I take it, no one can translate this right?
JunkerHQ! Get on this shit!
I needed to go to watch the clip since I can hear, but not read well (because of Kanji)
First one is just explanation about the Taipei game show. History, date, number of visitors, etc.
Second one is in Chinese. It says that there will be stage event on 31st.
By the way the host said there is no live streaming for the Taipei event. So they will record clips and show them at the next Kojima Station.
Thanks to raven777
No live stream D:
I rubbed my balls on it for good measure and Kojima felt it up with his fingers. He and I are now one...
Thanks to raven777
No live stream D:
The next Kojima Station is February 12th. We're going to have to wait till then to see new footage if there is any? Please no!
He's testing the english version too. I heard Ocelot saying "Your suppressor ran out".
-im not anybody's weapon anymore
-where is the skull, tell me!
The Winter Snake.
.i'd be onboard with a solid snake voiced by david hayter with that voice. it sounds pretty good. it's still not going to happen
Shy and RoyalDuke added. I won't update these images quickly anymore. So anyone who wants to be added on Rex or Ray, I'll gather as much people together as possible and then update it in a few hours.
I'm currently playing through GZ on PS4 (I've played the PS3 version already), and last night I was playing the mission where you rescue Kojima. I was going for a non-lethal run for the trophy, but I was unable to kill the last guy in the helicopter. Every time I shot him with the non-lethal revolver, there was no reaction from him at all - it was as if his hit detection was broken. This happened multiple times, and I eventually pulled out my rifle to see if real bullets would work... he went down easily. I did it successfully on the PS3 ages ago but can't remember if this happened... Is it a glitch?
lol, didn't Tora handle it as well. I hope he's ok with touching your balls. I do feel validated seeing it up on the wall though.Do you have any fucking idea how awesome it is to know that shit is hanging up in the KP offices? An awesome joint effort by everyone here. Especially cool for me since I physically held and sent it to the Big Boss himself!!
I rubbed my balls on it for good measure and Kojima felt it up with his fingers. He and I are now one...
Can someone redirect me to the google docs so I can add my name to the contact list? I seem to be unable to access it...or rather I just don't know how.
Quote the first post. It shows up in that quote near the top.
I am but it just appears blank for me
On the latest episode of weekly webcast Kojima Station, Kojima Productions teased the release date for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is nearing its announcement.
I know youve all been eagerly await for word on releasing timing, a Kojima Productions spokesperson said during the broadcast. I think we should be able to announce that soon, so look forward to that. Its only a little longer.
As far as upcoming events go, The Phantom Pain will be at the Taipei Game Show on January 31 with new information.
In terms of development, The Phantom Pain is currently just before the bug check phase, as the team is currently adjusting some of the games newly introduced elements.
Additionally, if you watch the video below from 27:50, youll see a bit of new footage showing added hiding spots (like a simple porta potty) and voice adjustments.
Read more at http://gematsu.com/2015/01/metal-ge...date-nearing-announcement#cJmIREHvOXuHbO3D.99
Development approaching the bug check phase.
On the latest episode of weekly webcast Kojima Station, Kojima Productions teased the release date for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is nearing its announcement.
I know youve all been eagerly await for word on releasing timing, a Kojima Productions spokesperson said during the broadcast. I think we should be able to announce that soon, so look forward to that. Its only a little longer.
As far as upcoming events go, The Phantom Pain will be at the Taipei Game Show on January 31 with new information.
In terms of development, The Phantom Pain is currently just before the bug check phase, as the team is currently adjusting some of the games newly introduced elements.
I felt the complete opposite.
His origin story kind of ruined the mystery surrounding BB. He wasn't bad ass at all in MGS3. He was the stereotypical anime protagonist: always hungry, very stupid alot of the time, knows everything about 1 particular subject but seems ignorant about everything else.
He was too goofy for me. I only started to like his character after he completed his mission.
I think the difference is you can always be assured Solid Snake is going to be altruistic. He will sacrifice himself for the greater good. Big Boss had a downfall we knew from the beginning, but there was a mystery still to unravel.
But you can't tell me Solid Snake isn't max badass, just play the ending of MGS2. You are a naked, shivering pretty boy and he is back in his tanker suit, with an infinite ammo headband, and an arsenal of guns. He gives you a freaking katana. He's supposed to make you feel weak and lame by comparison because he is the ultimate hero. I think that's pretty epic.
