Loving these responses!
It's quite an impressive leap from the original. It's pretty much a 2D version of Metal Gear Solid. I find the original a bit harder to play, but Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is a heck of a lot easier to get into if you ask me!
Good point! I should have mentioned that. I plan to use the Fulton Recovery System on anything I see. It's one of the reasons I want to do my best to avoid kills. If DD and Quiet can die, as Hideo stated they can, then I'm afraid if I kill a guard early on in the game, I may not ever be able to recruit them again! But there will be plenty of guards, so I suppose it isn't all that big a deal. I want to make Diamond Dogs as big as I possibly can. Watching the gamescom footage and seeing parts of the opposing player's Mother Base way off into the distance makes me so excited to make my Mother Base like a small country! What about you?
This is something I noticed back when that footage had just come out & it seriously raised my hype from 1 hunnid to 2 hunnid.