What was Outer Gafs first Metal Gear game?
Mine was Metal Gear Solid
I might have played a cellphone version of AC!D before that(or was it after?), but thats kinda hazy because I only tried 1 or 2 levels.
MGS on PS1 was the first.
Must've played that game over 20 times over and over.
Later was excited for MGS2, but i got to play the tanker level demo. Must've played that demo for hrs and hrs. MGS2 came out. i only played that 3 times. lol. Didn't quite like it.
Was skeptical about MGS3. Bought it. Loved it.
Bought MGS2 for Xbox since it was a special edition, and then bought the special edition of MGS3 with the camera fixes. Must've played through 3 20 times.
It was around here when Twin Snakes came out i think. Got that. Love MGS1, but i didn't think the new direction for Snake circus stunts fits him all that much. But i do love the updated look and gameplay. Plus... using a GC controller. Its awesome.
MGS4 is the only MGS that i have played only twice. I have tried to play it more than that, but i never go through with it. Dunno why. I did get to play the original NES titles on it as well. Not a big fan of them.
After i think i got to play the PSP versions. All in order.
Peace Walker
Peace Walker is an amazing game. Only played that once.
Around this time i bought MGS HD on ps3, and purchased MGS3 and PeaceWalker on Vita as well.
Hmm... then Ground Zeroes. That one i have played multiple times. On PS4... recently on PC.
And now... i wait for TPP. I will get it on PS4 and PC + Special Edition. It will be awesome.
No wonder Kojima can stay in business. I think i have purchased every single release of his MGS games. He can rerelease a game on a platform and i will buy it. Like Mel Gibson in that conspiracy theory movie buying Catcher in the Rye.