Makes sense since Jay Tavarre just got done with his a couple of weeks ago.
Source pls? all i know is he spent another weekend in the recording booth.
Makes sense since Jay Tavarre just got done with his a couple of weeks ago.
Source pls? all i know is he spent another weekend in the recording booth.
source was my heart. I tell myself all the time they're done recording(and I didn't know he was tweeting about recording more)
I really love the MSF suit. But yeah, looks like a few things aren't up to date in that pic.bigger
The heck is going on? that's clearly GZ Snake. Kojima says on twitter it's just a bug. Haha sure... the scars, the prosthetic arm and horn are gone ....what a troll.
Has it been confirmed that the suit will be an available item for those who purchased GZ?
Just reading the posts above about returning characters. How did Solid Snake not ever think "damn, the President George Sears sure looks like Big Boss''.
Isn't Solidus supposed to be closest in appearance to him?
Snake looks like Big Boss. Big Boss looks like The Boss. The Boss looks like Kiefer.
I think he's trolling about it being a bug or the horn/robot arm disappearing, he probably knows by now how we all overanalyze things and is having fun lol.
I think it's that unlockable GZ sneaking suit they said you get for TPP if you owned GZ. But, instead of it being a literal "costume" that Snake can wear in his TPP condition, it's actually more of a non-canon "skin" replacement, removing the ponytail, robot arm and horn in favour of his actual GZ look.
That could be cool or disappointing depending on how you look at it... I know on the PC (version I'm playing) this would have been easily accomplished by just model swapping. I might have preferred an actual costume to see how TPP Snake would look in that sneaking suit. Ah well.
Please no more Solid Snake inspired side ops. The Deja Vu mission was cool but it was a blasphemous to be playing as Big Boss.
Awesome. I sure hope KojiPro adds in the prosthetic arm, scars, etc.Yup! I believe the GZ Sneaking Suit is for anyone who owns GZ. The other stuff comes from completing the game, its objectives, and attaining 100% completion.
I want Deja Vu - Part II (Mother Base as Big Shell), Part III (Africa Jungle as Tselinoyarsk) and Part IV (Afghanistan Desert as Middle East)!
Only if I get a Raiden and Old Snake skin with original voice samples from MGS2 ,3, and 4.
Might really be a bug since he posted the same picture before that but with the prosthetic. Anyhow, it seems that TPP will have GZ sneaking suit as a choice but then again, the suit shouldn't alter his physical appearances such as his horn and prosthetic.
oh and I don't know if you noticed but Kojima came up with a story while working out at the gym. Last time he came up with something were ideas for making the E3 2014 trailer.
I remember that. Are you saying he said he got an idea for the new trailer again while at the gym on twitter?
He said he came up with a story. Story for what, I don't know.
I hope he's just trolling
OH, MY! "Coincidence?: The Game"
How is it possible that Ken doesn't know about the Tapei game show next week?
That was a very stupid question to ask.
That was a very stupid question to ask.
and even more stupid to answer it![]()
I'm surprised he dignified it with a response lol.
It's been confirmed from a reliable source that Kojima is coming in person, right? Strange. I think I remember one time Ken was being coy about whether he was attending one of these events (think it might have Gamescom) because the announcement of Kojima coming wasn't official yet. Maybe he doesn't realize the info is out there and he doesn't want to slip up and reveal Kojima is going too soon.
Or it could just mean nothing is happening, as usual lol
I enjoy discussing Metal Gear theories but when it's as dumb as this and "Chico is Quiet" then it gets really really annoying.
Kojima seems to torture us every other day on twitter.
He's not done yet. Expect more.
He's probably done for the day right? What's the time difference between Japan and the US?
14 hours from Eastern time.
It's 3:12am in Tokyo.
Ahh we'll get some more tweets later on then. Gotta love kojima
I hope Konami will release a Big Boss Trilogy (MGS3 - PW - MGSV) and a Solid Snake Trilogy (MGS1 - MGS2 - MGS4)
And an ultimate collection with both.
Would be great.
How is it possible that Ken doesn't know about the Tapei game show next week?