Stahp. VR theory ok, but after MGS2 nonsense stahp.
Isnt the VR theory and the MGS 2 theory one of the same though? All I added was the whole Cambell/Skullface thing?
Stahp. VR theory ok, but after MGS2 nonsense stahp.
Dude, have you slept yet?
Not, my best work though, I might actually update it, once I get some sleep, because it ain't really a cocktease right?
Theory: What if Metal Gear Solid V picks up where Metal Gear Solid 2 ended? There are many theories about Ground Zeroes being a VR simulation but what people fail to realize is Skullface. During Metal Gear Solid 2 the Patriot AI that was mimicking Cambell began to take the shape of a Skull, which could be described as a "Skullface". Could MGS V really be a true sequel that takes place after MGS 4 or atleast 2? This is supposedly Kojima's last Metal Gear game, and Kojima has basically wrapped everything up except the Patriot's AI.
this has been a theory for every MGS game since 2, not.gonna.happen.
Stahp. VR theory ok, but after MGS2 nonsense stahp.
I slept for around 4 hours.
Isnt the VR theory and the MGS 2 theory one of the same though? All I added was the whole Cambell/Skullface thing?
Isnt the VR theory and the MGS 2 theory one of the same though? All I added was the whole Cambell/Skullface thing?
JayEH is Kojima.
I think the development of VR will at least be mentioned in Phantom Pain, but as an important plot point? I don't think so. People tend to hate that "it was all a dream" nonsense.
But doesnt Kojima love to tick us off? :3
I think the development of VR will at least be mentioned in Phantom Pain, but as an important plot point? I don't think so. People tend to hate that "it was all a dream" nonsense.
Can someone help me identify what Music/Sound Effects these "voices" are called?
My list for game of the generation so far is:
1. MGS3
2. MGS2
I may add others but I didn't play many games during the PS2 era. (Though I guess I didn't play MGS until '09).
Can someone help me identify what Music/Sound Effects these "voices" are called?
Sound effects?
That's Gray Fox chanting names of train stations in Japan. When the Colonel AI in MGS2 starts to go mad he repeats the same names really fast as does the Mammal Pod in Peace Walker when you remove enough AI parts.
The list is only counted if you include three games!
3. (Tentative) DMC3: Special Edition
Shit, I can't believe I didn't mention DMC1. That game was INCREDIBLE at the time. I haven't played it for years. I wonder if still holds up.
Shit, I can't believe I didn't mention DMC1. That game was INCREDIBLE at the time. I haven't played it for years. I wonder if still holds up.
It does. Played it 2 weeks ago. Some things are dated though like the weapon switching and checkpoint system.
Truth be told, I never played DMC3. Should I pick up the HD Collection?
Truth be told, I never played DMC3. Should I pick up the HD Collection?
I'm going on a shopping spree when I get my tax return. I guess you've convinced me to add that to my list.
Truth be told, I never played DMC3. Should I pick up the HD Collection?
I'm going on a shopping spree when I get my tax return. I guess you've convinced me to add that to my list.
3. (Tentative) DMC3: Special Edition
Have you a PS2? If yes, then not.
HD collection is pretty good but it has some flaws like all the menus still being a a 4:3 aspect ratio.
DMC3 is absolutely incredible. It's worth picking it up just for that.
go get it man. DMC3 is the best entry in the series. Hands down. Anyone who disagrees, i can fight.
Kinda jealous tho. You get to play through 3.
I dunno if the HD version is any good. I bought it on steam and i dunn think it plays well. So i just keep my ps2 version handy.
I don't have a ps2 so I'm going to just bite the bullet. God, remember when ps2 graphics were absolutely awe inspiring?
PS2 is the way to go. Maybe emulate it? As long as you can play it with a controller. Steam version looks great. But i didn't look too much into controller support.
HD collection is fine and for the price of DMC3 for PS2 he can get allthreetwo games in the series.
Was the Chico is Quiet theory a serious theory? Like did someone actually believe that and say "Yes this sounds like it is possible"? I thought it was a troll but I saw it a couple of other places and now I'm not so sure.
Was the Chico is Quiet theory a serious theory? Like did someone actually believe that and say "Yes this sounds like it is possible"? I thought it was a troll but I saw it a couple of other places and now I'm not so sure.
Some of the arguments sound very compelling. But no way he can be Quiet.
Well, why don't you tell me?
Yes, it's real.
Was the Chico is Quiet theory a serious theory? Like did someone actually believe that and say "Yes this sounds like it is possible"? I thought it was a troll but I saw it a couple of other places and now I'm not so sure.
I think it started as a troll theory on 4chan, but then it spread to other sites and people began to take it seriously. Personally I don't think it was that far-fetched and it sounded like something Kojima would do, but anyway they have already confirmed Chico isn't Quiet.
It was debunked? i missed this. Source?
Kojima Station, even Stefanie Joosten tried to cover up this fucking masterful vision of Kojima's - despite it being totally true.
Would you still love Quiet knowing that she had sausage some time ago?
Kojima Station, even Stefanie Joosten debunked this fucking stupid theory.
Would you still love Quiet knowing that she had sausage some time ago?
Kojima Station, even Stefanie Joosten debunked this fucking stupid theory.
You seem personally offended lol. At least this theory had some weight to it.
Never saw that interview. But thats good. I didn't think the whole thing would pan out. But like others had said. It was well argumented, and i think we can expect Kojima to do something like that.
I seem personally offended because I used the word "fucking"? are we back in kindergarten or what?
some weight lol give me a break. As much weight as the Gray Fox theory brosef, not more.
I seem personally offended because I used the word "fucking"? are we back in kindergarten or what?
some weight lol give me a break. As much weight as the Gray Fox theory brosef, not more.
I seem personally offended because I used the word "fucking"? are we back in kindergarten or what?
some weight lol give me a break. As much weight as the Gray Fox theory brosef, not more.
Chillax. I was joking.
I seem personally offended because I used the word "fucking"? are we back in kindergarten or what?
some weight lol give me a break. As much weight as the Gray Fox theory brosef, not more.