shown off in a photograph by Huey over the course of the game.

Thoughts on Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake characters:
I believe that many of the characters in these games will be re-created in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I don't believe we will see 1:1 versions of these characters, for the most part, but do believe they will live on through new characters who take inspiration from those characters of the original titles. From everything I've gathered, it seems more and more likely that MGSV will distance itself (at least a bit) from the details of those games. So, I think we will see characters like Kio Marv and Dr. Madnar, but they won't be "themselves," if that makes any sense. I actually believe that the most likely returning character (who will be true to their MSX form) from either game will be Holly White. The reason I give this character the best chance (of all of the characters of the original titles) is because she has more backstory that fits in with what will be taking place during the events of The Phantom Pain. For context, she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her reporting on the wars in Afghanistan pre-Zanzibar Land Disturbance, and it seems like there will be plenty for her to cover in MGSV.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
If he didn't cry, he didn't like it.

Had he played any other Metal Gear games before this?

MGS1 when he was a kid.

He said he might play MGS2 but I'm going to insist he play MGS1 again first beforehand. Playing MGS2 before MGS1 is like starting on the sixth Harry Potter book.
Johnny - 10 ; It's Metal Gear Solid. He's Johnny. We'll see Johnny.
Yeah this one is such a certainty that I didn't even bother listing!

Solidus Snake (George Sears) - 9.5 ; Created from a "perfect balance" of dominant and recessive soldier genes that Big Boss possessed. Angered by the Les Enfants Terribles project, Big Boss left the Patriots, thus, the organization would need a figurehead to take Big Boss' place, so a perfect clone was created to fill the void left by the legendary hero once known as Naked Snake. He would go on to become the 43rd President of the United States. (Pertaining to one of the core themes of the game, Solidus raised child soldiers and created one critical to the series' lore, Raiden, whose likelihood of appearance we will get to in just a bit!)
How the hell did I miss Solidus?!?! He's probably my favorite MGS villain outside of Ocelot. The only thing is, since his cloning operation took place after solid/liquid's, he would be pretty young in TPP. I do have a feeling that this game will span beyond 1984 though...

Para-Medic (Dr. Clark) - 9 ; Naomi's predecessor. One of the pioneers in gene therapy. Para-Medic is played a vital role in facilitating many of the notable timeline events that took place after Operation Snake Eater. As a founding member of the Patriots, chief of FOXHOUND's medical staff, and a key factor in the Les Enfants Terribles project, she is long overdue for an appearance.

Donald Anderson (Sigint) - 8.5 ; A former member of FOX and an expert on weapons, equipment and cutting-edge technology. He was also a founding member of the Patriots, and later became the chief of DARPA. I believe Sigint will - not only be present in The Phantom Pain, but - also have some screen time due to his involvement in The Patriots' virtual control over the world. The DARPA Chief can also be found in the Ground Zeroes mission, "Déjà Vu."
I have no doubt that these two will make an appearance with their new found importance after MGS4.

Raiden (Jack) - 9 ; Adopted son of the aforementioned Solidus Snake, Raiden trained as a child soldier and became the killing machine known as the "White Devil." The protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2, Solid Snake's right hand man in Metal Gear Solid 4, and "Jack the Ripper" in Metal Gear Rising, Raiden will undoubtedly show up at some point in Metal Gear Solid V. Not to mention that he is a playable character in the game's prologue, Ground Zeroes!
I think Raiden was born in the 80's, so I doubt we will see him unless there is a time jump. It would be cool to see the Raiden/Solidus backstory, but they would both be too young.

Amanda Valenciano Libre - 7 ; Depending on how Chico is holding up (or... not holding up) after Ground Zeroes, I think Amanda will be looking to exact revenge on the ones who hurt her brother.
I definitely think she could play a significant role, especially after what happened in Ground Zeroes. Would be interesting how she handles it, and whether she blames BB/Miller for what happened.

