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Metal Gear Community Thread: Made you wait, didn't I?

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so its happening?
SOON! lol
I definitely needed some time to get used to GZ because of the open world, new control scheme and the enhanced enemy ai and vision (especially during daylight, holy shit). It feels like a very different game. But now I'm quite good at the game and can "speedrun" most missions consistently while getting S rank.The older MGS games you could learn the enemy placement and guard routine very quickly, because of the more linear design. In MGSV everything seems more dynamic and you need to be improvise more it seems.

And killing enemies in MGS always felt very unnatural to me. I rarely did that in previous games. Even now, when I want to just mess around in Camp Omega I still use non lethal weapons.

i'm definitely in the minority on this one, but i like to stealth around and murder. team predator


i'm definitely in the minority on this one, but i like to stealth around and murder. team predator

I actually wish the game had more benefits for choosing either playstyle. Maybe TPP will, specially when you will be developing items and gadgets and what not.

Splinter Cell Blacklist did this really well. Man, i miss that game. I actually wanted MGS to be more like Blacklist, and with GZ i am all satisfied they surpassed Blacklist.


so its happening?

I love it when I get grabbed like that.


I actually wish the game had more benefits for choosing either playstyle. Maybe TPP will, specially when you will be developing items and gadgets and what not.

Splinter Cell Blacklist did this really well. Man, i miss that game. I actually wanted MGS to be more like Blacklist, and with GZ i am all satisfied they surpassed Blacklist.

I'm glad the game penalizes the player for killing enemies. I actually think TPP should be more strict with it's rating (for getting an S rank).

Haven't you guys learned anything from The Sorrow bossfight? :<


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
a staff member from Kojima Productions just tweeted this to Kojima.

One of the solution has been seen in the words of Liquid Ocelot. Liquid has been figuratively as "wildfire" the control with the aim of "patriots". Then, oversees the MGSV is now has been referred to as a "demon planning". Therefore, fire everywhere trailer, and had been the director of the burn, whether with.


I'm glad the game penalizes the player for killing enemies. I actually think TPP should be more strict with it's rating (for getting an S rank).

Haven't you guys learned anything from The Sorrow bossfight? :<

Maybe not penalized by a number. But by something happening in the game. Thats why the sorrow is so good.
Even the guy you ate is in there telling you you ate him. YOU HUNGRY BASTARD!
a staff member from Kojima Productions just tweeted this to Kojima.

So is that KJP guy trying to say that "Liquid" (whether it be Liquid Ocelot or Liquid Snake) has always sort of represented chaos/anarchy in the series, like a fire that gets out of control (wildfire), in contrast to the Patriots sense of "order" and preventing free will? But then MGSV is all about that sort of chaos and men falling into madness, hence all the demon and fire imagery in the trailers?

Something like that, maybe? I wonder what that says about Eli's role in TPP. Maybe he will be represented as kind of an anti-christ figure seeing as "Liquid" is literally the son of Big Boss (a "demon") who will one day seek to bring the world to ruin and the need to be stopped? So no matter what evil acts Big Boss or anyone else does, it ultimately culminates into Liquid's evil deeds. Even though he "dies" and it's really Ocelot playing out his intentions in MGS2 and MGS4... ugh, I don't know what I'm talking about lol.

Sn4ku, please link the actual tweet. I'll see if JunkerHQ can give us a better translation lol
It's hilarious to me how many cues Kojima has taken from George Lucas but his prequel saga is arguably better then his Original Saga. MGS started out as Snake's story and over the years it's evolved into a Tale of Big Boss' rise, fall and redemption.


This is all so fucking cool. Walmart advertising that they're taking preorders for Phantom Pain, now this. How long do you think Yong's analysis from the Kojima Station gameplay will be?
Okay, so this is interesting... according to JunkerHQ in the Japanese Version of MGSV the line about "Pain gets the better of us all" that Skull Face quotes from Big Boss in PW is different in the japanese version. So in that version he doesn't say the same thing as Big Boss. However, in the japanese version Skull Face's "growing up means choosing how you're going to live your life"which is also quoting Big Boss in PW IS still the same in japanese.

So is them using the same phrases a coincidence or not...? Maybe it's intentional, but the localizer thought it would be neat to do it a second time in the english version just to hammer in the point? I don't know. The second line really loses it's creepy appeal the minute you're not hearing the POW say Skull Face used Big Boss's words. That disappoints me.