I like GZ a lot, and I'm a old MGS dude
But I always had fun on doing non-lethal runs, so it's not really a problem, for me.
After all, is a stealth game, not a TPS.
I did several streams on Steam, but now I uninstalled the game.
It's not so much a matter of what I think is better. I recognize this as the magnum opus of gameplay. It's incredibly refined and presents you with nearly unending approaches to every situation. I just constantly find myself being spotted, hiding, maiming soldiers, and then getting graded poorly at the end. Where the other games gave you both options this one is chastising me at the end of my runs. And while it hurts deep, I'm perfectly pleased with that mechanic.
It will just be a matter of time before I have more character awareness. Oh, and patience. I know I'll learn because I know it's fun. It's just going to take work. Thanks for the speedy response, my friend.
Wait-- I went to sleep, and missed GAMEPLAY?! DAFUQ WAS I THINKING? AGH!!!!
It's not so much a matter of what I think is better. I recognize this as the magnum opus of gameplay. It's incredibly refined and presents you with nearly unending approaches to every situation. I just constantly find myself being spotted, hiding, maiming soldiers, and then getting graded poorly at the end. Where the other games gave you both options this one is chastising me at the end of my runs. And while it hurts deep, I'm perfectly pleased with that mechanic.
It will just be a matter of time before I have more character awareness. Oh, and patience. I know I'll learn because I know it's fun. It's just going to take work. Thanks for the speedy response, my friend.
I think thats why i was so upset at MGS2. After the tanker Snake is pretty amazing. Then you get to play as Raiden. Who is alright, but can't measure up to SS. I felt i was missing out on all the cool parts. Just the raspy voice of Flynn in the elevator sent a bad vibe of "who the hell is this guy? this is not SS!!"
I agree tho... i think SS has a very linear view of what needs to be done. BB found a lot of murky areas and decided wrong, leading to his downfall. A whole lot more interesting as a character trait than SS imo. Even then tho. i love all the characters shown, and i am very excited to see what BB does in this one. His relation to a lot of motherbase. I dunno about you guys, but i thought the stories of Paz about BB back on motherbase were pretty awesome. I hope they can illustrate that in the game.
There is a lot of time spent humanizing Solid Snake over the course of his respective titles. They give you a rough, tortured exterior and then over time add layers of "Oh yeah, he's a real dude. He wants to submerge himself in passion, like sledding. He want's love, but doesn't know if maybe he's just too messed up from the things he's seen. He wants friends, but most people just see a legend and it constantly dehumanizes him." But at the end of the day he's going to be the hero because that's who he is. No matter if it's the Patriots, Liquid, Ocelot, Big Boss, no matter what tactics they take to discredit him, he will be there missiles blazing because that's SS's character.
Big Boss, on the other hand, is humanized out the gate. Pain of betrayal from the only one he trusted, who beats the ever-living shit out of him twice in the first hour or two, just to show that, no, this isn't the legend we've heard about. Or at least not yet. We know he's going to make mistakes and we know they are actually an attempt for a greater good.
But we all make misjudgements. I think this makes Big Boss a far more relatable character than Solid Snake because we get to feel a separate scope of emotions following his story. We get a mostly naive BB in MGS3 while we start with a mostly damaged SS with MGS1. BB is a story about becoming hardened, while SS is more of a story of adding human layers to something already jaded. Their emotional progressions almost mirror each others.
That's why the cemetery scene is so excellent in MGS4. It's pretty much BB admitting that SS's resolve was what the world really needed and we end with SS finally getting the retired life he deserved.
Also, on a side note. Is anybody else a seasoned Metal Gear veteran and just piss awful at GZ? I think it's because I always embraced the action hero mentality of the games, and never did non-lethal challenges. I liked being a murder machine. I'm not saying I like stealth any less, I just started MGS1 in '98 when I was freaking 7 and was never really forced to relearn to play until 4, which I only played through once. Now I'm just plain BAD at GZ.
I think I need to watch a stream of someone to get the rhythm. Does anyone here do a stream or have a good video to suggest?
Announcement of the follow up?