Decoy Octopus - 8.5 ; Too many body double theories otu there for me not to believe that he'll be a part of Snake's new mission.
Body double theories? Do tell.

Strangelove - 8.5 ; The timing of her departure from MSF seems to be more than just coincidence. My guess is that she was either captured and used by XOF (or whoever) against Big Boss.
Huey's actions lead me to this conclusion.
It was definitely fishy how Strangelove conveniently disappeared right before shit hit the fan. It was hard to really tell where her allengiances lied in PW, and her connection to Huey could be interesting if done right.



QUICK! Analyze the photos hanging on the chopper's interior!

Judging by the uniform I'd say the photo at the top looks like Miller circa 1975, but it's too small to tell for sure... also Snake's left leg looks a bit weird, like it's too flat or something

God I really hope they show a trailer at the Taipei event so we can have something substantial to talk about, instead of losing our minds counting pixels


It is a TPP game check, though!

This is strange... might it be a part BEFORE the coma but AFTER camp omega?!

I mean, that is 100% GZ Big Boss. I can tell right away.



What if those photos are from his fallen comrades at mother base after Skull Face destroyed it?!
This is strange... might it be a part BEFORE the coma but AFTER camp omega?!

I mean, that is 100% GZ Big Boss. I can tell right away.

Remember that character skins have been confirmed! This could simply be another skin. ;-) Kojima says that Snake not having a prosthetic in that instance is a bug, but he's trolling!

Edit: Whoa, yeah! I can sort of see Chico in one of the pics, but I'm probably grasping. :-D
The heck is going on? that's clearly GZ Snake. Kojima says on twitter it's just a bug. Haha sure... the scars, the prosthetic arm and horn are gone ....what a troll.

the most logical explanation is that they put GZ snake model into TPP and haven't changed the head or the arm yet
Just played Ground Zeroes for the first time in ages on PS4. Got my first S rank yet. Felt good.

btw in the credits dialogue who is Skullface addressing? He says 'do you think your sacrifice was/is worth it?' Something along those lines.

Also do we know who recovered Snake, Miller etc after their chopper crashed? Unidentified choppers were seen in the area after the event.


Just played Ground Zeroes for the first time in ages on PS4. Got my first S rank yet. Felt good.

btw in the credits dialogue who is Skullface addressing? He says 'do you think your sacrifice was/is worth it?' Something along those lines.

Also do we know who recovered Snake, Miller etc after their chopper crashed? Unidentified choppers were seen in the area after the event.

It's well established canon that Hal Emmerich and Solid Snake travel back in time on the Forward Unto Dawn to save Big Boss in order to prevent a time paradox.
Just played Ground Zeroes for the first time in ages on PS4. Got my first S rank yet. Felt good.

btw in the credits dialogue who is Skullface addressing? He says 'do you think your sacrifice was/is worth it?' Something along those lines.

Also do we know who recovered Snake, Miller etc after their chopper crashed? Unidentified choppers were seen in the area after the event.

Unidentified choppers, imo, refers to XOF.

As for who recovered Snake/Miller, there should be other MSF survivors aside, realistically.
Just reading the posts above about returning characters. How did Solid Snake not ever think "damn, the President George Sears sure looks like Big Boss''.

Isn't Solidus supposed to be closest in appearance to him?


Just reading the posts above about returning characters. How did Solid Snake not ever think "damn, the President George Sears sure looks like Big Boss''.

Isn't Solidus supposed to be closest in appearance to him?

No patch

Solid probably went: "Huh, the new presidents really familiar somehow. I know! He's as handsome as me."
Just reading the posts above about returning characters. How did Solid Snake not ever think "damn, the President George Sears sure looks like Big Boss''.

Isn't Solidus supposed to be closest in appearance to him?

it may have occurred to him sometime between MGS1 and 2. but you have to remember, he didn't even know he was a clone until the events of MGS1.
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