Junior Member
I find it hilarious that they're working on bug testing prior to the release date announcement. 343i could learn a lot from Kojipro.

Kojima is really the only developer who can get as much time as he wants on his games. The reason all these games are bonkers is that they're given very strict time schedules and publishers don't want to budge on their holiday release dates.


Kojima is really the only developer who can get as much time as he wants on his games. The reason all these games are bonkers is that they're given very strict time schedules and publishers don't want to budge on their holiday release dates.

Off topic: I haven't been hanging around Halo Gaf lately, but have you heard they're beta testing their new patch? Holy shit.


Junior Member
Off topic: I haven't been hanging around Halo Gaf lately, but have you heard they're beta testing their new patch? Holy shit.

That practice is usually fairly common on PC. This is the first time I've seen it happen on consoles. I haven't played the game since December because I was getting too frustrated with the matchmaking. Maybe this will get fixed before Halo 5 comes out but who knows at this point.


So i forget if this has been mentioned. But MGO will be releasing at the same time as TPP? or will it be an add on that will come later?


So i forget if this has been mentioned. But MGO will be releasing at the same time as TPP? or will it be an add on that will come later?

They've stated that their intention is to release them side by side. It hasn't been determined if this will be the case though. Either way, it will be free to those that purchase Phantom Pain.

I've been watching this thread for a quite some time. Then decided to sign up, but I did not know that I need to wait for account validation. And after validation I decided to say hello to MGS-GAF (best gaming community I've ever seen!).

I am MGS fan since the Shadow Moses incident. I play all canon Metal Gear games every year. And now I am so hyped for V and I am prety sure that it will be the best in the series!

Btw, yesterday bought PS4 and the only game there is right now is GZ :3 (played it already on PS3 and PC)



I've been watching this thread for a quite some time. Then decided to sign up, but I did not know that I need to wait for account validation. And after validation I decided to say hello to MGS-GAF (best gaming community I've ever seen!).

I am MGS fan since the Shadow Moses incident. I play all canon Metal Gear games every year. And now I am so hyped for V and I am prety sure that it will be the best in the series!

Btw, yesterday bought PS4 and the only game there is right now is GZ :3 (played it already on PS3 and PC)

Welcome to Outer Gaf (coining this)



I've been watching this thread for a quite some time. Then decided to sign up, but I did not know that I need to wait for account validation. And after validation I decided to say hello to MGS-GAF (best gaming community I've ever seen!).

I am MGS fan since the Shadow Moses incident. I play all canon Metal Gear games every year. And now I am so hyped for V and I am prety sure that it will be the best in the series!

Btw, yesterday bought PS4 and the only game there is right now is GZ :3 (played it already on PS3 and PC)


I am sure you are ready to write about speculation and crazy theories like everyone else. :D


I've been watching this thread for a quite some time. Then decided to sign up, but I did not know that I need to wait for account validation. And after validation I decided to say hello to MGS-GAF (best gaming community I've ever seen!).

I am MGS fan since the Shadow Moses incident. I play all canon Metal Gear games every year. And now I am so hyped for V and I am prety sure that it will be the best in the series!

Btw, yesterday bought PS4 and the only game there is right now is GZ :3 (played it already on PS3 and PC)

Hail, brother!

I've been watching the community with nary a post in the thread until today. We're all Diamond Dogs now. I double dipped as well, though your triple dippage is awesome!

Can anyone with good shop skills make me avatar: Kuma (Teddie) from Persona 4 with eyepatch and shrapnel in his head like Big Boss or Sponge Bob with the same accessories?

Juicy Bob

Guys, I've FINALLY caught up with MGS Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes after being on a blackout of those games until this week when I FINALLY got to fucking play them.

I'm no longer behind! I can suddenly watch TPP trailers and read MGS threads! I'm so fucking hyped, you wouldn't believe it!

EDIT: Fuck it. I'm going to go and watch that crazy bandage face developer interview video for the first time...


Guys, I've FINALLY caught up with MGS Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes after being on a blackout of those games until this week when I FINALLY got to fucking play them.

I'm no longer behind! I can suddenly watch TPP trailers and read MGS threads! I'm so fucking hyped, you wouldn't believe it!

EDIT: Fuck it. I'm going to go and watch that crazy bandage face developer interview video for the first time...

Haha awesome.
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